The right mix of ingredients creates the perfect course companion! Amy Christine Brown’s Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation, Third Edition, will keep students on the leading edge of the dynamic world of food and nutrition—from food science and nutrition science to food service. Now, students can enrich their understanding of the text’s material and improve their performance in the course with the text-specific Lab Manual. This helpful manual, thoroughly updated for the Third Edition, includes experiments and recipes that will enhance learning through hands-on exploration. The Lab Manual is organized to follow Brown’s Understanding Food, so each chapter of the manual reinforces what is being learned in the text:
Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Sensory Evaluation Food Preparation Basics Meat Poultry Fish and Shellfish Milk Cheese Eggs Vegetables and Fruits Legumes Cereals and Flours
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Starches Quick Breads Yeast Breads Fats and Oils Cakes Pastry Candy Frozen Desserts Beverages Product Modification
Features include:
Each lab begins with new pre-lab questions.
Lists of ingredients and equipment needed, and the estimated time needed to complete each experiment or recipe, are provided.
Clear, up-to-date recipes allow culinary creativity as well as the exploration of foods from a variety of cultures.
Degrees Fahrenheit is used as the standard throughout the manual, with degrees Celsius given in parenthesis.
Study questions for each chapter allow you to prepare for your next exam.
A great value for the course Instructors save class prep time . . . students come to class better prepared! Lab Manual ISBN: 0-495-11908-3 Lab Manual packaged with the text: 0-495-42373-4
Understanding Food Principles and Preparation Third Edition
Amy Brown University of Hawaii at Manoa
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19 Yeast Breads 386
1 Food Selection and Evaluation 1
21 Fats and Oils 419
2 Chemistry of Food Composition 23
22 Cakes and Cookies 444
20 Sweeteners 403
23 Pastries and Pies 463
3 Food Safety 53
24 Candy 483 25 Frozen Desserts 500 26 Beverages 514
4 Food Preparation Basics 78
5 Meal Management 100
6 Meat 119
27 Food Preservation 537 28 Government Food Regulations 553 29 Careers in Food and Nutrition 570
7 Poultry 150
8 Fish and Shellfish 165 9 Milk 187 10 Cheese 208
A Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating 588
11 Eggs 224
B Basic Chemistry Concepts 590
12 Vegetables and Legumes 245
C Food Preparation Equipment 599
13 Fruits 272
D Approximate Food Measurements 612
14 Soups, Salads, and Gelatins 297
E Substitution of Ingredients 614
15 Cereal Grains and Pastas 316
F Flavorings and Seasonings 616
16 Flours and Flour Mixtures 337
G Garnishes 619
17 Starches and Sauces 360
H Cheeses 620
18 Quick Breads 375
I Common Food Additives 622
Contents PART I FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION 1 Food Selection and Evaluation 1 Food Selection 1 Sensory Criteria 1 Professional Profile 3 Nutritional Criteria 5 Cultural Criteria 8 Religious Criteria 9 Psychological and Sociological Criteria 11 Budgetary Criteria 14
Vitamins and Minerals 46 Foods High in Vitamins and Minerals 46 Composition of Vitamins and Minerals 46 Functions of Vitamins and Minerals in Food 47
Nonnutritive Food Components 48 Food Additives 48 Plant Compounds 49 Pictorial Summary 50 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 51 References 51 Websites 52
Food Evaluation 14 Subjective Evaluation 14 Objective Evaluation 16 Pictorial Summary 19 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 20 References 20 Websites 22
2 Chemistry of Food Composition 23 Basic Food Chemistry 23 Water 25 Water Content in Foods 25 Composition of Water 25 Functions of Water in Food 27
Carbohydrates 31 Foods High in Carbohydrates 31 Composition of Carbohydrates 31 Monosaccharides 32 Disaccharides 33 Oligosaccharides 34 Polysaccharides 34
Lipids or Fats 37 Foods High in Lipids 37 Composition of Lipids 37 Triglycerides 38 Sterols 40
Proteins 41 Foods High in Proteins 41 Composition of Proteins 42 Functions of Proteins in Food 42 iv
PART II FOOD SERVICE 3 Food Safety 53 Foodborne Illness 54 What Causes Foodborne Illness? 54
Biological Hazards—Living Culprits 54 Bacteria—#1 Cause of Foodborne Illness 54
Bacterial Food Infections 56 Salmonella 56 Listeria monocytogenes 56 Yersinia enterocolitica 57 Shigella 57
Bacterial Food Intoxications 57 Staphylococcus aureus 57 Clostridium botulinum 58
Bacterial Toxin-Mediated Infections 58 Escherichia coli 58 Campylobacter jejuni 59 Vibrio 59 Molds 59 Viruses 59 Parasites 60 Prions—Mad Cow Disease 61 New Virulent Biological Hazards 62
Chemical Hazards— Harmful Chemicals in Food 62 Seafood Toxins—Chemicals from Fish/Shellfish 62
Physical Hazards—Objects in Food 63 The HACCP System— Preventing Foodborne Illness 63 History of HACCP 63 The Seven HACCP Principles 63 HACCP Principle #1: Assess the Hazards 64 HACCP Principle #2: Identify the Critical Control Points (CCPs) 64
Critical Control Points 64 Processing—Critical Control Point 64 Purchasing—Critical Control Point 65 Preparation—Critical Control Point 65 Sanitation—Critical Control Point 66 Personnel—Critical Control Point 67 HACCP Principle #3: Establish Limits at Each Critical Control Point 68
Critical Control Limits 69 Temperature—Critical Control Limit 69 Time—Critical Control Limit 70 Water and Humidity—Critical Control Limit 70 pH—Critical Control Limit 71 HACCP Principle #4: Monitor Critical Control Points 71 HACCP Principle #5: Take Corrective Action 71 HACCP Principle #6: Documentation—Establish Record-Keeping Systems 71 HACCP Principle #7: Verification 72 Pictorial Summary 74 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 75 References 75 Websites 77
4 Food Preparation Basics 78 Heating Foods 78 Moist-Heat Preparation 78 Types of Moist-Heat Preparation 79 Dry-Heat Preparation 79 Types of Dry-Heat Preparation 79 Types of Heat Transfer 82 Measuring Heat 83
Cutlery Techniques 85 Handling Knives 85 Cutting Styles 85
Measuring Ingredients 87 Liquids 88 Eggs 88 Fat 88 Sugar 89 Flour 89 Other Ingredients and Substitutions 89
Mixing Techniques 90 Conventional (Creaming) Method 90 Conventional Sponge Method 90 Single-Stage Method 90 Pastry-Blend Method 91 Biscuit Method 91 Muffin Method 91
Seasonings and Flavorings 91 Types of Seasonings and Flavorings 91 Adding Seasonings and Flavorings to Food 94
Food Presentation 95 Plate Presentation 95 Garnishes 95 Pictorial Summary 97 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 98 References 98 Websites 99
5 Meal Management 100 Food Service Organization 100 Commercial Food Service Organization 100 Hospital Food Service Organization 102
Meal Planning 103 USDA Menu Patterns 103 Hospital Menu Patterns 104 Creating the Menu 104 Nutrient Value 105
Purchasing 107 Buyer 107 Food Stores and Vendors/Suppliers 107 Keeping Food Costs Down 108 Price Comparisons 108 Reducing Waste Saves Costs 108
Time Management 111 Estimating Time 111 Efficient Meal Preparation 111
Types of Meal Service 113 Russian Service 113 French Service 113 English Service 113 American Service 113 Family Service 113 Buffet Service 113
Table Settings 114 Cover and Linens 114 Flatware/Dinnerware/Glassware 114 Accessories 114 Pictorial Summary 116 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 117 References 117 Websites 118
6 Meat 119 Types of Meats 119 Beef 119 Lamb and Mutton 120 Pork 120
Composition of Meats 120 Structure of Meat 120 Pigments 123 Extractives 124
Purchasing Meats 124 Inspection 124 Grading 125 Tenderness of Meats 128 Cuts of Meat 131 Processed Meats 133
Preparation of Meats 138 Changes During Heating 138 Determining Doneness 140 Dry-Heat Preparation 141 Moist-Heat Preparation 143 Carving 144
Storage of Meats 145 Refrigerated 145 Frozen 145 Pictorial Summary 146 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 147 References 147 Websites 149
7 Poultry 150 Classification of Poultry 150 Chickens 150 Turkeys 151 Other Domestic Poultry 151
Composition of Poultry 151 Pigments 151
Purchasing Poultry 151 Inspection 151 Grading 152 Types and Styles of Poultry 152 How Much to Buy 154
Preparation of Poultry 154 Preparation Safety Tips 154 Changes During Preparation 155 Determining Doneness 156 Dry-Heat Preparation 157
Moist-Heat Preparation 160
Storage of Poultry 161 Refrigerated 161 Frozen 161 Pictorial Summary 162 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 163 References 163 Websites 164
8 Fish and Shellfish 165 Classification of Fish and Shellfish 165 Vertebrate or Invertebrate 165 Salt- or Freshwater 166 Lean or Fat 166
Composition of Fish 166 Structure of Finfish 166 Pigments 168
Purchasing Fish and Shellfish 168 Inspection/Grading 168 Selection of Finfish 169 Selection of Shellfish 174
Preparation of Fish and Shellfish 178 Dry-Heat Preparation 178 Moist-Heat Preparation 179 Raw Fish 181
Storage of Fish and Shellfish 181 Fresh Finfish 181 Fresh Shellfish 181 Frozen 181 Canned and Cured 182 Pictorial Summary 183 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 184 References 184 Websites 186
9 Milk 187 Functions of Milk in Foods 188 Composition of Milk 188 Nutrients 188 Color Compounds 190 Food Additives 190
Purchasing Milk 191 Grades 191 Pasteurization 191 Homogenization 192
Types of Milk 192 Fresh Fluid Cow Milks 192 Fresh Fluid Milks from Animals Other Than Cows 194 Flavored Fluid Milks 194
Packaging Fluid Milks 194 Nutritionally Altered Fluid Milks 194 Low-Lactose Fluid “Milks” 196 Canned Fluid Milks 196 Dry Milk 197 Cultured Milk Products 197 Creams and Substitutes 199
Milk Products in Food Preparation 200 Flavor Change 200 Coagulation and Precipitation 200 Whipped Milk Products 201
Storage of Milk Products 203 Refrigerated 203 Dry Storage 203 Pictorial Summary 204 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 205 References 205 Websites 207
10 Cheese 208 Classification of Cheeses 208 Cheese Production 209 Milk Selection 209 Coagulation 210 Curd Treatment 212 Curing and Ripening 212 Whey and Whey Products 213 Process (Processed) Cheeses 214 Food Additives in Cheese 215
Purchasing Cheese 216 Grading 216 Forms of Cheese 216
Food Preparation with Cheese 216 Selecting a Cheese 217 Temperatures 217
Storage of Cheese 218 Dry Storage 218 Refrigeration 218 Professional Profile 219 Pictorial Summary 221 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 222 References 222 Websites 223
11 Eggs 224 Composition of Eggs 224 Structure 224
Purchasing Eggs 226 Inspection 226
Grading 226 Sizing 228 Egg Substitutes 229 Value-Added Eggs 229
Types of Eggs 230 Functions of Eggs in Foods 230 Emulsifying 230 Binding 230 Foaming 231 Interfering 232 Clarifying 232 Color 233
Preparation of Eggs 233 Changes in Prepared Eggs 233 Dry-Heat Preparation 233 Moist-Heat Preparation 236
Storage of Eggs 238 Refrigerator 239 Frozen 239 Dried 239 Safety Tips 240 Pictorial Summary 242 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 243 References 243 Websites 244
12 Vegetables and Legumes 245 Classification of Vegetables 245 Composition of Vegetables 245 Structure of Plant Cells 245 Plant Pigments 247 Phytochemicals 250
Purchasing Vegetables 250 Grading Vegetables 250 Selecting Vegetables 251
Legumes 259 Textured Vegetable Protein 259 Meat Analogs 259 Tofu 260 Fermented Soybean Foods 260
Preparation of Vegetables 261 General Guidelines 261 Changes During Heating 261 Dry-Heat Preparation 262 Moist-Heat Preparation 264 Preparing Legumes 265 Preparing Sprouts 265
Storage of Vegetables 266 Refrigerated 266 Dry Storage 267 Pictorial Summary 268 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 269 References 269 Websites 271
13 Fruits 272 Classification of Fruits 272 Classification Exceptions 272
Composition of Fruits 273 Organic Acids 273 Pectic Substances 273 Phenolic Compounds 275 Food Additives in Fruits 276
Purchasing Fruits 276 Grading Fruit 276 Selecting Fresh Fruits 276 Selecting Fruits 277 Processed Fruits 284 Dried Fruits 285 Fruit Juices 285
Preparation of Fruits 286 Enzymatic Browning 286 Professional Profile 287 Changes During Heating 288 Dry-Heat Preparation 289 Moist-Heat Preparation 289 Fruit Spreads 290
Storage of Fruits 292 Storing Fresh Fruit 292 Storing Canned Fruit 292 Pictorial Summary 293 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 294 References 294 Websites 296
Protein Salads 306 Pasta/Grain Salads 307 Salad Dressings 307
Gelatins 309 Gelatin Salads 309 Is Gelatin Nutritious? 309 Preparation of a Gel 310 Phases of Gel Formation 310 Unmolding a Mold 310 Factors Influencing Gel Formation 311 Whipping 311 Storage of Gelatin 312 Pictorial Summary 313 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 314 References 314 Websites 315
15 Cereal Grains and Pastas 316 Composition of Cereal Grains 316 Structure 361 Food Additives in Grain Products 318
Uses of Cereal Grains 318 Flour 318 Pasta 318 Breakfast Cereal 318 Alcoholic Beverages 319 Animal Feeds 319
Types of Cereal Grains 320 Wheat 320 Rice 321 Corn 322 Barley 323 Millet 324 Sorghum 325 Oats 325 Rye 326 Other Grains 326
Preparation of Cereal Grains 326
14 Soups, Salads, and Gelatins 297 Soups 297 Types of Soups 297 Stocks 298 Clear and Thin Soups 300 Thickened Soups 301 Cream Soups 302
Salads 302 Salad Ingredients 302 Leafy Green Salads 304 Vegetable Salads 306 Fruit Salads 306
Moist-Heat Preparation 326
Storage of Cereal Grains 328 Dry 328 Refrigerated 328 Frozen 328
Pastas 329 Types of Pasta 329 Pasta Nomenclature 329
Preparation of Pasta 330 Moist-Heat Preparation 330
Storage of Pasta 332
Pictorial Summary 333 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 334 References 334 Websites 336
16 Flours and Flour Mixtures 337 Flours 337 Gluten 338 Milling 341 Types of Wheat Flour 342 Types of Flour 342 Types of Non-Wheat Flour 343 Treated Flours 344
Flour Mixture Ingredients 344 Leavening Agents 344 Sugar 348 Salt/Flavoring 349 Liquid 350 Fat 350 Eggs 352 Commercial Additives 352 Food Additives in Flours 353
Preparation of Baked Goods 353 Doughs and Batters 353 Changes During Heating 353
Storage of Flour and Flour Mixtures 354 Dry Storage 354 Frozen 355 Pictorial Summary 356 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 357 References 357 Websites 359
17 Starches and Sauces 360 Starches as Thickeners 360 Sources of Starch 360 Starch in Food Products 361 Starch Structure 362
Starch Characteristics 362 Gelatinization 363 Gel Formation 364 Retrogradation 364 Dextrinization 364 Modified Starches 365
Sauces 366 Functions of Sauces in Foods 366
Thickened Sauces 366 Unthickened Sauces 369
Storage of Starches and Sauces 371 Pictorial Summary 372 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 373 References 373 Websites 374
18 Quick Breads 375 Preparation of Quick Breads 376 The Muffin Method 376
Varieties of Quick Breads 376 Pour Batters 376 Drop Batters 377 Doughs 379 Professional Profile 382 Pictorial Summary 383 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 384 References 384 Websites 385
19 Yeast Breads 386 Preparation of Yeast Breads 386 Ingredients 386 Food Additives in Baked Products 387 Mixing Methods 387 Kneading 389 Fermentation—First Rising 390 Punching Down—Second Rising 391 Shaping 392 Baking Pan 392 Proofing 393 Decorating 393 Baking 394
Types of Yeast Breads 395 Loaf Breads 395 Specialty Breads 396 Rolls 397 Pita Bread 397 Bagels 397 English Muffins 398 Pizza Crust 399 Pretzels and Bread Sticks 399 Raised Doughnuts 399
Storage of Yeast Breads 399 Fresh 399 Refrigerated 399 Frozen 399
Pictorial Summary 400 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 401 References 401 Websites 402
20 Sweeteners 403 Natural Sweeteners 403 Sugars 403 Syrups 406 Sugar Alcohols 409
Nonnutritive Sweeteners 410 Saccharin 410 Aspartame 411 Acesulfame-K 412 Sucralose 412 Neotame 312 Pending Nonnutritive Sweeteners 412 Other Sweeteners 413
Functions of Sugars in Foods 413 Sweetness 413 Solubility 413 Crystallization 413 Browning Reactions 414 Moisture Absorption (Hygroscopicity) 414 Texture 415 Fermentation 415 Preservation 415 Pictorial Summary 416 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 417 References 417 Websites 418
21 Fats and Oils 419 Functions of Fats in Food 420 Heat Transfer 420 Shortening Power 420 Emulsions 421 Melting Point 422 Plasticity 423 Solubility 423 Flavor 423 Texture 423 Appearance 423 Satiety or Feeling Full 423
Types of Fats 423 Butter 424 Margarine 425 Shortenings 426 Oils 426 Lard/Tallow/Suet 430 Cocoa Butter 431
Fat Replacers 431 Types of Fat Replacers 431 Carbohydrate-Based Fat Replacers 431 Protein-Based Fat Replacers 431 Lipid-Based Fat Replacers 432
Food Preparation with Fats 433 Frying Care 433 Lower-Fat Preparation Techniques 436
Storage of Fats 437 Rancidity 437 Pictorial Summary 440 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 441 References 441 Websites 443
22 Cakes and Cookies 444 Types of Cakes 444 Shortened Cakes 444 Unshortened Cakes 445 Chiffon Cakes 445 Cake Nomenclature 445
Preparation of Cakes 447 Ingredients 447 Food Additives in Cakes 448 Preparing Shortened Cakes 448 Professional Profile 44 Preparing Unshortened Cakes 452
Frostings/Icings 454 Flat Frostings 454 Decorating Frosting 454 Cooked Frosting 454 Whipped Cream Frosting 454 Ganache 454
Storage of Cakes 455 Types of Cookies 455 Bar Cookies 455 Dropped Cookies 455 Pressed Cookies 456 Molded Cookies 456 Rolled Cookies 456 Icebox/Refrigerator Cookies 456 Types of Cookies 456
Preparation of Cookies 457 Mixing Methods 457 Food Additives in Cookies 458 Baking Cookies 458
Storage of Cookies 459 Pictorial Summary 460 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 461
References 461 Websites 462
23 Pastries and Pies 463 Types of Pastry 463 Nonlaminated and Laminated Pastries 463 Plain Pastry (Nonlaminated) 463 Brioche Pastry (Nonlaminated) 465 Choux Pastry (Nonlaminated) 465 Puff Pastry (Laminated) 465
Preparation of Pastry 465 Ingredients of Pastry 466 Mixing 470 Rolling 472 Fillings 474 Toppings 477 Baking 478
Storage of Pastry 479 Pictorial Summary 480 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 481 References 481 Websites 482
24 Candy 483 Classification of Candies 483 Syrup Phase or Fat Phase 483 Crystalline or Noncrystalline (Amorphous) 484
Preparation of Candy 485 Steps to Confectionery Preparation 485 Crystalline Candies 485 Noncrystalline Candies 489 Food Additives in Candy 490
Chocolate 490 Chocolate Production 491 Types of Chocolate Products 495
Storage of Candy 496
Sherbet 502 Sorbet 503 Water Ices 503 Still-Frozen Desserts 503 Professional Profile 504
Preparation of Frozen Desserts 504 Factors Affecting Quality 504 Mixing and Freezing 506 Food Additives in Frozen Desserts 509
Storage of Frozen Desserts 510 Texture Changes 510 Scooping Frozen Desserts 510 Pictorial Summary 511 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 512 References 512 Websites 513
26 Beverages 514 Water 514 Types of Water 514
Carbonated Beverages 516 Early Soft Drinks 516 Soft Drink Processing 516
New Age Beverages 517 Coffee 518 Coffee Processing 518 Composition of Coffee 519 Types of Coffee 520 Preparation of Coffee 521 Storage of Coffee 523
Tea 523 Tea Processing 523 Types of Tea 524 Grades of Tea 524 Composition of Tea 525 Preparation of Tea 525 Storage of Tea 525
Shelf Life of Chocolate 496
Dairy Beverages 525 Pictorial Summary 497 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 498 References 498 Websites 499
25 Frozen Desserts 500 Types of Frozen Desserts 500 Ice Cream 500 Imitation Ice Cream 502 Frozen Yogurt 502
Cocoa Beverages 526
Alcoholic Beverages 526 Calorie (kcal) Content 526 Beer 526 Wine 527 Spirits 529 Pictorial Summary 533 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 534 References 534 Websites 536
27 Food Preservation 537 Food Spoilage 537 Biological Changes 537 Chemical Changes 538 Physical Changes 538
Food Preservation Methods 538 Drying 538 Curing 540 Fermentation 540 Pickling 541 Edible Coatings on Foods 541 Canning 541
Cold Preservation 542 Refrigeration 542 Freezing 543
Heat Preservation 544 Boiling 544 Pasteurization 544 Ohmic Heating 544
Other Preservation Methods 544 Irradiation (Cold Pasteurization) 544 Pulsed Light 546 High-Pressure Processing 546 Ozonation 546 Aseptic and Modified-Atmosphere Packaging 546
Nutrient Retention 548 Pictorial Summary 549 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 550 References 550 Websites 552
28 Government Food Regulations 553 Federal Food Laws 553 Food and Drug Act (1906) 553 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938) 554 Numerous Government Agencies 554
Food and Drug Administration 555 Research/Education 555 The Code of Federal Regulations 555 FDA Inspections 555 FDA Standards 556 Food Labeling 557 Food Allergens 559 FDA Allowed Claims on Labels 559
Food Additives 560 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 562 The Bioterrorism Preparedness Act 562
U.S. Department of Agriculture 562 USDA Inspections 562 USDA Grading 563 Irradiated Foods 564 Organic Foods 564 Kosher/Halal Foods 564
Environmental Protection Agency 564 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 564 Other Regulatory Agencies 565 U.S. Department of Commerce 565 Federal Trade Commission 565 Department of the Treasury 565 State Agencies 565
International Agencies 565 The Food and Agriculture Organization 565 The World Health Organization 565 Pictorial Summary 566 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 567 References 567 Websites 568
29 Careers in Food and Nutrition 570 Three Major Food and Nutrition Areas 570 Nutrition Science 570 Nutrition Science and Dietetics 571 Registered Dietitian (RD) 572 Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) 576 Dietary Clerk or Dietary Aide 577
Food Science 577 Food Scientist 577 Types of Food Scientists 578 Food Science Technician 578
Food Service 578 Types of Food Service Culinary Positions 579
Graduate School 580 Prerequisites 580 Academic Requirements 580 Professional Profile 581 Graduate Degree Jobs 581 Pictorial Summary 583 Chapter Review and Exam Prep 584
References 584 Websites 585
Appendixes 587 A Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating 588
H Cheeses 620 I Common Food Additives 622
Glossary 626
B Basic Chemistry Concepts 590 C Food Preparation Equipment 599
Answers to Multiple Choice 634
D Approximate Food Measurements 612 E Substitution of Ingredients 614
Credits 635
F Flavorings and Seasonings 616 G Garnishes 619
Index 637
Preface C
omprehensive is the word that describes Understanding Food. It brings together the most current information in food science, nutrition, and food service. Founded on research from more than 35 journals covering these disciplines, the text incorporates the very latest information on food—its science and its application. Understanding Food, 3rd edition, provides students with a broad foundation to launch a career in any of these foodrelated fields.
ORGANIZATION OF CONTENT Understanding Food is divided according to the various food disciplines. Part I represents information related to food science and nutrition, such as food selection and evaluation, and food chemistry. Part II covers aspects of food service from food safety, food preparation basics, and meal management. In this new edition, Part III now covers all of the standard food items arranged by protein (meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs); phytochemicals (vegetables, fruits, soups, salads, and gelatins); complex carbohydrates (cereals, flour, breads); refined carbohydrates and fat (sweeteners, fats and oils, cakes and cookies, pies and pastries, candy, and frozen desserts); and water (beverages). Part IV relates to the food industry in terms of food preservation, government food regulations, and food careers. This new chapter on food careers introduces students to the many careers associated with a basic foods course. In addition, the great new feature Professional Profile, found in many chapters, spotlights individuals working in various aspects in the food industry, so students really get a
“hands-on” understanding of various career opportunities. Extensive appendixes provide additional key information, including approximate food measurements, weights and measures, storage temperatures, ingredient substitutions, flavorings and seasonings, and more.
FEATURES The unique features of this text allow flexibility in teaching and create a dynamic learning environment for students. • Professional Profi le features provide interviews with people in the food arena and give advice to students to help them on their career path. • How and Why inserts answer the questions most frequently asked by students. They are used to spark natural curiosity, trigger inquisitive thought patterns, and exercise the mind’s ability to answer. • Chemist’s Corner features provide information on food chemistry in boxes within the chapters for those students and instructors who wish to further explore the chemistry of food. These Chemist’s Corners create a book with two chemistry levels, allowing for flexibility based on the chemistry requirements of the individual course. • Nutrient Content boxes in each of the foods chapters provide an overview of the nutritional composition of the foods, reflecting the increased emphasis in the food industry on food as a means for health promotion and disease prevention. Additive information has been incorporated throughout the book re-
sponding to students’ requests to learn more about this topic. • Pictorial Summaries at the end of every chapter are a proven favorite with readers. Instead of a standard narrative summary, these pictorial chapter summaries use a combination of art and narrative text to encapsulate the key concepts in each chapter for student review. • Key terms, boldfaced in the text, are defined in boxes on the same page to allow for quick review of the essential vocabulary in each chapter. A glossary at the end of the book assembles all of the key terms in the chapters in one place. • Functions of ingredients are highlighted in the introduction to each chapter to aid students in successful food product development and food preparation. They introduce a focus of the food industry that is often missing in other books. • Problems and causes tables in various food chapters summarize the problems that may occur when preparing specific food products and describe the possible causes, providing students with a handy reference tool for deciphering “what went wrong.” • Numerous illustrations placed throughout the text enhance students’ understanding of the principles and techniques discussed. • A 16-page full-color insert displays exotic varieties of fruits and vegetables, salad greens, flowers used in salads, traditional cuts of meats (including the lowest-fat meat cuts), and much more, all with detailed captions describing use and preparation tips. • Chapter review questions were added to the end of each chapter to help prepare students for their class exams and also to help prepare them for the American Dietetic
Association Registration Examination. The dynamic world of food changes rapidly as new research constantly adds to its ever-expanding knowledge base. Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation, 3rd edition, is designed to meet the needs of this evolving and expanding discipline, and to provide students with a strong foundation in any food-related discipline that they select.
ANCILLARY MATERIALS An assortment of student and instructor support materials, thoroughly updated for the third edition, are available: • The newly reorganized print lab manual, revised by Karen Mynhier Beathard (Texas A&M University), presents food experiments and recipes to demonstrate the principles discussed in the text. New features—including pre-test questions and materials/time needed information for instructors—enhance the lab units, which parallel the organization and content of the text. • The Instructor’s Resource CDROM delivers several key instructor tools. • PowerPoint® resources include JPEGs of text figures and ready-to-use (or modify) lecture presentations by Margaret E. Cook-Newell (University of Kentucky). • An expanded Test Bank by Joan Aronson (New York University) provides multiple-choice, true/ false, matching, and discussion/ essay items. • The Instructor’s Manual, by Joan Aronson and Cheryl Houston (Fontbonne University), features new engaging classroom activities, objectives, recommendations, and lecture outlines. • The text’s Companion Website offers various test preparation exercises for students, including quizzes
by Patricia Sparks (University of Arizona), and instructor downloads.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many individuals assisted me in the development of this textbook. First and foremost I thank Peter Marshall, Publisher, without whose knowledge and experience this book would never have come to be. I also thank Peter Adams, who masterfully brought this book to the completion of its third edition. I also extend my thanks to the outstanding members of the Thomson Nutrition team: Nedah Rose and Elizabeth Howe, both Developmental Editors, for their excellent skills in working with me to create a well-organized manuscript and for handling those last-minute emergencies; and Jennifer Somerville, Marketing Manager, who understands the process of book publishing and marketing to such a high degree that her presence alone is invaluable. Elesha Feldman is the wizard behind the scenes that glues the pieces all together. A thank you also goes to Catie Ronquillo, Marketing Assistant, and Jessica Perry, Advertising Project Manager, for getting the word out about this text. I thank the tremendous production staff who worked miracles on this book: Mary Douglas for her quick, conceptual genius that cemented the backbone of this book; Beth Morel, copy editor, who infused new life into the manuscript with her magical red pen; Jennifer Risden and Teresa Trego, production wizards for the third edition, in whose hands this project was masterfully brought to fruition; Michael Stratton, who designed the book; Sue Howard, our hard-working photo researcher; and Roberta Broyer, Permissions Editor. I gratefully acknowledge Eleanor Whitney and Sharon Rolfes for contributing the Basic Chemistry Concepts appendix in this text. A special thanks goes to the person who kindled my writing career, Nackey Loeb, Publisher of The Union Leader.
Your early support and encouragement did far more than you will ever know. Many colleagues have contributed to the development of this text. Their thoughtful comments provided me with valuable guidance at all stages of the writing process. I offer them my heartfelt thanks for generously sharing their time and expertise. They are: Gertrude Armbruster (retired), Cornell University Dorothy Addario, College of St. Elizabeth Mike Artlip, Kendall College Hea Ran-Ashraf, Southern Illinois University Mia Barker, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Nancy Berkoff, Art Institute of Los Angeles Margaret Briley, University of Texas Helen C. Brittin, Texas Tech University Mildred M. Cody, Georgia State University Carol A. Costello, University of Tennessee Barbara Denkins, University of Pittsburgh Nikhil V. Dhurandhar, Wayne State University Joannie Dobbs, University of Hawaii/Manoa Linda Garrow, University of Illinois/Urbana Natholyn D. Harris, Florida State University Zoe Ann Holmes, Oregon State University Wendy T. Hunt, American River College Alvin Huang, University of Hawaii Karen Jameson, Purdue University Faye Johnson, California State University/Chico Nancy A. Johnson, Michigan State University Mary Kelsey, Oregon State University Elena Kissick, California State University/Fresno Patti Landers, University of Oklahoma
Deirdre M. Larkin, California State University, Northridge Lisa McKee, New Mexico State University Marilyn Mook, Michigan State University Martha N. O’Gorman, Northern Illinois University Polly Popovich, Auburn University Rose Tindall Postel, East Carolina University
Beth Reutler, University of Illinois Janet M. Sass, Northern Virginia Community College Sarah Short, Syracuse University Darcel Swanson, Washington State University Ruthann B. Swanson, University of Georgia M. K. (Suzy) Weems, Stephen F. Austin University
Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to my students. Were it not for them, I would not have taken pen to paper. I am grateful to be a part of your journey toward greater knowledge and understanding. Amy Christine Brown, Ph.D., R.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa [emailprotected]
About the Author
© 2004 Carl Shaneff
Amy Christine Brown, Ph.D., R.D., received her Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1986 in the field of Human Nutrition and Foods. She has been a college professor and a registered dietitian with the American Dietetic Association since 1986. Dr. Brown currently teaches at the University of Hawaii’s John A. Burns School of Medicine in the Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Her research interests are in the area of bioactive plant substances beneficial to health and medical nutrition therapy. Some of the studies she has conducted include “Potentially harmful herbal supplements,” “Kava beverage consumption and the effect on liver function tests,” and “The effectiveness of kukui nut oil in treating psoriasis.” Selected research journal publications include: “The Hawaii Diet: Ad libitum high carbohydrate, low fat multi-cultural diet for the reduction of chronic disease risk factors: Obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperglycemia” (Hawaii Medical Journal); “Lupus erythematosus and nutrition: A review” (Journal of Renal Nutrition); “Dietary survey of Hopi elementary school students” (Journal of the American Dietetic Association); “Serum cholesterol levels of nondiabetic and streptozotocin-diabetic rats” (Artery); “Infant feeding practices of migrant farm laborers in northern Colorado” (Journal of the American Dietetic Association); “Body mass index and perceived weight status in young adults” (Journal of Community Health); “Dietary intake and body composition of Mike Pigg—1988 Triathlete of the Year” (Clinical Sports Medicine); and numerous newspaper nutrition columns. Feedback welcome, contact: [emailprotected]
To Jeffery Blanton To the friend I met while editing a chapter, and the person who saw me through the four years that it took to write the first edition. Four years, four thousand laughs, & only one you. Thank you Jeffery, Amy Christine Brown
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1 Food Selection and Evaluation Food Selection 1
ot too long ago, meats, milk, grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits were the only foods available for consumption. Today food companies offer thousands of prepared and packaged foods, many of which are mixtures of these basic foods, and often include artificial ingredients. The number of different foods now available can actually make it more difficult, rather than easier, to plan a nutritious diet. Food companies compete fiercely to develop ever newer and more attractive products for consumers to buy. This competition makes food scientists focus on why people eat what they eat, and what it is about a food or beverage that causes them to choose one over another. The factors that influence consumer food selection and the tools that the food industry uses to evaluate the palatability of food, form the subjects of this chapter: food selection and food evaluation.
FOOD SELECTION People choose foods and beverages based on several factors. It is important how foods look and taste, but other considerations include eating for health, cultural and religious values, psychological and social needs, and budgetary concerns (15). Each of these food selection criteria is now addressed in more detail.
Sensory Criteria When people choose a particular food they evaluate it, consciously or unconsciously, primarily based on how it looks, smells,
Food Evaluation 14
tastes, feels, and even sounds (Figure 1-1). Sensory criteria are discussed first because of their strong influence on food selection. How a food or beverage affects the senses is more important to most consumers than other criteria when it comes to what a person chooses to eat or drink. The sensory criteria of sight, odor, and taste are now evaluated further.
Sight The eyes receive the first impression of foods: the shapes, colors, consistency, serving size, and the presence of any outward defects. Color can denote ripeness, the strength of dilution, and even the degree to which the food was heated. Black bananas, barely yellow lemonade, and scorched macaroni send visual signals that may alter a person’s choices. Color can be deceiving; if the colors of two identical fruit-flavored beverages are different, people often perceive them as tasting different even though they are exactly the same (70). People may judge milk’s fat content by its color. For instance, if the color, but not the fat, is improved in reduced-fat (2 percent) milk, it is often judged to be higher in fat content, smoother in texture, and better in flavor than the reduced-fat milk with its original color (58). The color palette of foods on a plate also contributes to or detracts from their appeal. Imagine a plate containing baked flounder, mashed potatoes, boiled cabbage, and vanilla ice cream, and then compare it to one that contains a nicely browned chicken breast, orange sweet potatoes, green peas, and blueberry cobbler. Based on eye appeal alone, most people would prefer the latter.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
F I G U R E 1 -1
Sensory impressions of food provided by the five senses.
Salt Sour
Salt Sour
Odor Smell is almost as important as appearance when people evaluate a food item for quality and desirability. Although the sense of smell is not as acute in human beings as it is in many other mammals, most people can differentiate between 2,000 to 4,000 odors, whereas some highly trained individuals can distinguish as many as 10,000 (6). Classification of Odors Since naming each of these thousands of odors separately would tax even the most fertile imagination, researchers have categorized them into major groups. One classification system recognizes six groups of odors: spicy, flowery, fruity, resinous (eucalyptus), burnt,
Volatile molecules Molecules capable of evaporating like a gas into the air. Olfactory Relating to the sense of smell.
and foul. The other widely used grouping scheme consists of four categories: fragrant (sweet), acid (sour), burnt, and caprylic (goaty) (6). Detecting Odors Regardless of the classifications, most odors are detected at very low concentrations. Vanillin can be smelled at 2 × 10 –10 (0.0000000002) mg per liter of air (12). The ability to distinguish between various odors diminishes over the time of exposure to the smells; this perception of a continuously present smell gradually decreasing over time is called adaptation. People living near a noxious-smelling paint factory will, over time, come not to notice it, whereas visitors to the area may be taken aback by the odor. We are able to detect odors when volatile molecules travel through the air and some of them reach the yellowishcolored olfactory epithelium, an area the size of a quarter located inside the upper part of the nasal cavity. This region is supplied with olfactory cells that number from 10 to 20 million in a human and about 100 million in a rabbit (12), reflecting the difference in importance of the sense of smell between people and rabbits. The exact function
of these specialized cells in the sense of smell is not well understood. Who has not experienced the feeling of bubbles tingling in the nose brought on by drinking a carbonated beverage while simultaneously being made to laugh unexpectedly? This illustrates how the mouth and nose are connected and how molecules can reach the olfactory epithelium by either pathway.
Taste Taste is usually the most influential factor in people’s selection of foods (18). Taste buds—so named because the arrangement of their cells is similar to the shape of a flower—are located primarily on the tongue, but are also found on the mouth palates and in the pharynx. Taste buds are not found on the flat, central surface of the tongue, but rather on the tongue’s underside, sides, and tip. Mechanism of Taste What is actually being tasted? Many tasted substances are a combination of nonvolatile and volatile compounds. In order for a substance to be tasted, it must be dissolved in liquid or saliva, which is 99.5 percent water. In the middle of each taste bud is a pore, similar to a little pool, where saliva collects.
F I G U R E 1-2
Detecting aroma, mouthfeel, and taste.
Signals aroma to brain
Olfactory epithelium Upper palate Nasal aroma Food
Retronasal aroma
Mouthfeel Taste
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
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HOW & WHY? Imagine the scent of chocolate chip cookies wafting through the house as they bake. How does this smell get carried to people? Why is the odor of something baking more intense than the odor of cold items like ice cream or frozen peaches? Heat converts many substances into their volatile form. Because only volatile molecules in the form of gas carry odor, it is easier to smell hot foods than cold ones. Hot coffee is much easier to detect than cold coffee. Relatively large molecules such as proteins, starches, fats, and sugars are too heavy to be airborne, so their odors are not easily noticed. Lighter molecules capable of becoming volatile are physically detected by the olfactory epithelium by one of two pathways: (1) directly through the nose, and/or (2) during eating when they enter the mouth and flow retronasally, or toward the back of the throat and up into the nasal cavity (Figure 1-2) (56).
When food comes into the mouth, bits of it are dissolved in the saliva pools and there come into contact with the cilia, small hair-like projections from the gustatory cells. The gustatory cells
relay a message to the brain via one of the cranial nerves (facial, vagus, and glossopharyngeal). The brain, in turn, translates the nervous electrical impulses into a sensation that people recognize as “taste.” As people age, the original 9,000 to 10,000 taste buds begin to diminish in number, so that people over 45 often find themselves using more salt, spices, and sugar in their food. Another important factor influencing the ability of a person to taste is the degree to which a compound can dissolve (50). The more there is of the moisture or liquid, the more the molecules triggering flavor can dissolve and spread over the tongue, coming in contact with the taste buds (28). The Five Taste Stimuli Different areas on the tongue are associated with the five basic types of taste: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory (umami, a Japanese word meaning “delicious”) (53). The fift h taste stimulus, savory (umami), is found in certain amino acids. The tip of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet and sour tastes, the sides are sensitive to salty and sour sensations, and the back is sensitive to bitter taste perceptions. The time it takes to detect each of these taste stimuli varies from a split second for salt to a full
second for bitter substances (12). Bitter tastes, therefore, have a tendency to linger. The chemical basis of these five categories of taste is described as follows: • The sweetness of sugar comes from the chemical configuration of its molecule. A long list of substances yield the sweet taste, including sugars, glycols, alcohols, and aldehydes. Little is known, however, about the sweet taste receptor and how “sweetness” actually occurs (28, 72). • Sour taste comes from the acids found in food. It is related to the concentration of hydrogen ions (H +), which are found in the natural acids of fruits, vinegar, and certain vegetables. • Bitterness is imparted by compounds such as caffeine (tea, coffee), theobromine (chocolate), and phenolic compounds (grapefruit). Among the many substances that can yield bitter tastes are the
Gustatory Relating to the sense of taste.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
alkaloids that are often found in poisonous plants. • Salty taste comes from ionized salts such as the salt ions [Na +] in sodium chloride (NaCl) or other salts found naturally in some foods. • Savory (umami) taste was first identified in 1908 by researchers at Tokyo Imperial University. Umami is actually glutamate, an amino acid that imparts the taste of beef broth, but without the salt. Some people can detect monosodium glutamate (MSG) in foods because it contains glutamate. Taste Interactions Each item used in food preparation contains several compounds, and bringing these items together creates new tastes when all their compounds interact. Salt sprinkled on grapefruit or added to fruit pies tends to decrease tartness and enhance sweetness. Conversely, acids in subthreshold concentrations, which are present but not yet detectable, increase saltiness. Adding sugar to the point that it is not yet tasted decreases salt concentration and also makes acids less sour and coffee and tea less bitter. Some compounds, like monosodium glutamate, often used in Chinese cooking, actually improve the taste of meat and other foods by making them sweeter (45, 56). Factors Affecting Taste Not everyone perceives the taste of apple pie the same way. There is considerable genetic variation among individuals in sensitivity to basic tastes (15). Tasting abilities may also vary within the individual, depending on a number of outside influences (50). One such factor affecting taste is the temperature of a food or beverage. As food or beverage temperatures go below 68°F(20°C) or above
Flavor The combined sense of taste, odor, and mouthfeel. Consistency Describes a food’s firmness or thickness. Astringency A sensory phenomenon characterized by a dry, puckery feeling in the mouth.
86°F(30°C), it becomes harder to distinguish their tastes accurately. For example, very hot coffee tastes less bitter, whereas slightly melted ice cream tastes sweeter. Other factors influencing taste include the color of the food; the time of day it is eaten; and the age, gender, and degree of hunger of the taster (15). Variety in available food choices also affects taste. This can be seen when the “taste,” or appetite, for a food eaten day after day starts to diminish. Even favorite foods consumed every day can lose their appeal after a while. Some weight-reducing fad diets are based on this principle, banking on the idea that people will get tired of eating just one type of food and therefore will come to eat less of it. A routine of grapefruit for breakfast, grapefruit for lunch, and grapefruit for dinner quickly becomes boring and unappetizing. Definition of Flavor In examining the factors affecting taste, it is important to distinguish between taste and flavor. Taste relies on the taste buds’ connection to the brain via nerve cells, which signal the sensations of sour, salt, sweet, bitter, and savory. Flavor is a broader concept than is aroma; aroma provides about 75 percent of the impression of flavor (17, 71). To get some idea of how the ability to smell affects flavor perception, think of having a cold with a badly stuffed-up nose. Everything tastes different. The nasal congestion interferes with the function of the olfactory sense, impairing the ability to detect the aromas contributing to the perception of flavor. Some people apply this principle to their advantage by pinching their nostrils shut to lessen the bad flavor of a disagreeable medicine they must swallow.
HOW & WHY? Flavors, regardless of the medium in which they are dissolved, do not stay at the same intensity day after day, but diminish over time. Sensory chemists and flavor technologists know that one way to keep the food products sold by manufacturers from losing their appeal is to prevent the volatile compounds responsible for flavor from deteriorating, escaping, or reacting with other substances. They look at methods in processing,
storage, and cooking, all of which affect the volatile flavor compounds, to devise strategies against these occurrences. One of the major functions of protective packaging is to retain a food’s flavor. Packaging guards flavor in several ways. It protects against vaporization of the volatile compounds and against physical damage that could expose food to the air and result in off odors. It keeps unpleasant odors from the outside from attaching to the food. It also prevents “flavor scalping,” or the migration of flavor compounds from the packaging (sealers, solvents, etc.) to the food or vice versa (45). Whether in a package or on a plate, a commercial food’s flavor is the single most important factor that determines its success in the marketplace (19). There are thousands of ways to prepare foods and beverages, but the method or chef that yields the best flavor will most likely be best received by consumers whose number one selection criterion is how something tastes.
Touch The sense of touch, whether it operates inside the mouth or through the fi ngers, conveys to us a food’s texture, consistency, astringency, and temperature. Texture is a combination of perceptions, with the eyes giving the first clue. The second comes at the touch of fingers and eating utensils, and the third is mouthfeel, as detected by the teeth and the tactile nerve cells in the mouth, located on the tongue and palate. Textural or structural qualities are especially obvious in foods such as apples, popcorn, liver, crackers, potato chips, tapioca pudding, cereals, and celery, to name just a few. Textures felt in the mouth can be described as coarse (grainy, sandy, mealy), crisp, fi ne, dry, moist, greasy, smooth (creamy, velvety), lumpy, rough, sticky, solid, porous, bubbly, or flat. Tenderness, which is somewhat dependent on texture, is judged by how easily the food gives way to the pressure of the teeth. Consistency is only slightly different from tenderness, and is expressed in terms of brittleness, chewiness, viscosity, thickness, thinness, and elasticity (rubbery, gummy). Astringency, which causes puckering of the mouth, is possibly due to the drawing out of proteins naturally found in the mouth’s saliva and mu-
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
cous membranes (12). Foods such as cranberries, lemon juice, and vinegar have astringent qualities. Another term used in the sensory perception of foods is chemethesis. Chemethesis defi nes how certain foods that are not physically hot or cold appear to give the impression of being “hot” (hot salsa) or “cooling” (cucumbers) when placed on the tongue (29). Although extremely hot temperatures can literally burn the taste buds (they later regenerate), the other kind of “hot” that may be experienced with food is the kind generated by “hot” peppers (Chemist’s Corner 1-1). The hotness in peppers is produced by a chemical called capsaicin (cap-SAYiss-in). Many people enjoy the sensation of capsaicin in moderation, but it can cause real pain because it is a powerful chemical that irritates nerves in the nose and mouth. In fact, this compound is so caustic when concentrated that it is now used by many law enforcement agencies in place of the mace-like sprays.
Hearing The sounds associated with foods can play a role in evaluating their quality. How often have you seen someone tapping a melon to determine if it is ripe? Sounds like sizzling, crunching, popping, bubbling, swirling, pouring, squeaking, dripping, exploding (think of an egg yolk in a microwave), and crackling can communicate a great deal about a food while it is being prepared, poured, or chewed. Most of these sounds are affected by water content, and their characteristics thus give clues to a food’s freshness and/or doneness.
Nutritional Criteria Over the past several decades, emerging scientific evidence about health and nutrition has resulted in changing food consumption patterns in the United States (9). Past surveys reveal at least half of all consumers reportedly making a major change in their diets, with nutrition being second only to taste in importance to shoppers (38, 77). The changing food habits are related to the increased awareness that diet can be related to some of the leading causes of death—heart disease, cancer, and diabetes—as well as to other common
health conditions such as osteoporosis, diverticulosis, and obesity (57, 75).
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 1-1 Hot Peppers and Body Chemistry
HOW AND WHY? Why do flavors differ in how quickly they are detected or how long they last? The amount of fat in a food or beverage determines how intense the flavor is over time. Flavor compounds dissolved in fat (fatsoluble compounds) take longer to be detected and last longer than flavor compounds dissolved in water (water-soluble compounds), which are quickly detected but disappear much more quickly (17). This explains why a reduced-fat product is much less likely to duplicate the flavor of the original food: the original fat’s flavor compounds are missing, causing an imbalance of the other flavors present. Reduced-fat cookies, for example, taste sweeter unless they are modified to compensate (44). It is even more difficult to replace certain fats that, in addition to contributing to traditional flavor releases and mouthfeel, also have their own distinctive flavor, as is the case for butter, olive oil, and bacon fat (45).
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States (14, 69) and is a risk factor for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other health conditions. Health care costs are higher in people who are obese compared to people of normal weight (3). Being overweight is one of the biggest and costliest health problems in the United States (3). Also, some $33 billion are spent annually by 65 million Americans on “quick fi x” weight loss solutions, most of which achieve no permanent results. To reduce dietary risk factors for some of the major health conditions affecting Americans, the U.S. government published several diet-planning guides. Two of these are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 The emphasis on adjusting fat and other dietary factors in the diet was reinforced by the Dietary Guidelines, which have been published every five years since 1980 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Department of
The warming sensation experienced by some people eating hot peppers or foods made with them is due to the body’s secreting catecholamines, a group of amines composed of epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and dopamine. These catecholamines activate the “fight-or-flight” response, which normally triggers increased respiration rate, a faster heart beat, slowed digestion, widened pupils, and enhanced energy metabolism (30, 59).
Health and Human Services (DHHS) (75). The latest Dietary Guidelines for healthy adults were published in 2005 and encourage people to follow the recommendations shown in Figure 1-3 and available at dietaryguidelines. The first three topics focus on choosing nutrient-dense foods within energy limits, maintaining a healthy body weight, and engaging in regular physical exercise. The fourth topic, “Food Groups to Encourage,” focuses on selecting a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and milk. The last four topics advise people to sensibly choose their fats, carbohydrates, salt, and alcoholic beverages. Estimated daily calorie (kcal) (calories are explained in Chapter 2) limits are introduced for the first time as shown in Table 1-1. Note that as people mature they need fewer calories—200 fewer calories (kcal) after age 30, and another 200 fewer calories (kcal) after age 50. Failing to reduce calories (kcal) and/or increase physical activity may result in weight gain over the years. Table 1-2 lists the recommended
Chemethesis The ability to feel a food’s chemical properties such as cool mints or hot chili peppers. Calorie (kcal) The amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1°C (measured between 14.5C and 15.5°C at normal atmospheric pressure).
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
Key recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005.
Adequate Nutrients Within Energy Needs • Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic food groups; limit intakes of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol. • Meet recommended intakes within energy needs by adopting a balanced eating pattern, such as the USDA Food Guide.
• Keep total fat intake between 20 and 35 percent of calories; choose from mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat sources such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. • Select and prepare foods that are lean, low fat, or fat free, and low in saturated and/or trans fat. Carbohydrates • Choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often. • Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars. • Reduce the incidence of dental caries by practicing good oral hygiene and consuming sugar- and starch-containing foods and beverages less frequently.
Weight Management • To maintain body weight in a healthy range, balance calories from foods and beverages with calories expended. • To prevent gradual weight gain over time, make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activity. Physical Activity • Engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psychological well-being, and a healthy body weight. • Achieve physical fitness by including cardiovascular conditioning, stretching exercises for flexibility, and resistance exercises or calisthenics for muscle strength and endurance.
Sodium and Potassium • Choose and prepare foods with little salt (less than 2300 milligrams sodium, or approximately 1 teaspoon salt). At the same time, consume potassium-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Alcoholic Beverages • Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages should do so sensibly and in moderation: up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. • Some individuals should not consume alcoholic beverages.
Food Groups to Encourage • Consume a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, and whole grains while staying within energy needs. • Select a variety of fruits and vegetables each day, including selections from all five vegetable subgroups (dark green, orange, legumes, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables) several times a week. Make at least half of the grain selections whole grains. Select fat-free or low-fat milk products.
Food Safety • To avoid microbial foodborne illness, keep foods safe: clean hands, food contact surfaces, and fruit and vegetables; separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods; cook foods to a safe internal temperature; chill perishable food promptly; and defrost food properly. • Avoid unpasteurized milk and products made from it; raw or undercooked eggs, meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish; unpasteurized juices; raw sprouts.
Fats • Keep trans fat consumption as low as possible. Consume less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fats and less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
NOTE: These guidelines are intended for adults and healthy children ages 2 and older.
Source: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005, available at www.
T A B L E 1 -1
Women 19–30 yr 31–50 yr 51+ yr Men 19–30 yr 31–50 51+ yr
Estimated Daily Calorie (kcal) Needs for Adults Sedentarya
2000 1800 1600
2400 2200 2100
2400 2200 2000
3000 2900 2600
Sedentary describes a lifestyle that includes only the activities typical of day-to-day life.
b Active describes a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day at a rate of 3 to 4 miles per hour, in addition to the activities typical of day-to-day life. Calorie values for active people reflect the midpoint of the range appropriate for age and gender, but within each group, older adults may need fewer calories and younger adults may need more.
TA B L E 1-2
Recommended Daily Amounts from Each Food Group
Food Group
1600 cal
1800 cal
2000 cal
2200 cal
Fruits Vegetables Grains Meat and legumes Milk Oils Discretionary calorie allowance
11/2 c 2c 5 oz
11/2 c 21/2 c 6 oz
2c 21/2 c 6 oz
2c 3c 7 oz
5 oz 3c 5 tsp
5 oz 3c 5 tsp
51/2 oz 3c 6 tsp
132 cal
195 cal
267 cal
2400 cal
2600 cal
2800 cal
3000 cal
2c 3c 8 oz
2c 31/2 c 9 oz
21/2 c 31/2 c 10 oz
21/2 c 4c 10 oz
6 oz 3c 6 tsp
61/2 oz 3c 7 tsp
61/2 oz 3c 8 tsp
7 oz 3c 8 tsp
7 oz 3c 10 tsp
290 cal
362 cal
410 cal
426 cal
512 cal
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
MyPyramid: Steps to a healthier you.
The colors of the pyramid illustrate variety: each color represents one of the five food groups, plus one for oils. Different band widths suggest the proportional contribution of each food group to a healthy diet.
A person climbing steps reminds consumers to be physically active each day. The narrow slivers of color at the top imply moderation in foods rich in solid fats and added sugars.
The broad bases at the bottom represent nutrient-dense foods that should make up the bulk of the diet.
USDA, 2005
Greater intakes of grains, vegetables, fruit, and milk are encouraged by the broad bases of orange, green, red, and blue.
daily amounts from each food group to ensure that healthy adults are within their calorie (kcal) limits ranging from 1,600 to 3,000 calories (kcal). The Dietary Guidelines defi ne healthful dietary habits for the American public, and now serve as the basis for all federal nutrition programs (5).
MyPyramid MyPyramid is a visual food group plan developed by the USDA to illustrate the concepts of the Dietary Guidelines (Figure 1-4). The website is an interactive site designed to assist people in creating a personal food plan and making better food and lifestyle choices by taking small steps toward those goals each day. The Food Guide Pyramid, MyPyramid’s predecessor, was first developed in 1992 to encourage Americans to improve their diets and to replace the basic four food groups of milk, meat, vegetable/fruit, bread/cereal (23, 74). Other countries
have their own versions of this type of guideline; Canada’s version is shown in Appendix A (60). The easy-to-comprehend visual concept of MyPyramid organizes foods into six food groups. The lower-fat, complex carbohydrate foods such as grains are emphasized, followed by vegetables, fruits, and milk, meat and beans, and oil. The narrow slivers of color at the top imply moderation in foods rich in solid fats and added sugar. Other U.S. pyramids exist and include the Mediterranean, Asian, Latin American, and vegetarian pyramids. Regarding this last pyramid, the American Dietetic Association suggested that properly planned vegetarian diets may reduce the risk of certain chronic, degenerative diseases and conditions including heart disease, some cancers, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and high blood pressure (2). Other factors may, however, contribute to the decreased morbidity and mortality from these diseases among vegetarians. These in-
clude positive lifestyle differences such as lower rates of smoking and drinking. Any possible benefit of vegetarian diets probably comes from lower intakes of fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, balanced by higher levels of phytochemicals, fiber, complex carbohydrates, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and folate (a B vitamin) (49).
Food group plan A diet-planning tool that “groups” foods together based on nutrient and calorie (kcal) content and then specifies the amount of servings a person should have based on their recommended calorie (kcal) intake. Antioxidant A compound that inhibits oxidation, which can cause deterioration and rancidity.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
Consumer Dietary Changes As a result of these dietary guidelines and other influences, consumers have shifted their dietary concerns and intakes. People can read the Nutrition Facts on food labels to understand what they are consuming (Chapter 28). The biggest nutritional concern for quite some time was reported by consumers to be fat, exceeding the concerns about salt, cholesterol, sugar, and even calories (kcal) (65). Overall, Americans are ingesting less red meat and whole milk, and more poultry, reduced-fat (2 percent) milk, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, pasta, and rice. As a result, fat consumption has dropped from 42 percent of calories (kcal) in the mid-1960s to less than 33 percent today (10). Health Focus The focus of the Dietary Guidelines since their 2005 revision was designed was to develop the best diet for reducing the risk of chronic disease often resulting from excess consumption of the wrong kinds of foods and to boost the intake of nutrients such as calcium, fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. According to an International Food Information Council survey, 93 percent of Americans believe that some foods can have health benefits besides their nutritive value and can delay the onset, or reduce the risk, of serious and chronic diseases
Functional food A food or beverage that imparts a physiological benefit that enhances overall health, helps prevent or treat a disease or condition, or improves physical/mental performance. Nutraceutical A bioactive compound (nutrients and non-nutrients) that has health benefits. Monograph A summary sheet (fact sheet) describing a substance in terms of name (common and scientific), chemical constituents, functional uses (medical and common), dosage, side effects, drug interactions, and references. Culture The ideas, customs, skills, and art of a group of people in a given period of civilization.
(2). The vegetarian movement is gaining ground; approximately 15 percent of college students define themselves as vegetarians. About 33 percent of Americans have used herbs or herb products medicinally, and about 60 percent take a multivitamin supplement. The concept that “food is medicine” is common to many cultures, and the shift from treating an established disease to preventing its occurrence is slowly gaining ground. Overall, more people view foods as an integral part of maintaining their health. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a growing trend that appears to be making permanent inroads in the U.S. medical landscape. Terms such as functional foods and nutraceuticals are becoming commonplace. Europe and Japan appear to lead the United States in their interest in how foods can benefit health beyond the intake of just carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins/minerals. Japan has imported record shipments of blueberries from the United States because the blueberry’s blue pigment, anthocyanin, is a powerful antioxidant that may benefit eyesight (37). In Germany, the German E Commission was created in 1978 to assure product standardization and safe use of herbs and phytomedicines. Composed of a body of experts from the medical and pharmacology professions, the pharmaceutical industry, and laypersons, the German E Commission studies the scientific literature for research data on herbs based on clinical trials, field studies, and case studies. It has created a collection of monographs representing the most accurate information available in the world on the safety and efficacy (power to produce effects or “does it work?”) of herbal products. Germany defi nes herbal remedies in the same manner as it does drugs, because its physicians, and others in Europe, often prescribe herbal remedies that are paid for by government health insurance. This trend toward food as more than something to provide calories (kcal) and nutrients is not new. About 2,500 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food” (9).
Cultural Criteria Culture is another factor influencing food choice. Culture influences food habits by dictating what is or is not acceptable to eat. Foods that are relished in one part of the world may be spurned in another. Grubs, which are a good protein source, are acceptable to the aborigines of Australia. Whale blubber is used in many ways in the arctic region, where the extremely cold weather makes a high-fat diet essential. Dog is considered a delicacy in some Asian countries. Escargots (snails) are a favorite in France. Sashimi (raw fish) is a Japanese tradition that has been fairly well accepted in the United States. Locusts, another source of protein, are considered choice items in the Middle East. Octopus, once thought unusual, now appears on many American menus.
Ethnic Influences Ethnic minorities comprise at least 25 percent of the U.S. population of approximately 300 million people, with the four major groups being African, Other (includes two or more races), Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders, and Native/Alaskan Americans (Figure 1-5). The U.S. Census does not classify “Hispanic” or “Latino” as a race. Rather they are asked on the survey whether or not they are “Spanish/Hispanic/Latino” and to select the race to which they identify. The belief is that people from this group may be of any race, but this makes the overall percentage “picture” a little confusing. The latest U.S. Census reported 13 percent of the American population being of “Hispanic or Latino” descent. An increasingly diverse population in the United States, accompanied by people traveling more and communicating over longer distances, has contributed to a more worldwide community, and a food industry that continues to “go global” (62). Within the boundaries of the United States alone, many foods once considered ethnic are now commonplace: pizza, tacos, beef teriyaki, pastas, and gyros. More recently arrived ethnic foods, such as Thai, Indian, Moroccan, and Vietnamese, are constantly being added to the mix to meet the escalating demands for meals providing more variety, stronger flavors, novel visual appeal, and less fat (68).
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
Percent distribution of racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Thirteen percent of Americans report themselves to be “Spanish/ Hispanic/Latino.” American Indians 1% Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders 4% Other 8% African Americans 12%
White Americans 75%
which foods are acceptable and unacceptable and by specifying preparation procedures. By designating certain foods for specific occasions and assigning symbolic value to some, religious principles wield further influence (21). More than 85 percent of the American population claims to be Christian, and the bread (wafers) and wine served by many denominations during communion symbolize the body and blood of Christ. A traditional holiday meal with a turkey or ham as the main entrée is usually served at Christmas and/or Easter. The eggs used at Easter symbolize new life and were originally painted red to represent Christ’s blood. Early Christians exchanged these eggs to recognize each other. Another food used among Christians is fish, which for many Catholics, until recently, was served on Fridays instead of meat. Some of the food practices of Buddhists, Hindus, Seventh-Day Adventists, Mormons, Jews, and Muslims are explored in further detail below.
Buddhism Source: U.S. Census Bureau.
Place of Birth Birthplace influences the foods that a person will be exposed to, and helps to shape the dietary patterns that are often followed for life. Salsa varies in flavor, texture, and color depending on whether it was prepared in Mexico, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, or Peru. Curry blends differ drastically depending on where in the world the recipe evolved. In Mexican cuisine, the same dish may taste different in different states.
Geography and Climate Not so long ago, geography and climate were the main determinants of what foods were available to be chosen. People ate foods that were grown close to where they lived and very rarely were presented with the possibility of eating those of a more exotic nature. For example, guava fruit grown in tropical regions was not even a consideration in an area such as Greenland. Now the wide distribution of formerly “local” foods throughout the world provides
many people with an incredible variety of food choices.
Cultural Influences on Manners Culture not only influences what types of foods are chosen, but also the way they are consumed and the behavior surrounding their consumption. In some parts of India, for example, only the right hand is used for eating and manipulating utensils; the left hand is reserved for restroom duties. Foods may be served on banana leaves or wrapped in cornhusks. It may be eaten with chopsticks, as is the custom throughout Asia, or with spoons, forks, and knives as in Europe and the Americas. It is considered impolite in China not to provide your guest with a bountiful meal, so an unusually large number of food courses is served when guests are present.
Religious Criteria Religion is another important influence on food choices. Religious beliefs affect the diets of many by declaring
There are over 100 million Buddhists in China and 300 million worldwide. Buddhists believe in karuna, which is compassion, and karma, a concept that implies that “good is rewarded with good; evil is rewarded with evil; and the rewarding of good and evil is only a matter of time” (40). Many Buddhists consider it uncompassionate to eat the flesh of another living creature, so vegetarianism is often followed; however, not all Buddhists are vegetarian. Whether Buddhists are vegetarian depends on their personal choice, the religious sect to which they belong, and the country where they live (20).
Hinduism Most of the 930 million followers of Hinduism live in India, and the Hindu American Foundation estimates that there are 2 million Hindus in the United States. Like Buddhism, Hinduism also promotes vegetarianism among some, but not all, of its followers (47). Buddhism actually originated in India before being disseminated to Asia and surrounding areas. The goal of both Hinduism and Buddhism is to reach “enlightenment” or “nirvana,” in which the soul transcends “individual” ego and unites with the cosmos’ higher
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
state of consciousness (sometimes described as One, Supreme God). It is believed that souls who do not reach this state on earth are reincarnated. As a result, some Hindus believe that the soul is all-important, uniting all beings as one, so it is against their beliefs to injure or kill a person or an animal. Thus strict Hindus reject poultry, eggs, and the flesh of any animal. Among many Hindus, the cow is not considered sacred as widely believed, but it is an animal so it is not slaughtered for food. However, dairy products from cattle are acceptable and even considered spiritually pure (20). Coconut and ghee, or clarified butter, are also accorded sacred status, but may be consumed after a fast. Some strict Hindus do not eat garlic, onions, mushrooms, turnips, lentils, or tomatoes.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church A vegetarian diet is recommended but not required for members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. About 40 percent of its members are vegetarians, the majority of them lacto-ovo-vegetarians, meaning that milk and egg products are allowed (32). Consumption of between-meal snacks, hot spices, alcohol, tea, and coffee is discouraged (8).
Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints (Mormon Church) The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints discourages the consumption of alcohol, coffee, and tea. Section 89:12 of the Doctrine and Covenants written in 1833 states, “Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air . . . they are to be used sparingly.” Although not all Mormons follow these lifestyle recommendations, several studies suggest that they are healthier as a group compared to the average American. A significant number of Mormons live in Utah, and several studies have shown that the death rate attributed to specific diseases for Utah residents is 40 percent below the average U.S. rate because of lower rates of heart disease
and cancer. Other factors possibly affecting the death rate are the discouragement of smoking and using illegal drugs, the recommendations of regular physical activity and proper sleep, and a positive religious outlook (61). The lower fat content of some vegetarian diets and the strength of Utah’s health care system also cannot be ignored as possible contributing factors.
Judaism The kashruth is the list of dietary laws adhered to by orthodox Jews. Kosher dietary laws focus on three major issues (63): 1. Kosher animals allowed 2. Blood not allowed 3. Mixing of milk and meat not allowed Foods are sorted into one of three groups: meat, dairy, or pareve (containing neither meat nor dairy) (48). Milk and meat cannot be prepared together or consumed in the same meal. In fact, separate sets of dishes and utensils are used to prepare and serve them, and a specified amount of time (1 to 6 hours) must pass between the consumption of milk and meat. Foods considered kosher include fruits, vegetables, grain products, and with some exceptions during Passover, tea, coffee, and dairy products from kosher animals as long as they are not eaten simultaneously with meat or fowl (64). Kosher animals are ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and goats that have split hooves and chew their cud. Other meats that are considered kosher are chicken, turkey, goose, and certain ducks. Orthodox Jews are not allowed to eat non-kosher foods such as carnivorous animals, birds of prey, pork (bacon, ham), fish without scales or fins
(shark, eel, and shellfish such as shrimp, lobster, and crab), sturgeon, catfish, swordfish, underwater mammals, reptiles, or egg yolk containing any blood. These foods are considered unclean or treif. Even the meat from allowed animals is not considered kosher unless the animals have been slaughtered under the supervision of a rabbi or other authorized individual who ensures that the blood has been properly removed. Foods that are tainted with blood, a substance considered by Jews to be synonymous with life, are forbidden (20). Kosher foods are labeled with a logo such as those of the kosher-certifying agencies shown in Figure 1-6. People other than Jews who often purchase kosher foods include Moslems, SeventhDay Adventists, vegetarians, individuals with allergies (shellfish) or food intolerances (milk), and anyone who perceives kosher foods as being of higher quality (48). Food figures prominently in the celebration of the major Jewish holidays. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated in part with a large meal. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, requires a day of fasting preceded by a bland evening meal the night before. Passover, which is an eight-day celebration marking the Exodus from Egypt, is commemorated in part by a meal whose components represent different aspects of the historic event. The Jews left Egypt without enough time for their bread to leaven (rise); to commemorate this event, leavened bread is prohibited during the Passover celebration. As a result, the five prohibited grains are wheat, rye, oats, barley, and spelt. The only grain allowed during Passover is unleavened bread from made wheat (matzo).
Examples of kosher food symbols.
Kof-K Kosher Supervision Teaneck, NJ
Organized Kashruth Laboratories Brooklyn, NY
Kosher From Hebrew, food that is “fit, right, proper” to be eaten according to Jewish dietary laws.
OU Kosher Supervision Service New York, NY
Star-K Kosher Certification Baltimore, MD
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
Islam Worldwide, there are over 1 billion Muslims compared to 13 million Jews (20). The Koran, the divine book of Islam, contains the halal dietary food laws recommended for Muslims that describes halal (permitted) or haram (prohibited) foods (63). The five major areas addressed by the halal follow: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Animals not allowed Blood not allowed Improper slaughtering method Carrion (decaying carcass) not allowed 5. Intoxicants not allowed Many of the halal dietary food laws are similar to the food laws of Judaism. However, the most striking similarity is that the kosher meat consumed by Jews is permitted for Muslims because the animal has been slaughtered in a manner that allows the blood to be fully drained. Halal meat is also permitted and defined as any meat from approved animals sacrificed according to Muslim guidelines. Most meat is allowed except pork, carnivorous animals with fangs (lions, wolves, tigers, dogs, etc.), birds with sharp claws (falcons, eagles, owls, vultures, etc.), land animals without ears (frogs, snakes, etc.), shark, and products containing pork or gelatin made from the horns or hooves of cattle (13). Alcohol and products containing alcohol in any form, including vanillin and wine vinegar, are forbidden. Stimulants such as tea and coffee are also discouraged. Ramadan is a time of the year that significantly affects diet for Muslims. Islam teaches that the ninth month of the lunar calendar is the month in which the Prophet Muhammad received the revelation of the Muslim scripture, the Koran. This month, which depends on the sighting of the new moon, is a time of religious observances that include fasting from dawn to sunset.
Psychological and Sociological Criteria Social and psychological factors strongly influence food habits. For most people, the knowledge that food
is readily available provides a sense of security. The aim of every food company’s advertising is to develop a sense of security among consumers about its products. A soft drink held in the hand of an athlete, the cereal touted by a child’s favorite cartoon character, and diet foods offered by slim, vivacious spokespeople create positive associations in people’s minds for these products and assure them of their quality. Social conscience and peer pressure sometimes influence food choices. One recent trend has seen consumers moving toward more environmentally sound purchases. At a buffet, the presence of other people may influence a person’s choice of food and beverages. Psychological needs intertwine with social factors when foods are used more for a display of hospitality or status than for mere nourishment. Caviar is just fish eggs, but is esteemed by many as a delicacy. Beer tastes terrible to most people when they try it for the first time, but the social surroundings and pressures may cause it to become an acquired taste. Several studies have shown that information influences expectations, and expectations mold choices (15), so it is no surprise that consumers report that television is their predominant source of information about nutrition (42 percent), followed by magazines (39 percent), and newspapers (19 percent) (7, 54). Psychological factors also influence people’s response to two relatively recent additions to the food market: genetically modified foods and organic foods.
Bioengineering Psychological and social factors are involved in the formation of public attitudes toward the biotechnology of foods, a term preferred over genetically engineered foods (22). The resulting genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are slowly gaining ground, but not everyone is knowledgeable about or accepting of the new foods (1). History of Biotechnology In the past, it took years to accomplish hybridization, or crossbreeding, by matching “the best to the best” in the plant, livestock, and fishery worlds to achieve the
desired results. Cattle, corn, and even dogs were bred this way to yield desirable results. Dogs would not look the way they do without humans’ modifying their genes through many years of selective breeding. Depending on the desired results, it could take decades or even centuries to develop a certain “look” and/or function in an animal or plant. Traditional ways of breeding to combine the genes of two species in order to obtain a specific trait were thus time consuming, cumbersome, and unpredictable (11). Along came the age of food biotechnology (genetic engineering), which began in the early 1970s when DNA was isolated from a bacterium, duplicated, and inserted into another bacterium. The resulting DNA, known as recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA), allows researchers to transfer genetic material from one organism to another (41). Instead of crossbreeding for years, researchers can now identify the genes responsible for a desired trait and reorganize or insert them from the cells of one bacterium, plant, or animal into the cells of other bacteria, plants, or animals (1). The goal of this process is to produce new species or improved versions of existing ones. The U.S. Department of Agriculture envisions food biotechnology being used to in-
Halal An Arabic word meaning “permissible.” Usually refers to permissible foods under Islamic law. Biotechnology Previously called genetic engineering, this term describes the alteration of a gene in a bacterium, plant, or animal for the purpose of changing one or more of its characteristics. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Plants, animals, or microorganisms that have had their genes altered through genetic engineering using the application of recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) technology. Gene A unit of genetic information in the chromosome.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
crease production potential, improve resistance to pests and disease, and develop more nutritious plant and animal products (66). Foods Created with Biotechnology Food biotechnology has so far resulted in benefits that increase the food’s resistance to the following (41): • Pests (less pesticide required) • Disease (lower crop losses) • Harsh growing conditions (drought, salty soil, climate extremes) • Transport damage (less bruising allows more produce to make it to market) • Spoilage (longer shelf life) Foods using biotechnology can be categorized according to the following four ways (1): 1. Actual food (e.g., corn) 2. Foods derived from or containing ingredients of actual food (e.g., cornmeal) 3. Foods containing single ingredients or additives from GMOs (e.g., amino acids, vitamins, colors) 4. Foods containing ingredients obtained from enzymes produced through GMO foods What actual foods have been produced using biotechnology? Some examples of GMO foods include ripeningdelayed fruits, grains with a higher protein content, potatoes that absorb less fat when fried, insect-resistant apples, and more than 50 other plant products. The first genetically engineered food to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration was Calgene’s FlavrSavr™ tomato (Figure 1-7). This tomato was developed so that it could be left on the vine until fully ripened and flavorful, and yet it still could withstand the hardship of shipping without bruising (33). The FlavrSavr tomato softens at a slower rate because of food biotechnology that reduces the activity of an enzyme responsible for breaking down the cell wall during ripening (76). The previously widespread practice was to pick tomatoes while they were green to allow them to be shipped before ripening, because unripened tomatoes would be less easily damaged during transport. This is still the case with tomatoes other than the newer varieties, and it has meant that
most consumers are left desiring the succulence of a vine-ripened tomato. Other genetically engineered foods include celery without strings, squash that is resistant to a common plant virus, presweetened melons, and tomatoes resistant to damage from both cold and hot temperatures. Genes have also been reorganized in strawberries to increase their natural sweetness. Possible genetically engineered foods of the future include cow’s milk with some of the immune benefits of human milk (39), fruits containing higher amounts of vitamins A and C, fats and oils containing more omega-3 fatty acids (51), foods that generate proteins that could be used as oral vaccines (4), and soybeans providing a more complete source of protein (16). Concerns About Food Biotechnology Some consumers view genetic engineering as an invasion of nature’s domain, and fear that scientists are treading on dangerous ground. Their concerns include allergies, gene contamination, and religious/cultural objections. • Allergies. The concern most commonly expressed to the Food and Drug Administration by consumers was the possibility that the proteins produced by these new genes could cause allergic reactions. In one study, soy was infused with a gene from Brazil nuts, a known allergen, or allergy-causing substance (46). Some people participating in the experiment became ill, but this was a preliminary research study and the modified soy never reached the market (58). Researchers would be prudent to avoid food allergens in the process of genetically engineering foods because, even though protein food allergies affect only a small percentage of the population, they still exist and can cause problems (24). • Gene Contamination. Another concern is that genetically engineered plants might “escape” into the wild, take over, and change the environment. Scientists assure us, however, that such plants are no more dangerous than traditionally bred crops. The greatest fear for some is that food biotechnology will lead to researchers using
this type of biotechnology to try to “improve” the human race (46). • Religious/Cultural Concerns. Some people, for religious or cultural reasons, do not want certain animal genes appearing in plant foods. For example, if swine genes were inserted into vegetables for some purpose, those vegetables would not be considered kosher. In one instance, a group of chefs refused to use a genetically engineered tomato when they found out that its disease resistance was obtained from a mouse gene. Vegetarians may object to a fish gene being placed in a tomato to provide resistance to freezing (33). Hawaiians objected when researchers tried to modify the gene sequence of their sacred taro plant, which is commonly used to make poi (a starchy paste made from the plant’s corm, its thickened underground stem). Acceptance/Rejection of Genetically Engineered Foods. Despite the controversy over animal genes being inserted in plant foods, the line between “plant genes” and “animal genes” is already blurred. Bacteria, plants, and animals share a large number of the more than 100,000 genes found in higher organisms. Nevertheless, research of people’s attitudes about food repeatedly reveals that consumers are more likely to accept biotechnology conducted on plants rather than on animals or fish (35). The Food and Drug Administration accepts genetically engineered foods as posing no risk to health or safety, and for this reason it does not require mandatory labeling, unless the foods contain new allergens, modified nutritional profi les, or represent a new plant (11). The National Academy of Sciences has stated that genetic transfers between unrelated organisms do not pose hazards or risks different from those encountered by natural selection or crossbreeding. Currently, there is no evidence that transferring genes will convert a harmless organism into a hazardous one (41). People who wish to avoid GMOs can ensure that their foods are free of this type of genetic modification by purchasing organic foods. It’s also a way to avoid foods
F I G U R E 1 -7
Genetically engineering a tomato to soften more slowly.
Source: Adapted from FDA Consumer.
Ripe tomatoes contain an enzyme, polygalacturonase (PG), that causes them to soften. The PG gene that forms this enzyme is isolated and cloned. Scientists reverse the PG gene sequence and place it into bacteria.
The bacteria are grown in a petri dish filled with cut tomato leaves. The leaves‘ edges absorb the bacteria and the PG gene becomes part of the tomato plant cells’ genetic material.
Tomato plants are regenerated from leaf cuttings containing the reversed PG gene.
The genetically engineered tomatoes can now ripen more fully on the vine prior to harvest, and be transported later with less concern for rotting due to softening.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
produced with the use of antibiotics or pesticides (25, 52).
TA B L E 1-3
Organic Foods
Organic Term
100 Percent Organic Organic Made with Organic Ingredients Some Organic Ingredients
100 percent of ingredients are organic. 95 percent or more of the ingredients are organic. 70 percent or more of the ingredients are organic. Less than 70 percent of the ingredients are organic.
Some people prefer to select organic foods, a term that had no official definition until 2002 following the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (31). Terms commonly used in the marketplace that do not have official definitions or certification by the government include “free-range,” “hormone-free,” “natural,” “organically produced,” “pesticide free,” or even “certified organic.” Prior to 2002, products were often labeled “organic” by growers without any real certification, or they were certified by private agencies according to a patchwork of regulations that varied from state to state. Now, for a food to be labeled “organic” it has to fit one of the four official definitions listed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and shown in Table 1-3. The USDA’s definition of what is organic goes beyond just describing foods that are not sprayed with chemicals. The word organic now refers to food products that have been produced without most synthetic pesticides and fertilizers (including sewage sludge), crops that have not been genetically modified (no GMOs), livestock produced without antibiotics, and food products that have not been irradiated.
Organic Certification The government agency certifying that a food is organic is the USDA, which labels such food products with the organic seal shown in Figure 1-8. Only those food products that were organically grown or processed and certified by an accredited USDA organic– certifying agent can carry the organic
Subjective tests Evaluations of food quality based on sensory characteristics and personal preferences as perceived by the five senses. Objective tests Evaluations of food quality that rely on numbers generated by laboratory instruments, which are used to quantify the physical and chemical differences in foods.
The U.S. Government’s Criteria for Defining Organic Food Products
seal. Violators making false claims can be fined $10,000 per offense. USDA agents determine if food is organic by following the guidelines set by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), published as the National Organic Program (NOP) in the Federal Register (December 21, 2000).
Budgetary Criteria Cost is a very important limiting factor in food purchasing. In fact, food stamps obtained through the U.S. Department of Agriculture are limited by the “Thrift y Food Plan” that calculates what an average family needs to spend on food (73). Cost helps determine the types of foods and brands that are bought and the frequency of restaurant patronage. People feeling financial strain may still eat beef, but they may choose ground beef over prime rib. “Can I afford this?” is a question that also applies to time, which can make convenience foods effectively more economical, even if the dollar price is higher. Budgeting and time management are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 5.
FOOD EVALUATION The food industry uses an array of testing methods to measure the sensory factors in food selection and to evaluate food quality. These tests are conducted for research and development (R&D), product improvement, sales and marketing, quality assurance, and gauging consumer acceptance (36). Food evaluation is accomplished using both subjective and objective tests (26).
Subjective Evaluation Sensory (also known as subjective) evaluation is a science that measures the responses of people to products as perceived by their senses (19). This type of testing is called subjective because it relies on the opinions of selected individuals. There are two basic types of subjective tests: analytical and affective. Analytical tests are based on discernible differences, whereas affective tests are based on individual preferences (Figure 1-9). In both types of testing, food samples are presented to
USDA’s official organic seal.
Summary of subjective tests for food evaluation.
(Used to detect “differences”)
(Used to detect “individual preferences”)
Discriminative Tests
Descriptive Tests
Hedonic Tests
Personal Preference
(Used to detect “discernible” differences. Are the samples different?)
(Used to “quantify” differences) (How do the samples differ?)
(Relating to pleasure)
(Selecting the preferred sample)
Difference Tests
(Differentiate between samples)
(Detect flavor)
Triangle, duo-trio, paired comparison, ranking, ordinal
Threshold dilution
Flavor Profile
Paired Preference Tests Similar to the paired comparison test (see Analytical Tests). Two samples are presented, but instead of selecting the sample with the greater amount of a characteristic, the tester expresses a preference for one of two samples. A ranking test under this category ranks three or more samples in order of preference.
Texture Profile
Used to detail the specific flavors (garlic, vanilla, caramel, boiled milk) or textures (smoothness, springiness, moistness) of a food or beverage.
Threshold. The taste tester is presented with increasing concentrations of dilute solutions and asked to state at what point the substance is first recognized or no longer detected. Dilution. A test used to find the minimal detectable level of a substance.
Example #1: PRODUCT SCORE SHEET 9-Point Hedonic Scale Product
Triangle. Three samples are presented simultaneously— two are the same and one is different. Panelists are asked to identify the odd sample. Duo-trio. Three samples are presented at the same time, but a standard is designated, and the participant is asked to select the one most similar to the standard. Paired comparison. Two samples are presented, and the taster is asked to select the one that has more of a particular characteristic (sweet, sour, thick, thin, etc.). Ranking. More than two samples are presented and compared by ranking them from lowest to highest for the intensity of a specific characteristic (flavor, odor, color). Ordinal. A scale that usually uses words like “weak, moderate, strong” to describe samples that differ in magnitude of an attribute.
Your choices range from “Like Extremely” to “Dislike Extremely” for each of the listed food qualities. Please circle the number under each phrase that most closely describes your attitude about the particular description of the food or beverage sample provided. Total each column and then add the final total row for a complete score.
Like Like Like Like Food Description Extremely Very Much Moderately Slightly
Neither Like nor Dislike
Dislike Dislike Dislike Dislike Slightly Moderately Very Much Extremely
Mouthfeel (texture)
Total = Final Total Score = _____________________
Example #2: “Smiley” or “frowny” faces can be used for children.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
Taste test panel at NASA.
F I G U R E 1 -1 0
ists’ perceptions of the food’s color. Care is taken that the lighting in the room is uniform and that the ambient temperature is comfortable and the surroundings quiet and odor-free. Midmornings or midafternoons are considered the best times for sampling, because at these times people are not usually overly hungry or full. Samples are randomly coded and are kept to a reasonable number to avoid “taste fatigue.” Room-temperature water or plain bread is made available for panelists to eat between samples to prevent carryover tastes, and at least a 30-second rest period is scheduled between samples. Paper towels or napkins are provided, and, because swallowing the food or beverage influences the taste of subsequent samples, small containers into which samples may be spit are provided.
Objective Evaluation taste panel participants, who evaluate the foods according to specific standards for appearance, odor, taste, texture, and sound.
Taste Panels The individuals on a taste panel can range from randomly selected members of the population to experts who are highly trained in tasting a particular food or beverage (Figure 1-10). Vintners and brewers rely on the latter types of skilled tasters to evaluate the proper timing for each step in the process of making wine or beer (55). The ability to detect slight differences in specific foods is a sought-after trait,
prized so much that the taste buds of one gourmet ice cream taste expert are insured for $1 million. General taste panels usually consist of at least five people who meet the following criteria: they are free of colds, chew no gum immediately before testing, have not ingested any other food for at least one hour before testing, are nonsmokers, are not color blind, and have no strong likes or dislikes for the food to be tested. An equal distribution in gender is preferred, because women can usually detect sweetness better than men can. Age distribution of the panel is also considered, because it may affect test results.
Sample Preparation
Volume A measurement of threedimensional space that is often used to measure liquids. Density The concentration of matter measured by the amount of mass per unit volume. Objects with a higher density weigh more for their size. Viscosity The resistance of a fluid to flowing freely, caused by the friction of its molecules against a surface.
The environment in which the taste panel evaluates foods or beverages is also carefully controlled (42). Panelists may be seated at tables, cubicles, or booths, and the food is presented in a uniform fashion. Food samples must be of the same size (enough for two bites), from the same portion of the food (middle versus outside), equally fresh, at the same temperature, and presented in containers or plates that are of the same size, shape, and color. White or clear containers are usually chosen so as not to influence panel-
In objective evaluations, laboratory instruments instead of humans are used to measure the characteristics of foods quantitatively. The two major types of objective evaluation tests, physical and chemical, attempt to mimic the five senses, and serve as the basis of most objective food testing.
Physical Tests Physical tests measure certain observable aspects of food such as size, shape, weight, volume, density, moisture, texture, and viscosity (Chemist’s Corner 1-2) (22). Table 1-4 lists some of the laboratory instruments used to measure the various physical aspects of foods (Chemist’s Corner 1-3). Figure 1-11 shows an example of one such instrument.
Chemical Tests The number of chemical tests available for use on foods is almost limitless, but Table 1-5 lists some of these tests. Many are based on the work of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), which publishes a book on chemical tests, including those for determining various nutrient and nonnutrient substances in foods. Using instruments to evaluate foods provides more objective data than does sensory
TA B L E 1- 4
Selected Physical Tests for Food Evaluation.
Visual Evaluation Microscope
Used to observe microorganisms as well as starch granules, the grain in meats, the crystals of sugar and salt, the fiber in fruits and vegetables, and for any texture changes in processed foods.
Measures color by detecting the amount and wavelength of light transmitted through a solution. Spectroscopy is based on the principle that the molecules in foods and beverages will absorb light at different wavelengths on the spectrum. The amount of absorption parallels the amount of substance found in the sample. Spectroscopy can be used to determine the amount of caffeine in coffee or the concentration of riboflavin (vitamin B 2) in milk.
Weight/Volume Measurements Weight
Weight is measured in pounds/ounces or milligrams/grams/kilograms.
Volume quantifies the area occupied by a mass, whereas density is the measure of mass (weight) in a given volume. Specific density relates a substance’s density to an equal amount of water.
Texture Measurements Penetrometer
Simulates teeth biting into a food to measure its tenderness.
Warner-Bratzler Shear
Evaluates meat and baked product tenderness by measuring the force required to cut through a cylindrical sample.
Measures tenderness by determining the resistance of baked goods, such as cookies, pastries, and crackers, to breakage. Puncture testing evaluates the firmness of fruit or vegetable tissue.
Viscosity Measurements Line-spread test
Measures the consistency of batters and other viscous foods. Food is placed in a hollow cylinder in the middle of the spread sheet; the cylinder is then lifted, allowing the food to spread, and the spreading distance is measured in centimeters.
Measures the viscosity of food such as pudding, sour cream, salad dressing, sauces, cream fillings, cake batters, (or viscosimeter) and ketchup.
Concentration Measurements Polarimeter
Measures the concentration of various organic compounds, especially sugars, in solution by determining the angle (refractive index) of polarized light passed through the solution. Refractometers are commonly used to measure sugar concentrations in soft drinks. The Brix/acid ratio is used to measure the palatability of fruit juices that depends on the delicate balance between sweetness (sugars) and tartness (acid). This ratio is obtained by measuring the degrees Brix (determined by the use of a refractometer) divided by the total acid concentration (determined by acid titration) (43).
Atomic absorption
Used to measure mineral content.
TA B L E 1-5
Texture analyzer.
Selected Chemical Tests for Food Evaluation
Benedict and Fehling tests
Chromatography Electrophoresis
Enzyme tests
Food Technology Corporation
F I G U R E 1 -11
Fuchsin test Iodine value test Peroxide value test pH meter Proximate analysis
Source: USDA.
Determine the presence of sugars (reducing) such as lactose and maltose, which are more likely to be involved in a chemical reaction that turns food brown. Identifies the presence of various compounds, especially those associated with flavor. Specific proteins are characterized by passing an electrical field through a gel containing proteins and measuring the rates at which they migrate. The peroxidase 1 test evaluates peroxidase enzyme activity in pasteurized foods: if the heat of pasteurization is adequate to destroy harmful bacteria, it should also inactivate the peroxidase enzyme. The effectiveness of briefly boiling food to destroy the enzymes responsible for vegetable deterioration can be determined by measuring the catalase enzyme activity. Detects aldehydes in fats and oils. Measures the degree of unsaturation in fats. Measures the extent of oxidation that occurred in a fat. Detects the amount of acidity or alkalinity in food mixtures or beverages. A sequence of chemical tests to determine the macronutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrate) content of food.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
testing, and is less costly and time consuming. Despite the benefits of objective tests, however, they cannot substitute for sensory testing by real human beings, who ultimately decide which foods and beverages they will select.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 1-2
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 1-3
Analyzing Food with Chromatography
Viscosity is a key term in rheology. Evaluation of certain foods is based on a branch of physics called rheology, which is the study of the flow and deformation of matter (both liquids and solids). The nature, concentration, and temperature of a liquid all affect its viscosity, which can be defined as apparent or relative. Apparent viscosity is the time required for a substance like ketchup to flow between two marks on the stem of a funnel. Relative viscosity compares the rate of a liquid’s flow against a reference liquid (usually water). The thickness of fluids can determine, for example, how easily dip is deposited on chips, how smoothly mayonnaise spreads onto a slice of bread, or how long a tomato will hold its shape.
Compounds in foods can be measured using chromatography (chrom means color). It was first used at the turn of the century to separate plant pigments into different colored bands on a spectrum. In chromatography, a moving phase (gas or liquid) is passed over a solid, stationary phase (27). The constituents in a mixture are chemically separated when they adsorb onto the stationary phase. Gas chromatography measures the contents of the gas produced when a food sample is evaporated. It is used to detect pesticides, cholesterol, certain fatty acids, and additives. In liquid chromatography, a liquid is created by making a solution out of the food sample. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is used to measure carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, acids, pigments, flavor compounds, additives, and contaminants in food samples (34). Ion chromatography relies on ions being exchanged back and forth to determine sulfate, nitrate, organic acids in fruit juices, bread additives (benzoate, bromate), and sugar in various foods.
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 1 : Food Selection and Evaluation
People choose foods that satisfy their senses of sight, smell, taste,
touch, and hearing, their nutrient needs, cultural and religious values, psychological and social influences, and budget. As a result of today’s fierce competition to develop new products, the food industry relies on evaluation methods to evaluate foods and consumer preferences.
The colors of the pyramid illustrate variety: each color represents one of the five food groups, plus one for oils. Different band widths suggest the proportional contribution of each food group to a healthy diet.
A person climbing steps reminds consumers to be physically active each day. The narrow slivers of color at the top imply moderation in foods rich in solid fats and added sugars.
FOOD SELECTION CRITERIA Sensory Criteria. When most people choose a particular food, they evaluate it using the sensory reactions illustrated below rather than by considering its nutritional content. Greater intakes of grains, vegetables, fruit, and milk are encouraged by the broad bases of orange, green, red, and blue.
Salt Sour
Salt Sour
The broad bases at the bottom represent nutrient-dense foods that should make up the bulk of the diet.
Food manufacturers use both subjective and objective evaluation methods to help determine consumer acceptance of new products. Subjective tests evaluate food quality by relying on the sensory characteristics and personal preferences of selected individuals. Taste panels, consisting of either randomly chosen members of the population or experts trained in tasting a particular product, are used to conduct subjective tests: • Analytical tests are based on discernible differences. • Affective tests are based on individual preferences.
Nutritional Criteria. Over the past several decades, emerging awareness of health and nutrition has resulted in six out of ten consumers making a major change in their diets. Guidelines that reinforce an emphasis on better health through nutrition include the U.S. Government’s Dietary Guidelines and the MyPyramid food guide.
Psychological and Sociological Criteria. Advertising, social conscience, and peer pressure can all play a part in an individual’s food choices. The controversies surrounding genetically engineered foods and organic foods are examples of how food products can be affected by these criteria. Budgetary Criteria. Cost helps determine the types of food and brands that are bought and the frequency of restaurant patronage. A shortage of time for food preparation or eating out can result in greater use of convenience foods and “fast foods,” even if they are often more expensive and less nutritious.
Cultural and Religious Criteria. An increasingly diverse population, with greater access to travel and expanded global communication, has resulted in a huge increase in the variety of foods that are available in the United States today. Familiar taste preferences acquired in childhood as well as religious tenets affect many people’s food habits throughout their lives.
Objective tests rely on laboratory methods and equipment to evaluate foods through physical and chemical tests. • Physical tests measure certain observable aspects of food such as size, shape, weight, volume, density, moisture, texture, and viscosity. • Chemical tests are used to determine the various nutrient and non-nutrient substances in foods.
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. The word olfactory is most closely related to which of the following senses? a. taste b. smell c. touch d. sight 2. According to the estimated daily calorie (kcal) needs for adults, total daily amounts decrease by ____________ calories (kcal) in sedentary men and women after age 30 and again after age 50 : a. 100 b. 200 c. 300 d. 400 3. Which of the following religions encourage a vegetarian diet? a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Seventh-Day Adventist d. all of the above 4. Identify the correct statement about genetically engineered foods. a. Genes are programmed by sequencing the amino acids. b. Food can be genetically engineered to delay ripening. *See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
c. All genetically engineered foods must be labeled. d. Not a single genetically engineered food has been approved by the FDA. 5. Which of the following is an example of a subjective food evaluation test? a. triangle test b. spectrophotometry c. measuring volume d. measuring weight
Short Answer/Essay 1. Describe the difference between subjective and objective evaluation of foods. 2. Why is the odor of just-baked bread more intense than the odor of cold foods such as ice cream? 3. Give two examples of taste interactions. 4. How does taste differ from flavor? 5. Discuss three examples of cultural influences on food intake. 6. Discuss the possible influences that religions such as Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam may have on food intake. 7. Describe the process of producing a genetically engineered food. Discuss the pros and cons of this process. 8. Describe the general requirements for setting up a taste panel and the process of preparing samples to be subjectively tested. 9. List and describe three examples of subjective evaluation. 10. List and describe three examples of objective evaluation.
REFERENCES 1. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Association: Agricultural and Food Biotechnology. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106(2):285–293, 2006. 2. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Association: Vegetarian diets. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103(6):748–765, 2003. 3. Andreyeva T, R Sturm, and JS Ringel. Moderate and severe obesity have large differences in health care costs. Obesity Research 12(12):1936– 1943, 2004. 4. Armtzen DJ. Edible vaccines. Public Health Reports 112:190–197, 1997.
5. Bialostosky K, and ST St.Jeor. The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Nutrition Today 31(1):6–11, 1996. 6. Bodyfelt FW, J Tobias, and GM Trout. The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988. 7. Borra ST, R Earl, and EH Hogan. Paucity of nutrition and food safety “news you can use” reveals opportunity for dietetics practitioners. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 98:190–193, 1998. 8. Bosley GC, and MG Hardinge. Seventh-Day Adventists: Dietary standards and concerns. Food Technology 46(10):112–113, 1992.
9. Camire ME, et al. IFT research needs report: Diet and health research needs. Food Technology 55(5):189–191, 2001. 10. Chanmugam P, JF Guthie, S Cecilio, JF Morton, PP Basiotis, and R Anand. Did fat intake in the United States really decline between 1989–1991 and 1994–1996? Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103:867–872, 2003. 11. Chapman N. Developing new foods through biotechnology. Prepared Foods 166(2):34, 1997. 12. Charley H. Food Science. PrenticeHall, 1995. 13. Chaudry MM. Islamic food laws: Philosophical basis and practi-
Food Selection and Evaluation Chapter 1
cal implications. Food Technology 46(10):92–93, 1992. 14. Dausch JG. The obesity epidemic: What’s being done? Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102(5):638–639, 2002. 15. Deliza R, HJH MacFie, and D Hedderley. Information affects consumer assessment of sweet and bitter solutions. Journal of Food Science 61(5):1080–1084, 1996. 16. De Lumen BO, DC Krenz, and MJ Revilleza. Molecular strategies to improve the protein quality of legumes. Food Technology 51(5): 67–70, 1997. 17. De Roos KB. How lipids influence food flavor. Food Technology 51(5):60–62, 1997. 18. Drewnowski A. Why do we like fat? Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97(7):S58–S62, 1997. 19. Duxbury D. Sensory evaluation provides value. Food Technology 59(5):68, 2005. 20. Eliasi JR, and JT Dwyer. Kosher and halal: Religious observances affecting dietary intakes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 101(7):911–913, 2002. 21. Ensminger AH, et al. Foods and Nutrition Encyclopedia. CRC Press, 1994. 22. Finucane ML, and JL Holup. Psychosocial and cultural factors affecting the perceived risk of genetically modified food: An overview of the literature. Social Science and Medicine 60(7):1603–1612, 2005. 23. Food guide pyramid replaces the basic 4 circle. Food Technology 46(7):64–67, 1992. 24. Fuchs RL, and JD Astwood. Allergenicity assessment of foods derived from genetically modified plants. Food Technology 50(2):83– 88, 1996. 25. Giese J. Pesticide residue analysis in foods. Food Technology 56(9):93, 2002. 26. Giese J. Measuring physical properties of foods. Food Technology 49(2):54–63, 1995. 27. Giese J. Instruments for food chemistry. Food Technology 50(2):72–77, 1996.
28. Godshall MA. How carbohydrates influence food flavor. Food Technology 51(1):63–67, 1997. 29. Green BG, M Alvarez-Reeves, P George, and C Akirav. Chemesthesis and taste: Evidence of independent processing of sensation intensity. Physiology and Behavior 86(4):526–537, 2005. 30. Hamilton EMN, and SAS Gropper. The Biochemistry of Nutrition. West, 1987. 31. Harding TB, and LR Davis. Organic foods: Manufacturing and marketing. Food Technology 59(1):41–46, 2005. 32. Hardinge F, and M Hardinge. The vegetarian perspective and the food industry. Food Technology 46(10):114–116, 1992. 33. Henkel J. Genetic engineering: Fastforwarding to future foods. FDA Consumer 29(3):6–11, 1995. 34. Henshall A. Analysis of starch and other complex carbohydrates by liquid chromatography. Cereal Foods World 41(5):419, 1996. 35. Hoban TJ. How Japanese consumers view biotechnology. Food Technology 96(5):85–88, 1996. 36. Hollingsworth P. Sensory testing and the language of the consumer. Food Technology 50(2):65–69, 1996. 37. Hollingsworth P. Growing nutraceuticals. Food Technology 55(9):22, 2001. 38. How Are Americans Making Food Choices? 1994 Update. The American Dietetic Association and International Food Information Council, 1994. 39. How Food Technology covered biotechnology over the years. Food Technology 51(4):68, 1997. 40. Huang Y, and CYW Ang. Vegetarian foods for Chinese Buddhists. Food Technology 46(10):105–108, 1992. 41. IFT Backgrounder. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Food Technology 54(1):42–45, 2000. 42. IFT Sensory Evaluation Division. Sensory evaluation guide for testing food and beverage products. Food Technology 35(11):50–59, 1981. 43. Jordan RB, RJ Seelye, and VA McGlone. A sensory-based alternative
48. 49.
to Brix/acid ratio. Food Technology 55(6):36–44, 2001. Katz F. The changing role of water binding. Food Technology 51(10):64–66, 1997. Kemp SE, and GK Beauchamp. Flavor modification by sodium chloride and monosodium glutamate. Journal of Food Science 59(3):682–686, 1994. Kendall P. Food biotechnology: Boon or threat? Journal of Nutrition Education 29:112–115, 1997. Kilara A, and KK Iya. Food and dietary habits of the Hindu. Food Technology 46(10):94–102, 1992. Kosher certification a marketing plus. Food Technology 51(4):67, 1997. Leitzmann C. Vegetarian diets: What are the advantages? Forum Nutrition 57:147–156, 2005. Leland JV. Flavor interactions: The greater whole. Food Technology 51(1):75–80, 1997. Liu K, and EA Brown. Enhancing vegetable oil quality through plant breeding and genetic engineering. Food Technology 50(11):67–71, 1996. Lu C, K Toepel, R Irish, RA Fenske, DB Barr, and R Bravo. Organic diets significantly lower children’s dietary exposure to organophosphorus pesticides. Environmental Health Perspectives 114(2):260–263, 2006. Marcus JB. Culinary applications of umami. Food Technology 59(5):24– 30, 2005. McMahon KE. Consumer nutrition and food safety trends 1996. Nutrition Today 31(1):19–23, 1996. Moskowitz HR. Experts versus consumers: A comparison. Journal of Sensory Studies 11:19–37, 1996. Nagodawithana T. Flavor enhancers: Their probable mode of action. Food Technology 48(4):79–85, 1994. Nakamura K. Progress in nutrition and development of new foods: A perspective of the food industry. Nutrition Reviews 50(12):488–489, 1992. Nettleton JA. Warning: This food has been genetically engineered. Food Technology 51(3):20, 1997. Onyenekwe PC, and GH Ogbadu. Radiation sterilization of red chili pepper (Capsicum frutescens). Jour-
Chapter 1 Food Selection and Evaluation
nal of Food Biochemistry 19:121–137, 1995. Painter J, JH Rah, and YK Lee. Comparison of international food guide pictorial representations. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102(4):483–489, 2002. Pike OA. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: Dietary practices and health. Food Technology 46(10):118–121, 1992. Raghavan S. Developing ethnic foods and ethnic flair with spices. Food Technology 58(8):35–42, 2004. Regenstein JM, MM Chaudry, and CE Regenstein. The kosher and halal food laws. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 2:111–127, 2003. Regenstein JM, and CE Regenstein. The kosher food market in the 1990s—A legal view. Food Technology 46(10):122–124, 1992. Schwartz NE, and ST Borra. What do consumers really think about dietary fat? Journal of the Ameri-
can Dietetic Association 97(suppl): S73–S75, 1997. Saleh-Lakha S, and BR Glick. Is the battle over genetically modified foods finally over? Biotechnology Advances 23(2):93–96, 2005. Sloan AE. The natural and organic foods marketplace. Food Technology 56(1):27–37, 2002. Sloan AE. Ethnic foods in the decade ahead. Food Technology 55(10):18, 2001. Spiegel Am, and BM Alving. Executive summary of the strategic plan for National Institutes of Health Obesity Research. American Journal of Clinical Journal 82(suppl):211S– 214S, 2005. Stillman JA. Color influences flavor identification in fruit-flavored beverages. Journal of Food Science 58(4):810–812, 1993. Taylor AJ. Volatile flavor release from foods during eating. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36(8):765–784, 1996.
72. Turning sugar into sand and sweet citric acid. Prepared Foods 163(11):63–66, 1994. 73. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Center for Nutrition, Policy, and Promotion. Official USDA Food Plans: Cost of food at home at four levels. U.S. averages. Available: .html, May 1999. 74. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Human Nutrition Information Service. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 2005. 75. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 6th edition. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 2005. 76. Wilkinson JQ. Biotech plants: From lab bench to supermarket shelf. Food Technology 51(12):37–42, 1997. 77. Will non-fat lead to less fat? Food Engineering 64(2):26, 1992.
WEBSITES Find more information on the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines: dietaryguidelines
Discover more about the National Organic Plan (NOP) from the USDA’s website on the subject:
Find more information on the USDA’s Food Pyramid:
Find more information about food and nutrition from the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) located at the National Agricultural Library (NAL):
Find details about the USDA’s Thrift y Food Plan: Learn about the statistics on different ethnic groups in the United States and your state:
Find information about complementary and alternative medicine from the National Institutes of Health: _herbinfo.html .cfm
At the USDA Biotechnology Information Center website, enter the keyword “Biotechnology” for more information on biotechnology:
2 Chemistry of Food Composition Basic Food Chemistry 23 Water 25 Carbohydrates 31 Lipids or Fats 37
Proteins 41 Vitamins and Minerals 46 Non-Nutritive Food Components 48
ou are what you eat.” When the 19thcentury German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach coined this phrase, he probably did not realize himself how true it was. Foods and people are composed of the same chemical materials, and there was a time when people served as nourishment to other animals in the food chain. All foods, including people, consist of six basic nutrient groups: water, carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamins, and minerals (Figure 2-1). Foods consist of varying amounts of these nutrients. For example, milk is 80 percent water, meats serve as primary sources of protein, potatoes and grains are rich in carbohydrates, and nuts are almost all fat. Actually, most foods contain a combination of the six major nutrient
F I G U R E 2 -1
groups. Figure 2-2 shows the proportion of these six nutrients in humans. Because people literally are what they eat, the main purpose of eating and drinking is to replace those nutrients used up in the body’s maintenance, repair, and growth, and to obtain the calories (kcal) necessary for energy. Calories are fuel to the body, as gas is fuel to a car. Unlike cars, however, living organisms never shut down, even during sleep. Over half the calories used by the body, about 60 percent, are used solely for vital life functions such as maintaining body temperature, respiration, and heartbeat. Another 10 percent is used for digesting and absorbing the nutrients from food, and the remaining 30 percent, depending on the person, is used for physical activity.
Nutrient groups.
The body benefits from the energy and nutrients in foods at the cellular level. To comprehend how this occurs, it is necessary to know some biochemistry. Although this may be a daunting term, it is simply the study of the chemistry that occurs within living organisms. Knowing something about biochemistry helps explain how nutrients from foods and beverages are assimilated in living systems.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2-2
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-1
Approximate proportion of nutrients in the human body. Differences occur due to age, gender, and condition. The proportion shown represents percent by weight. Vitamins and carbohydrates contribute a minimal amount.
Atomic Structure Everything physical in the universe is made from atoms, some of the smallest particles in existence. How are these smallest units of matter identified? The number of protons and electrons that they contain identifies them. Protons are positively charged particles in the atom’s nucleus, and electrons are negatively charged particles surrounding the nucleus like the rings around Saturn. The number of electrons on the outside ring of an atom dictates how many bonds that particular atom can form, and, therefore, what kind of substance is formed. For example, the carbon (C) atom, the backbone of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, usually forms four bonds. Nitrogen (N) is capable of forming three bonds, whereas oxygen (O) can form two, and hydrogen (H) only one (Figure 2-3). The bond holding atoms together through the sharing of electrons is called a covalent bond.
Water: 60–70%
Fat: 15–25% (varies)
Protein: 15% Minerals: 12%
Atoms The basic building blocks of matter; individual elements found on the periodic table. Molecule A unit composed of one or more types of atoms held together by chemical bonds. Compound A substance whose molecules consist of unlike atoms. Gram A metric unit of weight. One gram (g) is equal to the weight of 1 cubic centimeter (cc) or milliliter (ml) of water (under a specific temperature and pressure).
A basic principle of biochemistry is that all living things contain six key elements (or atoms): carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur (CHNOPS) (Chemist’s Corner 2-1). These are the building blocks of organic material, carbon-containing compounds that are often living material. All the elements have the capacity to join together with similar or different elements to produce molecules or compounds, which then combine to create all the substances on earth, including the focus of this book—foods and beverages. Some organic compounds can be broken down by the body chemistry to create the energy, in the form of
calories (kcal), needed to sustain life. Carbohydrates, fat, protein, and vitamins are organic molecules, but only the first three provide calories (kcal). A gram of carbohydrate or protein yields 4 calories (kcal), whereas the same amount of fat provides 9 calories (kcal). Alcohol, although not strictly a nutrient, yields 7 calories (kcal) per gram. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and alcohol are the only sources of calories (kcal) from the diet. No calories (kcal) are obtained from vitamins, minerals, or water. Both water and minerals are inorganic compounds, substances that do not contain carbon and cannot provide calories (kcal).
The number of bonds that selected atoms can form with other atoms.
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
This chapter focuses on both organic and inorganic compounds by covering the six nutrient groups found in food and people: water, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients serve as the foundation underlying all the principles in food and nutrition. They are discussed in this chapter with attention to what foods contain them, their chemical composition, and their functions in foods. Sugar (a form of carbohydrate) is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 20, and fat is covered further in Chapter 21. Appendix B provides basic chemistry concepts to reinforce the chemistry of food found throughout this book.
WATER Water is the simplest of all nutrients, yet it is the most important (20). Without it life could not exist. Life probably began in water billions of years ago, and it is still essential at every stage of growth and development. Water brings to each living cell the ingredients that it requires and carries away the end products of its life-sustaining reactions. The life functions of assimilating, digesting, absorbing, transporting, metabolizing, and excreting nutrients and their by-products all rely on water. The body’s cells are fi lled with water and bathed in it. The human body averages 55 to 60 percent water, and losing as little as 10 percent of it can result in death. Water balance is maintained by drinking fluids and by eating foods, all of which naturally contain at least some water. A small portion is also obtained through metabolic processes.
Water Content in Foods People get the water they need from foods and beverages. Although it may not always be apparent, many foods contain more water than any other nutrient. Foods range in water content from 0 to 95+ percent (Figure 2-4). Those that yield the most water are fruits and vegetables, ranging from 70 to 95 percent. Whole milk, which is over 80 percent water, and most meats, which average just under 70 percent
The percent water content of certain foods. Oil 0 Peanut butter
2 15
Butter Bread
Swiss cheese Hamburger (cooked) Banana
37 60 74
Potato (baked) Orange
75 87 87
Milk Orange juice
88 91
Tomato 0
water, are also high in water content. The foods with the least water include vegetable oils and dried foods such as grains and beans.
Free or Bound Water The water in foods may be in either free or bound form. Free water, the largest amount of water present in foods, is easily separated from the food, whereas bound water is incorporated into the chemical structure of other nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Examples would be the free water found in fruit and the bound water found in bread. Bound water is not easily removed and is resistant to freezing or drying. It also is not readily available to act as a medium for dissolving salts, acids, or sugars.
50 60 % Water
90 100
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-2 The Chemical Structure of Water Water has an overall neutral charge. This “neutrality” is derived from the combination of its two hydrogen (H +) atoms, each with one positive charge, being balanced by the two negative charges of water’s one oxygen (O –2) atom. Overall, this gives water a neutral charge. However, it is not completely neutral in the sense that the water molecule has a negative pole and a positive pole, making it dipolar (Figure 2-5). Dipolar molecules have poles with partial charges that oppose each other and this dynamic contributes to some of water’s very unique properties.
Composition of Water Whether bound or free, water’s chemical formula remains the same. Water is a very small molecule consisting of three atoms—one oxygen atom flanked by two hydrogen atoms (H2O) (Chemist’s Corner 2-2).
Nutrients Food components that nourish the body to provide growth, maintenance, and repair.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one oxygen atom, creating a dipolar molecule.
Hydrogen +1
+2 Oxygen
Measuring Calories It takes heat, or its loss, to move the molecules of water through their different states, and this heat is commonly measured in the form of calories, expressed with a lowercase c. As you learned in Chapter 1, this unit of measurement is equal to the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1° Celsius (measured between 14.5°C and 15.5°C at normal atmospheric pressure). The energy values of foods are actually measured in thousands of calories, more accurately expressed as kilocalories and represented by the terms kcal or Calories with an uppercase C. One kilocalorie (kcal) equals 1,000 calories. In theory, the small c calorie is used by chemists, whereas the large C Calorie, or, more commonly, kilocalorie (kcal), is the more accurate term for referring to the energy value of foods. In practice, however, calorie with a lowercase c is often used, especially with the general public, and it is assumed that those in the food field know that what is really meant is kilocalorie (kcal) or Calorie. Throughout this book, calorie (kcal) is used to represent the unit
of measurement of the energy derived from food.
Specific Heat It takes more energy to heat water than it does any other substance now known. Water’s high specific heat makes it unique compared to other compounds on earth. Given the same amount of heat, a metal pan or the oil in it will become burning hot, whereas water will become only lukewarm. This important characteristic of water enables animals, including people, with their high water content to withstand the very hot or cold temperatures sometimes found on earth. Water’s specific heat of 1.00 (1 calorie will raise 1 gram of water 1°C) is used as the measure against which all other substances are compared. Similarly, water differs from other compounds in the amount of energy it takes to reach its specific freezing, melting, and boiling points.
HOW & WHY? If the atoms in H2O do not change, how is water able to exist as a gas (steam or humidity), liquid, or solid (ice)? The distance between the molecules determines these differences, and the distances
are influenced by temperature. At very low temperatures, ice forms as the water molecules line up very close together. Elevating the temperature increases the movement of the water molecules against each other, pushing them farther away from each other. When enough heat is applied, ice melts into a liquid. Continued heating transforms liquid water into a gas (steam) by giving the molecules freedom to move even farther apart (Figure 2-6). The variations of water from solid to liquid to gas are called changes in state. In spite of the obvious differences in these states, they do not involve any changes in the structure of the water molecule.
Freezing Point Winter in many parts of the world brings freezing temperatures. The temperature of winter can turn water into ice when its freezing point is reached. People living in snow country are particularly aware that when the temperature drops to freezing (32°F/0°C at normal atmospheric pressure), ice can form on the roads. The lower temperature decreases water’s kinetic energy, or the energy associated with motion, which slows the movement of the water molecules until they finally set into a compact configuration. Heat of solidi-
Molecular movement dictates whether a substance is a solid, liquid, or gas.
SOLID (ice)
LIQUID (water)
Water molecules lined up closely together.
Water molecules move away from each other but do not escape.
GAS (steam)
Specific heat The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1°C. Freezing point The temperature at which a liquid changes to a solid. Heat of solidification The temperature at which a substance converts from a liquid to a solid state.
Water molecules move so far apart that they escape into the air.
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
fication occurs when at least 80 calories (0.08 kcal) of heat are lost per gram of water. Unlike other substances, water expands and becomes less dense when completely frozen, which is why ice floats. The expansion of frozen water ruptures pipes and containers filled with water. It should come as no surprise, then, that it also ruptures the cells in plants and meats, diminishing the potential food’s textural quality. Pure water freezes at 32°F (0°C), but adding anything else to the water changes its freezing point. The addition of solutes such as salt or sugar to water lowers the freezing point. Adding too much, however, slows the freezing process. Thus, frozen desserts made with large quantities of sugar take extra time to freeze.
Melting Point If removing heat from water causes it to turn into ice, then returning the same 80 calories (0.08 kcal) of heat to a gram of ice will cause it to reach its melting point and turn it back into water. While the ice absorbs the 80 calories (0.08 kcal) of heat, there is no rise in temperature. This latent heat does not register because it was put to work in moving the molecules of water far enough apart to change the physical structure of the solid ice into liquid water.
Boiling Point Bubbles start to break the surface of water when it reaches 212°F (100°C) at sea level. This is its boiling point (further explained in Chapter 4). The water will not get any hotter, nor will the food cook faster, no matter how much more heat is added, and this is why a slow rolling boil is often recommended. Keeping the temperature at a slow rolling boil is also more gentle on the foods and results in less evaporation. The point at which water boils is reached when the pressure produced by steam, called vapor pressure, equals the pressure of the atmosphere pushing down on the earth. At this point the natural pressures of the atmosphere are not strong enough to push back the expanding gases of boiling water. Wa-
ter requires 540 calories (0.54 kcal) of energy per gram to boil and vaporize. This heat of vaporization is quite a bit higher than the 80 calories (0.08 kcal) needed to melt ice. Serious burns can result from human exposure to steam because the amount of heat required to produce it is so high. Elevation and Boiling Point Increasing the elevation decreases the boiling point of water. At sea level, water boils at 212°F (100°C), but drops 1°F for every 500-foot increase in altitude (an increase of 960 feet in elevation decreases water’s boiling point by 1°C). Water boils in the mountains at lower temperatures than it does at sea level because there is less air and atmospheric pressure pushing down on the earth’s surface. Steam has less resistance to overcome, and therefore occurs at lower temperatures. For example, at 7,000 feet water boils at 198°F (92°C). People at even higher elevations, such as on Mount Everest, could put a hand in a pan of boiling water and fi nd it quite comfortable. Recipes are usually modified for elevations above 3,000 feet because the lower boiling temperature might affect ingredient actions and reactions. Artificial changes in atmospheric pressure can be achieved by pressure cookers as well as by special equipment used only in the commercial food industry. A pressure cooker speeds up heating time by increasing atmospheric pressure to 15 pounds; thus water temperatures up to 240°F (116°C) can be achieved.
Hard vs Soft Water Most water is not pure water, but contains dissolved gases, organic materials, and mineral salts from the air and soil. The minerals in water determine whether it is hard or soft water. Hard water contains a greater concentration of calcium and magnesium compounds, whereas soft water has a higher sodium concentration. The temperatures at which water freezes, melts, or boils remain constant regardless of whether it is hard or soft water.
Functions of Water in Food Water is the most abundant and versatile substance on earth. Among its many uses in food preparation, its two most important functions are as a transfer medium for heat and as a universal solvent. In addition, it is important as an agent in chemical reactions, and is a factor in the perishability and preservation of foods (Table 2-1).
Heat Transfer Water both transfers and moderates the effects of heat. A potato heated by itself in a pan will burn, but surrounding that same potato with water ensures that the heat will be evenly distributed. Water also transfers heat more efficiently, which explains why a potato heats faster in boiling water than in the oven. Because water has a higher specific heat than other substances, it buffers changes in temperature. More energy is needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water than 1 gram of fat. For example, the specific heat of oil is 0.5; thus it heats twice as fast as water when given the same amount of heat.
Solute Solid, liquid, or gas compounds dissolved in another substance. Melting point The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid state (liquid/solid/gas). Latent heat The amount of energy in calories (kcal) per gram absorbed or emitted as a substance undergoes a change in state (liquid/ solid/gas). Boiling point The temperature at which a heated liquid begins to boil and changes to a gas. Heat of vaporization The amount of heat required to convert a liquid to a gas.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
T A B L E 2 -1
Heat Transfer Moist Heating of Foods Boiling Simmering Steaming Stewing Braising
Universal Solvent
Chemical Reactions
Solution Colloidal dispersion Suspension Emulsion
HOW & WHY? How can you tell if water is hard or soft? Hard water leaves a ring in the bathtub, a grayish sediment on the bottom of pans, and a grayish cast in washed whites. Although permanently hard water cannot be softened by boiling or distilling, it can be converted by a water softener, which works by exchanging sodium for calcium and magnesium. Another way to determine if
based on the size or solubility of their solutes.
Functional Properties of Water in Food
Solvent A substance, usually a liquid, in which another substance is dissolved. Solubility The ability of one substance to blend uniformly with another. Solution A completely homogeneous mixture of a solute (usually a solid) dissolved in a solvent (usually a liquid). Precipitate To separate or settle out of a solution. Distillation A procedure in which pure liquid is obtained from a solution by boiling, condensation, and collection of the condensed liquid in a separate container. Saturated solution A solution holding the maximum amount of dissolved solute at room temperature. Supersaturated solution An unstable solution created when more than the maximum solute is dissolved in solution. Colloidal dispersion A solvent containing particles that are too large to go into solution, but not large enough to precipitate out.
Ionization Changes in pH Salt formation Hydrolysis CO2 release Food preservation
water is hard or soft is to call the local water department and ask how much calcium carbonate (in ppm—parts per million) is in the water. The following breakdown defines whether it is hard or soft: Water Hardness
Calcium Carbonate (ppm)
Soft Medium Hard Very Hard
0–50 50–100 100–200 200+
Moist-Heat Cooking Methods Almost half of the methods used to prepare foods rely on water to transfer heat, and these are known collectively as moist-heat methods. The major moist-heat methods discussed in this book include boiling, simmering, steaming, stewing, and braising. Dryheat methods use heat in the form of radiation and include baking, grilling, broiling, and frying. Microwaving uses both dry- and moist-heat methods; microwaves are actually a form of radiation that heats the water molecules in foods, which then heat the food itself. Microwaving techniques are discussed throughout this book under moist-heat preparation methods.
Universal Solvent The many biochemical interactions occurring in living organisms—human, animal, and plant—could not occur in the absence of a solvent environment. Water is considered to be the earth’s universal solvent. The fluid substance, mostly water, within and around the cell is a solvent that contains many dissolved solutes. Combining a solvent and a solute results in a solution, a colloidal dispersion, a suspension, or an emulsion. These mixtures differ from each other
Solution In a solution, the molecules of the solute are so small that they completely dissolve and will not precipitate from their fluid medium. They cannot be separated by fi ltering, but can sometimes be removed by distillation. If a substance is able to enter into a solution by dissolving, it is considered to be soluble. Much of what people perceive as the taste of foods depends on the formation of solutions with solutes in foods such as sugars, salts, acids, and other flavor compounds, and their resulting enhanced ability to attach to flavor receptors. Water also forms solutions with minerals and water-soluble vitamins (B complex and C). This increases the likelihood that these minerals and vitamins may leach out of foods into cooking water, which is often discarded, causing nutrients to be lost. To the delight of tea and coffee lovers, water can also dissolve caffeine and other flavorful compounds from tea leaves and coffee beans. Higher temperatures increase the amount of solute that will dissolve in the solvent, which explains why very hot water is used for making coffee and tea. The solubility of a substance is measured by the amount of it in grams that will dissolve in 100 ml of solvent. Raising the temperature allows more solute to dissolve in the solvent, creating a saturated solution. Increasing the temperature even higher sets the stage for a supersaturated solution, which is very unstable and must be cooled very slowly to avoid having the solute precipitate out or crystallize. Many candies, including fudge, rely on the creation of supersaturated solutions. Colloidal Dispersions Not all particles dissolve readily or homogeneously. Some particles, called colloids (e.g., proteins, starches, and fats), never truly dissolve in a solvent, but remain in an unstable colloidal dispersion. Unlike solutes in solutions, which completely dissolve, colloids, because of their large size, do not completely dissolve, but neither do they noticeably change the dispersion’s freezing or boiling point. Examples of different types of dispersions include a solid in a liquid, a liquid in another liquid (salad dressing) or solid (jam, gelatin, cheese, butter),
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
and a gas that can be incorporated into either a liquid (egg white or whipped cream foams) or a solid (marshmallow). Two types of dispersions are suspensions and emulsions. • Suspension. Mixing cornstarch and water results in a suspension in which the starch grains float within the liquid. Cornstarch suspensions are often used in Chinese cooking and give Chinese food its particular shiny appearance and smooth mouthfeel. • Emulsion. Another type of colloidal dispersion involves water-in-oil (w/o) or oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions. Neither water nor fats will dissolve in each other, but they may become dispersed in each other, creating an emulsion. Examples of food emulsions include milk, cream, ice cream, egg yolk, mayonnaise, gravy, sauces, and salad dressings (6). These and other emulsions can be separated by freezing, high temperatures, agitation, and/or exposure to air (10). Emulsions are discussed in more detail in Chapter 21. Colloidal dispersions, which are unstable by nature, can be purposely or accidentally destabilized, causing the dispersed particles to aggregate out into a partial or full gel, a more-or-less rigid protein structure. An example of this is seen when milk is heated; its unstable water-soluble milk proteins precipitate out and end up coating the bottom of the pot, creating a flocculation. Full gels such as yogurt and cheese are also made possible by the colloidal nature of milk.
Chemical Reactions Water makes possible a vast number of chemical reactions that are important in foods. These include ionization, pH changes, salt formation, hydrolysis, and the release of carbon dioxide. Ionization When particles dissolve in a solvent, the solution is either molecular or ionic in nature. Molecular solutions are those in which the dissolved particles remain “as is” in their molecular form. An example would be the dissolving of a flavored sugar mix in water to make a beverage. The sugar molecules remain unchanged in solution. Ionic solutions occur when
the solute molecules ionize into electrically charged ions or electrolytes. When salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), is dissolved in water, it ionizes into the individual ions of sodium (Na +) and chloride (Cl –). This chemical reaction is written: NaCl —> Na + + Cl – Changes in pH—Acids and Bases Acids are substances that donate hydrogen (H +) ions, and bases provide hydroxyl (OH –) ions. Another defining difference between acids and bases is that acids are proton donors, whereas bases are proton receptors. The pH scale (pH stands for power and hydrogen) is a numerical representation of the hydrogen (H +) ion concentration in a liquid. A solution with a pH of under 7 is considered acidic, whereas anything over 7 is alkaline or basic. A pH of 7 indicates that the solution is neutral, containing equal concentrations of hydrogen (H +) ions and hydroxyl (OH –) ions. Each number on the scale represents a tenfold change in degree of acidity (Chemist’s Corner 2-3). Water is naturally neutral, but tap water is normally adjusted to be slightly alkaline (pH 7.5 to 8.5), because acidic water causes pipe corrosion. Overly alkaline water, however, results in deposits of carbonates that may block water pipes. Many coffee connoisseurs prefer distilled water for making coffee because of its neutral nature. Salt Formation The universal solvent of water makes it possible to form salts, which occurs when a positive ion combines with a negative ion, as long as it is neither a hydrogen (H + ) nor hydroxyl (OH –) ion. The primary example is sodium chloride (Na + Cl –), resulting from sodium (Na+ ) combining with chloride (Cl –). Salts can also be formed by combining an acid and a base, or a metal and a nonmetal. Metal salts include potassium fluoride (K + F –) and lithium bromide (Li + Br –). Hydrolysis Countless chemical reactions rely on hydrolysis. Figure 2-7 shows an example of how a water molecule is used to break a sugar into smaller molecules, and the hydrolysis of a lipid is illustrated in Figure 2-8 and Figure 2-9. Just a few of the hydrolysis applications used in the food
industry include breaking down cornstarch to yield corn syrup, dividing table sugar into its smaller components to create another sugar helpful in the manufacture of some candies (see Chapter 20), and creating protein hydrosylates, smaller molecules derived from protein hydrolysis, to add to foods to improve flavor, texture, foaming abilities, and nutrient content. Carbon Dioxide Release Many baked products are allowed to rise before baking. One of the agents making this possible is baking powder, which is a combination of baking soda and acid. It is only when baking powder is combined with water that the gas carbon dioxide is released, which causes baked products to rise. The chemical reaction is a two-step process: Step 1:
water NaHCO3 + HX > NaX + H2CO3 baking soda + acid —-> salt + carbonic acid
Step 2: H2CO3 ——————> H2O + CO2 carbonic acid ————> water + carbon dioxide
Suspension A mixture in which particles too large to go into solution remain suspended in the solvent. Emulsion A liquid dispersed in another liquid with which it is usually immiscible (incapable of being mixed). Flocculation A partial gel in which only some of the solid particles colloidally dispersed in a liquid have solidified. Ionize To separate a neutral molecule into electrically charged ions. Electrolyte An electrically charged ion in a solution. pH scale Measures the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a substance, with 1 the most acidic, 14 the most alkaline, and 7 neutral. Hydrolysis A chemical reaction in which water (hydro) breaks (lysis) a chemical bond in another substance, splitting it into two or more new substances.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2 -7
Hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose. H2O G
Hydrolysis of a triglyceride to glycerol and three fatty acids.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-3
Fatty Acid
Fatty Acid
The Logarithmic pH Scale
Fatty Acid
The concentrations of ions in water are so small that it is awkward to speak or write about these concentrations using ordinary words. For example, water has a hydrogen ion concentration of 0.0000001 mole per liter, which is translated in terms of the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration (15):
Fatty Acid Fatty Acid
Enzyme Hydrolysis
Fatty Acid Glycerol +
3 Fatty Acids
Hydrolysis of a monoglyceride to glycerol and one fatty acid. O
Hydrolysis H
Food Preservation Whereas water is essential to the chemical reactions on which living things and many foods depend, it is also important for the life of microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, and yeasts. The actions of these microorganisms on food cause deterioration and decay.
Microorganism Plant or animal organism that can only be observed under the microscope—bacteria, mold, yeast, virus, or animal parasite. Water activity (aw) Measures the amount of available (free) water in foods. Water activity ranges from 0 to the highest value of 1.00, which is pure water.
pH = –log (H +)
O +
Fatty acid
Atmospheric humidity alone increases the likelihood of foods degenerating. For example, a relative humidity of 75 percent or more, especially if combined with warm temperatures, encourages the growth of microorganisms. Thus, removing water from fruits, vegetables, meats, and herbs was among the earliest forms of food preservation. Without water, microorganisms cannot survive, so limiting the amount of water available to them inhibits their growth. Conversely, water in a cool environment helps preserve the freshness of fruits and vegetables by preventing dehydration, hence those artificial “rain” showers we see in supermarket produce displays. Removing dirt and other debris from fruits and vegetables by rinsing them in water or even washing them with detergent eliminates many microorganisms. Detergents lower the sur-
pH is also understood in a scale of 1 to 7. The expression of 0.0000001 mole per liter using a decimal can also be written in its exponential form of 1 × 10 –7 and then placed into the negative logarithm to yield a pH of 7: pH = –log(1 × 10 –7) = log 1/(1 × 10 –7) = log(1 × 10 7) = 7 These single-digit numbers are much easier to fathom as long as it is understood that each number in the pH scale represents a tenfold change in the degree of acidity.
face tension of water, which improves its ability to act as a cleansing agent. Water Activity A food’s water activity (aw) or water availability determines its perishability. Foods high in water content, such as milk, meat, vegetables, and fruits, are much more prone to microbial spoilage than drier foods such as grains, nuts, dried milk, dried beans, or dried fruits (37). Moreover, once deterioration sets in, the putrefying food itself releases water, which fu-
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
F I G U R E 2 -1 0
Water flows in the direction of the higher concentration of solute. Solute
1. With equal numbers of solute particles on both sides, the concentrations are equal, and the tendency of water to move in either direction is about the same.
2. Now additional solute is added to side B. Solute cannot flow across the divider (in the case of a cell, its membrane).
3. Water can flow both ways across the divider, but has a greater tendency to move from side A to side B, where there is a greater concentration of solute. The volume of water becomes greater on side B, and the concentrations on sides A and B become equal.
Source: Whitney and Rolfes, Understanding Nutrition, 8th ed. (Wadsworth, 1999).
els the further growth of microorganisms. Pure water has a water activity of 1.0. Adding any solute to it decreases its water activity to below 1.00 (Chemist’s Corner 2-4) (36). Water molecules orient themselves around any added solute, making them unavailable for microbial growth. Solutes such as sugar and salt added to jams and cured meats inhibit microbial growth by lowering water activity. The food industry makes water unavailable to microorganisms by using solutes such as salt, sugars, glycerol, propylene glycol, and modified corn syrups (2). Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure Salting has been used as a method of preserving foods for thousands of years because salt draws water out of foods and to itself. Of course, ancient peoples did not understand the process of osmosis, which causes water to be drawn to solutes; all they knew was that salting kept their food edible for long periods of time. Part of this pro-
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2- 4 Measuring Water Activity As free water decreases, so does the water activity. Water activity is measured by dividing the vapor pressure exerted by the water in food (in solution) by the vapor pressure of pure water (P w), which is equal to 1.00 (2).
cess depends on the fact that water passes through membranes freely, but most solutes do not (Figure 2-10). The side of the membrane with more solute has more osmotic pressure and draws the necessary water to that side to dilute its solute concentration. Any bacteria contacting heavily salted food lose their water by the same process and die by dehydration. Beef jerky is the result of the combined processes of salting, smoking, and drying of meats. The high sugar concentration of jams and jellies acts to preserve them in the same way as salt on meats.
CARBOHYDRATES Foods High in Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in foods. Plants are the primary source of carbohydrates, with the exception of milk, which contains a sugar called lactose. The muscles from animals can also contain some carbohydrate in the form of glycogen, but much of this is converted to a substance called lactic acid during slaughter. Most carbohydrates are stored in the seeds, roots, stems, and fruit of plants. Common food sources for carbohydrates include grains such as rice, wheat, rye, barley, and corn;
legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils; fruits; and some vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, and beets. Sugar cane and sugar beets provide table sugar, whereas honey is derived from the nectar of flowers.
Composition of Carbohydrates The elements making up carbohydrates are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). The word carbohydrate can be broken down into carbon (C) and hydrate (H2O). This leads to the basic chemical formula of carbohydrates, which is Cn(H2O)n, where n stands for a number ranging from 2 into the thousands. Carbohydrates are found primarily in green plants, where they are synthesized through the process of
Osmosis The movement of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane to the side with the higher solute concentration, equalizing solute concentration on both sides of the membrane. Osmotic pressure The pressure or pull that develops when two solutions of different solute concentration are on either side of a permeable membrane.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
photosynthesis. The chemical reaction of photosynthesis is written:
F I G U R E 2 -11
carbon dioxide + water + sun energy ————> glucose + oxygen
Classification of carbohydrates.
6 CO2 + H2O + sun energy ————> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms making up carbohydrates are arranged in a basic unit called a saccharide. Carbohydrates are classified into monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides, depending on the type and number of saccharide units they contain (Figure 2-11). • Monosaccharides (one saccharide) • Disaccharides (two monosaccharides linked together) • Oligosaccharides ( few—three to ten—monosaccharides linked together; these are not as common in foods as either mono- or disaccharides) • Polysaccharides (many monosaccharides linked together in long chains; these include starch and fibers)
Hexoses (6-C long)
• Sucrose • Maltose • Lactose
• Glucose • Fructose • Galactose Pentoses (5-C long)
• Plant Starch Amylose Amylopectin • Animal Starch Glycogen
• Fiber Cellulose Hemicellulose Pectin Gums Inulin Etc.
• Ribose • Arabinose
F I G U R E 2 -12
Monosaccharides—hexoses. CH2OH H OH
Monosaccharides Monosaccharides are classified by the number of carbons in the saccharide unit—triose (three carbons), tetrose (four carbons), pentose (five carbons), and hexose (six carbons). The chemical names of many of the carbohydrates end in -ose, which means sugar (Chemist’s Corner 2-5). Pentose and hexose
OH Glucose O
Fructose H
OH OH H Fructose CH2OH
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-5
D and L Sugars Saccharide nomenclature uses D or L or alpha or beta to describe the chemical spatial arrangement of certain saccharides. The designation D or L alludes to two series of sugars. Most natural sugars belong to the D series, in which the highest-numbered asymmetric carbon has the hydroxyl group pointed to the right (Figure 2-13). L-series sugars point to the left. The prefix alpha or beta can also be used to describe whether the hydroxyl group points to the right (alpha) or left (beta) of the saccharide.
Galactose (found as a part of lactose)
sugars are more common in foods, the main pentoses being ribose and arabinose, and the three most predominant hexoses being glucose, fructose, and galactose (Figure 2-12).
H OH Galactose
ribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and the energy-yielding adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Ribose also plays an important role as part of vitamin B2 (riboflavin).
Ribose Ribose is an extremely important component of nucleosides, compounds that are part of the genetic material deoxy-
Arabinose This pentose contributes to the structure of many vegetable gums and fibers.
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
F I G U R E 2 -1 3
The D or L system of nomenclature describes the right or left chemical configuration of a molecule.
F I G U R E 2 -1 4
Disaccharides. CH2OH H OH
Mirror H
H OH Galactose
CH2OH D-Glucose
(not found in nature)
Fructose Also called fruit sugar or levulose, fructose is found primarily in fruits and honey. Fructose is the sweetest of all sugars, yet it is seldom used in its pure form in food preparation because it can cause excessive stickiness in candies, overbrowning in baked products, and lower freezing temperatures in ice cream. High-fructose corn syrup, however, is the preferred and predominant sweetening agent used in soft drinks.
Galactose Seldom found free in nature, galactose is part of lactose, the sugar found in milk. A derivative of galactose, galact-
Glucose Glucose is the most common hexose found in foods, and the major sugar in the blood. It is present in its free form in fruits, honey, corn syrup, and some vegetables. It also exists as the repeating saccharide unit in starch and glycogen, and is incorporated into many fibers. Refined glucose, called dextrose in the food industry, is used in the production of candies, beverages, baked goods, canned fruits, and alcoholic beverages. Glucose is also the major ingredient of corn syrup, which is made commercially by hydrolyzing cornstarch.
H Glucose
uronic acid, is a component of pectin, which is very important in the ripening of fruits and the gelling of jams.
Disaccharides The three most common disaccharides are sucrose, lactose, and maltose (Figure 2-14).
Sucrose Sucrose is table sugar, the product most people think of when they use the word sugar. Chemically, sucrose is one glucose molecule and one fructose molecule linked together. The types of sugars derived from sucrose are explained in Chapter 20.
Lactose A glucose molecule bound to a galactose molecule forms lactose, one of the few saccharides derived from an animal source. About 5 percent of fluid milk is lactose, or milk sugar. Some people are unable to digest lactose to its monosaccharides because they lack sufficient lactase, the enzyme respon-
H Glucose
sible for breaking down milk sugar into glucose and galactose. The symptoms of lactase deficiency, or lactose intolerance, include gas, bloating, and abdominal pain caused by the disaccharides not being properly digested. In some cheeses, yogurt, and other fermented dairy products, bacteria break down the lactose to lactic acid, which can usually be tolerated by lactasedeficient individuals.
Maltose Two glucose molecules linked together create maltose, or malt sugar. Maltose is primarily used in the production of beer and breakfast cereals, and in some infant formulas. This saccharide is produced whenever starch breaks down; for example, in germinating
Enzyme A protein that catalyzes (causes) a chemical reaction without itself being altered in the process.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
seeds and in human beings during starch digestion.
Oligosaccharides The two most common oligosaccharides are raffinose (three monosaccharides) and stachyose (four monosaccharides). These saccharides, found in dried beans, are not well digested in the human digestive tract, but intestinal bacteria do break them down, forming undesirable gas as a by-product. There are twelve classes of food-grade oligosaccharides in commercial production. These are either extracted directly from soybeans or synthesized by building up disaccharides or breaking down starch. The food industry can use oligosaccharides for bulking agents in low-calorie diet foods such as confections, beverages, and yogurt, and as fat replacers in beverages (7). One benefit of oligosaccharides is that they are not cariogenic, or cavity producing, as are many of the disaccharides.
Polysaccharides Starch, glycogen, and fiber are the polysaccharides most commonly found in foods. Polysaccharides are divided into two major groups: digestible (starch and glycogen) and indigestible (fiber).
Starch—Digestible Polysaccharide from Plant Sources The glucose derived from photosynthesis in plants is stored as starch. As a plant matures, it not only provides energy for its own needs, but also stores energy for future use in starch granules. Microscopic starch granules are found in various foods such as rice,
Dietary fiber The undigested portion of carbohydrates remaining in a food sample after exposure to digestive enzymes. Diverticulosis An intestinal disorder characterized by pockets forming out from the digestive tract, especially the colon.
tapioca, wheat, and potato. A cubic inch of food may contain as many as a million starch molecules (40). Amylose and amylopectin are the two major forms of starch found in these granules. The glucose molecules in both of these starch molecules are joined together with a glycosidic bond (alpha-1, 4) that is capable of being digested by human enzymes. Amylose is a straight-chain structure of repeating glucose molecules, whereas amylopectin is highly branched with alpha-1, 6 bonds (every 15 to 30 glucose units) (Figure 2-15). The majority of starchy foods in their natural state usually contain a mixture of about 75 percent amylopectin and 25 percent amylose. These two starches are further explained and illustrated in Chapter 17. Heat, enzymes, and acid are used to break starches down into smaller, sweeter segments called dextrins. The sweeter taste of toasted bread, compared to its untoasted counterpart, comes from the dextrins formed in the toaster.
Glycogen—Digestible Polysaccharide from Animal Sources Glycogen, or animal starch, is one of the few digestible carbohydrates found in animals. It is located only in the liver and muscles. Just as glucose is stored by plants as starch, it is stored by animal bodies in long chains of glycogen (Figure 2-16). It is a highly branched arrangement of glucose molecules, and serves as a reserve of energy. Glycogen can be quickly hydrolyzed by an animal’s enzymes to release the glucose needed to maintain blood glucose levels. The glycogen in meat is converted to lactic acid during slaughtering and so is not present by the time it reaches the table. Shellfish such as scallops and oysters provide a minuscule amount of glycogen, which is why they tend to taste slightly sweet compared to other fish and plants.
Fiber—Undigestible Polysaccharide Fiber, also known as roughage or bulk, describes a group of indigestible polysaccharides. Unlike starch, the sugar units in fibers are held together by bonds that the human digestive en-
zymes cannot break down. Most fibers, therefore, pass through the human body without providing energy. Fiber is found only in foods of plant origin, especially certain cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Plant cells rely on the fiber between their cell walls for structural strength. Dietary Fiber vs Crude Fiber Several different laboratory methods are used to measure the amount of fiber in foods. The older technique consisted of treating a food with strong acid to simulate the environment of the stomach, and then treating it with a base to parallel the experience in the small intestine. The remaining weight of undigested fiber was measured as “crude fiber” and was listed in most food composition tables as “fiber” (21). This rather imprecise method has been largely replaced by a process that measures dietary fiber. For every 1 gram of crude fiber, there are about 2 to 3 grams of dietary fiber. Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber Chemists classify fibers according to how readily they dissolve in water: soluble fibers dissolve in water, whereas insoluble fibers do not. The insoluble fibers of foods act as a sponge in the intestine by soaking up water. This increases the soft ness and bulk of the stool and may thereby decrease the risk of constipation, diverticulosis, and possibly colon cancer (19). Scientists have also suggested that soluble fibers may benefit health by lowering high blood cholesterol levels and reducing high blood glucose in certain kinds of diabetics (41). Foods containing fiber usually have a mixture of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Foods high in soluble fiber include dried beans, peas, lentils, oats, rice bran, barley, and oranges. Insoluble fibers are found predominantly in whole wheat (wheat bran) and rye products, along with bananas. The most common fibers are cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectic substances. A few other types of fiber include vegetable gums, inulin, and lignin, the last of which is one of the few fibers that is not a carbohydrate. Cellulose Cellulose is one of the most abundant compounds on earth. Every plant cell wall is composed in part of cellulose, long chains of repeating glu-
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
F I G U R E 2 -1 5
Starch consists of a mixture of amylose (straight chain) and amylopectin (branched chain). Each G represents a glucose molecule. Amylose G
G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Amylopectin G G G G G G G
F I G U R E 2 -1 6
cose molecules similar to starch. Unlike starch, however, the chains do not branch, and the bonds holding the glucose molecules together cannot be digested by human enzymes (Figure 2-17). As a result, the cellulose fiber is not absorbed, provides no calories (kcal),
Animals store glucose in the form of glycogen. Each circle represents a glucose molecule.
and simply passes through the digestive tract. The digestive systems of herbivores such as cattle, horses, goats, and sheep have the proper enzymes to digest cellulose, allowing them to use the energy from glucose found in grass and other plants.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2 -17
The bonds differ between the glucose molecules in starch (alpha-1,4) and cellulose (beta-1,4). The latter is not digestible to humans. Starch
OH Glucose
Hemicellulose Hemicellulose is composed of a mixture of monosaccharides. The most common monosaccharides comprising the backbone of hemicelluloses are xylose, mannose, and galactose; the common side chains are arabinose, glucuronic acid, and galactose. Baking soda is sometimes added to the water in which green vegetables are boiled to maintain their color. Unfortunately, it breaks down the hemicellulose of the vegetables, causing them to become mushy.
HOW & WHY? Why do starches from different plant sources differ in their ability to gel? The concentrations of amylose and amylopectin in a solution determine the starch’s ability to hold water. The higher the amy-
OH Glucose
OH Glucose
lose content, the more likely the starch will gel (form a solid structure) when mixed with water and heated. Cornstarch is high in amylose, whereas potato starch and tapioca are high in amylopectin, so cornstarch will form the gels needed in custards, gravies, and other foods better than tapioca starch.
Pectic Substances These substances, found between and within the cell walls of fruit and vegetables, include protopectin, pectin, and pectic acid. Pectic substances act as natural cementing agents, and so are extracted from their source foods by the food industry for use in thickening jams, keeping salad dressing from separating, and controlling texture and consistency in a variety of other foods. Not all the pectic substances, however, can be used for gelling purposes, and the amounts that
OH Glucose
can be obtained vary depending on the ripeness of the fruit or vegetable. The pectin found in ripe, but not overripe, fruit is responsible for gel formation in jams. Protopectin and pectic acid are prevalent in unripe and overripe fruit respectively, and are insufficient themselves to cause gel formation. Vegetable Gum Vegetable gums belong to a group of polysaccharides known as hydrocolloids. They are derived from three main sources: plant gums (gum arabic, gum karaya, gum tragacanth), seeds (locust bean gum, guar gum), and seaweeds (agar, alginates, and carrageenan) (10). A bacterium (Xanthomonas campestris) serves as the source for xanthan gum. Gum fibers are composed of simple sugars, which are used by the food industry to thicken, provide viscosity, gel, stabilize, and/or emulsify certain processed
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
foods. They impart body, texture, and mouthfeel to foods, while also making it less likely for dispersed ingredients to separate (34). The gums’ “water-loving” nature combined with their ability to bind as much as 100 times their weight in water contribute a certain desirable appearance, texture, and stability to food products (8). Vegetable gums are normally sold as a dry powder and are used extensively as stabilizers in the production of lowcalorie salad dressings, confections, ice cream, puddings, and whipped cream. Gums are also used in many frozen products because they control crystal growth, yield optimal texture, and make the food more stable in the freezing and thawing process. Typical applications in the food industry of a gum, specifically carrageenan, are listed in Table 2-2). Agar gum can be used for quick-drying frostings and to reduce chipping or cracking in glazed doughnuts (38).
TA B L E 2-2
Inulin Inulin consists of repeating units of fructose with an end molecule of glucose. Although this fiber occurs naturally in over 30,000 plants, it is most commonly found in asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, and garlic, but commercial processors extract it from the chicory root (17). Inulin is a soluble fiber that can be used by the food industry for giving a creamy texture to frozen dairy products such as no-fat or no-sugar ice cream, improving the textures of margarine spreads, and developing no-fat icings, fi llings, and whipped toppings. Lignin Lignin is the one fiber that is not a carbohydrate. Instead of saccharides, it consists of long chains of phenolic alcohols linked together into a large, complex molecule. As plants mature, their cell walls increase in lignin concentration, resulting in a tough, stringy texture. This partially explains why celery and carrots get tougher as
Carrageenan: Typical Applications of a Natural Gum in Food Products
Application DAIRY PRODUCTS Whipped cream, topping, desserts Acidified cream, cottage cheese, Yogurt Chocolate, eggnog, fruit, flavored milk Fluid skim milk Filled milk * Low-calorie diet drinks Evaporated milk (in can) Pudding, pie filling Ice cream, ice milk
Function Fat and foam stabilization Binder processed cheese Viscosity gelation, fruit suspension Suspension Binder Emulsion stabilizer, binder Suspension, binder Fat stabilizer Thickening gelation Prevents whey separation, controls meltdown
DESSERTS Pie filling Syrup Imitation coffee cream Sauces Fruit drinks and frozen concentrates Dessert gels
Gelation Binder, suspension Emulsion, stabilizer Binder, thickener Binder, mouthfeel Gelation
MEAT, POULTRY, AND SEAFOOD Meat and poultry products Surimi
Binder, fat stabilizer, fat replacer Binding
OTHER FOOD APPLICATIONS Salad dressings Fish gels Bakery—pastry, jam, marmalade Cake glaze
Emulsion stabilizer Gelation Viscosity Controls meltdown
*Filled milk is skim milk with vegetable oil added to replace the butterfat. Source: The Carrageenan Company.
they age. Boiling water does not dissolve or even soften the lignin.
LIPIDS OR FATS Foods High in Lipids The fats and oils in foods belong to a group called lipids. Lipids are commonly called “fats” when their content in foods is under discussion; although this terminology is not precisely accurate, this textbook will follow this generally accepted practice. Fats and oils are differentiated in two ways: (1) fats are solid at room temperature, whereas oils are liquid, and (2) fats are usually derived from animal sources, whereas oils are derived predominantly from plants. Three exceptions are coconut and palm oils, which are solid at room temperature, and fish oils, which, at the same temperature, are liquid. The foods that are high in fats from animal sources include meats, poultry, and dairy products. Plant food sources high in fat include nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, and coconut. Most fruits, vegetables, and grains, however, contain little, if any, fat. Invisible fats are those not easily observed in foods, such as the marbling in meat. Visible fats, such as the white striations found in bacon and the outside trim on meats, are easily seen. Vegetable oils, butter, margarine, shortening, lard, and tallow are also obvious visible fats.
Composition of Lipids Lipids, like carbohydrates, are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, but in differing proportions. One way to determine if a substance is a lipid is to test whether it will dissolve in water. Lipids will not dissolve in water, but can be dissolved in organic solvents not used in food preparation, such as benzene, chloroform, ether, and acetone. Acetic acid, which is re-
Phenolic A chemical term to describe an aromatic (circular) ring attached to one or more hydroxyl (–OH) groups.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
sponsible for the sour taste of vinegar, is the one lipid that will dissolve in water because its molecule is so small. Edible lipids are divided into three major groups: triglycerides (fats and oils), phospholipids, and sterols.
Triglycerides About 95 percent of all lipids are triglycerides, which consist of three (“tri”) fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule (Figure 2-18) (Chemist’s Corner 2-6). (Two fatty acids linked to the glycerol molecule form a diglyceride, whereas one fatty acid linked to glycerol is a monoglyceride.) The fatty acids on the glycerol can be identical (simple triglyceride) or different (mixed triglyceride).
Fatty Acid Structure Fatty acids differ from one another in two major ways: (1) their length, which is determined by the number of carbon atoms, and (2) their degree of saturation, which is determined by the number of double bonds between carbon atoms. The number of carbons can range
F I G U R E 2 -1 8
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-6
from 2 to 22, with the number usually being even. A fatty acid is said to be saturated if there are no double bonds between carbons—every carbon on the chain is bonded to two hydrogens and therefore fully loaded. If one hydrogen from two adjacent carbons is missing, the carbons form double bonds with one another and form a point of unsaturation. A fatty acid with one double bond present is called a monounsaturated fatty acid. If there are two or more double bonds in the carbon chain of a fatty acid, the fatty acid is called polyunsaturated (Figure 2-19). The degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids in a fat affects the temperature at which the molecule melts. Generally, the more unsaturated a fat, the more liquid it remains at room temperature. In contrast, the more saturated a fat, the firmer its consistency. Thus, vegetable oils are generally liquid at room temperature, whereas animal fats are solid.
Chemical Formation of Triglycerides Few fatty acids occur free in foods, but rather are incorporated into triglycerides. Each fatty acid consists of an acid group (–COOH) on one end and a methyl group (–CH3) on the other end. The fatty acids are attached to the glycerol molecule by a condensation reaction: the hydrogen atom (H) from the glycerol and a hydroxyl (–OH) group from a fatty acid form a molecule of water (Figure 2-18). When a fatty acid reacts like this with an alcohol such as glycerol, the resulting compound is called an ester. Because acyl defines the fatty acid part of an ester, what is called triglyceride should actually be named triacylglycerol (11).
type usually predominates (Figure 2-20). Generally speaking, most vegetable and fish oils are high in polyunsaturates, whereas olive and canola oils are rich in monounsaturates. The animal
Fatty Acids in Foods Most foods contain all three types of fatty acids—saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated—but one
A triglyceride (fat) is made by combining three fatty acids with a glycerol molecule. Water is released as a by-product. Glycerol
Basic Concept
+ + +
Glycerol +
fatty acid fatty acid fatty acid
3 fatty acids
fatty acid fatty acid fatty acid Triglyceride
Chemical Reaction H H
C Fatty acid #1
3 fatty acids
Glycerol Glycerol
C Fatty acid #3
C Fatty acid #2
3 water molecules
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
Fatty Acid Nomenclature
fats, as well as coconut and palm oils, are more saturated. Overall, foods of animal origin usually contain approximately a 50:50 P/S ratio of polyunsaturated and saturated fats, whereas for plant foods the ratio is usually 85/15. The higher the P/S ratio, the more polyunsaturated fats the food contains.
F I G U R E 2 -1 9
Each fatty acid is identified by a common name, a systematic name (Chemist’s Corner 2-7), chemical configuration (Chemist’s Corner 2-8), or numerical ratio (Table 2-3). Usually a fatty acid is referred to by its common name, whereas the systematic name is
Fatty acids differ in their degree of saturation. Saturated
Primarily Animal Sources: Meat, Poultry, Milk/Butter/Cheese, Egg Yolk, Lard Plant Sources: Chocolate, Coconut/Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Vegetable Shortening Monounsaturated
Sources: Avocado, Peanuts/Peanut Butter, Olives/Olive Oil Polyunsaturated
Primarily Plant Sources: Vegetable Oils (Corn, Safflower, Soybean, Sunflower, Canola, etc.) Margarine (most), Mayonnaise, Certain Nuts (Almonds, Filberts, Pecans, Walnuts) Animal sources: Fish
F I G U R E 2-2 0
Classification of fatty acids.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-7 Naming Chemical Compounds Billions of compounds exist in nature. This vast number does not even include the compounds that are synthesized in a laboratory. At first people named compounds after people, places, and things, but that proved too cumbersome. Scientists then developed a system to name chemical substances known as chemical nomenclature, and this is defined as the systematic naming of chemical compounds. In chemistry, the systematic name literally describes the chemical construction of the compound. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) is the official organization responsible for mandating the nomenclature of all chemical compounds. Learn more about the IUPAC through their website at
used when a more formal or correct chemical nomenclature is required. The long number of carbons is abbreviated in a type of chemical shorthand that conveys the length and saturation of fatty acids in a numerical ratio. For example, palmitic acid is a saturated fatty acid that is represented by 16:0, meaning that it is sixteen carbons long with zero double bonds. Approximately 40 fatty acids are found in nature. Some of the more common fatty acids are butyric acid, found in butter, and the two fatty acids that are essential nutrients—linoleic and linolenic.
Fatty Acids
Phospholipids are similar to triglycerides in structure in that fatty acids are attached to the glycerol molecule. The
(no double bonds; primarily animal sources)
(one double bond; primarily plant sources)
(two or more double bonds; primarily plant sources)
Meats Dairy Milk Butter Plants Coconut Coconut oil Palm oil
Olives Olive oil Peanuts Peanut butter Avocado
Vegetable oils Fish
P/S ratio The ratio of polyunsaturated fats to saturated fats. The higher the P/S ratio, the more polyunsaturated fats the food contains. Essential nutrients Nutrients that the body cannot synthesize at all or in necessary amounts to meet the body’s needs.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
TA B L E 2-3
Nomenclature Methods for Selected Fatty Acids
Common Name
Systematic Name
Numerical Ratio #C Atoms : # Double Bonds
Butyric Linoleic Linolenic
Butanoic 9, 12-Octadecadienoic 9, 12, 15-Octadecatrienoic
4:0 18:2 18:3
F I G U R E 2-21
Phospholipids, such as this lecithin molecule, have a phosphorous-containing compound that replaces one of the fatty acids on a triglyceride. Each compound in the lecithin molecule is derived from simpler molecules (see arrows). H
H From 2 fatty acids
Plant Sterols
CH3 N+
CH3 From choline
From glycerol From phosphate
Emulsifier A compound that possesses both water-loving (hydrophilic) and water-fearing (hydrophobic) properties so that it disperses in either water or oil. Hydrophobic A term describing “water-fearing” or non-water-soluble substances. Hydrophilic A term describing “water-loving” or water-soluble substances. Bile A digestive juice made by the liver from cholesterol and stored in the gall bladder. Plant stanol esters Naturally occurring substances in plants that help block absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract.
Sterols are large, intricate molecules consisting of interconnected rings of carbon atoms with a variety of side chains attached. Many compounds important in maintaining the human body are sterols, including cholesterol, bile, both sex (testosterone, estrogen) and adrenal (cortisol) hormones, and vitamin D. The sterol of most significance in foods is cholesterol (Figure 2-22). Although both animal and plant foods contain sterols, cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry, fish, fish roe (caviar), organ meats (liver, brains, kidneys), dairy products, and egg yolks. Plants do not contain cholesterol, but they may contain other types of sterols.
difference is that one of the fatty acids is replaced by a compound containing phosphorus, which makes the phospholipid soluble in water, whereas its fatty acid components are soluble in fat (Figure 2-21). The dual nature of phospholipids makes them ideal emulsifiers. The best-known phospholipid is lecithin, which is found in egg yolks. Lecithin acts as an emulsifying agent that allows hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds to mix. Phosolipids are very important in the body as a component of cell membranes, where they assist in moving fat-soluble vitamins and hormones in and out of the cells. Phospholipids are widely used by the food industry as emulsifiers in such products as beverages, baked goods, mayonnaise, and candy bars. Foods that naturally contain phospholipids include egg yolks, liver, soybeans, wheat germ, and peanuts.
Plant sterols are found in small amounts in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals, legumes, and other plant sources (38). Soybeans are not the only plants containing sterols. In 2000, the FDA allowed the use of health claims regarding foods containing these substances with regard to the role of plant sterols or plant sterol esters in reducing the risk for coronary heart disease. To qualify for a claim, the food must contain at least 0.65 gram of plant sterol esters or 1.7 grams of plant stanol esters per serving. It also must not contain over 13 grams of total fat per serving and per 50 grams. Spreads and salad dressings are exempted if the label refers the consumer to the product’s Nutrition Facts panel (27).
F I G U R E 2-2 2
Cholesterol is a lipid found in foods of animal origin. H3C CH3
HO Cholesterol
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-8
F I G U R E 2-2 3
Cis or trans fatty acids are defined by their chemical configuration at the double bonds.
Cis, Trans, and Omega Fatty Acids Other notations that are frequently encountered when discussing fatty acids are cis or trans, and omega-3 or omega-6. The terms cis and trans describe the geometric shape of the fatty acid. A cis fatty acid has the hydrogens on the same side as the double bond, causing it to fold into a U-like formation. A trans fatty acid has the hydrogens on either side of the double bond, creating a linear configuration (Figure 2-23). Most of the fatty acids in nature are in the cis or slightly V-shaped configuration, whereas trans fatty acids often result from hydrogenation. The difference between the omega-3 and omega6 fatty acids is the location of the double bond between the third and fourth, or the sixth and seventh, carbon from the left of the fatty acid molecule respectively (Figure 2-24).
TA B L E 2- 4
Essential and Nonessential Amino Acids
Amino Acid
Essential for all humans
Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine
Related compounds sometimes classified as amino acids
Alanine Arginine Asparagine Aspartic acid Cysteine Glutamic acid Glutamine Glycine Proline Serine Tyrosine Carnitine Cystine Hydroxyglutamic acid Hydroxylysine Hydroxyproline Norleucine Taurine Thyroxine
Trans form The hydrogens attached to the carbon atoms are on either side of the double bond.
Elaidic acid
Cis form (puts kink in molecule) The hydrogens attached to the carbon atoms are on the same side of the double bond.
Oleic acid
PROTEINS Foods High in Proteins Proteins derive their name from the Greek word proteos, of “prime importance.” The body can manufacture most of the necessary carbohydrates (except fiber) and lipids (except a few essential fatty acids) it needs, but when it comes to protein, the body can synthesize only about half of the compounds it requires in order to manufacture the proteins needed for the body. These substances needed for protein manufacture are called amino acids. Of the 22 amino acids, 9 are essential nutrients and thus must be obtained daily from the diet (Table 2-4).
Protein Quality Foods vary in their protein quantity and quality. Most protein from animal sources—meat, poultry, fish and shellfish, milk (cheese, yogurt, etc.), and eggs—is complete protein. Gelatin is one of the few animal proteins that is not complete. Plant protein, with the exception of that from soybeans (quinoa and amaranth) and certain grains, is incomplete protein and will sup-
Complete protein A protein, usually from animal sources, that contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient amounts for the body’s maintenance and growth. Incomplete protein A protein, usually from plant sources, that does not provide all the essential amino acids.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2-2 4
Omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids are defined by the location of the first double bond.
F I G U R E 2-2 5 NH2
Omega-6 R
The structure of an amino acid.
The R represents different groups that can attach here. This group makes each amino acid different.
Linoleic acid Omega-3 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H O H
Alpha-linolenic acid
port maintenance, but not growth. In order to obtain complete protein primarily from plant sources, it is necessary to practice the strategy of protein complementation. The best sources of protein from plants are the legumes— beans, peas, and lentils —which are often combined with grains.
Composition of Proteins One key way in which proteins differ from carbohydrates and lipids is that proteins contain nitrogen atoms, whereas carbohydrates and lipids contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. These nitrogen atoms give the name “amino,” meaning “nitrogen containing,” to the amino acids of which protein is made. Protein mol-
Protein complementation Two incomplete-protein foods, each of which supplies the amino acids missing in the other, combined to yield a complete protein profile. Peptide bond The chemical bond between two amino acids.
ecules resemble linked chains, with the links being amino acids joined by peptide bonds. A protein strand does not remain in a straight chain, however. The amino acids at different points along the strand are attracted to each other, and this pull causes some segments of the strand to coil, somewhat like a metal spring. Also, each spot along the coiled strand is attracted to, or repelled from, other spots along its length. This causes the entire coil to fold this way and that, forming a globular or fibrous structure.
Amino Acids Each protein has its own specific sequence of amino acids. The 22 amino acids that exist in nature are like an alphabet, forming the “letters” of the “words”—proteins—that make up the language of life itself. All amino acids have the same basic structure—a carbon with three groups attached to it: an amine group (–NH2), an acid group (–COOH), and a hydrogen atom (H). Attached to the carbon at the fourth bond is a side chain called an R group (Figure 2-25). It is this fourth attachment, the side chain, different for each amino acid, that gives the amino acid its unique identity and chemical nature (Figure 2-26). The simplest amino acid
is glycine, with only a hydrogen for the R group. In other amino acids, the R group may consist of carbon chains or cyclic structures. Amino acids that are acidic contain more acid groups (–COOH) than amine groups (–NH2), whereas alkaline amino acids contain more amine than acid groups.
Functions of Proteins in Food The proteins in foods allow several important reactions to occur during food preparation: • • • • •
Hydration Denaturation/coagulation Enzymatic reactions Buffering Browning
Hydration The ability of proteins to dissolve in and attract water, a process called hydration, allows them to play several important roles in foods. One of these is the capability to form a gel, an intricate network of protein strands trapping water that results in a firm structure. Proteins from milk, meat, egg, and soy are used in a variety of gels (26, 44). The gelling ability of proteins allows them to be used as binders (5), stabilizers (42), and thickeners in a variety of foods such as preserves, confectioneries (gums, marshmallows), and desserts (ice cream, puddings, custards, pie fi llings, mousses, and plainflavored gelatins). Another example of protein’s hydrating ability in food preparation is in bread making. Water or milk is combined with yeast and the two major proteins of wheat—gliadin and glute-
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
F I G U R E 2-2 6
An amino acid’s chemical nature is determined by its side group. SULPHUR-CONTAINING
Glycine CH3
COOH Methionine
H Valine NH2
H Leucine
COOH Cystine
H Isoleucine
H Phenylalanine NH2
H Tryptophan
Aspartic acid
H Histidine
COOH Glutamic acid
K E Y nin—through the process of kneading to yield the protein gluten, whose elastic qualities allow it to stretch with the carbon dioxide gas produced by the yeast during fermentation. This is how bread rises, and without protein’s ability to hydrate, rising would not take place.
Denaturation/Coagulation Large protein molecules are sensitive to their surroundings. When subjected to heat, pH extremes, alcohol, and physical or chemical disturbances, proteins undergo denaturation. Denaturation can result in coagulation, which is de-
Denaturation The irreversible process in which the structure of a protein is disrupted, resulting in partial or complete loss of function. Coagulation The clotting or precipitation of protein in a liquid into a semisolid compound.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2-2 7
Lactase enzyme hydrolyzing lactose to glucose and galactose. Lactose molecule Glucose
Substrate H2O
Active site
Enzyme Lactase Enzymes are like 3-D puzzle pieces that fit alone or with the help of a coenzyme (usually a vitamin) or a cofactor (usually a mineral).
scribed as a curdling or congealing of the proteins. Both denaturation and coagulation are irreversible in most proteins. Examples include the hardening of egg whites with heating, the formation of yogurt as bacteria convert lactose to lactic acid and lower the pH, and the stiffening of egg whites when they are whipped (3). Adding compounds like sugar to an unbeaten egg white stabilizes the denatured protein; therefore, sugar is often added near the end of whipping, just before the egg whites have reached their optimal consistency. Salt speeds the coagulation of proteins by weakening the bonds of protein structure, which is why it is frequently used by cheese makers to help produce a firm curd.
Enzymatic Reactions Enzymes (or biocatalysts) are one of the most important proteins formed within living cells because they act as biological catalysts to speed up chemi-
Substrate A substance that is acted upon, such as by an enzyme.
Enzymes catalyze thousands of reactions per second without being changed themselves.
cal reactions (Chemist’s Corner 2-9). Thousands of enzymes reside in a single cell, each one a catalyst that facilitates a specific chemical reaction. Without enzymes, reactions would occur in a random and indiscriminate manner. The lock-and-key concept describes enzyme action (Figure 2-27). An enzyme combines with a substance, called a substrate, catalyzing or speeding up a reaction, which releases a
product. The enzyme is freed unchanged after the reaction and is able to react with another substrate, yielding another product. Enzyme Nomenclature The names of most enzymes end in -ase. Enzymes are usually named after the substrate they act upon or the resulting type of chemical reaction. For example, sucrase is the enzyme that acts on su-
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-9 Enzyme Classification Most enzymes are grouped into one of six different classes according to the type of reaction they catalyze (39). Hydrolases are the most common enzymes used by the food industry; they catalyze hydrolysis reactions (31). These hydrolytic enzymes break, or cleave, a chemical bond within a molecule by adding a molecule of water. Water actually is broken apart as its two hydrogens and oxygen become part of the two new molecules formed. Examples of hydrolases include lipases that hydrolyze lipids, proteases that hydrolyze protein, and amylases that hydrolyze starch. Another type of enzyme, oxidoreductase, catalyzes oxidation reduction reactions. This type includes dehydrogenases, which act by removing hydrogen, and oxidases, which add oxygen. Lyases assist in breaking away a smaller molecule, such as water, from a larger substrate. Transferases, as their name implies, transfer a group from one substrate to another. Ligases catalyze the bonding of two molecules. The last type, isomerases, transfer groups within molecules to yield isomeric forms.
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
crose, and lactase breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose. This general nomenclature rule does not always apply; the enzyme papain is named after papaya, from which it is derived, and ficin gets its name from figs. These enzymes, obtained from fruits, are used in meat tenderizers to break down meat’s surface proteins.
TA B L E 2-5
Use of Enzymes by the Food Industry to Test for Food Quality
For This Food
Use This Enzyme
To Test for
Fruits and vegetables Milk, dairy products Eggs
Peroxidase Alkaline phosphatase ß-Acetylglucosaminidase
Proper heat treatment
Oysters Meat
Malic enzyme Glutamate oxaloacetate
Freezing and thawing
Structure of Enzymes The overall structure of an enzyme, called the holoenzyme, contains both a protein and nonprotein portion. Most of the enzyme is protein, but the nonprotein portion, which is necessary for activity, is either a coenzyme (usually a vitamin) or a cofactor (usually a mineral).
Meat, eggs Beans
Acid phosphatase Catalase
Bacterial contamination
Potatoes Pears
Sucrose synthetase Pectinase
Lysolecithinase Xanthine oxidase
Freshness Hypoxanthine content
Flour Wheat
Amylase Peroxidase
Factors Influencing Enzyme Activity Enzymes are readily inactivated and will only operate under mild conditions of pH and temperature. Because enzymes are primarily protein, they are subject to denaturation caused by extremes in temperature or pH or even by physical and/or chemical influences. Every enzyme has an optimal temperature and pH for its operation, but most do best in the 95°F to 104°F (35°C to 40°C) range and with a pH near neutral.
Coffee, wheat Meat
Polyphenol oxidase Succinic dehydrogenase
Enzyme Use by the Food Industry Many foods would not be on the market if it were not for certain enzymes. Foods that can be manufactured with the aid of enzymes include wines, cheeses, corn syrups, yogurt, cottage cheese, baked goods, sausages, juices, egg white replacers, the artificial sweetener aspartame, and various Asian foods relying on molds (31, 32). Examples include: • Rennin, also known as chymosin, aids in cheese production by converting milk to a curd. • Meats can be tenderized with the enzymes of papain, bromelain, and/or ficin. • Phenol oxidase imparts the characteristic dark hue to tea, cocoa, coffee, and raisins. • Glucose oxidase has been used for decades in the desugaring of eggs, flour, and potatoes, and in the preparation of salad dressings. • Manufacturers of baked products use enzymes to retard staling, improve flour and dough quality, bleach flour, and enhance crust color.
• Enzymes can also be used in improving the fi ltration of beer (4). Fruit juice processors use enzymes to increase juice yields, enhance juice clarity, improve fi ltration, reduce bitterness, and speed fruit dehydration. The enzymes most commonly used by fruit juice processors are pectinase, cellulase, hemicellulase, amylase, and arabinase. The bitter compounds in grapefruit juice—naringin and limonin—can be hydrolyzed with naringinase and limonase respectively (18). Sometimes the food industry is more interested in inhibiting the action of enzymes. This is the case for lipoxygenase activity in milk, which produces off-flavors (2). The vulnerability of enzymes to high temperatures makes it easy to destroy enzymes that cause the spoilage of fruits and vegetables. Briefly submerging foods (usually vegetables) in boiling water denatures the enzymes that contribute to deterioration. Pasteurization of milk, which is intended to kill harmful bacteria, also halts enzyme activity. Another major use of enzymes by the food industry is in quality testing of a variety of food products (Table 2-5). A test for ensuring that adequate pasteurization temperatures have been reached is to measure the activity of the phosphatase enzyme that naturally exists in milk. Lack of phosphatase activity indicates that sufficient heat was applied to destroy harmful microor-
ganisms. Fish quality can be measured by using xanthine oxidase, which acts on hypoxanthine, a compound that increases as the fish spoils (18). A strip of absorbent paper soaked partially in xanthine oxidase can be used aboard ships, dockside, or in a food processing plant. The strip of paper is moistened in fish extracts and then observed for color intensity, which is correlated to freshness. Enzymes can also now be used to detect bacterial contamination in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.
Buffering Proteins have the unique ability to behave as buffers, compounds that resist extreme shifts in pH (Chemist’s Corner 2-10). The buffering capacity of proteins is facilitated by their amphoteric nature.
Browning Proteins play a very important role in the browning of foods through two chemical reactions: the Maillard reaction and enzymatic browning.
Amphoteric Capable of acting chemically as either acid or base.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 2-10 Proteins and Buffering Proteins act as buffers to prevent extreme swings in acidity or alkalinity. This is due to their unique ability to accept or donate H +. Specifically, amino groups on the amino acids act as bases (accept H+ to yield –NH 3+), whereas the carboxyl groups act as acids (donate H + to yield –COO –). When the amino and carboxyl groups are equally ionized (neutralized), the protein’s isoelectric point is reached, defined as the point at which the protein’s charges become neutral. Proteins are structurally unique because of these isoelectric points. Most proteins have isoelectric points ranging between pH 4.5 and 7.0. These different isoelectric points allow proteins to be separated by electrophoresis. This is a process in which an electrical field automatically causes the proteins to move on a plate toward each of their own neutral isoelectric points. Proteins do not all have the same neutral isoelectric points, so they stop at different points on the electrified plate and are “separated.”
Maillard Reaction The brown color produced during the heating of many different foods comes, in part, from the Maillard reaction. This reaction contributes to the golden crust of baked products, the browning of meats, and the dark color of roasted coffee. Temperatures most conducive to the Maillard reaction are those reaching at least
Maillard reaction The reaction between a sugar (typically reducing sugars such as glucose/dextrose, fructose, lactose, or maltose) and a protein (specifically the nitrogen in an amino acid), resulting in the formation of brown complexes. Enzymatic browning A reaction in which an enzyme acts on a phenolic compound in the presence of oxygen to produce brown-colored products.
F I G U R E 2-2 8
Enzymatic browning.
Basic Concept oxygen enzyme Melanin Brown-black pigment
Phenolic compound Chemical Reaction OH
copper + oxygen polyphenol oxidase enzyme
Phenolic compound
Brown-black pigment
194°F (90°C), but browning can occur at lower temperatures, as seen in dried milk that has been stored too long.
Enzymatic Browning Enzymatic browning is the result of an entirely different mechanism than the Maillard reaction. It requires the presence of three substances: oxygen, an enzyme (polyphenolase), and a phenolic compound (Figure 2-28). Another type of enzymatic browning occurs when the enzyme tyrosinase oxidizes the amino acid tyrosine to result in dark-colored melanin compounds such as that observed in browning mushrooms (18). Although the browning from either phenolase or tyrosinase is unappealing in itself, it is harmless.
Foods High in Vitamins and Minerals
HOW & WHY? Why does an apple turn brown when you take a bite out of it and then let it sit? Enzymatic browning is responsible for the discoloration seen in the cut surface of certain fruits and vegetables. Normally, the cell structure separates the enzymes from the phenolic compounds in the fruit. When the vegetable or fruit is cut or bruised, however, the phenols and enzymes, thus exposed to oxygen, react in its presence to produce brown-colored products. Not all fruits and vegetables contain phenolic compounds, but sliced apples, pears, bananas, and eggplants turn brown rather rapidly after cutting. Potatoes turn slightly pink or gray.
Most foods contain some vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can be categorized into two major groups: fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble (B complex and vitamin C). Minerals may be termed either macro or micro (Table 2-6). Meats are good sources of B vitamins, iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn). Dairy foods provide about 80 percent of the average American’s daily calcium (Ca). Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is found only in plants. All the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are found in an egg yolk. Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin or fermented foods such as tempeh, tofu, and miso, which contain bacteria that produce vitamin B12 as a by-product. The two major sources of sodium (Na) in the diet are processed foods and the saltshaker.
Composition of Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins are organic (carbon-containing) compounds, each with a unique chemical composition. Minerals are inorganic elements and are depicted in the periodic table. Unlike vitamins, minerals cannot be destroyed by heat, light, or oxygen. Vitamins and minerals do not provide calories (kcal).
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
TA B L E 2- 6
Major Vitamins and Minerals in Foods
Vitamins Water Soluble B Complex: Thiamin (B1) Riboflavin (B2) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) Niacin Folate Pantothenic Acid Biotin Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Functions of Vitamins and Minerals in Food Enrichment and Fortification Vitamins and minerals regulate metabolic functions. Because of the vital role these compounds play in the body’s processes, many foods are now enriched or fortified with additional vitamins and minerals. During processing and preparation, foods such as wheat and rice may lose some of their vitamin or mineral content. Some of the nutrients, such as vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, and iron (calcium optional), may be added back (enriched) to the processed food. Fortification is intended to deliver nutrients to the general public in an effort to deter certain nutrient deficiencies (24). In 1922, salt became the first food ever to be fortified, with the addition of iodine. Iodine deficiencies were resulting in goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and cretinism (dwarfism, mental retardation) in children born of mothers who had not ingested sufficient iodine amounts. Other nutrients that are used to fortify foods include vitamins A and D (milk), calcium (or-
to add additional amounts of these nutrients to other food products.
Sodium Fat Soluble Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K
Minerals Macrominerals (minerals present in the body in relatively large amounts) Calcium (Ca) Phosphorous (P) Potassium (P) Sulfur (S) Sodium (Na) Chlorine (Cl) Magnesium (Mg)
Microminerals (minerals present in the body in relatively small amounts) Iron (Fe) Zinc (Zn) Selenium (Se) Manganese (Mn) Copper (Cu) Iodine (I) Molybdenum (Mo) Chromium (Cr) Fluorine (F)
ange juice), and/or folate, a B vitamin (cereal products) (22, 43). The decision to fortify with a particular nutrient is a complex one. It starts with the realization that a significant number of people are not obtaining desirable levels of a specific nutrient, and the determination that the food to be fortified makes an appreciable contribution to the diet. It must be further ascertained that the fortification will not result in an essential nutrient imbalance, that the nutrient is stable under storage and capable of being absorbed from the food, and that toxicity from excessive intakes will generally not occur (33).
Antioxidants Certain nutrients, especially vitamins A, C, and E and the mineral selenium, may also be added to foods to act as antioxidants (13, 14). These compounds neutralize free radicals (Figure 2-29), leading to an increased shelf life (9). Foods to which antioxidants are commonly added include dry cereals, crackers, nuts, chips, and flour mixes. Consumer interest in antioxidants and health has also caused manufacturers
Another compound in the vitamin/ mineral category that is used to preserve foods is salt, the only mineral directly consumed by people. The function of salt in foods, however, exceeds its preservation role. It provides flavor to so many processed foods that it is now the second most common food additive by weight, after sugar, in the United States. Salt can be purchased in various special forms by the food industry to add to their products: topping salt for saltine crackers, breadsticks, and snack crackers; surfacesalting for pretzels, soft pretzels, and bagels; fine crystalline salt for potato chips, corn chips, and similar snacks; blending/dough salts for flour and cake mixes; light salt (potassium chloride) for reducing sodium levels; and encapsulated salt for frozen doughs (25). Foods contain some compounds that are not classified within the six basic nutrient groups. All sorts of substances can be found in food—natural, intentional, and unintentional. Only the natural compounds, whether beneficial or harmful, are discussed in this chapter. The intentional and unintentional compounds are food additives and are discussed in Chapter 28. Among the beneficial compounds naturally found in foods are those that provide color and flavor, along with certain plant compounds.
Enriched Foods that have had certain nutrients, which were lost through processing, added back to levels established by federal standards. Fortified Foods that have had nutrients added that were not present in the original food. Antioxidant A compound that inhibits oxidation, which can cause deterioration and rancidity. Free radical An unstable molecule that is extremely reactive and that can damage cells.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
F I G U R E 2-2 9
Antioxidant action of vitamin E.
3. The result is deterioration 1. A chemically reactive oxygen 2. This initiates a rapid, of foods containing free radical attacks fatty acids, destructive chain reaction. unsaturated fatty acids. forming other free radicals. Oxygen free radical
Fatty acids
Vitamin E stops the chain reaction by changing the nature of the free radical.
Vitamin E
NONNUTRITIVE FOOD COMPONENTS Food Additives Over 3,000 food additives exist, but the three most common, by weight, are salt, sugar, and corn syrup. Others that are commonly used include citric acid (from oranges and lemons), baking soda, vegetable colors, mustard, and pepper. These food additives account by weight for 98 percent of all food additives listed on packaged food labels (23).
Purposes of Food Additives. The purposes of food additives, according to FDA regulations, are to meet one or more of the four objectives listed below: • Improve the appeal of foods by improving their flavor, smell, texture, or color • Extend storage life • Maximize performance • Protect nutrient value Improve Appeal Food appeal can be improved by the addition of coloring, flavoring, and texture-enhancing agents. Colors added to foods may be synthetic (certified) or natural. Certified colors are synthetically produced (manufactured) to create colors that
are uniform in color, impart an intense taste, and blend more easily than natural colors. Examples of certified colors include nine Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) colors: Blue No. 1 and 2, Green No. 3, Yellow No. 5 and 6, Red No. 3 and 40, Orange B, and Citrus Red No. 2. FD&C Yellow No. 5 might cause hives in a few people (less than one out of 10,000), so the law requires that it be listed as an ingredient. Colors exempt from certification include natural colors, or synthetic replicas of natural colors that include those obtained from vegetable, animal, or mineral sources (25). Examples of natural colors include annatto extract (yellow), dehydrated beets (bluish-red to brown), caramel (yellow to tan), beta-carotene (yellow to orange), and grape skin extract (red, green). Flavoring agents can also be synthetic, such as saccharin, or natural, such as fruit extracts, juice concentrates, processed fruits, fruit purées, spice resins, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) (26). Food additives are also used to add body and texture to foods. For example, thickeners generate a smooth texture in ice cream by preventing ice crystals from forming. Both color and flavor compounds added to foods are now discussed in more detail. • Color Compounds. Food is made more appetizing and interesting to behold by the wide spectrum of colors made possible through pig-
ments. One way these pigments are classified by food scientists is according to the following four categories: (1) shiny (diff use reflection), (2) glossy (specular or mirror-like reflection), (3) opaque or cloudy (diff use transmission), or (4) translucent (specular transmission) (14). Most of the natural pigments contributing to color are found in fruits and vegetables. The colors of foods from animal products and grains are less varied and bright. The three dominant color pigments found in most plants are carotenoids (orange-yellow), chlorophyll, and flavonoids (blue, cream, red). These plant pigments, their colors, and food examples are explained in more detail in Chapter 12 on vegetables. Although foods of animal origin are less colorful, even meat varies in color depending on its stage of maturity (28). When first sliced with a knife, a cut of beef is purplish red from the presence of a pigment called myoglobin. As it is exposed to air, the myoglobin combines with oxygen to turn the meat a bright red color. The meat then turns grayish brown during cooking when the protein holding the pigment becomes denatured. Cured meats present an altogether different scenario as added nitrites, compounds that are used as a preservative, react with the myoglobin to cause the meat to be a red color, which converts to pink (denatured protein) when cooked. Meat pigments are covered in more detail in Chapter 6 on meats. Milk appears white as light reflects off the colloidal dispersion of milk protein. The yellowish hue of cream comes from carotene and riboflavin (vitamin B2). Carotene, a fat-soluble pigment, is also the substance that gives butter its yellow color. • Flavor Compounds. The flavors in foods are derived from both nutrient and non-nutrient compounds. These are sometimes too numerous to track as the source of a specific flavor. Among the non-nutrient compounds in foods are the organic acids that determine whether foods are acidic or basic. An acidic pH in foods not only contributes
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
to a sour taste, but also the color of fruit juices, the hue of chocolate in baked products, and the release of carbon dioxide in a flour mixture. An alkaline pH contributes a bitter taste and soapy mouthfeel to foods. Extend Storage Life By reducing the rancidity of fats, food storage life can be extended with additives such as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), which slow or prevent food deterioration. Maximize Performance Emulsifiers, stabilizers, and other additives maximize the performance of foods. Emulsifiers make it possible to distribute tiny particles of one liquid into another, thereby preventing immiscible liquids from separating. For example, emulsifiers prevent the oil from separating out of peanut butter. Stabilizers and thickeners give milkshakes body and a smoother feel in the mouth. If the need exists to alter the pH of a food, certain compounds can be added to achieve the necessary acidity or alkalinity. Some additives retain moisture, whereas anticaking agents prevent moisture from lumping up powdered sugar or other finely ground powdered substances. Protect Nutrient Value Food additives that protect nutrient value include vitamins and minerals that are added to enrich or fortify foods (24). Enriched foods have the vitamins thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), folate, and niacin, and the minerals iron and sometimes calcium added back to levels established by federal standards for breads and cereals. Most table salt is fortified with iodine to help prevent goiter. Milk is fortified with vitamin D to help prevent rickets. Many fruit drinks are fortified with vitamin C, which tends to be missing in the diets of people who do not consume sufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables.
Plant Compounds In addition to color and flavor compounds, some plants contain other non-nutritive substances that, when ingested, may have either beneficial or harmful effects.
Beneficial Many of the possible anticarcinogens, or compounds that inhibit cancer, come from plants (1, 29). In particu-
lar, phytochemicals, a special group of substances found in plants, appear to have a protective effect against cancer (30). One class of these phytochemicals, called indoles, is found in vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, swiss chard, and collards. Laboratory animals given indoles and then exposed to carcinogens developed fewer tumors than animals exposed to the same carcinogens, but not given indoles. A few of the plant substances that appear to protect against cancer are listed in Table 2-7.
Harmful There are several potentially harmful substances in plants (16, 29). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has gone so far as to say that natural toxins are so widespread that the only way to avoid them completely is to stop eating. Other substances, although not strictly toxins, can cause problems for certain people if ingested in excess. One such substance is caffeine (35). Caffeine Caffeine is a natural stimulant that belongs to a group of compounds called methylxanthines. The most widely used sources of caffeine include coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and cola nuts. Caffeine is also found in the leaves of some plants, where it acts as a protection against insects. Caffeine ingested at high concentrations may temporarily increase heart rate, basal metabolic rate, secretion of
T A B L E 2 -7
stomach acid, and urination. The increased secretion of stomach acids may cause problems for people with ulcers. In healthy adults, however, a moderate intake of caffeine does not appear to cause health problems. Individuals who habitually drink a lot of caffeinecontaining beverages may, however, experience withdrawal headaches and irritability if they stop drinking the beverage. Another possible side effect in sensitive individuals is fibrocystic conditions in the breast, which is the painful but usually harmless occurrence of lumpiness in the breasts and under the arms (12). Excessive caffeine intake, defined as more than five 5-ounce cups of strong, brewed coffee daily, can also cause “coffee nerves.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association defines caffeine intoxication as exhibiting at least five of the following symptoms: nervousness, agitation, restlessness, insomnia, frequent urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling thought and speech, periods of exhaustion, irregular or rapid heartbeat, and psychomotor agitation. Infants who ingest caffeine through their mother’s milk may also get the “jitters.” Because infants are unable to metabolize caffeine efficiently, the compound may stay in their system up to a week, compared to about twelve hours in a healthy adult.
Phytochemicals: Potential Cancer Protectors
Phytochemical Family
Major Food Sources
Allyl sulfides Carotenoids
Onions, garlic, leeks, chives Yellow and orange vegetables and fruits; dark green, leafy vegetables Most fruits and vegetables Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, etc.) Soybeans (tofu, soy milk) Cruciferous vegetables Citrus fruits Tomatoes, red grapefruit Nearly all fruits and vegetables Tomatoes, citrus fruits, carrots, whole grains, nuts Broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, squash, yams, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, soy products, whole grains Green tea, grapes, wine Beans and legumes Cherries, citrus fruit peel
Flavonoids Indoles Isoflavones Isothiocyanates Limonoids Lycopene Phenols Phenolic acids Plant sterols Polyphenols Saponins Terpenes
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 2 : Chemistry of Food Composition
Truly, we are what we eat. Food provides energy (kilocalories)
and nutrients, which are needed for the maintenance, repair, and growth of cells. Understanding food chemistry is important in planning good nutrition.
Proteins are essential to proper growth and maintenance. They differ from carbohydrates and lipids in that they contain nitrogen. Proteins consist of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Plant proteins, with the exception of the protein in legumes (beans, peas, and lentils), lack all the essential amino acids and are therefore “incomplete.”
BASIC FOOD CHEMISTRY The six major nutrient groups are: • Water • Carbohydrates • Proteins
Water: 60–70%
Fat: 15–25% (varies)
Protein: 15% Minerals: 12%
Lipids Vitamins Minerals
Most foods contain a combination of these six groups. The main purpose of eating and drinking is to provide calories (kcal) and to replace those nutrients used up in the body’s maintenance, repair, and growth. Calories (kcal) are to the body as fuel is to a car and our bodies use calories even while we are sleeping, allocating them as follows:
LIPIDS OR FATS Lipids, which are derived from both plant and animal sources, include fats and oils. Foods that are high in fat: Animal sources • Meats • Poultry • Dairy products
Plant sources • Seeds and nuts • Vegetable oils • Avocados, olives, coconut
• 60% are used for vital life functions, such as maintaining body temperature, respiration and heartbeat. • 10% are used for digesting and absorbing food nutrients. • 30% (depending on the person) are used for physical activity.
Three major lipid groups: • Triglycerides • Phospholipids • Sterols
Proportion of nutrients in the human body CARBOHYDRATES
WATER Water (H20) is the simplest but most important of all nutrients. The human body contains about 60 percent water, and water concentration in foods ranges from 70 to 90 percent in fruits, vegetables, and meats to less than 15 percent in grains, dried beans, and fats. In food preparation, water acts as a heat-transferring agent and a universal solvent, plays a crucial role in preservation, and is involved in the formation of numerous solutions and colloidal dispersions, suspensions, and emulsions. OTHER FOOD COMPONENTS Other components in foods include beneficial or harmful plant compounds and food additives used to (1) improve appeal, (2) extend storage life, (3) maximize performance, and (4) protect nutrient value. Both natural and synthetic food additives are available; two examples are color compounds (carotenoids, chlorophylls, flavonoids) and flavor compounds.
Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found primarily in plants. The basic building block of carbohydrates is the saccharide, which is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Starches consist of amylose and amylopectin. Fiber can be defined by whether or not it is crude or dietary and soluble or insoluble. VITAMINS AND MINERALS Both vitamins and minerals function at the cellular level. Neither contains calories (kcal) and both are found to some degree in most foods. Some foods are enriched (nutrients added that were lost in processing) or fortified (nutrients added that were not originally in the food) with vitamins and/or minerals. Salt is one of the few minerals used for a functional purpose in foods, specifically its ability to act as a preservative. NON-NUTRITIVE FOOD COMPONENTS Non-nutritive components in foods include color compounds (carotenoids, chlorophylls, flavonoids), flavor compounds, and beneficial or harmful plant compounds.
Chemistry of Food Composition Chapter 2
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. What is the word used to describe the process by which water splits a larger molecule into two smaller molecules? a. hydrolysis b. fission c. hydration d. fusion 2. Sucrose is an example of a _____________________. a. monosaccharide b. disaccharide c. oligosaccharide d. polysaccharide 3. Which of the following groups is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids? a. meats b. fruits c. dairy products d. most vegetable oils 4. Orange juice that has had calcium added during processing is considered to be _________________. a. hydrolyzed b. fortified c. enriched d. purified *See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions
5. Which of the following words is used to describe the group of non-nutritive plant compounds that may have protective effects against certain types of cancer? a. triglycerides b. vitamins c. minerals d. phytochemicals
Short Answer/Essay 1. List the six basic nutrient groups and describe the basic composition of each group. What is the caloric contribution (kcal) of each group to the diet? 2. Does the addition of solutes to water increase or decrease its freezing point? 3. Define solute, solvent, and solution, and explain how they differ from colloidal dispersions. 4. Define precipitate, electrolyte, emulsion, hydrolysis, and water activity. 5. List and describe the most common monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. 6. Describe the basic structure of a triglyceride and explain the two primary ways in which fatty acids differ. 7. Describe the basic structure of an amino acid. What is the difference between complete and incomplete protein? 8. Discuss the various functions of protein in foods. 9. What is the difference between a food being enriched and it being fortified? 10. List and describe three non-nutritive compounds found in food.
REFERENCES 1. Ahmad N, and H Muck. Green tea polyphones and cancer: Biological mechanisms and practical implications. Nutrition Reviews 57(3):78– 83, 1999. 2. Ashie INA, BK Simpson, and JP Smith. Mechanisms for controlling enzymatic reactions in foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36(1&2):1–30, 1996. 3. Baniel A, A Fains, and Y Popineau. Foaming properties of egg albumen with a bubbling apparatus compared with whipping. Journal of Food Science 62(2):377–381, 1997. 4. Berne S, and CD O’Donnell. Filtration systems and enzymes: A tangled web. Prepared Foods 165(9):95–96, 1996.
5. Cai R, and SD Arntfield. Thermal gelation in relation to binding of bovine serum albumin-polysaccharide systems. Journal of Food Science 62(6):1129–1134, 1997. 6. Cornec M, et al. Emulsion stability as affected by competitive absorption between an oil-soluble emulsifier and milk proteins at the interface. Journal of Food Science 63(1):39–43, 1998. 7. Crittenden RG. Functional polymers for the next millenia Prepared Foods 166:123–124, 1997. 8. Dartey CK, and GR Sanderson. Use of gums in low-fat spreads. Inform 7(6):630–634, 1996. 9. Elliot JG. Application of antioxidant vitamins in foods and beverages. Food Technology 53(2):46–48, 1999.
10. Ensminger AH. Foods and Nutrition Encyclopedia. CRC Press, 1994. 11. Fats and fattening: Fooling the body. Prepared Foods 166(7):51–53, 1997. 12. Ferrini RL, and E Barrett-Connor. Caffeine intake and endogenous sex steroid levels in post-menopausal women. American Journal of Epidemiology 144(7):642–644, 1996. 13. Giese J. Antioxidants: Tools for preventing lipid oxidation. Food Technology 50(11):73–78, 1996. 14. Giese J. Color measurement in foods quality parameter. Food Technology 54(2):62, 2000. 15. Hamilton EMN, and SAS Gropper. The Biochemistry of Human Nutrition. West, 1987.
Chapter 2 Chemistry of Food Composition
16. Horn S, et al. End-stage renal failure from mushroom poisoning with Cortinarius orellanus: Report of four cases and review of the literature. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 30(2):282–286, 1997. 17. Inulin is positively charged. Prepared Foods 166(12):85, 1997. 18. James J, and B Simpson. Application of enzymes in food processing. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36(5):437–463, 1996. 19. King A, and G Young. Characteristics and occurrence of phenolic phytochemicals. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99(2):213–218, 1999. 20. Kleiner SM. Water: An essential but overlooked nutrient. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99(2):200–206, 1999. 21. Kritchevsky D. Dietary fiber. Annual Reviews in Nutrition 8:301– 328, 1988. 22. Labin-Godscher R, and S Edelstein. Calcium citrate: A revised look at calcium fortification. Food Technology 50(6):96–97, 1996. 23. Lehmann P. More than you ever thought you would know about food additives. FDA Consumer 13(3):10–16, 1979. 24. Mertz W. Food fortification in the United States. Nutrition Reviews 55(2):44–49, 1997. 25. Niman S. Using one of the oldest food ingredients—salt. Cereal Foods World 41(9):728-731, 1996. 26. O’Donnell CD. Proteins and gums: The ties that bind. Prepared Foods 165(4):50–51, 1996.
27. Ohr L. Nutraceuticals and functional foods. Food Technology 56(6):109–115, 2002. 28. Pegg RB, and F Shahidi. Unraveling the chemical identity of meat pigments. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 37(6):561–589, 1997. 29. Phillips BJ. A study of the toxic hazard that might be associated with the consumption of green potato tops. Food and Chemical Toxicology 34(5):439–448, 1996.
30. Potter JD. Reconciling the epidemiology, physiology, and molecular biology of colon cancer. Journal of the American Medical Association 268:1573–1577, 1992.
31. Pszczola DE. Enzymes: Making things happen. Food Technology 53(2):74–79, 2001.
32. Pszczola DE. From soybeans to spaghetti: The broadening use of enzymes. Food Technology 55:11, 2001. 33. Reilly C. Too much of a good thing? The problem of trace elements fortification of foods. Trends in Food Science & Technology 7(4):139–142, 1996. 34. Sanderson GR. Gums and their use in food systems. Food Technology 50(3):81–84, 1996. 35. Scientific status summary: Evaluation of caffeine safety. Food Technology 41(6):105–113, 1987. 36. U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Factors affecting
growth of microorganisms in foods. Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook. 1997. Van Garde SJ, and M Woodburn. Food Preservation and Safety: Principles and Practice. Iowa State University Press. 1994. Ward FM. Hydrocolloid systems as fat memetics in bakery products: Icings, glazes and fi llings. Cereal Foods World 42(5):386–390, 1997. Whitehead IM. Challenges to biocatalysts from flavor chemistry. Food Technology 52(2):40–46, 1998. Whitney EN, CB Cataldo, and SR Rolfes. Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition. Wadsworth/ West Publishing, 1994. Wursch P, and FX Pi-Sunyer. The role of viscous soluble fiber in the metabolic control of diabetes. A review with special emphasis on cereals rich in beta-glucan. Diabetes Care 20(11):1774–1880, 1997. Xie YR, and NS Hettiarachchy. Xanthan gum effects on solubility and emulsification properties of soy protein isolate. Journal of Food Science 62(6):1101–1104, 1997. Yetley EA, and JI Rader. Folate fortification of cereal-grain products: FDA policies and actions. Cereal Foods World 40(2):67–72, 1995. Yuno-Ohta N. Gelation properties of ovalbumin as affected by fatty acid salts.JournalofFoodScience61(5):906– 910, 1996.
WEBSITES Analyze your own diet for calories and nutrients at: (click on “NATS VER 2.0”) The USDA Agricultural Research Service’s Nutrient Data Laboratory has an online data resource for nutrientconscious consumers. Check out how many calories and nutrients are in USDA’s database of different foods: search This FDA site is loaded with links related to chemistry topics ranging from A to Z, including food chemistry: Find out about the composition and properties of foods at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) website:
Food chemists publish their research articles in numerous journals and one of these is Food Chemistry, which can be found at: nd/ journaldescription.cws_home/405857/ description#description (click on full journal articles)
3 Food Safety Foodborne Illness 54 Biological Hazards—Living Culprits 54 Bacterial Food Infections 56 Bacterial Food Intoxications 57 Bacterial Toxin-Mediated Infections 58 Chemical Hazards—Harmful Chemicals in Food 62
he United States food supply is probably the safest in the world (23). Why is this so? Food safety is primarily achieved by controlling contamination at the food source (33). Federal and state regulations, along with inspections, require vigilance at all levels of food production and distribution (Chapter 28 covers government regulations in detail). Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks down causal factors when even as few as one or two outbreaks of foodborne illness are found. Finally, food manufacturers and distributors are motivated to avoid lawsuits brought against them as a result of negligence. Therefore, many follow food safety practices and programs to ensure that their food products are safe. The final result is general peace of mind for consumers.
Outbreak Defined by the CDC as the occurrence of two or more cases of a similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food. Foodborne illness An illness transmitted to humans by food.
Physical Hazards—Objects in Food 63 The HACCP System—Preventing Foodborne Illness 63 Critical Control Points 64 Critical Control Limits 69
In spite of all these preventive measures, people still get sick from food and beverages. Although it is difficult to assess the total number of people afflicted with foodborne illness each year, the General Accounting Office estimates that as many as 76 million illnesses and up to 5,000 deaths can be traced to contaminated foods (1). The CDC reports that approximately 80 percent of these foodborne illnesses originate at restaurants and other food service establishments, whereas most of the rest are traced to errors at home (40). There is also the perceived threat of intentional food supply terrorism, a concern that arose after September 11, 2001. Food biosecurity aims to keep the food supply free from planned contamination with biological, chemical, or physical hazards due to malicious and/or criminal intent (11). Before developing an irrational fear of foodborne illness, consider the number of meals prepared and eaten each year. More than 273 billion meals and an inestimable number of snacks are consumed each year in the United States. When compared with these numbers, the number of illnesses resulting from food contamination in this country is minimal. This chapter will examine the ways in which foods can cause illness, along with what can be done to prevent foodborne illness from happening.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
FOODBORNE ILLNESS Many people have suffered the unpleasant experience of a foodborne illness. Symptoms of foodborne illness include inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract lining (gastroenteritis), nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. About one-third of all reported diarrhea cases in the United States have been linked to foodborne illnesses (44). The severity of diarrhea or any of the other symptoms varies depending on the type of causative agent, the amount of it consumed, and the age and the susceptibility of the immune system of the affected individual. Those most seriously affected by foodborne illness are the very young, the old, and those with immune systems compromised by diseases such as AIDS or cancer (51). Mild cases of foodborne illness usually subside with time. Dehydration resulting from diarrhea and vomiting can be treated by the consumption of electrolyte-rich liquids. Severe cases may result in hospitalization and even death.
T A B L E 3 -1
Types of Foodborne Hazards
Bacteria Molds Viruses Parasites Prions
Plant toxins Animal toxins Agricultural chemicals Industrial chemicals
Glass Bone Metal Plastic
Bacteria One-celled microorganisms abundant in the air, soil, water, and/or organic matter (i.e., the bodies of plants and animals). Pathogenic Causing or capable of causing disease. Food infection An illness resulting from ingestion of food containing large numbers of living bacteria or other microorganisms. Food intoxication An illness resulting from ingestion of food containing a toxin.
What Causes Foodborne Illness? People get sick from food that has been contaminated by one of three types of food hazards: (1) biological, (2) chemical, and (3) physical (Table 3-1). Biological hazards are living organisms or organic material that include bacteria, molds, viruses, and parasites. Some of these hazards are so small that they cannot be seen except with the aid of a microscope. Bacteria, molds, viruses, and some parasites are examples of these kinds of microorganisms (micro means small), and are the topics of an introductory microbiology class. Chemical hazards are chemical substances that can harm living systems. These range from agricultural and industrial contaminants (including cleaners and sanitizers) to plant and animal toxins. Physical hazards include foreign material such as glass, metal, stones, and wood that could cause harm if ingested. Other common substances following these top four include jewelry, insects, insulation, bone, and plastic (15).
BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS— LIVING CULPRITS Foodborne biological hazards are organisms such as bacteria, molds, viruses, and parasites. The seriousness of these biological hazards varies greatly (Table 3-2). It is difficult to avoid microorganisms because they are everywhere. However, most biological hazards are
TA B L E 3 -2
inactivated or killed by adequate cooking and/or their numbers are kept to a minimum by sufficient cooling.
Bacteria—#1 Cause of Foodborne Illness More than 90 percent of foodborne illnesses are caused by bacteria, but only about 4 percent of identified bacteria are pathogenic. The remaining 96 percent are harmless. Some are even intentionally used to produce such foods as cheese, yogurt, soy sauce, butter, sour cream, buttermilk, cured meats, sourdough bread, and fermented foods such as pickles, beer, and sauerkraut. Beneficial and pathogenic bacteria are everywhere. Pathogenic bacteria cause three types of foodborne illness: (1) infection, (2) intoxication or poisoning, and (3) toxin-mediated infection. These are summarized below and explained in detail in the shaded section.
Food Infections About 80 percent of bacterial foodborne illnesses are due to food infections. These foodborne illnesses are caused by ingesting bacteria that grow in the host’s intestine, replicate, and create an infection through their colonization. Table 3-3 lists the bacteria primarily responsible for food infections.
Food Intoxication Foodborne illnesses can also be the result of food intoxication or poisoning. Bacteria grow on the food and release toxins that cause illness in the person consuming the toxin-laden food or beverage. Certain plants and animals
Biological Hazards Grouped According to Severity of Risk
Severe Hazards
Moderate Hazards: Potentially Extensive Spread*
Moderate Hazards: Limited Spread
Clostridium botulinum Shigella dysenteriae Salmonella typhi Hepatitis A and E Brucella abortus Vibrio cholerae (01) Vibrio vulnificus
Listeria monocytogenes Salmonella Shigella Enterovirulent Escherichia coli (EEC) Streptococcus pyogenes Rotavirus Norwalk virus group
Bacillus cereus Campylobacter jejuni Clostridium perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Vibrio cholerae (non-01) Vibrio parahaemolyticus Yersinia enterocolitica Giardia lamblia
*Although classified as moderate hazards, complications and aftereffects may be severe in certain susceptible populations. Source: Adapted from International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Food (ICMSF) (1986); Pierson and Corlett, eds., HACCP Principles and Applications (New York: Chapman & Hall, 1992).
Food Safety Chapter 3
produce toxins, but the most common food intoxicants originate from bacteria. Table 3-4 identifies bacteria most often associated with food intoxication.
TA B L E 3 -3
Toxin-Mediated Infection This type of foodborne illness occurs when bacteria enter the intestinal track
and then start to produce the toxin in the intestine (Table 3-5).
Bacterial Food Infections
Disease (causative agent)
Latency Period (duration)
Principal Symptoms
Typical Foods
Mode of Contamination
Prevention of Disease
Listeriosis (Listeria monocytogenes)
3–70 days
Meningoencephalitis; stillbirths; septicemia or meningitis in newborns
Raw milk, cheese, and vegetables
Soil or infected animals, directly or via manure
Pasteurization of milk; cooking
Salmonellosis (Salmonella species)
12–36 hr (2–7 days)
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, chills, fever, vomiting, dehydration
Raw, undercooked eggs; raw milk, meat, and poultry
Infected food- source animals; human feces
Cook eggs, meat, and poultry thoroughly; pasteurize milk; irradiate chickens
Shigellosis (Shigella species)
12–48 hr (4–7 days)
Diarrhea, fever, nausea; sometimes vomiting, cramps
Raw foods
Human fecal contamination, direct or via water
General sanitation; cook foods thoroughly
Streptococcus pyogenes
1–3 days (varies)
Various, including sore throat; erysipelas, scarlet fever
Raw milk, deviled eggs
Handlers with sore throats, other “strep” infections
General sanitation; pasteurize milk
Yersiniosis (Yersinia enterocolitica)
3–7 days (2–3 weeks)
Diarrhea, pains, mimicking appendicitis, fever, vomiting, etc.
Raw or undercooked pork and beef; tofu packed in spring water
Infected animals, especially swine; contaminated water
Cook meats thoroughly; chlorinate water
TA B L E 3 - 4
Bacterial Food Intoxicants
Disease (causative agent)
Latency Period (duration)
Principal Symptoms
Typical Foods
Mode of Contamination
Prevention of Disease
Botulism (Clostridium botulinum)
12–36 hr (months)
Fatigue, weakness, double vision, slurred speech, respiratory failure, sometimes death
Types A & B: vegetables, fruits; meat, fish, and poultry products; condiments; Type E: fish and fish products
Types A & B: soil or dust; Type E: water and sediments
Thorough heating and rapid cooling of foods
Botulism, infant infection (Clostridium botulinum)
Constipation, weakness, respiratory failure, sometimes death
Honey, soil
Ingested spores from soil or dust or honey colonize intestine
Do not feed honey to infants—will not prevent all
Clostridium perfringens
8–24 hr (12–24 hr)
Diarrhea, cramps, rarely nausea and vomiting
Cooked meat and poultry
Soil, raw foods
Thorough heating and rapid cooling of foods
Bacillus cereus: diarrheal
6–15 hr (12–24 hr)
Diarrhea, cramps, occasional vomiting
Meat products, soups, sauces, vegetables
From soil or dust
Thorough heating and rapid cooling of foods
Bacillus cereus: emetic
1/2–6 hr (5–24 hr)
Nausea, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea and cramps
Cooked rice and pasta
From soil or dust
Thorough heating and rapid cooling of foods
Staphylococcal food poisoning (Staphylococcus aureus)
1/2–8 hr (6–48 hr)
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps
Ham, meat, poultry products, cream-filled pastries, whipped butter, cheese
Handlers with colds, sore throats or infected cuts; food slicers
Thorough heating and rapid cooling of foods
Chapter 3 Food Safety
TA B L E 3 -5
Bacterial Toxin-Mediated Infections
Disease (causative agent)
Latency Period (duration)
Principal Symptoms
Typical Foods
Mode of Contamination
Prevention of Disease
Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter jejuni)
2–5 days (2–10 days)
Diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting
Infected food-source animals
Chicken, raw milk
Cook chicken thoroughly; avoid cross-contamination; irradiate chickens; pasteurize milk
Cholera (Vibrio cholerae)
2–3 days hours to days
Profuse, watery stools; sometimes vomiting; dehydration; often fatal if untreated
Raw or undercooked seafood
Human feces in marine environment
Cook seafood thoroughly; general sanitation
Escherichia coli: enterohemorrhagic
12–60 hr (2–9 days)
Watery, bloody diarrhea
Raw or undercooked beef, raw milk
Infected cattle
Cook beef thoroughly
Escherichia coli: enteroinvasive
at least 18 hr (uncertain)
Cramps, diarrhea, fever, dysentery
Raw foods
Human fecal contamination, direct or via water
Cook foods thoroughly; general sanitation
Escherichia coli: enterotoxigenic
10–72 hr (3–5 days)
Profuse watery diarrhea; sometimes cramps, vomiting
Raw foods
Human fecal contamination, direct or via water
Cook foods thoroughly; general sanitation
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
12–24 hr (4–7 days)
Diarrhea, cramps; sometimes nausea, vomiting, fever; headache
Fish and seafood
Marine coastal environment
Cook fish and seafood thoroughly
Vibrio vulnificus
In persons with high serum iron (1 day)
Chills, fever, prostration, often death
Raw oysters and clams
Marine coastal environment
Cook shellfish thoroughly
F I G U R E 3 -1
Centers for Disease Control
The main bacteria that cause food infections via colonization in the intestinal tract include Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Shigella (Table 3-3).
Salmonella Salmonella is one of the most common causes of illnesses traced to contaminated foods and water (Figure 3-1). Foods most susceptible to Salmonella contamination include meat, fish, poultry, eggs (especially eggnog or Caesar salad made with raw egg), and dairy products (especially custard fi llings, cream, ice cream, sauces, dressings, and raw or unpasteurized milk). Poultry is particularly vulnerable to Salmonella contamination (37). If birds
are to be stuffed, this should be done just prior to cooking, and the stuffing removed from the cavity immediately after cooking and refrigerated as soon as possible. If reheated, it should be brought to a temperature of at least 165°F (74°C) prior to consumption.
Current recommendations suggest that large birds should not be stuffed at all. Eggs are also at risk for Salmonella (S. enteritidis). Any crack or hole in an egg allows bacterial contamination to occur, so any damaged eggs in a carton should be discarded. Research suggests that Salmonella enteritidis can even be transmitted from infected hens to the eggs they lay (7). Consequently, some states have laws prohibiting the use of raw eggs in institutional settings. The FDA now has a regulation requiring a printed warning to consumers regarding the risk of undercooked eggs (Chemist’s Corner 3-1). Yet another source of Salmonella contamination is pet turtles, iguanas, and other reptiles, so hand washing is essential after handling such pets.
Listeria monocytogenes Listeria monocytogenes infection can have serious consequences. The fatality rates are as high as 20 to 35 percent of
Food Safety Chapter 3
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 3-1
F I G U R E 3 -2
Testing for Contamination Traditional testing procedures employed by the USDA to check for the presence of contamination are tedious and time consuming. DNA analysis (genotyping) can do it much faster (31). After cutting an isolated bacterial colony’s DNA with a specific enzyme, ribotyping can then be used to identify the bacterial strains by the resulting RNA fragments.
Yersinia enterocolitica Yersinia enterocolitica is destroyed by heat, but the concern is that, like Listeria, it too can grow in a wide temperature range (32°F to 106°F/0°C to 41°C). The ability of this bacterium to grow at refrigerator temperatures makes it all the more hazardous. Yersiniosis infection commonly occurs in children, resulting in gastrointestinal upset, fever, and appendicitis-like symptoms. In one outbreak, 36 children were hospitalized with apparent acute appendicitis and several underwent appendectomies before health officials determined that they had been infected with Yersinia enterocolitica by drinking contaminated chocolate milk (8). Yersiniosis infection can occasionally
also cause septicemia (bacteria in the blood), meningitis (inflammation of the spinal cord or brain membranes), and arthritis-like symptoms.
Shigella Poor personal hygiene by food handlers is the number one cause of Shigella infection. Shigella is carried in the intestinal tract and transferred to the hands of food service personnel who visit the restroom and do not wash their hands (Figure 3-2).
BACTERIAL FOOD INTOXICATIONS Food intoxication or poisoning occurs when a food is consumed that contains a toxin produced by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium botulinum (Table 3-4).
Staphylococcus aureus A major cause of foodborne illness, Staphylococcus aureus is ubiquitous (found everywhere) (Figure 3-3). Up to half of all healthy humans carry it, and it is a common cause of sinus infections and infected pimples and boils. It lives
Staphylococcus aureus.
Centers for Disease Control
those infected. The CDC records about 500 U.S. deaths annually from Listeria (22). Lysteria infection may also cause pneumonia, septicemia, urethritis, meningitis, and spontaneous abortion (50). Listeria monocytogenes is unique for several reasons. It is a facultative bacterium (capable of growing with or without oxygen); it can survive in a wide pH range (from 4.8 to 9.0); and it grows in a wide temperature range (39°F to 113°F/4°C to 45°C). It is one of the few bacteria that can thrive at refrigerator temperatures (53), and frozen dairy desserts have been implicated in some cases of Listeria monocytogenes contamination (18). Other foods associated with Listeria outbreaks are contaminated cabbage, pasteurized milk, luncheon meats, and Mexican-style soft cheese (6).
Chapter 3 Food Safety
Clostridium botulinum.
Centers for Disease Control
nal (kidney) failure in children (32). Of those developing HUS, about 5 percent may die (45). E. coli is naturally found in the intestinal tract, and causes problems only when fecal matter gets into the food or water supply (13). Most infections have been linked to undercooked meat, because contamination often occurs during the butchering of a carcass when the meat comes into contact with the animal’s intestinal tract (Figure 3-5)
360 people die each year from E. coli (23). The main concern for children is that certain strains of E. coli cause infant diarrhea, traveler’s diarrhea, and bloody diarrhea. E. coli may also cause hemorrhagic colitis—severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and a short-lived fever followed by watery, bloody diarrhea (12). A potentially deadly condition cause by E. coli is hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which is the leading cause of acute re-
How E. coli can cause serious health problems.
in the throat and nasal passages and in small cuts, so it is easily transmitted to foods through sneezing, coughing, and hand contact (52).
1. Bacteria naturally live in the intestines of healthy humans and animals. Most strains are harmless or even beneficial. A few like E. coli 0157:H7 can be harmful, even fatal, to humans.
Clostridium botulinum
2. Carcass meat may become contaminated during slaughter if the intestines are accidentally cut and the contents touch the muscle (meat).
The Clostridium botulinum toxin causes botulism, one of the deadliest, but fortunately rarest, forms of foodborne illness (Figure 3-4). Less than half a cup of botulinum toxin is enough to poison every person on earth. Medical advances, including the development of an antitoxin, have contributed to reducing the death rate from botulism to less than 2 percent (55). The most common cause of botulism is improperly home-canned food (see Chapter 27). Cans that are dented, have leaky seals, or bulge (indicating the presence of the gas produced by the bacterium) should be discarded. A foul odor or milky liquid in any can is also a sign of contamination.
3. Failing to thoroughly cook ground beef allows the bacteria in the center to survive.
4. Once consumed, bacteria live in the human’s large intestine and produce toxins. Two major types of symptoms can result from these absorbed toxins (see A and B below).
BACTERIAL TOXINMEDIATED INFECTIONS Common examples of bacteria causing toxin-mediated infections include Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and Vibrio (Table 3-5).
A Hemolytic colitis – severe abdominal cramps, vomiting, brief fever, and bloody diarrhea.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) – bacterial toxins destroy red blood cells, which may clot the kidney's small blood vessels. E. coli 0157:H7 is the leading cause of acute renal failure in children; it can even result in death.
Kidneys Large intestine
Escherichia coli Escherichia coli (E. coli) is dangerous, especially to children. The CDC estimates that between 7,600 and 20,400 people become ill and 120 to
Bacteria toxin absorbed
Small intestine Intestine
Food Safety Chapter 3
(19). Undercooked hamburger is the most common meat source of E. coli contamination. Scientists began identifying E. coli 0157:H7 in the early 1980s, but it was not until an outbreak in 1993 in the Pacific Northwest that national attention and preventive efforts were focused on the problem. The outbreak, which was caused by the consumption of undercooked ground beef in a fast-food restaurant, brought about a prompt response from the U.S. government. A new safety program was instituted, featuring more rapid testing of ground beef, tighter controls at slaughterhouses and processing plants, and the labeling of fresh meat products with instructions for safe handling and preparation, including increasing final cooking temperature of ground meats from 140°F to 160°F/60°C to 71°C (31). Health officials recommend that ground beef be thoroughly cooked so that no pink remains. Undercooked hamburgers are not the only sources of E. coli infection. Other foods or food-handling practices
implicated in E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks include unpasteurized (raw) milk, unpasteurized apple juice or cider, raw sprouts (42), dry cured salami, fresh produce (especially manure fertilized), yogurt, sandwiches, and water (52). E. coli may also be transmitted to children in child-care centers because of poor hand washing after diaper changing. Ideally, those who change diapers should not be the same people who prepare food (36). Other outbreaks have been reported from an improperly chlorinated swimming pool and contaminated water systems.
Campylobacter jejuni The number of people infected with Campylobacter jejuni now equals or exceeds those affected by Salmonella (29). Campylobacter species are responsible for more than 14 percent of the estimated annual food-related illnesses and deaths attributed to foodborne pathogens (20). Although the largest foodborne disease outbreak was traced
Molds produce mycotoxins, which can cause food intoxication. Over 300 mycotoxins have been identified, some of which are carcinogenic (cancer causing) (46). Aflatoxin, a carcinogenic toxin made by the mold Aspergillus flavus, is the most potent liver carcinogen known. Foods infected with Aspergillus flavus are most likely to be peanuts and grains. Unlike bacteria, molds are visible, exhibiting bloom on affected foods. They also thrive at room temperature and need less moisture than bacteria do. Foods susceptible to molds are breads, jams and jellies, and salty meats such as ham, bacon, and salami. Black spots in the refrigerator, often called mildew, are actually molds that can be cleaned by washing the surface with a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of water. Musty-smelling dishcloths, sponges, and mops should be thoroughly cleaned or replaced, because such odors indicate that mold has taken root.
Viruses are one of nature’s simplest organisms. Unlike bacteria, which can exist independently, a virus needs a living cell in order to multiply. These microorganisms have been identified as causal agents in about 3 to 10 percent of foodborne illnesses (Table 3-6) (38). All foodborne viruses are transmitted via the oral-fecal route, that is, from contaminated feces to the mouth. They may be passed from person to person, or through carriers such as flies, soiled diapers, water, and food. Two of the most common viruses known to cause foodborne illnesses are the hepatitis A virus and the Norwalk virus.
HOW & WHY? Why are some molds all right on foods whereas others are not? As a rule, foods that show signs of mold should not be eaten. The exceptions are cheeses (such as Roquefort, bleu, Brie, and Camembert), whose flavor, texture, and
to a municipal water supply, most other cases are linked to raw meat, undercooked poultry, unpasteurized milk, and untreated water.
Vibrio Seafood is the major carrier of Vibrio infection. V. parahaemolyticus is the most common cause of foodborne illness in Japan (32). Cholera (V. cholera) is responsible for thousands of deaths each year in Asia. Poor sanitary conditions contaminate water supplies and usually account for the deaths reported in other countries (47). In the United States, very few cases are reported and they are usually associated with raw oyster consumption (21). The bacteria can also be transmitted through skin wounds during the cleaning or harvesting of shellfish, or if seawater washes over a preexisting wound. The Food and Drug Administration estimates that about 5 to 10 percent of raw shellfish on the market are contaminated.
color depend on specific safe molds. Other foods relying on molds during processing include soy sauce, tempeh, and certain types of Italian-style salami that are coated in a thin, white mold. Cheeses such as cheddars and Swiss that become moldy can safely be trimmed 1 inch away from the mold. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese and cream cheese that have become moldy, however, should be thrown out, because the mold may penetrate through the cheese.
Mold A fungus (a plant that lacks chlorophyll) that produces a furry growth on organic matter. Mycotoxin A toxin produced by a mold. Bloom Cottony, fuzzy growth of molds. Virus An infectious microorganism consisting of RNA or DNA that reproduces only in living cells.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
TA B L E 3 - 6
Viruses Causing Foodborne Illness
Disease (causative agent)
Onset (duration)
Principal Symptoms
Typical Foods
Mode of Contamination
Prevention of Disease
Hepatitis A (Hepatitis A virus)
10–50 days (2 weeks to 6 months)
Fever, weakness, discomfort, nausea; often jaundice
Raw or undercooked shellfish; sandwiches, salads, etc.
Human fecal contamination, via water or direct
Cook shellfish thoroughly; general sanitation
Viral gastroenteritis (Norwalk-like viruses)
1–2 hours (1–2 days)
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pains, headache, mild fever
Raw or undercooked shellfish; sandwiches, salads, etc.
Human fecal contamination, via water or direct
Cook shellfish thoroughly; general sanitation
Viral gastroenteritis (rotaviruses)
1–3 days (4–6 days)
Diarrhea, especially in infants and young children
Raw or mishandled foods
Probably human fecal contamination
General sanitation
Hepatitis A Virus Hepatitis A infection occurs most frequently after food is contaminated with fecal matter. (This differs from the hepatitis B virus, which is transmitted through body fluids and not through food.) Another common source of hepatitis A is polluted shellfish beds and vegetable fields (16). Shellfish are a source of hepatitis A infection because they are eaten with their digestive tracts intact. Another possible source of hepatitis A contamination is childcare centers where diaper changing occurs. A vaccine is available that is 95 percent effective against the virus.
Norwalk Virus The Norwalk virus is spread via contaminated shellfish, food handlers, and water containing raw sewage. Heating will destroy this virus, but freezing will not. Norwalk virus infection outbreaks can be large, as in the case of a Minnesota restaurant in which two salad makers contaminated the food and infected over 2,000 people (32).
Parasites Parasites need a host to survive. They infect people in many parts of the world, but in the United States fewer than 500 cases of parasitic infection
Parasite An organism that lives on or within another organism at the host’s expense without any useful return.
are reported each year. Two of the more common foodborne parasites are roundworms and protozoa (Table 3-7).
Roundworms Roundworm infections can result from eating undercooked pork or uncooked or undercooked fish. Trichinella spiralis The Trichinella spiralis roundworm is probably the most common parasite carried in food, and is responsible for causing trichinosis. Pork products are the primary source of infection, with 1 out of every 100 swine in the United States infected. There are now relatively few cases of trichinosis each year, and most infections are thought to be contracted through the consumption of raw or improperly cooked pork, especially sausage (39). Heating pork to an internal temperature of 137°F (58°C) will kill the T. spiralis larvae, but the National Livestock and Meat Board recommends a final internal temperature of 160°F (71°C) as a safety margin. Microwave cooking of pork is not recommended because of uneven heating. Herring Worms (Anisakis simplex) and Codworms (Pseudoterranova dicipiens) Japanese cooks preparing sushi (a Japanese dish of thin raw fish slices or seaweed over a cake of cooked rice) inspect fish for these tiny white worms, but because the worms are no wider than a thread, some may be missed. Therefore, not all raw fish dishes are guaranteed to be worm-free. There is no commercial method to detect all parasites. Even candling, which involves placing a fillet over a lighted
translucent surface, finds only 60 to 70 percent of the worms (34). People who consume raw or undercooked fish containing the live worms may experience a tingling throat sensation caused by the worm wriggling as it is swallowed. Other symptoms usually appear within an hour after ingestion, but may not show up for as long as two weeks later. In serious cases, the worm penetrates through the stomach or intestinal wall, causing severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Symptoms often continue for several days and have been misdiagnosed as appendicitis, gastric ulcer, Crohn’s disease, and gastrointestinal cancer (54). After several weeks, the worm dies, or it may be coughed or vomited up by the host. It also may be removed by a physician using a fiber-optic device equipped with mechanical forceps. Despite these dramatic problems arising from worm infection from contaminated fish, only about ten cases are reported every year. The number of actual cases, however, may be significantly higher because of underreporting.
Protozoa Protozoa are animals consisting of just one cell. They most frequently infect humans through contaminated water. Only 3 out of about 30 types of protozoa are related to food safety: Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Cyclospora. The most common of these is Giardia. Giardia lamblia Giardia lamblia is primarily transmitted through surface streams and lakes that have been contaminated with the feces of infected livestock and other animals. This
Food Safety Chapter 3
T A B L E 3 -7 Disease (causative agent)
Parasites Causing Foodborne Illness Onset (duration)
Principal Symptoms
Typical Foods
Mode of Contamination
Prevention of Disease
Roundworms (Nematodes) Trichinosis (Trichinella spiralis)
8–15 days (weeks, months)
Muscle pain, swollen eyelids, fever; sometimes death
Raw or undercooked pork or meat of carnivorous animals (e.g., bears)
Larvae encysted in animal’s muscles
Thorough cooking of meat; freezing pork at 5°F for 30 days; irradiation
Ascariasis (Ascaris lumbricoides)
10 days–8 weeks (1–2 years)
Sometimes pneumonitis, bowel obstructions
Raw fruits or vegetables that grow in or near soil
Eggs in soil from human feces
Sanitary disposal of feces; cooking food
Anisakiasis (Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens)
Hours to weeks (varies)
Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting
Raw or undercooked marine fish, squid or octopus
Larvae occur naturally in edible parts of seafoods
Cook fish thoroughly or freeze at –4°F for 30 days
Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia)
5–25 days (varies)
Diarrhea with greasy stools, cramps, bloat
Mishandled foods
Cysts in human and animal feces, directly or via water
General sanitation; thorough cooking
Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium parvum)
2–3 days (2–3 weeks)
Diarrhea; sometimes fever, nausea, and vomiting
Mishandled foods
Oocysts in human feces
General sanitation; thorough cooking
Amebic dysentery (Entamoeba histolytica)
2–4 weeks (varies)
Dysentery, fever, chills sometimes liver abscess
Raw or mishandled foods
Cysts in human feces
General sanitation; thorough cooking
Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondi)
10–23 days (varies)
Resembles mononucleosis fetal abnormality or death
Raw or undercooked meats; raw milk; mishandled foods
Cysts in pork or mutton, rarely beef; oocysts in cat feces
Cook meat thoroughly; pasteurize milk; general sanitation
Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
10–14 weeks (20–30 years)
Worm segments in stool; sometimes digestive disturbances
Raw or undercooked beef
“Cysticerol” in beef muscle
Cook beef thoroughly or freeze below 23°F
Fish tapeworm (Diphylliobothrium latum)
3–5 weeks (years)
Limited; sometimes vitamin B12 deficiency
Raw or undercooked freshwater fish
“Plerocercoids” in fish muscle
Heat fish 5 minutes at 133°F or freeze 24 hours at 0°F
Pork tapeworm (Taenia sollium)
8 weeks–10 years (20–30 years)
Worm segments in stool, sometimes “cysticercosis” of muscles, organs, heart, or brain
Raw or undercooked pork; any food mishandled by a T. serum carrier
“Cysticerol” in pork muscle; any food—human feces with T. serum eggs
Cook pork thoroughly or freeze below 23°F; general sanitation
Tapeworms (Cestodes)
protozoan is responsible for the most common parasitic infection in the world, and is most frequently associated with the consumption of contaminated water. Another common source of infection is child-care centers. Approximately 2 percent of the population in the United States is infected (54). Infection with this organism causes recurring attacks of diarrhea and the passage of stools containing large amounts of unabsorbed fats and yellow mucus. When a Giardia infec-
tion is contracted, medications can be taken for the symptoms.
Prions—Mad Cow Disease Prions, now believed to be a result of virus infection, are related to mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) (56). It is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) that riddles the brain with holes,
making it look like a sponge. TSE is a group of diseases that affect the brain, resulting in symptoms that range from loss of coordination to convulsions and ultimately death. TSEs other than mad cow disease include Creutzfeldt-
Prion An infectious protein particle that does not contain DNA or RNA.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
Jakob disease (CJD; a disease causing dementia), Kuru (“the laughing death,” a disease formerly found in New Guinea when cannibalism was practiced there), new variant CJD, and scrapie (a disease causing coordination loss and itching/ scraping in goats and sheep). In mad cow disease, prions, or viruses producing prions, travel up the spinal cord to the brain. This virus-related protein material incorporates itself into the brain, causing chain reactions that create holes in the brain. The incubation period between infection and manifestation can be months, years, or decades. Controversy exists concerning how prions are transmitted from food to humans. The foods most often believed to be linked to these prions have been cattle and sheep in Great Britain. Prior to the understanding of prions, the practice for some livestock growers was to kill sickly animals and feed the remains to other cattle. It is speculated that healthy cattle being fed rendered livestock would then become infected and, when slaughtered for their meat, would potentially spread this disease to the consumer. Over 95 percent of all BSE cases have occurred in Great Britain (28). Despite efforts to keep the United States BSE free, the first few reports of BSE infected cattle in the United States occurred in 2006. The Department of Health and Human Services tried to avoid this by banning the use of rendered carcasses as feed for other livestock (41). There has also been strong compliance with this feed ban by the livestock industry interested in keeping its food products safe. Further measures to keep livestock safe in the United States occurred when the USDA banned imported livestock from Great Britain in 1989, and extended the ban to Europe in 1997. Although BSE prevalence in the United States remains extremely low, some countries have banned beef imports from the United States (bans are sometimes lifted).
New Virulent Biological Hazards It is not unusual for microorganisms that were relatively unheard of to emerge with a new virulence (actively harmful), making them a public threat.
Examples of pathogens not previously recognized as a serious cause of foodborne illness are the Norwalk virus, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio cholera, and Yersinia enterocolitica (36). Pathogens are living organisms that rapidly evolve (3). Bacteria are constantly appearing as potential hazards to public health, so health departments and government agencies must be vigilant. Several serious outbreaks resulting from “new” microorganisms led the CDC in 1994 to implement Emerging Infections Programs (EIPs) in state health departments (25).
CHEMICAL HAZARDS— HARMFUL CHEMICALS IN FOOD Chemical hazards are any chemical substances hazardous to health. These chemicals can come from plants
(herbs, fruit pits, mushrooms), animals (fish), or chemicals used in agriculture or industry that may end up in food unintentionally (Figure 3-6). Several examples of chemical toxins from seafood are explained below.
Seafood Toxins— Chemicals from Fish/Shellfish Both fish and shellfish may harbor toxins causing foodborne illness.
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning Ciguatera fish poisoning is the most common toxin-related food poisoning in the United States. It is caused by eating fish, usually from tropical waters, that contain a ciguatoxin that is not destroyed by heating (4). Although less than 1 percent of fish found in tropical areas with coral reefs are actually contaminated, more than one-third of Florida barracuda were found to contain ciguatera toxin, resulting in a ban on the sale of barracuda for human consumption (35).
Keith Nakatano, past executive director of Save the Bay, holds up a fish caught off the wharf during a news conference at which he released results of a study that found bay fish have unhealthy levels of PCBs, mercury, DDT, and other toxic chemicals in amounts up to 13 times higher than those allowable by federal standards.
AP/Wide World Photos
Food Safety Chapter 3
Histamine Food Poisoning Excessive histamine accumulation in fish (especially tuna) may result in histamine food poisoning (scombrotoxism). Other popular fish affected include mackerel, sardines, and herrings (49). This is one of the most common forms of fish poisoning in the United States and occurs when the fish have not been chilled immediately after being caught. The fish become toxic when bacteria (such as Morganella morganii) produce histamine due to time-temperature abuse.
Pufferfish Poisoning One of the most violent poisonings originating from seafood occurs when the liver, gonads, intestines, and/or skin of the pufferfish are consumed. These organs contain tetrodotoxin, which if ingested results in a mortality rate of 50 percent. Only a few cases have been reported in the United States, but in Japan, where pufferfish or fugu is a traditional delicacy, 30 to 100 cases are reported each year (54). Most of these cases in Japan originated from people preparing the dish at home, rather than eating it at special restaurants. Licensed chefs are specially trained in these restaurants in how to remove the poisonous viscera from the pufferfish.
Red Tide Red tide is the result of the rapid growth of a reddish marine alga, usually occurring during the summer or in tropical waters. Shellfish, such as mollusks, oysters, and clams, and certain fish that consume red tide algae become poisonous and should not be eaten until the red tide has disappeared.
been known to find their way into the food supply.
THE HACCP SYSTEM— PREVENTING FOODBORNE ILLNESS* The acronym HACCP (pronounced has-sip) stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. This is a step-by-step prevention-based food safety system based on seven principles shown in Figure 3-7 (44). The FDA recommends the HACCP system be incorporated by the food industry, including processing plants, food service establishments, and food corporations. Previously, the only real standard method of ensuring food safety compliance was health department inspections. Having a customized written HACCP plan now shifts the emphasis from policing to prevention. Essentially, the HACCP program involves analyzing potential hazards by first identifying and then monitoring them. The hazard analysis serves as the basis for establishing critical control points (CCPs). Limits for each CCP are then established. These CCPs are then monitored to make sure that they stay within the recommended limits, and verified through record keeping to prevent foodborne illness. All seven steps are documented in a HACCP plan customized for a particular food-related establishment.
History of HACCP
PHYSICAL HAZARDS— OBJECTS IN FOOD Physical hazards in food and beverages that can harm the consumer’s health include glass (the most common), bone, metal, wood, stones, false fingernails, toothpicks, watches, jewelry, insects, staples from food boxes, and many other foreign items that have
The application of HACCP to food production was pioneered in the 1960s by the Pillsbury Company. Assisting them with this project in part was the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), an agency that wanted to provide food to astronauts
*This section is adapted from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, 1999 Food Code. Guidelines can be found at fc99-a5.html.
F I G U R E 3 -7
The seven principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system.
1. Assess the hazards 2. Identify the critical control points 3. Establish limits at each critical control point 4. Monitor critical control points 5. Take corrective action 6. Documentation 7. Verification
that approached a 100 percent assurance against foodborne illness during space flights.
The Seven HACCP Principles The system evolved and the USDA [through a National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) established in 1988] developed the seven HACCP principles. Before beginning to develop a HACCP plan for a food establishment, a team should be assembled that is familiar with the overall food operation and the specific production processes to be included in the plan. Team members should be familiar with common HACCP terms listed in Table 3-8. The following sections review the seven principles of HACCP.
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System, a systematized approach to preventing foodborne illness during the production and preparation of food. Critical control point (CCP) A point in the HACCP process that must be controlled to ensure the safety of the food.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
TA B L E 3 - 8
HACCP Terms and Definitions
Acceptable Level
The presence of a hazard that does not pose the likelihood of causing an unacceptable health risk.
Control Point
Any point in a specific food system at which loss of control does not lead to an unacceptable health risk.
Critical Control Point
The point at which loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk.
Critical Limit
The maximum or minimum value to which a physical, biological, or chemical parameter must be controlled at a critical control point to minimize the risk that the identified food safety hazard may occur.
Failure to meet a required critical limit for a critical control point.
The written document that delineates the formal procedures for following the HACCP principles developed by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.
A biological, chemical, or physical property that may cause an unacceptable consumer health risk.
A planned sequence of observations or measurements of critical limits designed to produce an accurate record and intended to ensure that the critical limit maintains product safety. Continuous monitoring means an uninterrupted record of data.
Preventive Measure
An action to exclude, destroy, eliminate, or reduce a hazard and prevent recontamination through effective means.
An estimate of the likely occurrence of a hazard.
Sensitive Ingredient
Any ingredient historically associated with a known microbiological hazard that causes or contributes to production of a potentially hazardous food as defined in the Food Code.
Methods, procedures, and tests to determine if the HACCP system in use is in compliance with the HACCP plan.
HACCP Principle #1: Assess the Hazards The first step in the development of a HACCP plan for a food operation is identifying the hazards associated with the food or beverage product. After identifying the hazards, preventive measures are determined to keep these hazards under control.
CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS The following major critical control points are now discussed in more detail: • Processing (food plants) • Purchasing (vulnerable foods)
Cross-contamination The transfer of bacteria or other microorganisms from one food to another. Good Manufacturing Practices A set of regulations, codes, and guidelines for the manufacture of food products, drugs, medical devices, diagnostic products, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
HACCP Principle #2: Identify the Critical Control Points (CCPs) A critical control point (CCP) is any point in a food production system during which a loss of control may result in an unacceptable health risk. CCPs include cooking, chilling, specific sanitation procedures, product • Preparation (thawing, crosscontamination, heating, holding, serving, and cooling/reheating) • Sanitation (cleanup, equipment, facilities, pest control, and water) • Storage (discussed in later chapters) • Personnel
Processing—Critical Control Point The majority of foodborne illnesses originate at restaurants; only about 3 percent can be traced to food processing plants (5). Most outbreaks in food processing plants are usually caused by contamination of incoming foods, failure of pathogen-killing processes, or contamination of foods after sanitization. The low percentage of foodborne illnesses originating from food manufacturers is due in part to the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). Establishments
formulation control, prevention of cross-contamination, and employee and environmental hygiene. Problems with CCPs can occur at any time from the point of growing and harvesting the food to consumer consumption. At any of these points, a preventive measure can be applied to eliminate, prevent, or minimize the risk of a food hazard.
that use GMPs document in detail the process of operations to such a degree that it allows any product to be traced back to where it was manufactured in case the need for recall occurs. Incoming raw foods may be contaminated in several ways. The digestive tracts of people and animals naturally contain bacteria. During the rendering of animals at the slaughterhouse, the digestive tract may be accidentally cut open or nicked, releasing bacteria that may then come in contact with meat (9). Other possible sources of contamination include any cuts, skin, feet, hair, hide, or feathers that can carry bacteria. Fruits and vegetables may be contaminated by microorganisms in the soil, or by manure used to fertilize crops. Contamination may also occur at the plant when instruments and appliances used in pathogen-killing processes, such as temperature gauges, heaters, seals, and refrigeration units,
Food Safety Chapter 3
fail to work properly. And fi nally, foods may become contaminated after sanitation. Microorganisms by their nature are ubiquitous and lodge themselves in air fi lters, drains, equipment, floor cracks, food scraps, and even dust.
Purchasing— Critical Control Point
not contain high levels of protein and water. Fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked rice, sliced fruits, sautéed onions, potatoes, garlic-in-oil combinations, and apple cider have all been implicated (36). For example, illnesses from fresh-pressed apple cider, affecting hundreds of people and resulting in at least one death, have been reported over the past 20 years (50). At one time it was thought that the low acidic content of fresh apple cider (pH < 4.0) was a protective, but a strain of E. coli can now survive in fresh cider with a pH of 3.7. This conflicts with the FDA Food Code that has historically considered foods with a pH of less than 4.6 as generally safe (48). The FDA has given notice to the fresh juice industry regarding implementation of a HACCP system, labeling requirements, and recommended pasteurization (26).
High-risk foods (high levels of protein/water) for disseminating foodborne illness.
• Meat—beef, pork, lamb • Poultry
A quality control program in a food establishment often ensures that only foods that meet written specifications are purchased. Foods should be purchased from reputable vendors, meet temperature and humidity requirements, show no evidence of being refrozen (such as frozen fluid lining the bottom of the container containing the food or large ice crystals on the food’s surface), be received in undamaged containers, and meet specifications, such as U.S. grade, weight, and size, and whether the food should be fresh or frozen (see Chapter 5). Suspect cans (dented, bloated, or showing signs of leakage) and foods in unmarked containers should be discarded. All foods should be in their original containers or clearly labeled if they have been transferred to another receptacle. Vulnerable Foods Just like we do, bacteria need food, and the best types of food to support their growth are those containing high amounts of protein and water (Figure 3-8). Proper refrigeration or freezing is a must for these high-risk foods. Particularly vulnerable are food products made with the high-
TA B L E 3 -9
• Fish and shellfish • Dairy • Eggs • Broth, stocks • Gravies/sauces (meat-, milk-, or egg-based) • Tofu and other soy foods • Stuffings (when exposed to poultry cavity)
risk foods and exposed to more handling, such as meatloaf, hamburger, salads (coleslaw, and pasta, chicken, egg, and tuna salads), Chinese and Mexican dishes, some baked goods, and cream fi llings. Egg dishes likely to become contaminated include baked or soft custard, French toast, quiches, hollandaise sauce, meringues, eggnog, and mayonnaise. Damaged eggs are good vectors for organisms that cause foodborne illnesses and should be discarded. Food establishments have the safer option of using pasteurized eggs. In recent years, foodborne illnesses have been implicated in foods that do
Preparation— Critical Control Point The various steps of food preparation— pre-preparation, heating, holding, reheating, and serving—are vulnerable to a loss of control leading to an unacceptable health risk. Two aspects of pre-preparation are now discussed— thawing and cross-contamination.
Thawing For safe thawing, only one of the methods below should be used. Table 3-9 further illustrates safe thawing techniques
Critical Control Points for Freezing and Thawing Chicken
Process Hazard
Critical Control Point
Monitoring Method
Action to Take If Standard Not Met
Freezer storage
Contaminating bacteria will survive
Freezer temperature
Freezer temperature ≤ 0°F
Measure freezer air temperature
Reset thermostat
Insufficient thawing may lead to insufficient cooking, and pathogen survival
Thawing timetemperature
Allow 1 day in refrigerator to thaw 5 lb chicken; check for microwave standards
Continue until thawed
Bacteria can grow if portions are warm enough
Thawing timetemperature
Thaw in refrigerator Measure refrigerator Lower thermostat Thaw in microwave oven temperature Thaw under cool running water Follow appliance instructions
Drip from thawing chicken can contaminate surfaces and other foods
Sanitation of contact Wash, rinse, and disinfect after surfaces, including contact with chicken or drip plates, utensils, sinks, countertops
Source: American Dietetic Association.
Reset water flow Rewash and sanitize
Chapter 3 Food Safety
Three-compartment sink.
Pre-Rinse Soak and Wash
related to critical control points for chicken. • Refrigerator, on the bottom shelf to avoid contaminating other foods with any drippings. Thawing frozen meat at room temperature is considered an unsafe practice. Running cold water over meat wrapped in protective plastic, or placing it in a bath of ice water and frequently replacing the water, are not as safe as defrosting in a refrigerator. • Microwave oven followed by immediate cooking • As part of the cooking process
Cross-Contamination Cross-contamination is one of the most common causes of foodborne illness during the summer months when backyard barbecuing is popular. People carry raw meat on a plate to the barbecue, cook the meat, and place it back on the same plate, which is contaminated with raw meat juices. An example of commercial cross-contamination occurred in 1996, when at least 224,000 people became ill from eating ice cream contaminated with Salmonella. The bacteria was traced to the trucking company that had transported the pasteurized ice cream premix in trailers,
which had previously carried Salmonella-contaminated liquid eggs (30). To prevent cross-contamination, food should never touch contaminated surfaces unless it is to be thoroughly cooked. Surfaces should also be regularly washed and sanitized, especially after coming into contact with raw food. Particularly susceptible surfaces include hands, utensils, tabletops, cutting boards, and slicers, as well as aprons, cleaning cloths, and sponges. Dust and soil should be washed off the tops of cans before they are opened. Raw meats should never be stored in the refrigerator above cooked or readyto-eat foods where they may drip onto the food below.
Sanitation—Critical Control Point Cleanup Dishes in a food service establishment may be hand or machine washed. Whatever method is used, the process must meet certain sanitation guidelines to pass a health department food inspection. In order to kill pathogens, dishwashing temperatures should be between 140°F and 160°F (60°C and 71°C), and rinse temperatures at least
T A B L E 3 -1 0
Three-compartment sink A sink divided into three sections, the first for soaking and washing, the second for rinsing, and the third for sanitizing.
180°F (82°C) for 10 seconds or 170°F (77°C) for 30 seconds, in order to kill most pathogens. Despite concerns that dishwashing failures result in foodborne illness, only 5 percent of sanitation failures can be traced to faulty equipment; the remaining 95 percent are a result of human error.
Three-Compartment Sink Manual washing in a food establishment requires a three-compartment sink for washing pots and pans, dishes, glasses, cutlery, and tools (Figure 3-9). The first compartment is used for soaking and washing items in water heated to 100°F to 120°F (38°C to 49°C). The second compartment is for rinsing, and the third area is for sanitation. The last compartment can sterilize items with either hot water or chemical sanitizers. If water is used, then temperatures must reach at least 180°F (82°C) for 1 minute. Food establishments may also sanitize with the chemical sanitizers shown in Table 3-10.
Drying Items should always be air or heat dried. Damp cloth towels should be avoided because they serve as an ideal medium for microorganism growth.
Chemical Sanitizers Used in Commercial Food Establishments
How to Use
Chlorine Iodine Quaternary ammonium compounds Organic acids (lactic, acetic, propionic)
200 ppm* for water and equipment 25 ppm for hand washing and equipment 200 ppm for walls; 500 ppm for floors 130 ppm for stainless steel surfaces
*ppm 5 parts per million
Food Safety Chapter 3
Scheduling Schedules for cleaning should be posted and followed scrupulously to maintain a sanitary work environment. Floors, walls, windows, lights, and equipment should all be included in the frequent cleanup routine. Sanitation guidelines involving cleanup, personnel, equipment, facilities, pest control, and water could be set and routinely followed by establishing cleaning schedules to be checked off on predetermined dates.
and free of litter. Lighting fi xtures must be covered to prevent dust and insects from collecting on light bulbs and falling on the food. Food service organizations are required to have dressing rooms, restrooms, and hand-washing sinks available to the employees. Having unclean restrooms is the most common complaint against eating establishments that consumers fi le with health departments.
Pest Control Equipment The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) sets standards for equipment to be used in food service establishments. Equipment should be as free of crevices as possible, so it is best to buy equipment with rounded junctions. Wooden cutting boards are more prone to nicks and crevices than are those made of plastic or marble, and it once was thought that they were more prone to microbial contamination. Studies now show that once they are cleaned, bacterial levels do not differ significantly among the various types of boards (43). All equipment, utensils, containers, and meat grinders and slicers should be thoroughly cleaned after each use. Only trained employees should clean meat slicers, because these instruments are the number one cause of cuts in a food service organization. After cleaning, utensils are best stored covered, and glasses and cups should always be stored upside down. Disposable utensils such as plastic cups, forks, knives, and plates should never be washed and reused. Freezers and refrigerators should have at least 6 inches (10 inches is preferred) between the bottom storage shelf and the floor; this allows for adequate cleaning. They should also contain thermometers to determine that correct temperatures are being maintained.
Facilities In order to remain sanitary, a food service establishment should be designed and maintained in ways that promote cleanliness. Floors, walls, and ceilings should have adequate ventilation. Materials used in construction should allow for easy cleaning. Garbage should be discarded in covered pest-proof containers that are frequently cleaned
Even the cleanest facility can be put at risk of transmitting foodborne illness by the presence of insects, rodents, birds, turtles, or other animals. Rodents such as mice and rats can carry Salmonella, typhus, and the bubonic plague. Insects and cockroaches transfer microorganisms by landing, walking, and regurgitating their stomach contents on foods when feeding. Figure 3-10 shows some common pests. To discourage pests from taking up residence, all entrances should be screened or sealed, standing water should be removed, and all drains should be working properly. It also helps to cover all
F I G U R E 3 -1 0
garbage and remove it frequently. All food should be securely stored in pestproof containers. Even though it might be tempting to spray insects, only a professional should apply insecticides.
Personnel— Critical Control Point Sanitation is largely influenced by food service personnel. In the early 20th century, a cook in New York named Mary Mallon appeared perfectly healthy, but infected about 50 people with typhoid fever. Not surprisingly, she came to be known as “Typhoid Mary.” She believed that because she could not see germs, she did not have to wash her hands before cooking. As this story illustrates, a top priority for any food-serving establishment is that food workers be healthy and know how to handle food safely (Figure 3-11). Typhoid is far from the only illness that can be transferred through carelessness and poor hygiene. The common cold, mumps, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, trench mouth, diphtheria, influenza, and whooping
Common pests that may transmit foodborne illness.
Cockroaches Cockroaches are drawn to food crumbs and often regurgitate while eating.
Rodents Signs of rats and mice include their droppings, urine markings, and holes in packaging.
Insects Insects lay their eggs on decaying matter such as sewage, garbage, or rotting food.
Pantry Pests Pests preferring pantry foods such as flour, sugar, rice, and other dry goods include beetles, mites, moths, weevils, and silverfish.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
F I G U R E 3 -11
Personal hygiene checklist.
Self Stay healthy. Maintain daily sleep, well-balanced diet, and relaxation. Report to supervisor if you are sick. Stay clean. Practice daily bathing, shampoo hair regularly, use deodorant, and take care of fingernails — they should be cleaned, trimmed, and free of polish and decorations. Wear only clothes that are new or have been washed. Shoes should cover the foot (no sandles, open toe) and have nonskid soles. Wear caps or hairnets. Avoid items that may fall into food/beverages: hairpins, jewelry, false nails, nail polish, nail decorations, bandages on hand (cover with plastic gloves), handkerchiefs. Food Handling Avoid handling food; use serving spoons, scoopers, dippers, tongs, and ladles. Cover all exposed food with lids, plastic wrap, or aluminum wrap. Taste food with clean spoon and do not reuse. If gloves are used, change them between food and nonfood handling. Kitchen Wash hands in the hand-washing sink before starting and after breaks/meals. Cover all coughs/sneezes and immediately wash hands in hand sink. No smoking or gum chewing. Keep all surfaces clean. Use potholders for pots and dish towels for dishes. Keep cleaning items away from foods/beverages. Serving Hold plates without touching the surface. Carry silverware only by the handles. Handle glassware without touching the rim or the inside.
cough may also be spread this way. Only people who are free of colds, diarrhea, wounds, and illnesses should be working with food.
Training A Food Management Certificate obtained through a health department education class, commercial online class, or the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation at www.nraef .org ensures that a food handler has learned safe food-handling techniques. It is often a job requirement for food service employees. Periodic retraining on sanitation techniques is available from local health departments, the National Restaurant Association, or the Centers for Disease Control. Training is also important for HACCP to work successfully in any food establishment. It is better to incorporate HACCP into each employee’s normal duties rather than to add it as something extra.
HACCP Principle #3: Establish Limits at Each Critical Control Point
Reinforcement Training reinforcement provides continued motivation for food establishment employees. Some examples might include a HACCP video training program; reminders about HACCP critical limits printed on employees’ time cards or checks; and work station reminders such as pictorials on how and when to take food temperatures. Reinforcement of food safety topics should include: • Avoid hand-to-mouth. Any handto-mouth movements should be discouraged; this includes even such simple habits as smoking, gum chewing, and eating in the foodhandling areas. Sampling foods, either with fingers or utensils, should not be permitted; this also transfers bacteria. Staphylococcus can be transferred by workers who touch their mouth, nose, a pimple, or infected cut, and then handle Critical control points are meaningless without quantification. The following section discusses the limits for four selected critical control points:
food. Sneezing or coughing sends millions of microorganisms into the surrounding air to settle on food. • Hand washing. Hands should be washed frequently, especially before handling food and after touching raw meat or eggs, using the restroom, sneezing, or handling garbage. When food handlers touch a doorknob, handrail, telephone, counter, or any other surface that is frequently contacted by others, it necessitates another hand washing before food is touched. They also should not touch the surfaces of food-serving utensils. The forks, knives, and spoons for customer use are always placed head down in serving canisters. The same rule applies to the ice scoop handle, which should never come in contact with ice after touching an employee’s hands or an unclean surface. • Hand-washing sink. Food establishments have a separate sink strictly for hand washing. It should never be used for washing foods or utensils. To ensure maximum effect from hand washing, the routine should consist of washing up to the elbow for at least 20 seconds, using a nailbrush, and then drying with disposable towels or an air dryer. Cloth towels should never be used. • Uniforms. Food service workers should clean their uniforms frequently, wear caps or hairnets, and avoid jewelry such as rings and bracelets that can collect minute particles of food and dust.
Updates Every time there is a change in a food operation, the HACCP training needs should be updated.
Feedback The HACCP plan should provide a unanimous method of soliciting feedback from employees. They are on the front lines of the actual work so they are the first to see issues that need to be addressed or that are potential problems. • • • •
Temperature Time Water and humidity pH
Food Safety Chapter 3
CRITICAL CONTROL LIMITS Temperature— Critical Control Limit Bacteria grow rapidly in the temperature danger zone and this includes the human body temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) (Figure 3-12). The goal for con-
F I G U R E 3 -12
sumers is to keep foods out of the temperature danger zone by storing cold foods under 40°F (4°C), and hot foods above 140°F (60°C). The goal is different for retailers (restaurants, etc.) that have a slightly modified temperature danger zone of 41°F (5°C) to 135°F (57°C). Bacteria normally do not survive temperature extremes, although a few bacteria survive below freezing (32°F/0°C).
The temperature danger zone and its surrounding temperatures.
Canning for low-acid foods (vegetables, meat, and poultry in pressure canner). Canning for high-acid foods (fruits, tomatoes, and pickles in water-bath container).
Cooking temperatures destroy most bacteria.
165 Warm temperature prevents growth, but some survival of bacteria.
Heating Improper temperature contributes to most foodborne outbreaks in the United States (10). Heat often destroys bacteria and it is well known that bacteria die when exposed to at least 10 minutes of boiling (212°F or 100°C). However, not all food can be boiled, so the goal is to keep foods out of the temperature danger zone. Certain foods, especially meat, poultry, and fish, need to reach higher temperatures than the minimum consumer standard of 140°F (60°C), or 135°F (57°C) for retailers, during cooking in order to ensure safety (Table 3-11). The heat must also be able to entirely penetrate the food. Not all meats can be cooked in a microwave oven because the waves only penetrate to a depth of 1 ⁄2 to 2 inches. For this reason, it is unsafe to cook turkeys in a microwave oven, even if they are unstuffed. Another concern about the safety of microwaved foods is the short heating time (2). Despite precautions, some bacteria may survive environmental stresses in spore form. Spores are very resistant to drying and heating, and the bacteria may remain in this dormant state for long periods until their environment becomes more hospitable.
Holding Foods held before or after serving must also be kept out of the temperature danger zone.
Rapid growth of bacteria and production of toxins.
Serving is also a vulnerable point for food contamination. Good personal hygiene on the part of food service employees is essential to the safety of the foods and beverages being served.
Some growth of bacteria. 4 0
40 32
Refrigerator. Slow growth of some bacteria.
Freezing stops growth, but bacteria survive. 0
Temperature danger zone The temperature range for consumers is 40°F to 140°F (4°C to 60°C) and 41° (5°C) to 135°F (57°C) for retailers, which is ideal for bacterial growth. Spore Encapsulated, dormant form assumed by some microorganisms that is resistant to environmental factors that would normally result in its death.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
T A B L E 3 -11
Temperatures Needed to Destroy Microorganisms in Different Foods (Individual states are not required to adopt these recommendations, so some temperatures will vary.)
Poultry Reheated foods Ground meats Pork Beef Fish
165°F (74°C)* 165°F (74°C) (for 15 seconds) 160°F (71°C) 145°F (63°C) 145°F (63°C) 140°F (60°C)
*In 2006, the USDA selected 165°F (74°C) to be the single safe minimum endpoint temperature. However, consumers can choose to cook poultry to higher temperatures. It is recommended to check the temperature in whole birds at three locations—thigh (deep crevice), wing joint, and breast.
F I G U R E 3 -1 3
Proper cooling techniques. For even, rapid cooling…
DO NOT use large, deep containers
Even when serving, the 140°F (60°C) and 40°F (4°C) boundaries must be observed (41°F (5°C) to 135°F (57°C) for retailers).
Cooling/Reheating Inappropriately cooled foods are a major cause of foodborne illnesses. Foods should be cooled to below 40°F (4°C) within four hours of removal from cooking or they pose a danger to consumers. Liquid foods should be placed in shallow pans less than 3 inches deep to cool, and thicker foods in pans less than 2 inches deep (Figure 3-13). All hot foods must be reheated to at least 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds within two hours before serving. In a food service establishment, untouched leftovers are sometimes discarded, because they are a potential source of microbial contamination.
Use shallow containers
Storage Temperatures Perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, or under dry conditions according to the following temperatures: • Refrigerator: 40°F (4°C) or below • Freezer: below 0°F (218°C) • Dry storage: 65°F (18°C) The optimal storage temperatures of foods vary; the inside back cover of this book describes these differences. All refrigerators and freezers, especially in a commercial food establishment, should be opened only when absolutely necessary, because frequent door opening decreases their temperature efficiency. Refrigerator temperatures should be checked regularly to ensure that they are being maintained
correctly. Studies show that 10 to 20 percent of home refrigerators are above 50°F (10°C), a temperature that cannot ensure safety (17). The refrigerator or freezer should also not be overloaded, which compromises the capacity of the unit to maintain correct temperatures. In addition, the practice of placing large amounts of hot food in a cold refrigerator will cause temperatures to fluctuate dangerously.
Time—Critical Control Limit The Two-Hour Rule applies: Any perishable food left out in danger zone temperatures for more than two hours of actual time, or four hours of cumulative time, should be discarded. Cumulative time includes the time from the truck to the store, the store to the freezer, the freezer to the kitchen, and the time on the counter where the food is being prepared. Microbial growth occurs exponentially; the number of bacteria can grow from harmless to staggering in a relatively short time (Figure 3-14).
Storage Times There is a limit to how long perishable foods can be held safely in the refrigerator or freezer, or under dry conditions. Storage limits are provided on the inside back cover of this book, but keep in mind that recommendations for maximum storage times are not exact and vary from source to source. A general rule to follow is 3 days maximum for fresh meats and high-watercontent fruits and vegetables. The “first in, first out” rule should also be followed—foods brought into the storage area at an earlier date are used before those purchased later.
Water and Humidity— Critical Control Limit Bacteria cannot survive without water, so it’s important to keep the potentially problematic areas free from water (14). Food service establishments can only use water that is from an approved water supply free of pathogenic micro-
Food Safety Chapter 3
F I G U R E 3 -1 4
Bacteria divide to reproduce, resulting in billions from just one cell in less than one day. Stationary phase
Number of Cells
10 hrs.
2 hrs.
Decline phase 1
1— 2 hrs. 1 hr. 1 — 2 hr.
organisms. They are required to have adequate plumbing along with proper sewage and water waste disposal. Mechanisms must be in place to prevent backflow through pipes—an occurrence that will cause the health department to immediately close a food service establishment.
pH—Critical Control Limit
HACCP Principle #4: Monitor Critical Control Points
The purpose of a corrective action plan is to:
The acidity or alkalinity of a substance often determines which bacteria, if any, will grow in a food. Generally, highacid foods are less likely to engender the growth of bacteria than low-acid foods. The pH sensitivity of bacteria
Observations and Measurements
1. Determine if any unsafe food was produced. 2. Take corrective action. 3. Record any corrective action taken.
The most common CCP monitored is the temperature of food during preparation, holding, and serving. These can be recorded as part of the HACCP plan’s documentation. Table 3-12 shows an example of a HACCP plan being used to prepare potato salad.
HACCP Principle #6: Documentation— Establish RecordKeeping Systems
HACCP Principle #5: Take Corrective Action When monitoring shows that a critical limit has been exceeded, the next step is to establish the action to be taken.
Record keeping is essential to a smoothly operating HACCP plan. It serves as the foundation from which proactive change and correction can occur, and may prevent small problems from escalating into large and costly ones. A written log of temperatures and
means that fruits and other high-acid content (pH 4.6) foods are less likely to be sources of microbial contamination than foods with a lower acid content (pH 4.6), such as meats and vegetables (24). Tomatoes were once considered high-acid foods, but newer varieties are not so acidic.
other critical control points at various stages of food production documents where a health problem originated. It also protects individuals or corporations meeting their obligations.
Written HACCP Plan This step requires the preparation and maintenance of a written HACCP plan by the food establishment. The plan must detail the hazards of each individual or categorical product covered by the plan. It must clearly identify the CCPs and critical limits for each CCP.
Record Keeping The approved HACCP plan and associated records must be on fi le at the food establishment. Generally, the following are examples of documents that
Chapter 3 Food Safety
T A B L E 3 -12
Monitoring critical control points in the preparation of potato salad. Process Flow Diagram
Product: Cold Deli—Potato Salad Potatoes, onion
Mayonnaise, mustard, pimiento
Spices, sugar
Pots, pans, utensils, etc.
Dry storage at 50° to 70°F
Refrigerated storage at 41°F or below
Dry storage at 50° to 70°F
Dry storage at 50° to 70°F
Dry and clean storage
Wash under cool running water
Wash under cool running water
Peel potatoes, chop onions
Dice celery
Cover and refrigerate
Cover and refrigerate at 41°F or below
© Royalty-Free/Corbis
1. Place potatoes in stock pot with enough water to cover. Boil, cover, simmer until potatoes are tender. CCP 1 2. Drain water. Cover and refrigerate at 41°F or below. 3. Combine mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, spices, and pimiento. Stir well. 4. Dice potatoes. Combine potatoes, celery, onions, and mayonnaise mixture. 5. Place in shallow containers to maximize cooling rate.
Cover, label, date. Refrigerate at 41°F or below. CCP 2
Holding and service
Portion into serving cups. Garnish and place into service. CCP 3
Cover. Refrigerate at 41°F or below. CCP 4
Date marking
Date product with the date of opening or production. Discard all product held after 7 days
Approved By:__________________________________ Date:________________________________ *These are examples for illustrative purposes only. The potential hazards identified may not be the only hazards associated with these types of products. Your response may be different for each specific product and establishment. Source: Food Science and Technology, Columbus, OH.
can be included in the total HACCP system: • Listing of the HACCP team and assigned responsibilities • Description of the product and its intended use • Flow diagram of food preparation indicating CCPs • Hazards associated with each CCP and preventive measures • Critical limits • Monitoring system • Corrective action plans for deviations from critical limits • Record-keeping procedures • Procedures for verification of the HACCP system
HACCP Principle #7: Verification Internal Verification Procedures Internal verification occurs when the HACCP team verifies that critical limits at CCPs are satisfactory.
External Verification Procedures—Health Department Inspection External verification occurs through unannounced health department inspections. Too many violations can result in suspension or revocation of an establishment’s license. A temporary
suspension is served when there is an imminent hazard to health, or when there has been a failure to comply with an earlier inspection’s findings. A revocation occurs with more serious or repeated violations. Figure 3-15 shows a sample health department inspection form and the points on which inspections are graded, receiving a score from 1 to 5 for each item. The weights of the individual deficiencies are subtracted from 100 percent to obtain the score. The items most commonly checked by health inspectors involve food-holding temperatures, improper refrigeration, and improper cooling of cooked foods.
Food Safety Chapter 3
F I G U R E 3 -1 5
Health department inspection form. POINTS
FOOD *01 Source; sound condition, no spoilage
02 Original container; properly labeled
SEWAGE *28 Sewage and waste water disposal
PLUMBING 29 Installed, maintained
Potentially hazardous food meets temperature requirements during storage, preparation, display, service transportation
*30 Cross-connection, back siphonage, backflow
04 Facilities to maintain product temperature
05 Thermometers provided and conspicuous
*31 Number, convenient, accessible, designed, installed
06 Potentially hazardous food properly thawed
*07 Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not re-served *08
Food protection during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation
Toilet rooms enclosed, self-closing doors, fixtures, good 32 repair, clean; hand cleaner, sanitary towels/tissues/handdrying devices provided, proper waste receptacles
09 Handling of food (ice) minimized
10 In use, food (ice) dispensing utensils properly stored
Containers or receptacles, covered: adequate number insect/rodent proof, frequency, clean
*11 Personnel with infections restricted
Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean; controlled incineration
*12 Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices
13 Clean clothes, hair restraints
Presence of insects/rodents — outer openings protected, *35 no birds, turtles, other animals
Food (ice) contact surfaces: designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located
Non-food contact surfaces: designed, constructed, main15 tained, installed, located
Walls, ceiling, attached equipment: constructed, good repair, clean, surfaces, dustless cleaning methods
Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge cock (1/4" IPS valve)
18 Pre-flushed, scraped, soaked
19 Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature
21 Wiping cloths; clean, use restricted
FLOORS, WALLS, AND CEILINGS Floors, constructed, drained, clean, good repair, covering 36 installation, dustless cleaning methods
Dishwashing facilities; designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located, operated
Sanitization rinse: clean, temperature, concentration, ex*20 posure time; equipment, utensils sanitized
4 1
LIGHTING 38 Lighting provided as required, fixtures shielded
VENTILATION 39 Rooms and equipment — vented as required
DRESSING ROOMS 40 Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located
Food-contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean, free of abrasives, detergents
23 Non-food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils clean
24 Storage, handling of clean equipment/utensils
25 Single-service articles, storage, dispensing
26 No re-use of single service articles
OTHER OPERATIONS *41 Toxic items properly stored, labeled, used
5 1
Premises maintained free of litter, unnecessary articles, 42 cleaning maintenance equipment properly stored. Authorized personnel
43 Complete separation from living/sleeping quarters. Laundry.
*27 Water source, safe: hot and cold under pressure
44 Clean, soiled linen properly stored
*Critical items requiring immediate attention.
Score = 100 –
pts. =
Adapted from Texas Dept. of Health’s Food Service Establishment Inspection Report.
National Surveillance The first level of surveillance consists of physicians and coroners, who are required to notify local health departments of certain disease cases. These reports are then sent to the state public health epidemiology office, where the
laboratories may also receive food samples to test. Ultimately, this information goes to federal offices such as the CDC. Unfortunately, not every person who reports a foodborne illness provides a sample, so only about 38 percent of all recognized outbreaks reported to the
CDC ever have their cause identified (30). Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed the development of a food safety plan to detect global hazards (27).
Chapter 3 Food Safety
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 3 : Food Safety
Federal and state regulations, along with regular inspections throughout the food industry, ensure that the food supply in the United States is the safest in the world.
PHYSICAL HAZARDS Foreign objects that inadvertently turn up in food and beverage products can threaten the consumer’s health. The most common hazard is glass.
FOODBORNE ILLNESS Symptoms of an illness transmitted through food may include inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract lining, nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and/or vomiting. The most common causes of foodborne illness are: Biological • Microorganisms - Bacteria - Molds - Viruses • Animal parasites • Prions
Chemical • Plants • Seafood toxins • Agricultural/Industrial Physical Foreign objects in food
BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Biological hazards in food include bacteria, molds, viruses, parasites, and prions. The most common cause of foodborne illness is bacteria via infection or intoxication (poisoning). Food infections, responsible for about 80 percent of foodborne illnesses, occur when a person consumes a food or beverage containing large numbers of bacteria. Food intoxication and toxin-mediated infection occur when a person consumes a toxin from bacteria growing on food. Other foodborne illnesses are caused by mycotoxins in molds, viruses such as the hepatitis A virus, parasites such as worms and protozoa, and protein particles called prions, which are responsible for mad cow disease. CHEMICAL HAZARDS Chemicals that are hazardous to a person’s health can come from plants such as poisonous mushrooms, agricultural or industrial chemicals that are included in food unintentionally, or fish or shellfish that harbor dangerous toxins. Four examples of toxic seafood are ciguatera fish poisoning (the most common in the United States), histamine food poisoning, pufferfish poisoning, and red tide.
THE HACCP SYSTEM The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System (HACCP) is a proactive method of preventing foodborne illness and ensuring food safety. This system aims to prevent foodborne illness by seven methodical steps: 1. Assess the hazards. 2. Identify the critical control points—any point in the process of food production at which a loss of control may result in unacceptable health risk. 3. Establish limits at each critical control point. 4. Monitor critical control points. 5. Take corrective action. 6. Documentation—establish record-keeping systems. 7. Verify that preventive and corrective measures have been taken through regular inspection. Major critical control points in the food production process are: • Processing • Purchasing • Preparation • Sanitation • Storage Temperatures Needed to Destroy Microorganisms in Different Foods Food
165°F (74°C)
Poultry stuffing
165°F (74°C)
Reheated foods
165°F (74°C)
Ground meats
160°F (71°C)
145°F (63°C)
145°F (63°C)
140°F (60°C) Dishwashing temperatures should be between 140°F and 160°F (60°C and 71°C), and rinse temperatures at least 180°F (82°C) for 10 seconds or 170°F (77°C) for 30 seconds to kill most pathogens.
Food Safety Chapter 3
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. What is the name for any illness transmitted to humans by food? a. food outbreak b. food intoxication c. foodborne illness d. food infection 2. HACCP is a(n) ___________________ designed to prevent __________________ from occurring. a. inspection program, food outbreaks b. mandatory program, food outbreaks c. inspection program, foodborne illnesses d. food-safety program, foodborne illnesses 3. Which temperature range represents what is called “the temperature danger zone” for consumers and retailers respectively in food safety? a. between 20°F/–7°C and 80°F/27°C; between 21°F/–6°C and 75°F/24°C b. between 80°F/27°C and 180°F/82°C; between 81°F/27°C and 175°F/79°C c. between 40°F/4°C and 140°F/60°C; between 41°F/5°C and 135°F/57°C d. between 60°F/16°C and 160°F/71°C; between 61°F/16°C and 155°F/68°C 4. Salmonella bacteria may be found in which type of food? a. poultry products b. vegetable products c. beef products d. all of the above
*See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions
5. Which of the following is the safest method for thawing frozen foods? a. at room temperature overnight b. in the sun c. in a refrigerator d. in a sink overnight
Short Answer/Essay 1. Discuss the difference between food infection and toxin-mediated infection. Give examples of each. 2. List and briefly explain the seven principles of the HACCP system. 3. Identify the major hazards to food safety. 4. Define the following: pathogenic, temperature danger zone, spore, and cross-contamination. What are the recommended temperatures for refrigerators, freezers, and dry storage? 5. For the agents of foodborne illness listed below, indicate: (a) whether it causes an infection or intoxication; (b) what the general symptoms of infection are; and (c) the foods that are most commonly associated with the illness. V. vulnificus, Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Hepatitis A virus 6. List and briefly describe three parasites that can cause foodborne illness. 7. List and briefly describe three natural toxicants that can cause foodborne illness. 8. Which nine food categories are particularly prone to bacterial contamination? 9. To what internal temperatures should the following be heated for safe consumption? poultry, pork, beef, fish, ground meats, reheated foods, and stuffing 10. Discuss the process of a general county health department inspection of a food service establishment.
REFERENCES 1. Adams AM, et al. Survival of Anisakis simplex in microwave processed arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias). Journal of Food Protection 62(4):403–409, 1999. 2. Arthur MH. Emerging microbiological food safety systems. Food Technology 56(2):48–51, 2002. 3. Beadle A. Ciguatera fish poisoning. Military Medicine 162(5):319–322, 1997.
4. Bean N, and P Griffi n. Foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1973–1987: Pathogens, vehicles, and trends. Journal of Food Protection 53:804–817, 1990. 5. Bernard DT, and VN Scott. Listeria monocytogenes in meats: New strategies are needed. Food Technology 53(3):124, 1999. 6. Berrang ME, et al. Eggshell membrane structure and penetration by
Salmonella typhimurium. Journal of Food Protection 62(1):73–76, 1999. 7. Black RE, et al. Epidemic Yersinia enterocolitica infection due to contaminated chocolate milk. New England Journal of Medicine 298:76, 1978. 8. Bolton DJ, et al. Integrating HACCP and TQM reduces pork carcass contamination. Food Technology 53(4):40–43, 1999.
Chapter 3 Food Safety
9. Bryan F. Risks of practices, procedures, and processes that lead to outbreaks of foodborne diseases. Journal of Food Protection 51:663– 673, 1988. 10. Bryant CM, J McEntire, and R Newsome. Defending the food supply. Food Technology 59(8):64–73, 2005. 11. Buchanan RL, and MP Doyle. Foodborne disease significance of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and other enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Food Technology 51(10):69–76, 1997. 12. Center for Disease Control. Preliminary FoodNet data on the incidence of infection with pathogens transmitted commonly through food—Selected sites, United States, 2003. MMWR Weekly 53(16):338– 343, 2004. 13. Chapman PA, et al. A 1-year study of Escherichia coli 0157 in cattle, sheep, pigs, and poultry. Epidemiology & Infection 119(2):245–250, 1997. 14. Chirife J, and M del Pilar Buera. Water activity, water glass dynamics, and the control of microbiological growth in foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 36(5):465–513, 1996. 15. Clark JP. Drying still actively researched. Food Technology 56(9):76, 2002. 16. Cromeans TL. Understanding and preventing virus transmission via foods. Food Technology 54(4):20, 1997. 17. Daniels RW. Applying HACCP to new-generation refrigerated foods at retail and beyond. Food Technology 45(6):122–124, 1991. 18. Dean JP, and EA Zottola. Use of nisin in ice cream and effect on the survival of Listeria monocytogenes. Journal of Food Protection 59(5):476–480, 1996. 19. Delmore LRG, et al. Hot-water rinsing and trimming/washing of beef carcasses to reduce physical and microbiological contamination. Journal of Food Science 62(2):379– 376, 1997. 20. Denton JH. Performance standards for Campylobacter are not warranted. Food Technology 56(7):104, 2002.
21. Duan J, and Y Su. Occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in two Oregon oyster-growing bays. Journal of Food Science 70(1) 58–63, 2005. 22. Duxbury D. Keeping tabs on Listeria. Food Technology 58(7):74–80, 2004. 23. Espy M. Ensuring a safer and sounder food supply. Food Technology 48(9):91–93, 1994. 24. Food microbiology: Controlling the greater risk. Medallion Laboratories Analytical Progress 4(1):1–8, 1988. 25. Foodborne diseases active surveillance network. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 46(12):258–261, 1996. 26. Fresh juice label warnings called no substitute for pasteurization. Food Chemical News 39(39):23, 1997. 27. Galanis E, et al. Web-based surveillance and global Salmonella distribution, 2000–2002. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12(3):381–388, 2006. 28. Giese J. It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad cow test. Food Technology 55(6):60, 2001. 29. Grigoriadis SG, et al. Survival of Campylobacter jejuni innoculated in fresh and frozen beef hamburgers stored under various temperatures and atmospheres. Journal of Food Protection 60(8):903–907, 1997. 30. Hennessy TW, et al. A national outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis infections from ice cream. New England Journal of Medicine 334(20):1281–1286, 1996. 31. Hoch GJ. New rapid detection test kits speed up food safety. Food Processing 58(11):35–39, 1997. 32. Institute of Food Technology. New bacteria in the news: A special symposium. Food Technology 40(18):16– 25, 1986. 33. Jackus LA, et al. Managing food safety: A systematic approach. Food Technology 58(10):37–39, 2004. 34. Jenks WG, et al. Detection of parasites in fish by superconduction quantum interference device magnetometry. Journal of Food Science 61(5):865–869, 1996.
35. Juranovic LR, and DL Park. Foodborne toxins of marine origin: Ciguatera. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 117:51–94, 1991. 36. Knabel SJ. Foodborne illness: Role of home food handling practices. Food Technology 49(4):119–131, 1995. 37. Li Y, et al. Pre-chill of chicken carcasses to reduce Salmonella typhimurium. Journal of Food Science 62(3):605–607, 1997. 38. Liston J. Current issues in food safety; especially seafoods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 89(7):911–913, 1989. 39. McAuley JB, MK Michelson, and PM Schantz. Trichinosis surveillance, United States, 1987–1990. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 40(3):35–42, 1991. 40. McNutt K. Common sense advice to food safety educators. Nutrition Today 32(3):128–133, 1997. 41. Mermelstein NH. Comprehensive BSE risk study released. Food Technology 56(1):75, 2002. 42. Mermelstein NH. Washington news. Food Technology 56(1):75, 1999. 43. Miller AJ, RC Whiting, and JL Smith. Use of risk assessment to reduce listeriosis incidence. Food Technology 51(4):100–103, 1997. 44. National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods. Hazard analysis and critical control point principles and application guidelines. Journal of Food Protection 61(6):762–775, 1998. 45. Omaye ST. Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli: Another concern. Food Technology 55(5):26, 2001. 46. Pohland AE. Mycotoxins in review. Food Additives and Contaminants 10(1):17–28, 1993. 47. Risks misjudged in cholera epidemic. Food Insight (January/February):2, 1992. 48. Sado PN, et al. Identification of Listeria monocytogenes from unpasteurized apple juice using rapid test kits. Journal of Food Protection 61(9):1199–1202, 1998. 49. Shakila J, G Jeyasekara, SA Vyla, and RS Kumar. Effect of delayed
Food Safety Chapter 3
processing on changes in histamine and other quality characteristics of 3 commercially canned fishes. Journal of Food Science 70(1):24–29, 2005. 50. Silk TM, ET Ryser, and CW Donnelly. Comparison of methods for determining coliform and Escherichia coli levels in apple cider. Journal of Food Protection 60(11):1302–1305, 1997.
lococcal enterotoxins. Journal of Food Protection 60(2):195–202, 1997. 52. Tauxe RV. Emerging foodborne diseases: An evolving public health challenge. Emerging Infectious Diseases 3(4):425–434, 1997. 53. Tinney KS, et al. Reduction of microorganisms on beef surfaces with electricity and acetic acid. Journal of Food Protection 60(60):625–628, 1997.
51. Su YC, and ACL Wong. Current perspectives on detection of staphy-
54. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Admin-
istration. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook (the “Bad Bug Book”), 1997. Available: http:// 55. Vangelova L. Botulinum toxin: A poison that can heal. FDA Consumer 29(10):16–19, 1995. 56. Watts JC, A Balachandran, and D Westaway. The expanding universe of prion diseases. PloS Pathogens 2(3):e26, 2006.
WEBSITES The American Medical Association’s website provides information on foodborne illness: The federal government’s food safety website is located at: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains a website on food safety:
The USDA’s website provides information on “Foodborne Illness Education Information Center”: .html More information about the FDA’s Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition can be found at its website: Mad cow disease information can be found at these websites:
USDA: topics/ bse_thinking.htm US Beef Industry: The FDA’s “Bad Bug Book” clearly describes numerous pathogenic microorganisms and toxins:,mow/intro.html Generic HACCP plans from the University of California at Davis are found at its website: plans.htm
4 Food Preparation Basics Heating Foods 78 Cutlery Techniques 85 Measuring Ingredients 87
ooking is a craft which can rise, on occasion, to an art,” said Arno Schmidt, once an executive chef of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City (19). Understanding the basics of food preparation is essential to getting a meal together, but because it is not an exact science, no matter how knowledgeable and careful the food preparer is, results vary from meal to meal. Schmidt further said it is “no wonder that seemingly similar foods taste and act differently depending upon endless factors.” The factors that Schmidt is referring to include the type of heat used, the cooking utensils (please see Appendix C for a summary of the equipment used in food preparation), the amount of food prepared, and that a cup of, say, fresh leeks tastes more potent than twice the quantity of dried leeks. Add to the equation the foibles of human nature and the unique tastes and preferences of individuals, and it is easy to see how two chefs following the same recipe could come up with different products. Food preparation most definitely approaches art at times, but until its basic techniques are learned and mastered, the results will more nearly resemble preschool finger painting than the work of the Great Masters. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the basic heating methods in food preparation, cutlery techniques, measuring and mixing techniques, the proper use of seasonings and flavorings, and the guidelines of food presentation.
Mixing Techniques 90 Seasonings and Flavorings 91 Food Presentation 95
HEATING FOODS Heating not only destroys microorganisms that cause illness, but it also changes the molecular structure of foods, altering their texture, taste, odor, and appearance. During food preparation, heat is transferred by either moist- or dry-heat methods. Regardless of which method is used, food should never be left unattended while it is cooking because that is the number one cause of kitchen fires.
Moist-Heat Preparation Moist-heat preparation techniques include scalding, poaching, simmering, stewing, braising, boiling, parboiling, blanching, and steaming. In these methods, liquids are used not only to heat the food, but may also contribute flavor, color, texture, and appearance to the final product. This is especially the case if broth and mixtures containing herbs, spices, and seasonings have been added.
Moist-heat preparation A method of cooking in which heat is transferred by water, any water-based liquid, or steam.
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
Moist-heat preparation helps to soften the fibrous protein in meats and the cellulose in plants, making them more tender. Liquids generated from heating foods can also be used as a flavorful stock to make soups or sauces. One
possible drawback to moist-heat methods is that color, flavor compounds, vitamins, and minerals may leach out and be lost in the liquid. However, using this liquid in a sauce or gravy retains them in the diet.
The various moist-heat preparation methods are presented below in order of increasing heat requirements, ranging from a low heat of 150°F (66°C) for scalding water to a high heat of 240°F (116°C) for pressure steaming.
Types of MoistHeat Preparation
The lower heat of a simmer is essential when cooking tough cuts of meat that require gentle cooking in order to become tender.
uid to a rolling boil, gradually add the food, distributing it evenly, and then bring the liquid back to a full boil before reducing the heat so that boiling becomes gentle. A lid on the pot or pan will bring the liquid to a boil more quickly by increasing the pressure. It is always recommended to reduce the heat setting once a boil has been reached, because food will not cook any faster at a higher setting than at the one required to maintain a gentle boil. Spillovers, burns, and loss of cooking liquid through evaporation all can be avoided if a gentle boil is used. Food may also be parboiled in boiling water, after which it is removed and its cooking completed either at a later time or by a different heating method. Parboiling is used frequently in restaurant service when food must be prepared in advance and fi nished to order. Another use for boiling water is for blanching, which sets the color of green vegetables; loosens the skins of fruits, vegetables, and nuts for peeling; and destroys enzymes that contribute to deterioration. Foods are often blanched before being canned or frozen.
Scalding Scalding water reaches a temperature of 150°F (66°C). It is indicated by the appearance of large, but relatively still, bubbles on the bottom and sides of the pan. This process was most frequently used with milk to improve its function in recipes and to destroy bacteria. Pasteurized milk does not need to be scalded, even though many older recipes call for scalded milk. Recipes now use scalded milk to speed the combination of ingredients; in hot milk sugar dissolves more readily, butter and chocolate melt more easily, and flour mixes in more evenly without creating lumps (25).
Poaching Water heated to a temperature of 160°F to 180°F (71°C to 82°C) is used for poaching in which the food is either partially or totally immersed. The water is hotter than it is at scalding, but has not yet reached the point of actually bubbling, although small, relatively motionless bubbles appear on the bottom of the pan. Poaching is used to prepare delicate foods, like fish and eggs, which could break apart under the more vigorous action of boiling.
Simmering Water simmers at just below the boiling point, never less than 180°F (82°C). Simmering is characterized by gently rising bubbles that barely break the surface. Many food dishes, especially rice, soups, and stews, are first brought to a boil and then simmered for the remainder of the heating time. Simmering is preferred over boiling in many cases because it is more gentle and will usually not physically damage the food, and foods will not overcook as quickly as they do when boiled.
Stewing Stewing refers to simmering ingredients in a small to moderate amount of liquid, which often becomes a sauce as the food cooks. Most stew dishes consist of chopped ingredients such as meat (often browned first) and vegetables placed in a large casserole or stock pot with some water, stock, or other liquid. The pot is covered and the food simmered for some time on the range or in a moderate oven. Stews often taste better the day after their initial preparation, because the overnight rest deepens their flavors.
Braising Braising is similar to stewing in that food is simmered in a small amount of liquid in a covered casserole or pot. The liquid may be the food’s own juices, fat, soup stock, and/or wine. Flavors blend and intensify as foods are slowly braised on top of the range or in an oven (1). In order to generate a browner color and better flavor, meats are frequently browned with a dry-heat method such as sautéing before being braised. Frequently, meats are braised, and then the vegetables are often added during the final cooking to preserve some of their texture and flavor.
Boiling In order to boil, water must reach 212°F (100°C) at sea level, a temperature at which water bubbles rapidly. The difference in the bubbles between poaching, simmering, and boiling is shown in Figure 4-1. The high temperature and agitation of boiling water are reserved for the tougher-textured vegetables and for dried pastas and beans. A common technique is to bring a liq-
Steaming Any food heated by direct contact with the steam generated by boiling water has been steamed. Cooked vegetables are at their best when steamed, because this method helps to retain texture, color, taste, and nutrients. A common method for steaming is to place food in a rack or steamer basket above boiling water and to cover the pot or pan with a lid in order to trap the steam. An in-
Parboil To partially boil, but not fully cook, a food. Blanch To dip a food briefly into boiling water.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
F I G U R E 4 -1
Bubble size and movement differ during poaching, simmering, and boiling.
a. Poach
direct technique, called en papillote (on pap-ee-yote), is to wrap the food in foil or parchment paper before it is baked or grilled. Then, in an oven or over the grill, the food cooks by the steam of its own juices, which are trapped in the packet. In a microwave oven, covering foods with plastic wrap facilitates steaming. Pressure cookers heat food by holding steam in an enclosed container under pressure. The temperature increases with increasing pounds of pressure per square inch.
Dry-Heat Preparation Examples of dry-heat preparation include baking, roasting, broiling, grilling, barbequing, and frying. Higher temperatures are reached in dry-heat preparation than they are in moist-heat methods, because water can heat only to its boiling point of 212°F (100°C), or slightly higher under pressure, whereas ovens can reach up to 500°F (260°C).
Baking Baking is the heating of food by hot air in an oven. The average baking temperature is 350°F (177°C), although
Dry-heat preparation A method of cooking in which heat is transferred by air, radiation, fat, or metal.
b. Simmer
HOW & WHY? Why are stewing and braising called by different names if both entail simmering food in a small amount of liquid? The primary difference between stewing and braising is that stewing generally refers to smaller pieces of meat, whereas braising entails larger cuts. Stews are also most often made with more liquid and served in their sauce.
temperatures may range from 300°F to 425°F (149°C to 219°C). Baking results can be affected by rack position and the color of the pan. Rack Position For the best outcome, the food should be placed in the middle of the center rack (Figure 4-2). Foods placed on the uppermost rack may brown excessively on their top surface, whereas on the lowest rack foods are prone to burning on the bottom. It is also best to position foods using only one rack; if this is not possible, the foods should be staggered so that they are not directly over each other in order to allow hot air to flow more freely through the oven. At least 2 inches should be left between pans and between the pans and the oven walls. If these guidelines are ignored, the resulting inadequate air circulation may cause uneven browning, and food may not be thoroughly cooked.
c. Boil
Microwaving Although microwaving is listed under moist-heat preparation, it actually belongs in an entirely separate category because it incorporates both dry- (radiation) and moist-heat preparation methods. Microwaves are a form of radiation aimed at the water in the food or beverage. The specifics of preparing food using a microwave oven are discussed in Appendix C as well as in chapters on specific foods.
Pan Color In addition to rack position and placement of pans, the cooking pan material will affect the baking outcome. Shiny metal pans reflect heat and are best for cakes or cookies, in which only light browning and a soft crust are desired. The darker, duller metal pans (including anodized and satin-finish) tend to absorb heat, resulting in browner, crisper crusts ideal for pies or bread baking. Glass pans require that oven temperatures be reduced by 25°F (4°C), because food tends to heat more quickly in glass (exceptions are pies and bread). Because baking times are dependent on many factors, it is important to check the food’s progress at the suggested minimum baking time and then at intervals after that until the food is done. This must be done judiciously, however, because checking too soon or too frequently will allow heat and/ or steam to escape from the oven, adversely affecting the baking outcome.
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
Oven rack positions. USED FOR:
Toasting bread, or for two-rack baking.
Most broiling and two-rack baking.
Most baked goods on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan, or frozen convenience foods, or for two-rack baking.
Roasting large cuts of meat and large poultry, pies, soufflés, or for two-rack baking.
5 4 3 2 1
Roasting large cuts of meat and large poultry, pies, soufflés, or for two-rack baking.
Types of Dry-Heat Preparation Roasting Roasting is similar to baking except that the term is usually applied to meats and poultry. Roasted meats are often basted every 20 minutes or so to prevent the food from drying out. Some roasted meats are initially seared at 400°F to 450°F (200°C to 230°C) for about 15 minutes before reducing the heat to normal roasting temperatures. Although searing adds a desirable texture, color, and flavor to the meat’s outer surface, roasts cooked at lower temperatures are juicier, shrink less, and are easier to carve than those that are seared. Baked or Roasted? The word roasting can also refer to cooking on an open fire, as with roasted marshmallows and vegetables, and to cooking with a rotisserie. To make things even more confusing, meats such as ham, meat loaf, and fish are often referred to as baked. Chicken may be described as either baked or roasted.
Broiling To broil is to cook foods under an intense heat source. The high temperatures of broiling cook foods in approximately 5 to 10 minutes, so only tender meats, poultry, and fish are broiled; tougher foods require longer heating times. Temperature is controlled by moving the rack closer or farther away from the heat source. Thicker cuts are broiled farther from the heat, thinner
ones closer—on the fourth or fi ft h rack (up from the bottom) of a home oven. Foods are often slightly oiled to prevent drying and sticking, placed under the broiler only after it has been preheated to its full heat, and then turned over only once. Food service operations often employ a salamander, also called a cheese-melter, a low-intensity broiler used just prior to serving to melt or brown the top layer of a dish.
Grilling Grilling is the reverse of broiling, in that food is cooked above, rather than below, an intense heat source. The grill may be a rack or a flat surface on a stove. Grilled can also refer to foods that are seared on a grill over direct heat (21).
Barbecuing Barbecuing and grilling are no longer used to refer to the same heating method. Grilling over a pit used to be known as barbecuing, but now the latter term stands alone. Barbecuing now refers to foods being slow-cooked, usually covered in a zesty sauce, over a longer period of time (21). The temperature in barbecuing is regulated by adjusting the intensity of the heat source (charcoal, wood, gas, or electric); the distance between the food and the heat source; and by moving the food to different places on the grill.
Frying Frying is heating foods in fat. Oils used in frying serve to transfer heat, act as a lubricant to prevent sticking, and contribute to flavor, browning, and a crisp
outside texture (28). Although oils are liquid, frying is a method of dry-heat preparation because pure fat contains no water. Types of frying—sautéing, stir-frying, pan-broiling, pan-frying, and deep-frying—are distinguished by the amount of fat used, ranging from a thin sheet to complete submersion. Temperatures vary among the different methods: sautéing, stir-frying, and pan-frying require only a medium or high heat—lower heat results in higher fat absorption—whereas deep-frying temperatures range from 350°F to 450°F (177°F to 232°C). Chapter 21 discusses frying with fats in greater detail. Sautéing and Stir-Frying These methods use the least amount of fat to heat the food. Stir-frying is predominantly used in Asian cooking; the pan is held stationary while the food is stirred and turned over very quickly with utensils. Sautéing is done in a frying pan, a special sauté pan, or on a griddle. The foods most frequently prepared on a griddle with a little fat are eggs, pancakes, and hamburgers (with the fat derived from the meat itself). Pan-Broiling and Pan-Frying Panbroiling refers to placing food, usually meat, in a very hot frying pan with no added fat and pouring off fat as it accumulates. If the fat is not poured off, pan-broiling becomes pan-frying, which uses a moderate amount of fat (up to 1 ⁄2-inch deep), but not enough to completely cover the food. Deep-Frying In deep-frying, the food is completely covered with fat. Many deep-fried foods are first coated with breading or batter to enhance moisture retention, flavor development, tenderness, browning, crispness, and overall appearance. The characteristics of the coating influence a fried food’s fi nal outcome (18, 20). A fine-crumb bread-
Baste To add a liquid, such as drippings, melted fat, sauce, fruit juice, or water, to the surface of food (usually roasting meat) to help prevent drying. Sear To brown the surface of meat by brief exposure to high heat.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
ing absorbs less fat, but a coarser grain produces a crisper texture. Sugar in the coating speeds up browning, but this is undesirable if the outside browns and appears done while the inside remains uncooked (Figure 4-3). Although the breading or batter protects the food from absorbing too much fat, it can also simultaneously protect the deepfrying oil from the deterioration that occurs when it contacts the food’s natural moisture and salt content. Because deep-frying requires high temperatures, it is best to rely on the fryer’s thermostat to obtain the desired temperature. If this is not possible, another method is to place a 1-inch cube of white bread into the oil and time how long it takes to turn golden brown (Table 4-1).
Types of Heat Transfer Sources for heating foods are usually electricity and gas (natural or butane), but secondary sources such as wood, coal, and charcoal may also be used for heating. All of these produce heat energy that can be transferred through conduction, convection, radiation, or induction (Figure 4-4).
Sugar in the batter darkens fried food, as seen in the fritter on the right.
T A B L E 4 -1
Deep-Frying Based on Color
Temperature of Fat
Approximate Number of Seconds to Turn a 1-Inch Bread Cube Golden Brown
385°F–395°F (196°C–201°C)
375°F –385°F (190°C–196°C)
365°F –375°F (185°C–190°C)
355°F–365°F (179°C–185°C)
Four types of heat transfer: Conduction, convection, radiation, and induction.
Conduction In preparing foods on the range or in the fryer, heat is transferred by conduction. Heat from the electric coil or gas flame is conducted to the pan or fryer and then to its contents. Conduction is based on the principle that adding heat to molecules increases their energy (kinetic). This increases their ability to transfer heat to neighboring molecules. The material and size of the pan greatly affect the speed and efficiency of heat transfer. Copper is an excellent heat conductor and is often used to
Convection (hot air currents)
Conduction The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another that it is contacting.
Oven heat source
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
line the bottom of stainless steel pans. Dark, dull surfaces absorb heat more readily, which shortens the baking time. Tempered glass conducts heat in such a manner that baking temperatures should be reduced by 25°F (4°C) when it is used.
The three main scales used to measure heat intensity. FAHRENHEIT
Water boils
Body temperature 98.6
Convection Convection relies on the principle that heated air or liquid expands, becomes less dense, and rises to the surface. The cooler, heavier air or liquid originally on top moves to the bottom, where it is heated, thus creating continuous circular currents. A common example of the use of convection in cooking is baking in an oven. Baked goods rely on convection to allow the hot air to rise. Having the heating unit located at the bottom of the oven contributes to the rising of hot air. Convection ovens, which are more common in food service institutions than in home kitchens, have an air-circulating system, whereas standard ovens do not. Fans move the air more quickly and evenly around the food, which speeds up baking times. Convection ovens do have drawbacks, however: the moving air causes foods to lose moisture, and cake batters are more prone to develop uneven tops. Injecting steam into a convection oven helps to reduce the drying and shrinking effects. Other examples of convection cooking are simmering, steaming, and deep-frying. The use of water and fat to heat food relies on both conduction and convection. For example, once the heat from convection begins to heat a baked potato, conduction takes over when the heat penetrates the potato’s water molecules and moves the heat to the center of the potato. Because water conducts heat more efficiently than air does, it takes less time to boil than to bake a potato.
Radiant Heat Heat is transferred by radiation in broiling, grilling, and microwaving. The short electromagnetic waves that are generated by microwave ovens can pass through glass, paper, and most plastic. Infrared heat lamps and ovens are other heat sources that use electromagnetic waves for heat. These are usually found in restaurants and insti-
Water freezes
32 0
Absolute zero 459.67
tutional kitchens to keep foods warm and to prepare frozen foods.
Induction Flat-surfaced ranges that have the coils buried underneath conduct heat through induction. The cooktop consists of a smooth, ceramic surface that allows the transfer of heat from the coiled electrical apparatus below. Because no coils are exposed on the surface, cleaning is easy.
Measuring Heat Temperature Scales Heat is a form of energy that can be measured. The three main scales used to measure heat intensity are Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius or centigrade (°C), and Kelvin (K) (Figure 4-5). The last is used primarily in scientific research, and will not be discussed here.
Freezing and boiling are extremes in the range in temperatures encountered in food preparation that owe their effects to changes in this kinetic energy of molecules. The molecules in living organisms always have some motion;
Convection The transfer of heat by moving air or liquid (water/fat) currents through and/or around food. Radiation The transfer of heat energy in the form of waves of particles moving outward from their source. Induction The transfer of heat energy to a neighboring material without contact. Kinetic energy Energy associated with motion.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
Temperatures important in preparing foods.
232 C
450 F
220 C
425 F Deep-frying
190 C
375 F
177 C
350 F
150 C
300 F
Baking zone
Candy making 116 C 112 C
240 F Pressure canning 234 F
100 C 99 C
212 F Boiling water 211 F Simmering range
82 C
180 F
65 C
150 F Scalding
40 C
100 F Lukewarm
5C 0C
40 F 32 F
Refrigerator zone Freezing
boiling and freezing temperatures, so all three scales pertain to pure water. Other materials have their own freezing and boiling points.
heat speeds up that motion, whereas cold temperatures slow it down. Heating or freezing foods is accomplished by increasing and decreasing, respectively, the movement of molecules. Figure 4-6 summarizes various temperatures used in food preparations.
Freezing and Boiling Points The freezing point of water is 32° on the Fahrenheit scale and 0° on the Celsius scale. Water boils (boiling point) at 212° on the Fahrenheit scale, and 100° on the Celsius scale. The boiling point changes slightly with altitude; 1°F must be subtracted for every 500foot increase in elevation up from sea level (an increase of 960 feet in elevation decreases water’s boiling point by 1°C). Other compounds in the water, such as sugar or salt, influence its
Thermometers are available in Fahrenheit scale (nonmetric), and Celsius or centigrade scale (metric). Bulb thermometers work on the expansion and contraction of mercury in the bulb at the bottom of an extended glass tube marked with the specific graduated scale. Heat expands mercury; cold contracts it. Different thermometers are used for different purposes in food preparation (Figure 4-7). A meat thermometer has a short rod for insertion into the meat and usually has an upper limit of 185°F (85°C). A candy
thermometer has an upper range of 325°F (163°C), and a deep-frying thermometer goes up to at least 500°F (260°C). In addition to bulb thermometers, small thermometers can hang or stand in ovens and refrigerators to check the accuracy of the equipments’ thermostats. Pocket-size, instant-read thermometers can be used to check foods being held on steam tables in food service establishments. These are portable, much like a pen is, and give a reading in a few seconds after being inserted in the food. Care must be taken when using instant-read thermometers, because they must be sanitized between uses or contamination may result. Pocket Thermometers Instant-read thermometers come in two readout forms: dial (0°F to 220°F/218°C to 104°C) and digital (258°F to 300°F/250°C to 149°C). The dial thermometers are not as accurate for small amounts of foods or for those foods that are very thin or that cook quickly. They also have a tendency to malfunction when dropped or jarred. Dial thermometers are recalibrated by gripping the hex nut with pliers and twisting the dial face until it reads the correct temperature (12). Digital thermometers are slightly more expensive, but more accurate because they contain an electronic sensor near the tip that is effective when inserted only 1 ⁄2 inch into food. If they drift off from calibration, they need to be replaced. Exceptions to this are battery-operated digital thermometers, or ones that are equipped with a knob for recalibration. A few degrees difference on a thermometer can result in the success or failure of a dish, so thermometers need to be tested for accuracy. For bulb thermometers, the bulb is dipped into boiling water without touching the sides or bottom of the pan. The top of the mercury should be read at eye level, and it should reach 212°F (100°C) at sea level, with 1°F (2.2°C) subtracted for every 500 feet of increase in altitude. Digital and dial thermometers are checked by placing them 2 inches above boiling water to obtain the reading of 212°F (100°C), or in a slurry of ice water (made by blending a cup of ice in a cup of water), where they should read 32°F (0°C).
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
Handling Knives
Types of food thermometers.
Dial meat thermometer
Instant or rapid response thermometer
Digital thermometers Flat roast thermometer
Calories Energy can be correlated to heat and is measured in the unit of a calorie. For everyday use, it is more common to refer to the kilocalorie (1,000 calories), abbreviated kcal, which is the amount of energy required to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. Calories are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2. Regardless of which term is used to quantify dietary calories (kcal), it is more accurate to speak of energy rather than calories (kcal), unless a specific amount is being discussed. Kilojoule The metric equivalent of the calorie is the joule (j) or kilojoule (kj). One joule is defined as the work or energy required to move 1 kilogram of mass 1 meter. One calorie is equivalent to 4.184 joules, whereas 1 kilocalorie equals 4.2 kilojoules. Btu Another measure of heat is the British thermal unit (Btu), which is the
The Baker’s Catalogue
F I G U R E 4 -7
amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. The Btu is more commonly used to measure the heating capacity of fuels used in commercial or housing industries.
CUTLERY TECHNIQUES It’s important to know the various aspects of heating foods, yet often food must be cut into smaller pieces before it can be heated. Another basic pillar of food preparation is the knowledge and use of cutlery. Selecting and caring for knives are discussed in Appendix C. The following sections cover their handling and the styles of cutting food. The techniques vary according to the type of knife selected, and this depends on the task to be performed.
The most frequently used knife is the chef’s or French knife. The positioning of the grip and of the food under the blade both influence the degree of control and leverage a person has over the knife (Figure 4-8). A chef’s knife should be firmly held with the base of the blade between the thumb and forefinger and the other fingers wrapped around the handle. While one hand grips the knife, the other hand must hold the food and guide it toward the blade. Curling the fi ngers of the guiding hand under while holding the food allows the knuckles to act as a protective shield and keeps the fingertips away from the cutting edge. It is best to allow at least a half-inch barrier of food between the blade and the fi ngers holding the food. Different sections of a blade are used for different tasks (Figure 4-9). Light tasks such as cutting out the stem end of a tomato can usually be accomplished with the tip of the blade, or, even better, with a knife more suitable to small tasks, such as a paring knife. Heavy duties such as chopping off the tough base of a bunch of celery are better accomplished by making use of the weight and thickness found at the base of the blade. Most other cutting tasks are carried out using the center of the blade.
Cutting Styles Uniformity is the usual goal in cutting food. It allows for even heating and gives food an appetizing appearance. Cutting styles include slicing, shredding, dicing (cubing), mincing, and peeling. • Slice. To move the food under the blade while keeping the point of the blade firmly on the cutting board. The base of the knife is lifted
Calorie (kcal) The amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1°C (measured between 14.5°C and 15.5°C at normal atmospheric pressure).
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
F I G U R E 4 -1 0
Technique of holding a chef’s knife.
Slicing technique.
Curl fingers of guiding hand inward for protection.
Start with the blade tip down.
• •
up and down with a forward and backward motion (Figure 4-10). Julienne. Sliced food can be further cut up, or julienned, resulting in delicate sticks that are usually 1 to 3 inches long and only 1 ⁄16 to 1 ⁄8 of an inch thick (Figure 4-11). Shred. To cut leaf vegetables into thin strips. This may be done by first rolling the leaves into cigarlike shapes and then cutting them into shreds. Hand shredders and food processors with different sizes of shredding blades may also be used. Dice. To cut food into even-size cubes. Mince. To chop food into very fine pieces. This is done by placing the holding hand on the tip of the knife and rocking the base up and down in short strokes while moving it across the food several times, and then repeating as necessary. Figure 4-12 illustrates how to dice and mince an onion. Peeling. To remove the skin. The peel and rind can be cut from an orange or any thick-skinned fruit by first cutting off in a circular fashion the top of the fruit’s skin, then scoring the skin through to the flesh of the fruit in four places. The skin can then be peeled in segments down from the top. Fruits
Press down and forward simultaneously to slice.
Tip—delicate tender work.
Center—all-purpose work.
Julienne To cut food lengthwise into very thin, stick-like shapes.
Blade position determined by the cutting task.
Heel—heavy work.
As soon as the blade heel touches the board, it is moved up and over (keep tip down) for the next slice.
F I G U R E 4 -11
Julienned slices.
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
F I G U R E 4 -12
Dicing an onion; further cuts result in mincing.
F I G U R E 4 -1 4
How to cut, seed, and peel an avocado.
First vertical cuts (do not go all the way through onion)
Second vertical cuts (go entirely through onion)
F I G U R E 4 -1 3
Peeling with a paring knife.
MEASURING INGREDIENTS can also be peeled directly with a paring knife (Figure 4-13). Avocados can be stripped of their peel by cutting the avocado from stem to stern through to the pit. Each half is cupped in the hands and twisted gently to separate the halves. The seed (nut) can be removed with the fingers or the tip of a sharp knife. At this point the avocado can be scooped out with a large serving spoon or peeled and sliced (Figure 4-14).
Correct measuring is another essential aspect of basic food preparation. The three major steps in measuring are: 1. Approximating the amount required for a specific measurement (e.g., 4 ounces of cheese yields 1 cup shredded) 2. Selecting the right measuring utensil 3. Using an accurate measuring technique Whether an ingredient is liquid or dry determines the kind of measuring utensil that will be used. Appendix C
describes these in detail. A graduated measuring cup with a lip for pouring is best for measuring liquid ingredients. Sets of flat-topped measuring cups are reserved for measuring dry ingredients. All dry ingredients are best measured by first stirring them to eliminate any packing or lumps. Amounts less than 1 ⁄4 cup should be measured with measuring spoons. Sift ing flour with dry ingredients such as baking soda or salt is an efficient way to blend and distribute the ingredients evenly. It is important to be able to use measuring utensils interchangeably whether using liquid or dry measuring cups. This is easy if a few basic equivalents are remembered (see Table 4-2, and the inside back cover of this book).
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
TA B L E 4 -2
Basic Measuring Equivalents
Teaspoon (tsp) ⁄ tsp (dash) / tsp 1 tsp 3 tsp
Tablespoon (T )
Ounce (oz)
Cup (C)
1 8
1 4
1T 2T
1 teaspoon = about 5 grams* 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons 2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce or 28.35 grams 1 ⁄4 cup = 2 fluid ounces 1 ⁄2 cup = 4 fluid ounces 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces, 16 tablespoons, or 48 teaspoons 1 pint = 2 cups, or 16 fluid ounces (1 pound) 1 quart = 2 pints or 4 cups 1 gallon = 4 quarts, 8 pints, or 16 cups 1 pound = 16 ounces 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds *When weighing water
Knowing the general units used in measuring allows for the next step required for accuracy—using the largest measuring device possible. For example, 3 teaspoons of sugar should be measured using 1 tablespoon; 3 ⁄4 cup should be measured using 1 ⁄2 cup plus a 1 ⁄4 cup. Accuracy is also achieved by using the guide provided in Table 4-3 for rounding off weights and measures. For even better accuracy, scales may be used to measure ingredients. Specific volume-measuring techniques for liquids, eggs, fat, sugar, and flour are discussed below.
Liquids Only transparent graduated measuring cups with pouring lips should be used to measure liquids. The cup should sit on a flat surface and all measuring done at eye level in order to accurately read the line at the bottom of the me-
1 oz 2 oz 4 oz 8 oz 16 oz
= = = =
TA B L E 4 -3
⁄ C ⁄ C 1C 2C 4C 16 C 14
1 2
= = =
1 pint 2 pints 8 pints
= =
1 qt 4 qt
1 gallon
Guide to Rounding Off Weights and Measures
If the total amount of an ingredient is: WEIGHTS Less than 2 oz
Round it to:
2–10 oz More than 10 oz but less than 2 lb 8 oz 2 lb 8 oz–5 lb More than 5 lb
Measure unless weight is 1 ⁄4 -, 1 ⁄ 2 -, or 3 ⁄4 -oz amounts Closest 1 ⁄4 oz or convert to measure Closest 1 ⁄ 2 oz Closest full ounce Closest 1 ⁄4 lb
MEASURES Less than 1 T More than 1 T but less than 3 T 3 T– 1 ⁄ 2 cup More than 1 ⁄ 2 cup but less than 3 ⁄4 cup More than 3 ⁄4 cup but less than 2 cups 2 cups–2 qt More than 2 qt but less than 4 qt 1–2 gal More than 2 gal but less than 10 gal* More than 10 gal but less than 20 gal* More than 20 gal*
Closest 1 ⁄8 tsp Closest 1 ⁄4 tsp Closest 1 ⁄ 2 tsp or convert to weight Closest full tsp or convert to weight Closest full tsp or convert to weight Nearest 1 ⁄4 cup Nearest 1 ⁄ 2 cup Nearest full cup or 1 ⁄4 qt Nearest full quart Closest 1 ⁄ 2 gal Closest full gallon
* For baked goods or products in which accurate ratios are critical, always round to the nearest full cup or 1 ⁄4 qt.
niscus. The exception is milk, which is read at the top of the meniscus. Viscous liquids, such as honey, oil, syrup, and molasses, have a tendency to stick to the sides as they are poured, so the amount that was measured is diminished by the amount that stuck to the sides. Should this happen, a rubber scraper can be used to remove the remaining contents.
Eggs Eggs range in size from pee wee to jumbo, but most standard recipes are based on large size eggs, if not specified. When half an egg or less is called for, it can be measured by beating a
whole egg into a homogeneous liquid, which can then be divided in half or smaller increments. When measuring eggs, it is helpful to remember the following volume equivalents: • 1 large egg = 2 ounces • 4 large eggs = 7 ounces (just under 1 cup) • 8 to 10 egg whites, or 12 to 14 yolks = 1 cup
Fat Manufacturers of butter and margarine have made it easy to measure their products. Both usually come in 1-pound packages that contain four 1 ⁄4-pound
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
sticks, with each stick equivalent to 1 ⁄2 cup. Thus, 1 pound of butter is equivalent to approximately 2 cups. The same weight of vegetable shortening, on the other hand, is equivalent to 21 ⁄2 cups by volume. The wrappings of the 1 ⁄4-pound sticks are usually further marked into eight 1-tablespoon segments. Different methods are used to measure liquid and solid fats. Liquid fats such as oil and melted butter are measured in glass measuring cups. Solid fats such as lard, shortening, butter, and margarine should be removed from the refrigerator and allowed to become plastic at room temperature. Once pliable and soft, they can be pressed into a fractional metal measuring cup with a rubber scraper. The fat should be pressed down firmly to remove any air bubbles and the top of the cup leveled with the straight edge of a spatula. As with liquids, amounts under 1 ⁄4 cup should be measured with measuring spoons. Solid fats may also be measured by using the water-displacement method. For example, if 1 ⁄2 cup of fat is required, a 1-cup liquid measuring cup is fi lled with cold water to 1 ⁄2 cup. The fat is added and pressed below the water line until the water line reaches the 1-cup measuring line. The colder the water, the easier the cleanup will be, because cold fat is less likely to stick to the sides of the cup. Some water may cling to the fat and should be shaken free or patted away lightly with a paper towel.
Sugar The amount of sugar needed depends on its type—granulated white sugar, brown sugar, or confectioners’ sugar (powdered or icing). Measuring methods differ among these sugars, because 1 pound of each yields 2, 21 ⁄4 , and 41 ⁄2 (sifted) cups respectively. White granulated sugar is usually poured into fractional measuring cups and leveled with a spatula. If it becomes lumpy, it can be mashed and sifted before measuring. Brown sugar has a tendency to pack down and become hard because it contains 2 percent moisture, which has a tendency to evaporate. Lumping can be prevented by placing the brown sugar in an airtight container and storing it in the refrigerator or freezer. Hardened brown sugar can be softened by placing it in
TA B L E 4 - 4
One Pound of Flour Varies in Volume (# cups) and Weight (grams) Depending on the Flour
Flour (1 lb)
Volume (approximate cups)
All purpose (sifted) Cake (sifted) Rice (sifted) Rye (sifted–light) Rye (sifted–dark) Soy (low-fat) Whole wheat (stirred)
a microwave oven for a few seconds, or in a conventional oven set at about 200°F (93°C) for a few minutes. Brown sugar is best measured by pressing it firmly into a fractional metal measuring cup and leveling it. The packing should be firm enough that the brown sugar retains the shape of the measuring cup when it is turned out. Lumpfree or free-flowing brown sugar, which weighs 25 percent less than regular brown sugar, is measured in the same manner as granulated white sugar. Measuring Confectioners’ Sugar Confectioners’ sugar must be sifted before measuring to break up any existing lumps. The light, airy nature of confectioners’ sugar causes it to have a greater volume than the same amount of granulated sugar, which is why 13 ⁄4 cups of confectioners’ sugar is equal to the weight of 1 cup of granulated sugar. After sift ing, confectioners’ sugar is measured the same way as granulated sugar.
Flour White flour is one of the more difficult ingredients to measure accurately by volume, because its tiny particles not only vary in shape and size, but also have a tendency to pack. In addition, the various white flours differ in density, ranging from 88 grams per cup in soy flour to approximately 132 grams per cup in wheat flour. This influences the number of cups obtained from various flours of the same weight (Table 4-4). Although there is no standard weight for a cup of flour, 1 pound of all-purpose flour averages 4 cups. Professional bakers and chefs avoid the
4 41 ⁄ 2 31 ⁄ 2 5 31 ⁄ 2 51 ⁄ 2 31 ⁄ 3
Weight (per cup) g
115 96 126 88 128 84 132
4.2 3.4 4.4 3.2 4.6 3.0 4.8
discrepancy in volume measurement by always weighing the flour. White flour should be sifted before being lightly spooned into a fractional measuring cup and leveled with a spatula. The cup should never be tapped or shaken down, because doing so can pack the flour particles tightly, which may result in too much flour being used. To avoid sift ing and still get consistent baking results with regular white flour, one technique is to remove 2 tablespoons from each cup of unsifted flour (13). Not all flours are sifted prior to being used. Whole-grain and graham flours and meal should not be sifted, because sift ing will remove the bran particles. These flours should simply be lightly stirred before being scooped into a fractional measuring cup. Presifted or instantized flours (discussed in Chapter 16) have already been processed into uniform particles and should not be sifted. Instantized flour should not be used in baked products.
Other Ingredients and Substitutions Some foods to be measured do not fall into the basic categories described above. The methods for measuring foods such as cheese, nuts, chocolate, and garlic depend on their form— whole, cubed, shredded, minced, and so forth. Foods cut into pieces tend to
Plasticity The ability of a fat to be shaped or molded.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
occupy a greater volume. For example, 1 pound of cheese is equivalent to approximately 2 cups, but 1 pound of grated cheese is equivalent to approximately 4 cups. The following basic recipe amounts are helpful: • Three apples usually equal about 1 pound, and six apples are needed for the average apple pie. • A medium orange or lemon yields up to a 1 ⁄2 cup of juice. • A medium orange yields approximately 1 to 2 tablespoons of grated rind (zest), whereas a lemon yields only 1 ⁄2 to 1 tablespoon zest. Appendix D gives the volume-to-weight equivalents of different types of foods. • Another helpful reference is the number of cups found in common can sizes (inside back cover of this book). Often a basic ingredient turns up missing in the preparation of a dish. This can put a halt to food preparation, but in some situations, a substitution may save the day. Appendix E lists some substitutions that can be made for standard ingredients.
MIXING TECHNIQUES Once the ingredients have been selected and measured, the next step is often to mix them all together. Mixing is a general term that includes beating, blending, binding, creaming, whipping, and folding. In mixing, two or more ingredients are evenly dispersed in one another until they become one product. This, in general, is what the other processes accomplish also, but there are distinctions. • Beat. The ingredients are moved vigorously in a back-and-forth, upand-down, and around-and-around motion until they are smooth. • Blend. Ingredients are mixed so thoroughly that they become one. • Bind. Ingredients adhere to each other, as when breading is bound to fish. • Cream. Fat and sugar are beaten together until they take on a light, airy texture.
• Whip. Air is incorporated into such foods as whipping cream and egg whites through very vigorous mixing, usually with a beater of some type. • Fold. One ingredient is gently incorporated into another by hand with a large spoon or spatula. There are many methods for combining the ingredients of cakes and other baked products, but the most commonly used are the conventional (creaming), conventional sponge, single-stage (quick-mix), pastry-blend, biscuit, and muffin methods. Methods for mixing yeast bread doughs are discussed in Chapter 19.
Conventional (Creaming) Method The conventional method, also known as the creaming or cake method, is the most time consuming, and is the method most frequently used for mixing cake ingredients. It produces a fine-grained, velvety texture. The three basic steps are: 1. Creaming 2. Egg incorporation 3. Alternate addition of the dry and moist ingredients The fat and sugar are creamed together by working the fat until it is light and foamy and then gradually adding small portions of sugar until all of it is well blended. A well-creamed combination of fat and sugar incorporates air while suspending sugar crystals and air bubbles in the fat. As the fat melts during baking, it creates air cells that migrate toward the liquid, resulting in a very fine-grained texture (16). The eggs or egg yolks are then added one at a time to the creamed fat and sugar. An alternative method is to whip the egg whites separately and fold them into the cake batter after all the other ingredients have been mixed. Finally, flour, baking powder or soda, and salt are sifted together with other dry ingredients such as cocoa in order to distribute the leavening agent evenly. The sifted dry ingredients, divided into three or five portions, are then added alternately with a liquid (usually milk) into the fat, sugar, and egg base. After one portion of dry in-
gredients has been incorporated, a portion of liquid is added and stirred or beaten until well blended. The process begins and ends with the dry ingredients. Stirring Too Little or Too Much As with any type of mixing method, too much or too little stirring can cause problems. Overstirring a cake batter creates such a viscous mass that the cake may not be able to rise during baking, and the texture will tend to be fine but compact or lower in volume, full of tunnels, and have a peaked instead of a rounded top. Too little stirring can also result in a low-volume cake from an uneven distribution of the baking powder or soda or an incorporation of air into the foam. The texture of an understirred cake tends to contain large pores, have a crumbly grain, and brown excessively.
Conventional Sponge Method The conventional sponge method, also known as the conventional meringue method, is identical to the creaming method except that a portion of the sugar is mixed in with the beaten egg or egg white, and the egg foam is folded into the batter in the end. The conventional sponge method is preferred for foam or sponge cakes because it contributes volume, and for baked goods made with soft fats whose creamed foam breaks and releases much of its incorporated air when egg yolks are added. In either case, the air in the foam that is folded in during the last stage increases volume.
Single-Stage Method In the single-stage method, also known as the quick-mix, one-bowl, or dump method, all the dry and liquid ingredients are mixed together at once. Packaged mixes for cakes, biscuits, and other baked goods rely on the single-stage method. Only baked products containing higher proportions of sugar, liquid, and possibly an emulsifier in the shortening can be mixed by this method. Starting with the dry ingredients in a bowl, the fat (usually vegetable oil), part of the milk, and the flavoring are added and stirred for a
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
specified number of strokes or amount of time (if an electric mixer is being used). The eggs and remaining liquid are then added, and the batter is mixed again for a specified period of time. The sequence and mixing of ingredients is important, because creaming is not a part of the process. To attain a uniform blend, the bottom and sides of the bowl should be scraped frequently. Quick-mix batters are more fluid than conventional batters.
Pastry-Blend Method Fat is first cut into flour with a pastry blender, or with two knives crisscrossed against each other in a scissorlike fashion, to form a mealy fat-flour mixture. Half the milk and all of the sugar, baking powder, and salt are then blended into the fat-flour mixture. Last, eggs and more milk may then be blended into the mixture.
Biscuit Method This method is similar to the pastry method except that all the dry ingredients—flour, salt, and leavening—are first combined. The fat is then cut into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse cornmeal. Liquid is added last. The dough is mixed just until moistened and not more or the biscuits will be tough.
Muffin Method This is a simple, two-stage mixing method. The dry and moist ingredients are mixed separately and then combined and blended until the dry ingredients just become moist. Over-mixing will result in a tough baked product riddled with tunnels.
SEASONINGS AND FLAVORINGS The most nutritious and beautifully presented meal in the world cannot be enjoyed unless it tastes good. Enhancing the flavor of foods is an art that is critical to the acceptability of foods, and a restaurant can succeed or fail de-
TA B L E 4 -5
Functions of Salt in Foods
Flavor Enhancer
Salt’s best-known function is to enhance the flavor of foods. Breads are less bland, cheeses are not as bitter, and processed meats are more flavorful in part because of the addition of salt.
Salt cures and has been used for thousands of years to preserve foods. Refrigerators and freezers have not always been around, and drying out the moisture in foods with salt prevented bacteria from being able to live on the food.
Food manufacturers use salt to help form a gel on sausage and other smoked meat products.
Texture Enhancer
Salt contributes to the texture of ham, processed meats, bread, and certain cheeses.
Color Aid
The color of processed meats such as ham, bacon, hot dogs, and sausage is partially due to salt.
Control Agent
Bacteria and yeast are sensitive to salt concentrations and so salt is used to control their growth during fermentation in such foods as bread, cheese, pickles, sauerkraut, and sausage.
Source: Salt Institute.
pending on how that art is practiced. The most common reason for consumers to reject food is unacceptable flavor (17). Seasonings and flavorings help food taste its best. They are rarely, however, capable of redeeming foods that are not of good quality to start with or of rejuvenating foods that have lost their quality during preparation. No amount of cinnamon will raise the flavor of an apple pie made from frozen apple slices to the level of one made from fresh, juicy apples.
Types of Seasonings and Flavorings The number and variety of seasonings and flavorings available from all over the world would be nearly impossible to catalog, so this chapter focuses on the basics: salt, pepper, herbs and spices, flavor enhancers, oil extracts, marinades, batters, and condiments.
curing, meat and fish was the only way to preserve food prior to refrigerators, freezers, or canning. The function of salt in foods expanded to those seen in Table 4-5. Salt in its most common form is a crystalline seasoning that may or may not be iodized and combined with an anticaking material. Types of Salt A variety of salts may be purchased including sea salt, rock salt, kosher salt, and a number of flavored salts, the most common being garlic, onion, and celery (Figure 4-15 (23)). There are also some expensive and rare sea salts known as fleur de sel and sel gris, used only in the finest restaurants. Adding Salt in Food Preparation Regardless of the type, salt should be added in small increments because of its potential to overwhelm the taste buds when too much is added. The preparer should also be aware that any liquid, such as a sauce or soup, that will be reduced should be only lightly salted, because the salt will become even more
Salt The value of salt was esteemed so highly in ancient times that the word salary is derived from salt. Salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl = 40 percent Na, 60 percent Cl), is the second most frequently used food additive by weight. (Sugar, which is fully discussed in Chapter 20, is first.) Salt was originally introduced into foods as a preservative; salting, or
Seasoning Any compound that enhances the flavor already found naturally in a food. Flavoring Substance that adds a new flavor to food.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
shire sauce, and steak sauces); monosodium glutamate (MSG); and bouillon cubes.
Different types of salt used in food preparation.
Morton Salt
F I G U R E 4 -1 5
Salt Varieties Sea salt —
Obtained from evaporated seawater. Sea salt is more costly than other salts, yet often preferred because it has a pure, mineral-like taste.
Rock salt —
Derived from ancient sea beds that have long dried up and are underground.
Table salt —
Refined rock salt that is often fortified with iodine and contains additives to prevent caking.
Kosher salt —
Rock salt with no additives. Preferred by professional chefs because of its large, flaky crystals that are picked up easily with fingers (use one-third more if substituting for table salt and vice versa).
Flavored salts —
Garlic, onion, and celery salt mixtures.
concentrated as the volume of the liquid diminishes. Although removing excess salt is almost impossible, salty soup may be partially neutralized by adding a touch of sugar or by dropping in a raw, peeled potato to absorb some of the salt. Processed Foods Foods that are canned, frozen, cured, or pickled provide more than 75 percent of all the sodium ingested (14). Because high sodium intake has become a health concern (see the “Nutrient Content” box on p. 95), food companies have many new processed food products that are now lower in sodium. To make it easier
Herb A plant leaf valued for its flavor or scent.
to look for these lower-sodium products, food labels carry the following terms describing sodium/salt content: = 35 mg or less per serving Low salt (sodium) = 140 mg or less per serving Reduced salt = at least a 75 percent reduction compared to original food Unsalted = no salt added Salt-free = 5 mg or less Very low salt
Sources of Salt in the Diet Sources of sodium to watch out for when preparing food are seasoning salts (garlic, parsley, onion, celery); meat tenderizers; meat flavorings (barbecue sauce, smoke-flavored products); salad dressings; molasses; party spreads; dips; condiments (mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, tartar sauce, chili sauce, soy sauce, relish, horseradish, Worcester-
Salt Substitutes Finally, the salt added at the table should also be reduced. Salt substitutes are an option for some people. Many salt substitutes, however, contain potassium, which may also be inappropriate for people with kidney, heart, or liver problems. Calcium chloride is another salt substitute. “Low sodium” salt, which contains half the sodium of regular table salt, is not considered a salt substitute. “Lite” salt products sold to replace the saltshaker should be avoided, because they also contain some sodium. Ultimately, the craving for salt is an acquired taste, so gradually cutting back on salt will eventually decrease craving.
Pepper Pepper is just behind salt in popularity as a seasoning. Pepper is added most frequently to meats, soups, sauces, and salads. Ground black or white pepper comes from the berries of a tropical climbing shrub. The color of pepper depends on the berry’s ripeness. Black pepper is from the dried, unripe berry, while white pepper is from the ripe berry from which the dark outer skin has been removed. Green peppercorns, a less common variety, are from underripe berries that are preserved in brine or freeze dried. Peppercorns belong to an entirely different genus than the Capsicum family of chili peppers, which are classified as vegetables. Many varieties of Capsicum peppers are dried and used in chili powder, cayenne pepper, and paprika.
Herbs and Spices Herbs Herbs were described by Charlemagne as “a friend of physicians and the praise of cooks” (7). The Food and Drug Administration groups culinary herbs and spices together and considers them both to be spices. Regardless of how they are defined, herbs are well known for their seasoning capabilities in food preparation (Appendix F). The best-known seasoning herbs include basil, sage, thyme, oregano, bay leaves, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, parsley, tarragon, rosemary, and savory. For the best in flavor and
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
texture, fresh herbs are generally preferred over dried. Spices Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are derived from leaves, by the other parts of the plant from which they are derived. Some examples include: • • • •
Allspice (from a fruit) Saff ron (flower) Cinnamon (bark) Anise, caraway, celery, cumin, fennel, mustard, poppy, and sesame (seeds) • Ginger and turmeric (rhizomes)
Although garlic, onions, and shallots can serve as a spice, they are officially recognized as vegetables. Appendix F also lists some of the more common spices. History records a time when spices were greater in value than gold. In fact, they have been called “vegetable gold” and were once used as currency. A Goth leader once demanded 3,000 pounds of pepper as a partial ransom for calling off his siege of Rome (9). The search for these flavoring ingredients resulted in the carving of trade routes between countries, the founding of wealthy empires, and the exploration of far-off lands. Their value now rests in their unique ability to add a flavorful difference to dishes. The various world cuisines owe their distinctiveness to the unique combinations of spices in foods. Thai food relies heavily on hot peppers, and Central American dishes are distinguished by their use of chili peppers or powder. Mexican meals often incorporate cumin, coriander, paprika, pepper, and cilantro. Indian dishes are enhanced with curry mixtures, which are combinations of spices whose exact ingredients and proportions can be closely guarded family secrets. Purchasing Herbs and Spices Herbs and spices can be purchased in whole, crushed, or ground form. Whole herbs retain their freshness longer than crushed, which in turn keep longer than ground. Whole seeds and leaves provide a visual and textural appeal, although the flavor release may be slow and unevenly distributed. Ground spices provide a quick infusion of flavor that is more uniform, but their aromas are easily lost when exposed to
oxygen (oxidized) during storage. The natural antioxidant properties of certain herbs are also lost when exposed to oxygen (3). Storing Herbs and Spices According to the American Spice Trade Association, dried spices and herbs should be kept below 60°F (16°C) for optimal potency and replaced every 12 months. Herbs and spices deteriorate rapidly when exposed to air, light, and heat. They keep best in airtight, opaque containers stored in cool, dry places. Green herbs such as chives and parsley are light sensitive and will fade if exposed to light (2). Testing the freshness of a particular spice or herb is done by crushing it in the palm of the hand and then sniffing it to detect its intensity. The full-bodied aroma of fresh herbs becomes weak and barely detectable over time. If an herb or spice is to be used only occasionally, it is best to buy it in small quantities.
Flavor Enhancers Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a compound that does not fit into any particular category. It influences flavor without contributing any flavor of its own. Hundreds of years ago in Asia, people found that food cooked in a seaweed-based soup stock had a unique flavor. In 1909, this compound was isolated from seaweed by a Japanese scientist and called umami, meaning “delicious” (see Chapter 1 defi ning umami as the fift h taste) (6, 15). Its scientific name, monosodium glutamate, comes from glutamic acid, an amino acid found in seaweed. It is now widely used in processed foods, including canned/dried soups, spaghetti sauces, sausages, and frozen meat dishes. It has been implicated in “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome,” in which MSGsensitive people experience nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, grogginess, sleepiness, warmth, headache, chest pain, and arthritis-like symptoms from consuming MSG (27).
Oil Extracts Oil extracts can be used as food flavorings. These essential oils are obtained from natural sources such as flowers (orange), fruits (oranges, lemons), leaves (peppermint), bulbs (garlic), bark (cinnamon), buds (clove), and
nuts (almonds). The flavor in essential oils is so concentrated that only a small amount is required for flavoring purposes. Oil extracts are primarily used to flavor puddings, candy, ice cream, cakes, and cookies. Vanilla beans from the cured pod of a tropical orchid provide the purest, most intense vanilla flavor. The small black specks in vanilla sauces and ice cream are the seeds of the pod. To obtain pure vanilla extract, cured vanilla beans are steeped in alcohol. The Food and Drug Administration defines “pure vanilla extract” must be 35 percent alcohol by volume, while those of lesser content are labeled “pure vanilla flavor.” Vanilla/vanillin blends or imitation versions should be avoided, because they contribute an artificial flavor to foods. Extracts are made by steam-distilling the oils from various plant sources and blending them with ethyl alcohol, which can evaporate. For that reason they should be stored in a cool, dark place and stored for no more than a year to retain maximum flavor.
Marinades Marinades are seasoned liquids that flavor and tenderize foods, usually meats, poultry, and fish. A vinaigrette is a marinade used for vegetables served cold. The basic marinade consists of one or more of the following ingredients: oil, acid (lemon juice, vinegar, wine), and flavorings (herbs, spices). The food is completely submerged in the marinade and refrigerated from a few minutes to several days. The food should be turned occasionally in order to evenly distribute the marinade. Meat, fish, and poultry marinades
Spice A seasoning or flavoring added to food that is derived from the fruit, flowers, bark, seeds, or roots of a plant. Rhizome An underground (usually) stem that generates (1) shoots that rise up and/or horizontally to propagate new plants, and (2) roots that grow down to the ground.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
should be discarded after use and never served raw with the cooked food.
Breading and Batters
F I G U R E 4 -1 6
Breading— application of a crumb coating.
Breading and batters enhance the flavor and moisture retention of many foods. Most foods coated in this manner are deep-fried, pan-fried, or sautéed to give them a browned, crisp outer texture. Breadings The flours most frequently used for breading are either wheat- or corn-based. Coating the food lightly in flour, called dredging or à la meuniere (ala moon-yare), results in a light, golden crust. Crumb coatings differ in that they are applied in three steps (Figure 4-16). First the food is dredged lightly in flour to seal in moisture and provide a base for the next step. The flour-coated food is then dipped quickly in an egg wash consisting of beaten eggs plus a tablespoon of water or milk. (Substituting oil for the water or milk results in a richer, more tender coating.) The proteins in the eggs or milk act as binding agents to “glue” the breading to the surface of the food (11). Finally, the sticky-coated food is placed in a bowl of crumbs for the final coating. Seasoned breadcrumbs, cracker crumbs, cornmeal, or cereal (cornflakes) may be used to coat foods. Smaller, more delicate foods such as mushrooms require finer-grained breadings. Seasonings or flavorings such as salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, sage, or others can be added at any of the three steps of breading, although mixing them into the egg wash ensures they are evenly distributed (22). Sugar can also be added, but be aware that it results in a browner product (5). Batters Another way to coat foods is through the use of batters, which are wet flour mixtures containing water, starch, and seasonings into which foods are dipped prior to being fried. Commercial batters are available that require simply adding water. There is no one recipe for a batter, and for-
Sweat The stage of cooking in which food, especially vegetables, becomes soft and translucent.
between using a breading process and a batter process to coat foods.
Condiments Condiments are seasonings or prepared relishes used in cooking or at the table. Some of the most common condiments are mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, relish, tartar sauce, salsa, barbecue sauce, chili sauce, soy sauce, horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, chutney, and steak sauce.
Adding Seasonings and Flavorings to Food How Much to Add? Roll in flour and shake off excess.
Dip floured piece in egg wash.
If tested recipes are available, they should be followed. If there is no recipe, start by adding 1 ⁄4 teaspoon of spice (or 1 ⁄8 teaspoon for chili, cayenne, or garlic powder) for every pound of meat or pint of liquid (soup, sauce). Flavor-test and add more seasonings as desired. It is always easier to add than to subtract, and because it is important not to overpower other ingredients in a dish, it pays to be cautious. There really is no easy set rule or formula for adding seasoning and flavoring to foods. The freshness of herbs and spices will influence how much should be added, and evaporation of liquid during heating will concentrate what is already present. Successfully prepared foods have well-balanced flavors that are complementary.
When to Add?
Dip in bowl of crumbs and toss more crumbs on top.
mulas can be extremely flexible (25). The addition of eggs to the batter will produce a darker coating because of the yolk content. Commercial batters often have added ingredients such as gums for viscosity and starches to increase adhesion by the swelling of their granules. Shortening or oils contribute to overall flavor and mouthfeel (11). Figure 4-17 shows the basic differences
Seasonings should be added to prepared foods early enough in the cooking process to release their flavor, but not so soon that their flavor is lost. Most seasonings (especially ground) are added near the end of the heating period, whereas a few (whole or lightly crushed) need more time to release their flavors and aromas to blend with the other ingredients. Foods tend to better retain the flavor of seasonings and flavorings if their surfaces are partially cooked and therefore permeable to what is added. This stage is commonly referred to by professional chefs as sweating (26). Delaying the addition of seasonings and flavorings is particularly important for salts, which tend to shrink meats if they are added too soon. Flavor retention is influenced by the length of the heating and the final
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
F I G U R E 4 -17
The difference between using breadings and batters.
Breading Procedure
Bread or crumbs
Finished item placed on rack or tray
Batter Procedure
N U T R I E N T CON T E N T Sodium is the portion of salt that has raised concerns because of its possible connection to high blood pressure, or hypertension. Not everyone is susceptible to having high blood pressure caused by a high-sodium diet, but about 15 to 25 percent of Americans are genetically prone to developing the condition. The average North American diet is high in sodium, which automatically puts this subgroup at risk. To safeguard these 15 to 25 percent sodium-sensitive individuals, the surgeon general recommends that all Americans lower their sodium intake. The concern is that high blood pressure, regardless of its cause, is a known risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease, and strokes (4, 10). How much should sodium intake be reduced? Most Americans ingest 2 to 3 teaspoons (4,000 to 5,000 mg) of sodium per day. That amount can be lowered to approximately 1 teaspoon (2,400 mg of sodium) by taking three steps: (1) cutting back on high-sodium sources such as processed foods, (2) not adding salt during food preparation, and (3) removing the saltshaker from the table.
temperature attained (8). Experience may well be the best teacher.
HOW & WHY? How much dried herbs should one use in place of fresh herbs? When substituting dried herbs for fresh, the general rule is to use about one-third as much as you would fresh herbs, because the flavor of dried herbs that have not become stale is generally more intense.
FOOD PRESENTATION Plate Presentation The highest quality, best-prepared food is shortchanged if the plate presentation has not achieved or surpassed the same level of quality. An artistic layout of food items on the plate plays a very important role in winning over and satisfying the customer, whose first impression is based largely on sight. When plating food, the top consider-
ation is coordination of colors, shapes, sizes, textures, and flavors. Following are some guidelines to help in achieving this coordinated balance. First, a hot plate is selected for hot foods, whereas a cold plate is reserved for cold foods. The size of the plate should be sufficient so that food is not crowded, but not so large that the amount of food looks meager on it. Items are placed on the plate to achieve balance. The main food item, often the meat, is set in front of the guest with the best part forward, and any fat or bone facing away. The plate should not have to be turned in order for the main entrée to be consumed. Accompanying items are plated around the main entrée, and garnishes may be added to contribute to balance (Figure 4-18). Space should be kept between each item on the plate, with the border of the plate serving as the frame. The border should never be covered with food; any food that does spill over onto the edges should be wiped clean. The exception is when the plate rim is dusted with chopped herbs, spices, or other decorative touches.
Garnishes Garnishing adds color and design to a plate, making it more attractive to the eye. Garnishes are edible items used
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
F I G U R E 4 -1 8
to decorate food and should generally reflect the flavors of the dish being served. For example, a rosemary sprig would be appropriate for a rosemaryscented meat sauce. Other possible garnishes, depending on what is being served, may include:
Plate presentation.
• Leaves, such as parsley sprigs, or mint leaves in iced tea • Fruit, such as pineapple sticks; kiwifruit slices; olives; or lemon, lime, or orange wedges • Vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, green peppers, radishes, or onions • Pickled items, such as olives, pickles, or pimentos • Nuts, croutons, crackers • Hard-boiled egg slices or halves
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Only fresh, high-quality foods should be used for making garnishes. Appendix G illustrates several garnish preparation techniques. Garnishes should be used to add balance; if the items on a plate are already harmonized, a garnish is not necessary. Plate garnishes are best when they are colorful, contrasting but not clashing, and compatible with the food being served in terms of flavor, size, and shape. Garnishes should not crowd the dish, and an odd number of them tends to be more visually appealing. For example, three slices of apple on a plate look better than two or four slices. To prevent any possible injuries, unfrilled toothpicks and other hard inedible items should be avoided.
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 4 : Food Preparation Basics
Mastering the basics of food preparation is essential to a good
meal together, but food preparation is not an exact science. Understanding and adjusting for the many variables at play in preparing even the simplest recipe can elevate food preparation from a craft to an art form.
The three major steps in correct measuring: • Acquiring the amount required for a specific measurement (e.g., 4 ounces of cheese yields 1 cup shredded) • Selecting the right measuring utensil –Wet ingredients: transparent, graduated cup with pour spout – Dry ingredients: flat-topped measuring cups for leveling • Accurate measuring technique
Moist-heat preparation: Heat is transferred by water, waterbased liquid, or steam.
Know your substitutions: Sometimes knowing what item can replace a missing ingredient can save the day!
Dry-heat preparation: Heat is transferred by air, radiation, fat, or metal.
Microwaving: Usually listed as moist-heat, microwaving actually incorporates both dry- (radiation) and moist-heat methods. Moist Heat Scalding Simmering Braising Parboiling Steaming
Poaching Stewing Boiling Blanching
Dry Heat Baking Broiling Frying Stir-Frying Deep-Frying
Mixing is a general term describing beating, blending, binding, whipping, and folding. The ingredients for baked goods can be mixed in several different ways, but the most common methods are the conventional (creaming), conventional sponge, single-stage (quickmix), pastry-blend, biscuit, and muffin.
Roasting Grilling Sautéing Pan-Broiling/Frying
SEASONINGS AND FLAVORINGS Seasoning: Any compound that enhances the flavor already found naturally in a food. Flavoring: An addition that adds a new flavor to a food. The major seasonings/flavorings are:
Thermometers used to measure heat in cooking are available in two commonly used scales, Fahrenheit and Celsius or centigrade. These scales are based on the freezing and boiling temperatures of pure water at sea level (32°F/0°C and 212°F/100°C, respectively).
Convection: Air or liquid expands and rises as it heats up, creating a circular current. Oven baking, simmering, steaming, and deep-frying are all examples of convection cooking. The use of water and fat to heat foods combines both conduction and convection.
Salt and pepper Herbs and spices Oil extracts Flavor enhancers Marinades Breadings and batters Condiments
The freshness of herbs and spices will influence how much should be added, and evaporation of the liquid during heating will concentrate the effect of the flavoring/seasoning added.
HEAT TRANSFER METHODS Conduction: The direct transfer of heat from one substance to another by direct contact; for example, heat from a gas flame warms the pot on the stove and then its contents.
• • • • • • •
It is always easier to add than to subtract! Flavor-test and add more seasoning as desired. Convection
Most seasonings are added near the end of cooking time. CUTLERY TECHNIQUES Conduction
Convection (hot air currents)
Oven heat source
Induction: Transferring heat energy to adjacent material without contact. Radiation: Radiant heat in the form of particle waves moving outward is generated by broiling, grilling, and microwaving. Infrared heat lamps and ovens use electromagnetic waves to keep foods warm and to prepare frozen foods.
Knowing knives and how to use them is essential to basic food preparation. Holding a chef’s knife.
It is important to know how to hold the knife; the different sections of the blade assigned to various tasks; and the differences between slicing, shredding, dicing, mincing, chopping, and peeling. FOOD PRESENTATION A restaurant customer’s first impression is based largely on sight, and an artful arrangement of food on a plate contributes a great deal to the dining experience. Garnishes, fresh, if needed.
Chapter 4 Food Preparation Basics
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. In which cooking method is food simmered in a small amount of liquid in a covered pot or casserole dish? a. braising b. scalding c. simmering d. steaming 2. Food that is cut into very thin, stick-like shapes has been_______________. a. chopped b. minced c. peeled d. julienned 3. Three teaspoons is equivalent to ________. a. 1 tablespoon b. 11 ⁄2 tablespoons c. 2 tablespoons d. 21 ⁄5 tablespoons 4. When using the muffin method of mixing, over-mixing will produce what type of unwanted result? a. tender b. tough c. overly moist d. overly dry
*See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
5. What is the best environment for storing herbs and spices? a. a moist place b. a warm, bright place c. a cool, dry place d. a hot, moist place
Short Answer/Essay 1. Briefly describe each of the following moist heat preparation methods: scalding, poaching, simmering, stewing, braising, boiling, and steaming. 2. Explain the difference between dry-heat and moist-heat preparation. Define the following dry-heat preparation methods, providing examples for each: baking, roasting, broiling, grilling, and frying. 3. Define the following cutting styles: slicing (include julienning), shredding, dicing, mincing, and peeling. 4. Fill in the following equivalent measurements: ____ tsp = ____ T ____ oz = ____ 1 lb ____ oz = ____ 1 C ____ grams = 1 tsp ____ C = ____ pint ____ pints = ____ quart(s) 5. How would you measure each of the following items: liquid, eggs, fat, sugar, and flour? 6. List and briefly describe three mixing methods. 7. Explain the difference between seasonings and flavorings, herbs and spices, and breadings and batters. 8. What is a marinade, and how is it used? 9. What are the main factors to be considered in plate presentation? 10. List six basic types of garnishes that can add color and design to a meal.
REFERENCES 1. Adams SJ. Slow cooking enhances winter vegetables. Fine Cooking 18:40–43, 1997. 2. ASTA. The Foodservice and Industrial Spice Manual. American Spice Trade Association, 1990. 3. Brookman P. Antioxidants and consumer acceptance. Food Technology New Zealand 26(10):24–28, 1991. 4. Cappiccio FP, et al. Double-blind randomized trial of modest salt restriction in older people. Lancet 350(9081):850–854, 1997. 5. Corriher SO. Taking the fear out of frying. Fine Cooking 16:78–79, 1996.
6. Corriher SO. MSG enhances flavors naturally. Fine Cooking 20:76, 1997. 7. Farrell KT. Spices, Condiments, and Seasonings. Avi, 1985. 8. Flavor loss. Food Engineering 62(6):38, 1990. 9. Giese J. Spices and seasoning blends: A taste for all seasons. Food Technology 48(4):88–98, 1994. 10. Kannel WB. Blood pressure as a cardiovascular risk factor: Prevention and treatment. Journal of the American Medical Association 275(20):1571–1576, 1996.
11. Loewe R. Role of ingredients in batter systems. Cereal Foods World 38(9):673–677, 1993. 10. Lydecker T. Cook to perfection with an instant-read thermometer. Fine Cooking 19:60–61, 1997. 11. Mathews RH, and R Batcher. Sifted versus unsifted flour. Journal of Home Economics 55:123, 1963. 12. Mattes RD. Discretionary salt use. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 51:519, 1990. 13. Nagodawithana T. Flavor enhancers: Their probable mode of action. Food Technology 48(4):79–85, 1994.
Food Preparation Basics Chapter 4
14. Ponte JG. Sugar in baking foods. In Sugar: A User’s Guide to Sucrose, eds. NL Pennington and CW Baker. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. 15. Reineccius G. Off-flavors in foods. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 29(6):381–402, 1991. 16. Saguy IS, and EJ Pinthus. Oil uptake during deep-frying: Factors and mechanism. Food Technology 49(4):142–145, 1995. 17. Scott ML. Mastering Microwave Cooking. Bantam, 1976. 18. Singh RP. Heat and mass transfer in foods during deep-fat frying. Food Technology 49(4):134–137, 1995.
19. Sloan AE. Grilling and slow cooking are gaining. Food Technology 53(6):28, 1999. 20. Stevens M. Coating food for a golden crisp crust. Fine Cooking 20:74, 1997. 21. Stevens M. What’s the difference in salt? Fine Cooking 24:10, 1998. 22. Stevens M. Why scald milk? Fine Cooking 27:12, 1998. 23. Suderman DR. Selecting flavorings and seasonings for batter and breading systems. Cereal Foods World 38(9):689–694, 1993.
WEBSITES The Culinary Institute of America, a leading chef school in the United States, has two useful websites: and www.ciaprochef .edu
Find information in this food preparation encyclopedia:
24. “Sweating” vegetables coaxes out flavor. Fine Cooking 25:76, 1998. 25. Tarasoff L, and MF Kelly. Monosodium L-glutamate: A doubleblind study and review. Food and Chemical Toxicology 31(12):1019–1033, 1993. 26. Varela G, and B Ruiz-Roso. Some effects of deep-frying on dietary fat intake. Nutrition Reviews 50(9):256–262, 1992.
5 Meal Management Food Service Organization 100 Meal Planning 103 Purchasing 107
successful meal is both psychologically and physiologically satisfying. Planning such meals requires a basic knowledge of food preparation, nutrition, and presentation strategies. Effective meal planning and preparation, whether for a household, an institution, or a restaurant chain, is made possible by the efficient management of money, time, and energy. These resources are used in the various steps of meal production: food procurement, storage, preparation, serving, and cleanup. All these steps require organization on the part of the individual or of the food service manager. In the case of the latter, good organization involves people working together toward the common goal of preparing and serving attractive, tasty, nutritious, and profitable meals. This chapter covers how food service establishments are organized, meal planning, purchasing, time management, types of meal service, and table settings.
FOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION At the core of every food service operation is an organization with a structure set up to achieve specific goals. Management determines the objectives necessary to reach those goals and then mobilizes people toward meeting them. This entails the division of work, which necessitates clear and effective job descriptions. Positions are often described more fully in a job description than they are in a newspaper ad for that job, or
Time Management 111 Types of Meal Service 113 Table Settings 114
even in the manner in which an employer verbally describes the job to a new employee. Anyone applying for employment in such an operation should ask the employer to see the formal job description in writing and to check that it matches the job duties, performance evaluations, and salary as explained by the person doing the hiring. If there’s a performance evaluation form, ask to see it in order that you might meet the performance criteria. An organizational chart is also helpful to a new employee. Figure 5-1 compares the organizational charts between a hospital dietary department and a restaurant.
Commercial Food Service Organization Large food service organizations usually follow a historical structure that was pioneered by George Auguste Escoffier (1847–1935). Escoffier, called the father of 20th-century cookery, created stations for particular areas of food production. Escoffier’s system of
Job description An organized list of duties used for finding qualified applicants, training, performance appraisal, defining authority and responsibility, and determining salary. Organizational chart A descriptive diagram showing the administrative structure of an organization.
Meal Management Chapter 5
F I G U R E 5 -1
Organizational chart comparison of a hospital and a restaurant.
Director of dietetic services (Also known as administrative or chief dietitian)
Dietary clerk
Dietary technicians
Dietary technicians
Dietary clerk
Food-production dietitian-in-charge
Hot foods
Salad cook
Coffee shop chef supervisor
Executive chef
Dinner restaurant chef supervisor
Banquet chef Cooks
Chef garde manager
Pastry chef
Assistant pastry chef
Room service station cooks Pantry workers
Pantry workers
Pantry workers Helper
Pot washer Source: Mizer et al., Food Preparation for the Professional (John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
dividing up large kitchens into various preparation areas led to the creation of jobs requiring specific skills. The kitchen team of employees under this type of food service organization is called the brigade de cuisine (breegahd-de-kwee-zeen).
Escoffier’s System of Organization via Stations At the head of each station in the kitchen are station chefs or heads with a particular area of expertise:
• Sauce chef/saucier (so-see-ay). The highest position among the stations. This chef specializes in the production of sauces, sauce-related dishes, hot hors d’oeuvres, stews, and sautéed foods. • Fish cook/poissonier (pwahso-nee-ay). Sometimes this station is covered by the sauce chef. • Vegetable cook/entremetier (ontramet-ee-ay). Prepares vegetables. • Soup cook/potager (poh-ta-zhay). Prepares soups and stocks.
• Roast cook/rotisseur (ro-tee-sur). Responsible for meat dishes, particularly if they are roasted or braised. • Broiler cook/grillardin (greeyar-dan). Specializes in preparing grilled, broiled, or deepfried meats, poultry, and seafood. • Pantry chef/chef garde manger (guard-mon-zhay). Prepares all nondessert cold foods such as salads and cold hors d’oeuvres.
102 Chapter 5 Meal Management
T A B L E 5 -1
Brief Summary of Hospital Diets Other Common Names
Routine, House, or Selective Diet
For adults who are not on any dietary restriction
Maintain optimal nutritional status
Diabetic, Low Sodium, Renal Diet, etc.
Prescribed by physician as medical nutrition therapy for patient
For people with specific medical conditions (diabetes, renal disease, heart disease, etc.)
Clear Liquid
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Foods that are clear liquid Minimal fiber
Preparation for and recovery from abdominal surgery, etc.
Full Liquid
Surgical Liquid Diet
Similar to clear liquid except permits strained items such as milk, juice, and eggs (in drinks/custards)
Follows clear liquid diet
Blenderized Liquid
Pureed Diet
Foods blenderized to liquid form
For those unable to tolerate solid food following oral or plastic surgery; chewing or swallowing problems; wired jaws
Mechanically Surgical Soft, Mechanical Altered Soft Diet
Food modified only in texture — blended, chopped, ground
Promote ease of chewing following head and neck surgery or radiation, oral or dental problems
Soft Diet
Bland, Low-Fiber, Low Residue Diet
Low fiber, little seasoning, smooth texture, low on fried and strongflavored foods or gas-forming vegetables
Transition between liquid and general Post-operation to prevent nausea and vomiting, gas and distention from anesthesia and gastrointestinal immobility
High Fiber
High-Residue Diet
Increased fiber (25–35 g/day), gradual, plenty of fluid
For gastrointestinal problems—constipation, diverticulosis (if not inflamed), irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity
Modified Consistency
• Pastry chef/patissier (pa-tees-seeay). Prepares baked goods— pastries, desserts, and breads. • Relief, swing, or rounds cook/tournant (tour-non). Capable of handling any station in order to relieve one of the other chefs. In smaller kitchens, there may be only two stations, one for hot foods and one for cold foods. In such kitchens the pantry chef is a major position. Each station head has cooks and helpers or assistants that aid with that area of
Dietitian (registered dietitian or RD) A health professional who counsels people about their medical nutrition therapy (diabetic, low cholesterol, low sodium, etc.). Registration requirements consist of completing an approved four-year college degree, exam, internship, and ongoing continuing education.
food production. The first step on the ladder of jobs in a large kitchen is the entry-level position of helper or assistant, which requires virtually no skills. Once the skills are acquired, however, the person may be promoted to cook. People can sign on as apprentices and receive formal training in food service by rotating through each of the kitchen stations.
Administrative Positions In general, after about five to ten years of experience in all stations as a chef, a person can be promoted to administrative positions in the kitchen: • Executive chef/chef executif. The person in charge of the entire operation, including kitchen administration, hiring, budgeting, purchasing, work scheduling, menu planning, and more. • Production manager/sous (soo) chef. The second-highest position in the kitchen. The sous chef is in
charge of all areas of production and supervision of the staff.
Hospital Food Service Organization Patients in a hospital have to be fed and the dietary department is responsible for taking care of people that need regular or specialized meals (Table 5-1). Many larger hospital food operations are professionally managed by Sodexo Corporation and working for this or a similar company allows the hospital food service employees more flexibility in shift ing positions geographically. Hospital food service operations differ slightly from large hotel or restaurant establishments in that the person in charge is the food service director, or administrative or chief dietitian. Working for the chief dietitian are other dietitians, their numbers depending on the size of the hospital. The number of beds is a common phrase used to describe the size of a hospital.
Meal Management Chapter 5
Assisting the dietitians are the dietetic technicians, who hold at least a twoyear degree. The entry-level employees in a hospital dietary department who may start out relatively untrained are the dietary aides. People working in this position assist the dietitians and dietary technicians, often fi lling out diet orders, taking care of paperwork, and sometimes working the tray line where meals are put together before being delivered to hospital patients.
MEAL PLANNING The ultimate goal of a food service organization is to plan, prepare, and serve meals. Food production begins with planning the menu. The menu dictates all other actions that will follow, such as purchasing, what equipment to use, labor, and serving.
USDA Menu Patterns What is typically served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? The meal pattern varies tremendously from country to country. In North America the standard fare can be divided into the selections shown in the USDA’s Adult Care Meal Pattern (Figure 5-2). A similar meal pattern for infants (birth–1 year) and children (1–2 years; 3–5 years; 6–12 years) is called the USDA’s Child Care Meal Pattern and is available at the USDA’s website, cnd/care/ProgramBasic/Meals.htm. The USDA also distributes menu guidelines for its School Lunch Programs. These guidelines offer a choice between two meal patterns: Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning and Nutrient Standard Menu Planning (NuMenues). The Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning approach creates a menu of five food items from four food components: meat/meat alternate, vegetables and/or fruits, grains/breads, and milk. Portion sizes depend on the children’s ages and grade groups. The trend toward healthier eating led the USDA to develop the Nutrient Standard Menu Planning or NuMenues. Instead of using food groups to create a menu, NuMenues use nutrition-analysis computer soft ware to calculate a healthy meal. This is currently defi ned
F I G U R E 5 -2
USDA’s Adult Care Meal Pattern.
Adult Care Meal Pattern Breakfast for Adults Select All Three Components for a Reimbursable Meal 1 milk
1 cup
fluid milk
1 fruit/vegetable
juice,1 fruit and/or vegetable
1 grains/bread2
2 slices 2 servings 1 1/2 cups 1 cup 1 cup
bread or cornbread or biscuit or roll or muffin or cold dry cereal or hot cooked cereal or pasta or noodles or grains
Lunch for Adults Select All Four Components for a Reimbursable Meal 1 milk
1 cup
fluid milk
2 fruits/vegetables
1 cup
juice,1 fruit and/or vegetable
1 grains/bread2
2 slices 2 servings 1 1/2 cups 1 cup 1 cup
bread or cornbread or biscuit or roll or muffin or cold dry cereal or hot cooked cereal or pasta or noodles or grains
1 meat/meat alternate 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. 1 1/2 cup 4 Tbsp. 1 oz. 8 oz.
lean meat or poultry or fish3 or alternate protein product or cheese or egg or cooked dry beans or peas or peanut or other nut or seed butter or nuts and/or seeds4 or yogurt5
Dinner for Adults Select All Three Components for a Reimbursable Meal 2 fruits/vegetables
1 cup
juice,1 fruit and/or vegetable
1 grains/bread2
2 slices 2 servings 1 1/2 cups 1 cup 1 cup
bread or cornbread or biscuit or roll or muffin or cold dry cereal or hot cooked cereal or pasta or noodles or grains
1 meat/meat alternate 2 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz. 1 1/2 cup 4 Tbsp. 1 oz. 8 oz.
lean meat or poultry or fish3 or alternate protein product or cheese or egg or cooked dry beans or peas or peanut or other nut or seed butter or nuts and/or seeds4 or yogurt5
1 Fruit or vegetable juice must be full-strength. 2 Breads and grains must be made from whole-grain or enriched meal or flour. Cereal must
be whole-grain or enriched or fortified. 3 A serving consists of the edible portion of cooked lean meat or poultry or fish. 4 Nuts and seeds may meet only one-half of the total meat/meat alternate serving and must
be combined with another meat/meat alternate to fulfill the lunch requirement. 5 Yogurt may be plain or flavored, unsweetened or sweetened.
104 Chapter 5 Meal Management
as one meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; limiting calories (which may still be too high; e.g., 825 calories/ kcal for a 7–12th grader’s lunch); and providing at least one-third of the daily Recommended Dietary Allowances for protein, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C. Percentage fat limitations depend on the grade (e.g., 7–12 graders should not have more than 30 percent fat in the course of one week). In the same spirit of altering eating habits to meet healthier goals, Figure 5-3 suggests an Eating Right Menu in which complex carbohydrates comprise the bulk of a meal, followed by fruits, vegetables, dairy, and, last, meat.
Eating Right Menu: Selected suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast – Eggs (limit 4/week) Cereal (High fiber—at least 3gm/serving) + milk (nonfat or lowfat) Pancakes Waffles French toast Bagel Muffin Scone Cottage cheese Yogurt Smoothie + fruit (whole or juice) + high fiber cracker Lunch –
Hospital Menu Patterns Patients in a hospital have various dietary needs. They may be on a regular or general diet, a modified consistency diet, or a prescribed diet, depending on their current health condition (Table 51). It is the responsibility of the hospital’s dietary department to ensure that all patients are being provided the appropriate diet and to counsel patients with special dietary advice if their doctor prescribed a diet as medical nutrition therapy (MNT).
Creating the Menu Regardless of what menu pattern is followed, planning menus is the essential first step of food production. The first decision concerns what type of menu will be used: no choice, limited choice, or choice menu. The menu can reflect what is offered daily, weekly, or for several weeks (cycle menus). Because dinners are usually the most prominent meal, most people plan dinner first. Meals then are built around the main entrée, and the remaining items are usually decided
Cycle menu A menu that consists of two or more weeks, usually three or four, that cycles through a certain order of meals. Cycle menus offer a combination of variety and controlled costs.
Dinner –
Sandwich (all have tomato and/or lettuce) (bread = whole wheat, whole grain, low calorie, pita) (meat if included not to exceed 2 oz) Examples: Tuna/sunflower/dill/mustard Grilled tuna/melted cheese Turkey/cheese/cranberry sauce Cheese/mustard Grilled cheese/mustard Peanut butter + jelly Grilled cheese Soup/salad Examples: Pasta/rice/bean Tuna/chicken/shrimp Potato Greens Baked potato Pasta Rice/beans Fruit/cheese/crackers + yogurt + vegetable (3 servings/day) (vitamin A & C containing at least 4x/week) + fruit (2 servings/day) (vitamin A & C containing at least 4x/week) + bread (at least 1 gm fiber/serving) Any lunch entrée Meat (3 oz) Lean meat (beef, pork, lamb) Poultry (no skin) Fish Pasta Examples: Spaghetti Macaroni Lasagna Rice/bean + vegetable (vitamin A & C containing at least 4x/week) + fruit (vitamin A & C containing at least 4x/week) + bread (at least 1 gm fiber/serving)
Source: Mizer et al., Food Preparation for the Professional (John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
Meal Management Chapter 5
upon in the following order: vegetable, starch, salad, bread, soup, appetizer, and dessert (Figure 5-4). Some provision must also be made for breakfasts, lunches, beverages, and snacks. The dietary recommendation for fruit is for a serving at least twice a day and it can be incorporated into a variety of options on the menu such as salad, dessert, snack, breakfast, and/or a beverage.
− Main Entrée – Meat (beef, pork, lamb, fish/shellfish, poultry) Cereal (rice, wheat, oat, rye, barley, breakfast cereals) Beans (red, kidney, pinto, lima, etc.) Pasta (lasagna, macaroni, spaghetti, etc.) Eggs (fried, scrambled, omelet, shirred, poached, etc.) − Vegetable –
Cycle Menus
Basically, portions should be reasonably sized in order to satisfy a person’s appetite without contributing to excessive calories (kcal). The percentage of calories (kcal) from carbohydrates should be at least 45 to 65 percent, with fat from 20 to 30 percent, and protein at approximately 12 percent. The way to achieve this goal is to emphasize grains, pasta, fruits, and vegetables,
− Salad
− Breakfasts
− Bread –
At least 1 g fiber/serving
− Soup
− Beverages – Water, lowfat or nonfat milk, juice, soda, coffee, tea − Snacks
* Fruit (2 servings/day) can be incorporated into breakfasts, snacks, salads, desserts, and/or beverages.
An example of a one-week (minus Friday) cycle menu. Month 1. Week 1
Portion Size
− Dessert
Cereals Scrambled Eggs Grapefruit Wheat Toast/Jam
The nutritive value of meals is another responsibility of the food service manager or director. The trend toward healthier eating has even contributed to the suggestion of a national “fat tax” aimed at fast-food restaurants delivering high-fat meals in super sizes (7). The growing national concern with increasing obesity rates and resulting health problems has the United States slowly mobilizing to address this issue.
− Appetizer
− Starch
Cereals Pancakes Apricot Cup Wheat Toast/Jam
Nutrient Value
(3 servings/day) Vitamin C and A containing at least 4x/week each
Cereals French Toast Fruit Salad Wheat Toast/Jam
Creating several weekly menus in a row sets up a menu cycle (Figure 5-5). This is a common practice for food service institutions, especially schools. Threeweek cycles improve cost control, but four-week cycles are less monotonous, and longer cycles are preferred for people who are unable to eat elsewhere, such as those residing in nursing homes or other long-term care institutions. After deciding on the number of weeks in the cycle menu, the contents of each week are then planned. Planning a weekly menu cycle is usually done by the food service establishment management team, which attempts to balance numerous factors, such as those itemized in the checklist in Figure 5-6.
Checklist for organizing a menu.
Poached Eggs Orange Juice Scones Wheat Toast/Jam
Spaghetti Garlic Bread Caesar Salad Juices
Roast Beef Baked Potato Glazed Carrots Garden Salad
Roast Beef Sandwiches Apple or Banana Coleslaw
Lasagna Garlic Bread Tossed Salad Fruit Pizza Dessert
Rice/Bean Combo Steamed Broccoli Whole Grain Bread Fruit Salad
Baked Chicken Mashed Potatoes Cranberry Salad Corn
Baked Fish Red Potatoes Green Beans Apple Pie (low-fat)
Angel Hair Pasta Garlic Bread Broccoli/Cauliflower Peach Cobbler
Source: Ashley S. Anderson, Catering for Large Numbers (Reed International Books, 1995).
106 Chapter 5 Meal Management
Menu cycle evaluation checklist.
−Clientele Age Religion Cultural preferences Regional differences −Cost −Taste Does the entrée selection include meals that taste better than the competition? −Holiday meals −Seasonal availability (fruits and seafoods) −Nutrition guidelines Risk factors for diseases Fat — less than 30% calories Complex carbohydrates — at least 58% calories Cholesterol — less than 300 mg/day Fiber — at least 20-30 g/day Vitamins — A and C rich vegetables/fruits at least 4x/week Minerals — avoid excess sodium National Cancer Institute recommendations Exchange list Dietary guidelines Dietary goals −Appealing menu items Flavor/color/texture/shapes (diced/strips/chopped)/temperature variation Type of preparation (fried/baked/broiled/sauced/plain) Are records of consumption/popularity incorporated? Garnishes −Equipment use balanced Workload/schedules balanced (broiling, frying, microwave, oven, etc.) Cycle/day sequence Is the end of the cycle different from the beginning? Are the day's options for breakfast/lunch/dinner different? Is any one item repeated too frequently in the cycle? Descriptive menu Steak — Sizzling Swiss Steak Peas — Buttered Peas and Mushrooms Potatoes — Boiled New Potatoes Salad — Fresh Garden Salad Brownies — Chewy Fudge Brownies
with carbohydrates derived primarily from complex sources and providing at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber per day. Sufficient vitamins (especially A and C) and many minerals can come from fruits and vegetables. Meat can be kept to 5 ounces per day as long as two servings of dairy foods or one of dairy foods and one of eggs are included.
Food sources containing saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and caffeine should be minimized.
Planning Healthy Meals Healthy meal planning is more achievable than ever before because people are changing their eating patterns in a
positive way. This can be seen by comparing the first food consumption records collected in 1909 with subsequent studies. More than half of all shoppers are motivated by health reasons to make major modifications in their diets (4). U.S. Department of Agriculture surveys indicate that, since 1977, food intake trends have tended toward foods that are lower in fat; fat intakes have actually dropped from 40 percent to less than 33 percent of total calories (kcal) (5, 8). Despite the improvement, it is imperative that more emphasis be placed on the use of fiber-containing complex carbohydrates such as breads; cereals; starches; grains; dried beans; lentils; and starchy vegetables such as peas, potatoes, and corn. One of the ways to do this is to offer vegetarian cuisine, which, as restaurateurs are now realizing, is no longer just a passing fad (3). In light of this lower-fat trend, numerous chefs have published books on preparing heart-healthy foods (7), followed by a new generation of student chefs that believes dietary guides do make a difference to the customer (9). The U.S. government is also encouraging citizens to improve their diet through the USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and promotion. The center offers the MyPyramid Tracker at so that people can use it to analyze their own diets. This diet self-assessment tool allows users to input their daily food intake and receive an evaluation of their overall diet. Continually improving implementation of the Dietary Guides will benefit the nutrient intake of North Americans and possibly reduce the dietary risk factors for degenerative diseases.
HOW & WHY? Why are obesity rates increasing in the United States if fat intake has decreased? Despite the successful decrease in percent fat intake from calories, Americans continue to increase their overall consumption of calories (kcal).
Meal Management Chapter 5
PURCHASING A third aspect of meal planning is deciding how much of each food to buy. Budget limitations determine both the types and amounts of food to be purchased. A further consideration in food service establishments is that the food cost accounts for about half of all costs, with the majority of the other half incurred by labor (labor cost). These two costs are primary concerns to any food service manager who knows that the bottom line is of paramount importance (1).
Buyer Larger food service operations usually have a buyer, a purchasing department, or a cooperative arrangement with other institutions to purchase foods according to the forecasted menu requirements. The buyer or purchasing department determines food needs, selects vendors, bargains for price, and negotiates contracts. Food service purchasing may be formal or informal. Informal purchasing, or open-market buying, consists of ordering food supplies from vendors on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Formal purchasing, or competitive-bid buying, occurs when the buyer sends vendors an invitation to quote prices on a needed food item (10). Specifications describe in detail the food items to be purchased and may be developed by either the buyer or the seller (6). Deadline dates are given in formal purchasing, and bids are placed in a sealed envelope that is not opened until all the qualified vendors’ bids have been submitted. The lowest bid is awarded the purchasing contract.
Food Stores and Vendors/Suppliers The cost of anything, including food, depends in part on where it is purchased. Understanding the differences among the types of retail and wholesale food supply sources allows buyers to select the ones that will give them the most for their money. The variety of food stores available to consum-
ers includes supermarkets; warehouse stores; co-ops; farmers’ markets; and convenience, specialty, and health food stores. Food service establishments rely on large food distribution centers to obtain their supplies.
Supermarkets A century or so ago, consumers went to the local grocery store and gave a storekeeper or clerk a list of what they wished to purchase. Then they waited while all the products on the list were collected for them. Although this was an accepted part of life in the community, it could be tedious and time consuming and it prevented customers from browsing and selecting items at their leisure. In the early 1900s, large city grocery stores began allowing retailers of individual products to sell from booths inside the stores. This opened up the market for different kinds of foods, increased consumer choices, and made shopping faster and more convenient. Eventually, this arrangement developed into the modern supermarket, where the major departments include meats, produce, dairy, bakery, frozen, canned and otherwise processed foods, as well as nonfood items such as cleaning, beauty, and even car care supplies. The easy availability of items is a major factor in consumers’ selection of a supermarket. A marketing company that polled consumers nationwide, however, found that the most important consideration in this selection was the cleanliness of the store, followed by the convenience of its location, the courtesy of its clerks, its prices, and speedy checkout service. Less important were attractive displays, baggers, weekly specials, and store coupons. Those polled also indicated that they would appreciate a checkout lane for those with a quantity of groceries in between that accepted in the express and regular lanes.
Warehouse Stores Although supermarkets are undoubtedly the most popular avenue for purchasing food, there are other options. Warehouse stores are less expensive than supermarkets because they offer the basic foods with little glitz. Food is often found on the shelves in the origi-
nal shipping containers, and shoppers may find themselves bagging their own purchases.
Co-ops The food cooperative (co-op) is a membership arrangement that cuts out the middle, retail level by purchasing foods in bulk at wholesale prices to sell to members and, in some instances, the public. Any profits are divided among the co-op members. Some co-ops expect the members to put in several hours per week helping with the operation of the co-op, whereas others hire the necessary help. Co-ops have some disadvantages. They tend to offer limited choices, their management tends to be top-heavy and suffer from inexperience, and they are unable to offer specials that can compete with supermarkets.
Smaller Outlets The smaller food outlets include convenience, specialty, and health food stores, and farmers’ markets. Convenience stores are a mini-version of the supermarket, with easily accessible foods and fast service being the keys to their success. They are the closest thing to the old-fashioned corner grocery store, but their prices are considerably higher and they carry only the fastest moving items. Specialty stores include bakeries, delicatessens, butcher shops, and ethnic food, cookie, candy, and ice cream stores. Although specialty stores are usually more expensive, they offer unique items that may not be found
Food cost Often expressed as a percentage obtained by dividing the raw food cost by the menu price. Forecast A predicted amount of food that will be needed for a food service operation within a given time period. Specifications Descriptive information used in food purchasing that defines the minimum and maximum levels of acceptable quality or quantity (i.e., U.S. grade, weight, size, fresh or frozen).
108 Chapter 5 Meal Management
at the supermarket. Health or natural food stores offer a wide selection of foods, many of which have been produced without chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. Bulk items, herbs, fermented milks, soy milk, food supplements, and natural cosmetics may be bought in such stores. Finally, farmers’ markets and roadside stands offer fresh produce straight from the grower’s fields.
Food Service Vendors Food service distribution centers and vendors supply the food for food service establishments. These large food warehouses obtain food directly from the food companies and deliver it to various private and public food service organizations. Vendors, the purveyors or food suppliers, usually specialize in a given product or category of products, such as produce, meat, or dairy.
Keeping Food Costs Down Although the budget is certainly not the only consideration in making a purchase, it is a vital factor, and there are several methods for keeping food costs down.
Meats The biggest expense in the food budget is meat. A money-saving and nutritionconscious step would be to reduce daily meat intake to no more than 5 ounces per person. Realizing that a 12ounce steak is not the most healthy or economical serving and cutting back on meat is a major move toward saving money. The less tender cuts of meat are just as nutritious, often less fatty, and less expensive than are tender cuts. In addition, it is generally more economical to buy a large piece of meat and cut it up than it is to buy meat already cut up. The many nonmeat substitutes available provide inexpensive protein options. They include dried beans (including soybeans and the tofu made from them), peas, and lentils. These legumes are high in complex carbohydrates and fiber and are the best source of plant protein. Eggs are another nutritious and inexpensive protein source.
Fish Frozen or canned fish is often less expensive than fresh fish. Lobster, crab, and jumbo shrimp are usually more costly than other protein sources, so they are best saved for special occasions.
Dairy The least expensive form of milk is nonfat dried milk. If the taste and texture are unacceptable, it can be mixed with fluid milk, or a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring can be added for each gallon of reconstituted nonfat dried milk. Cheeses vary widely in cost, so it is best to comparison shop among the different types. Presliced or shredded cheeses tend to be more expensive than those sold in block form.
Bread/Grain Creating a diet based on pasta and grains subjects the budget to an automatic belt-tightening. The more processing that is involved in a product, the higher the cost will be, so prepared goods such as cakes and cookies are more expensive than those made from scratch. Ready-to-eat cereals cost quite a bit more than their uncooked counterparts. Cereals offered in mini-packages or single portions also come at a premium price. Seasoned grain and pasta mixtures cost more than plain pasta and grains to which seasonings are added during cooking. A wide variety of grains is sold in bulk at very reasonable prices.
Fruits and Vegetables Savings can be achieved in the purchase of fruits and vegetables by determining the cost of the fresh form against the processed versions. Seasonal availability, brand, grade, and added ingredients all factor into the equation when comparing the price of fresh, dried, canned, or frozen fruits and vegetables.
Price Comparisons Comparing prices is accomplished by calculating the cost per serving. This is easily done when the price per unit (ounce, pound, count, etc.) is given by the supplier. It pays to check this price
and not be deceived by a product’s packaging, shape, or size. Prices differ not only among brands, but among forms as well—fresh, dried, canned, or frozen. Convenience foods are almost guaranteed to be more costly, as shown in Figure 5-7; the last comparison illustrates packaging size differences. For example, popcorn is less expensive if it is purchased for preparation on the range rather than for the microwave. It is fairly well established that fresh produce usually has a greater nutrient value and better quality than either the canned or frozen version, but the prices escalate whenever produce has been trimmed or cut, making it more expensive to purchase shredded cabbage, diced carrots, watermelon cut in portions, or strawberries and pineapple sold ready to be served in plastic containers. Pound for pound, frozen vegetables and fruits are often more expensive than fresh unless they are out of season.
Reading Label Product Codes Familiarity with the various types of dating on some packaged items helps consumers select the freshest available products (Figure 5-8). Code dates (not shown) are useful in the event of a recall because they identify the manufacturer and/or packer of the food.
Reducing Waste Saves Costs Careful purchasing can help to avoid waste. The common areas where waste occurs include the following (2): • Overpurchasing perishable produce and other foods. Fresh produce losses can be avoided by following the Three-Day Rule: never buy more than what can be consumed in three days. • Losses resulting from food preparation (peeling, coring, trimming of fat, deboning). • Losses from shrinkage during cooking. • Losses from plate waste, that is, food left on the plate because of too-large portion sizes or poor food quality.
F I G U R E 5 -7
Price comparison.
Dates on labels and what they mean.
Freshness or quality assurance date—The last day the product will be of optimum quality. Often preceded by “best when used by.”
Brown rice (bag): Instant rice (box):
.10 per oz .17 per oz
Pull date—The last day a store will sell an item, even though the food may be safe for consumption for a little while longer. Dairy and other perishable and semi-perishable items have a pull date that indicates the last day a store should sell the item. Such items are often priced very low and are a good buy if used within a short period of time.
Instant oatmeal: Old Fashioned Oatmeal:
.34 per oz .12 per oz
Expiration date—The last day a food should be consumed. Certain products that will “expire” such as baking powders, yeast packages, and refrigerated doughs, need to show expiration dates to let consumers know whether or not they are still capable of making baked products rise. Raisins (big box): Raisins (little box):
.21 per oz .43 per oz
Pack date—The date the food was packed at the processing plant. Canned, bottled, or frozen goods have pack dates that inform consumers how old the food is when purchased. It is often used by stores, which need to know when to rotate stock.
110 Chapter 5 Meal Management
As Purchased vs Edible Portion There can be a great disparity between the amount of food purchased and what ends up on the table. These different quantities are defined as as purchased (AP) and edible portion (EP). Extra quantities of food must sometimes be purchased to make up for losses incurred during preparation, especially when buying meats, fruits, and vegetables.
Percentage Yield In terms of waste resulting from prepreparation, the percentage yield gives an estimate of how much edible food will remain after peeling and trimming (Table 5-2). The two steps to determining how much food to purchase according to percentage yield are as follows: 1. Determine the edible portion by multiplying the number of servings by the serving size. 2. Determine the amount to purchase by dividing the edible portion by the percentage yield for that particular food (Table 5-2). For example, a meal of boneless, skinless chicken breasts for five people, each having a 3-ounce serving, calls for a total edible portion of 15 ounces (step 1). The percentage yield for chicken breast with ribs and skin is 66 percent, so 15 ounces divided by .66 results in 22.7, or approximately 23, ounces (step 2). Thus, for each guest to receive 3 ounces of edible chicken breast, a total of 23 ounces of chicken breast with ribs and skin will need to be purchased.
TA B L E 5 -2
Percentage Yield: Approximate Edible Portion (EP) Yield per Pound of Selected Foods as Purchased (AP)
Food Items
% Yield Pounds of EP
Meat, Poultry, Fish (Cooked) Beef, ground (no more than 30% fat) Beef, chuck roast (boneless) Beef, round (boneless)* Beef, stew meat* Lamb, leg (boneless)* Lamb, stew* Pork, loin chops* Pork, loin roast (boneless)* Pork, spareribs Ham (boneless)* Chicken, breast (rib and skin) Chicken, drumstick (skin) Turkey, whole (skin) Turkey, fr. rolls Fish, fr. portions (raw breaded)† Fish, fr. sticks (raw breaded)†
% Yield Pounds of EP
Vegetables (Cooked) 40 60 60 55 60 65 40 55 45 65 66 50 55 65 60 60
Fruits (Raw) Apples Apricots Avocados Berries Bananas, with peel Cantaloupe Coconut Grapefruit Grapes Kiwi Lemons Mangoes Oranges Papayas Peaches Pears, pared Pineapple Plums Watermelon
Food Items
75 94 75 95 65 50 50 50 90 80 45 75 65 65 75 80 55 95 55
Beans, green Carrots Corn on the cob Potato, baked with skin Sweet potato, baked with skin
88 60 55 80 60
Vegetables (Raw) Asparagus Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Leeks Lettuce, head Mushrooms Onions Parsley Peppers Radishes Spinach Squash (summer) Squash (winter) Tomato Turnips
55 45 80 90 70 55 75 50 75 95 90 85 82 90 80 90 75 99 80
*Lean Meat †
75% fish
As purchased (AP) The total amount of food purchased prior to any preparation. Edible portion (EP) Food in its raw state, minus that which is discarded—bones, fat, skins, and/or seeds. Percentage yield The ratio of edible to inedible or wasted food.
Portion Control One of the most important aspects of controlling the food budget of a food service organization is portion control. Food cost is a major expense in running a food service establishment, so it is crucial to adhere to set serving sizes. If 300 people are served 4 ounces of roast beef instead of the planned 3 ounces, this results in the consumption of almost 19 pounds of roast beef beyond what was calculated into the budget. It may also leave customer number
301 without any meat and dissatisfied. Table 5-3 shows some suggested portion sizes for various types of foods. Portion sizes may differ depending on the time of day of the meal or the meal itself. Portions are described in three ways: 1. By weight (ounce, pound) or volume (cup, pint) 2. By number (five olives, one ear of corn, two dinner rolls) 3. By size (1.8-inch cake, 2 × 2-inch brownie)
Meal Management Chapter 5
TA B L E 5 -3
Portion Guide, Common Serving Sizes*
Breakfast Eggs Meat Fruit Cereal Juice Bread
Dinner 2–4 oz (1–2 eggs) 2–4 ox 1 ⁄2 C 3 ⁄4 C 1 ⁄ 2 – 3 ⁄4 C 1–2 slices (1–2 oz)
50–125 g 50–125 g 125 mL 175 mL 125–175 mL 30–60 g
4–6 oz 4–8 oz 1–2 oz 4–6 oz 2–3 oz 2–3 oz 1–2 oz 1–2 oz 2–4 oz
125–175 mL 125–250 g 25–50 mL 125–175 g 50–100 g 50–100 g 25–50mL 30–60 g 50–125 g
Soup Salad Salad dressing Main dish Sauce Starch Vegetable Bread Dessert
Lunch Soup Salad Salad dressing Main dish Starch Vegetable Sauce Bread Dessert
6–8 oz 4–8 oz 1–2 oz 6–8 oz 1–2 oz 2–3 oz 2–3 oz 1–2 oz 2–4 oz
175–250 mL 125–250 g 25–50 mL 175–250 g 25–50 mL 50–75 g 50–75 g 30–60 g 50–125 g
Hors d’ouevres and Canapes † Lunch, with meal Lunchtime, without meal Dinner, with meal Before-dinner reception After-dinner reception
2–4 per person 4–6 per person 4–6 per person 6–8 per person 4– 6 per person
*Quantities given reflect general practice. Specific needs will vary. †
Average size is 1 oz (30 g). Total number reflects combined hot and cold items.
Source: Mizer et al., Food Preparation for the Professional (John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
Careless measuring is ultimately reflected in the final yield of the food for the diner and the cost to the establishment. Portion guides are available to help keep food costs under control.
TIME MANAGEMENT Quality meals rely on timing. Food is usually best when it is prepared as soon as possible after purchase, and served immediately after preparation. Different foods are prepared at different rates, so coordination is key to an organization’s providing timely meal service.
Estimating Time The preparer gains control by beginning with a realistic assessment of available time and energy. The stress of planning a meal can be minimized by logging how long it will take for each menu item to be prepared, estimating the time at which the meal will be served, and working backward to determine at what time the preparation should be started in order to serve the meal on time. When the meal is prepared, items are usually prepared in descending order of time required.
HOW & WHY? How many pounds of carrots should you buy if you need 4 ounces per serving for 50 people? First multiply 4 ounces per serving by 50 servings, for a total of 200 ounces. You know that carrots are sold by the pound, so you have to convert ounces to pounds. Divide the 200 ounces by 16 ounces per pound to get 12.5 pounds. However, 12.5 pounds of carrots would not be enough because Table 5-2 shows that the percent yield for carrots is 70 percent. This means that you have to divide 12.5 pounds of carrots by .70 to obtain the amount you need to buy, which is 17.86 pounds. A buyer would probably round that off to a 20-pound purchase of carrots because vendors often do not sell by the half pound or even under 5- or 10pound increments.
Efficient Meal Preparation Effective management of time can improve the efficiency of all the steps of meal preparation, which include: • Planning the menu • Developing a purchase list
• Purchasing the food • Storing the food • Planning the order in which the menu items will be prepared • Preparing the food • Preparing the table • Serving • Cleaning up The preparer can increase efficiency through menu planning and wise purchasing as described above, and through recipe consultation.
Recipes There are four styles of recipe writing: the descriptive, standard, action, and narrative forms (Figure 5-9). The ingredients in the descriptive method are listed in the sequence in which they are used. This method displays the ingredient, amount, and directions in three columns, which makes it easy to read. The standard recipe style lists all ingredients and amounts with the instructions in numerical order. A modification of that form is the action recipe, which gives the instruction followed by the ingredients for that step only. Probably the most tedious to decipher is the narrative form, which reads like an essay, explaining ingredients, amounts, and preparation methods in text form.
The four different styles of recipes: Descriptive, standard, action, and narrative.
ACTION Texas Chocolate Cake
Desserts: C-33 Portion: 16 servings
Oven Temperature: 350°F Time: 20 minutes
Preheat oven to 350°F and grease sides and bottom of 13 9 pan. Sift together flour and sugar into large mixing bowl. 1 C All-purpose flour 1 C Sugar
All-purpose flour Sugar
1C 1C
Sift flour and sugar together into large mixing bowl.
Water Margarine Cocoa
1C 2 sticks 4 tbs
Melt margarine in sauce pan and add water and cocoa. Bring it to a boil while stirring constantly. Take off heat and pour into flour/sugar mixture.
Eggs Sour milk* Baking soda Cinnamon Vanilla
2 ⁄2 C 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp
In a separate bowl, beat eggs slightly and add to milk, baking soda, and flavorings. Add gradually to creamed mixture and mix with spoon until just blended smooth. Pour batter into a 13 9 greased baking pan. Immediately place on center rack of preheated oven. Bake until toothpick comes out clean. Cool briefly in pan on rack.
Texas Chocolate Cake
Melt margarine in sauce pan and add water and cocoa. Bring it to a boil while stirring constantly. Take off heat and pour into flour/sugar mixture. 2 Sticks Margarine 1 C Water 4 tbs Cocoa In a separate bowl, blend ingredients below, add gradually to creamed mixture, and mix with spoon until just blended smooth. 2 Eggs (slightly beaten) 1 ⁄2 C Sour milk or 1⁄2 C milk + 1 tbs lemon juice or vinegar 1 tsp Baking soda 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Vanilla
* or 1⁄2 C milk + 1 tbs lemon juice or vinegar
Pour batter into greased baking pan. Immediately place on center rack of preheated 350°F oven. Bake until toothpick comes out clean. Cool briefly in pan on rack.
NARRATIVE Texas Chocolate Cake
Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Yield: 16 servings Ingredients:
1 C All-purpose flour 1 C Sugar 1 C Water 2 Sticks Margarine 4 tbs Cocoa 2 Eggs 1 ⁄2 C Sour milk or 1⁄2 C milk + 1 tbs lemon juice or vinegar 1 tsp Baking soda 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Vanilla 1) Preheat oven to 350°F and grease sides and bottom of 13 9 pan. 2) Sift together flour and sugar into large mixing bowl. 3) Melt margarine in sauce pan and add water and cocoa. Bring it to a boil while stirring constantly. Take off heat and pour into flour/sugar mixture. 4) In a separate bowl, beat eggs slightly and add to milk, baking soda, and flavorings. Add gradually to creamed mixture with spoon until just blended smooth. 5) Pour batter into greased baking pan. Immediately place on center rack of preheated oven. 6) Bake until toothpick comes out clean. Cool briefly in pan on rack.
Texas Chocolate Cake Cake. Preheat oven to 350°F and grease sides/bottom of 13 9 pan. Sift together 1 C all-purpose flour and 1 C sugar into large mixing bowl. Melt 2 sticks of margarine in sauce pan and add 1 C water and 4 tbs cocoa. Bring to boil, stir stirring constantly, and pour liquid over the flour/sugar mixture. In a separate bowl, blend together 2 eggs (slightly beaten), 1⁄2 C sour milk (or 1⁄2 C milk + 1 tbs lemon juice or vinegar), 1 tsp baking soda (more soda results in a more cake-like cake, less produces a more brownie-like product), 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1 tsp vanilla. Add this gradually to the creamed mixture and mix with spoon until just blended smooth. Pour batter into greased baking pan. Immediately place on center rack of preheated oven and bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool briefly in pan on rack. Icing. Bring to boil 1⁄2 C margarine and 4 tbs cocoa. Stir constantly until mixed and remove from heat. Pour into mixing bowl and add 1 box of powdered sugar, blend with mixer on medium speed. If not blending smoothly, then add 1 tbs of milk at a time until it does. Too much milk makes runny icing, which is corrected by adding more powdered sugar. Cakes are usually cooled completely on racks before frosting however, frosting only 5–10 minutes later makes the cake more moist. Covering the sheet pan with aluminum foil further traps in moisture.
Meal Management Chapter 5
Standardized Recipes Food service establishments rely on standardized recipes that have been tested and adapted for serving a large number of people (48 to 500 servings). Standardized recipes, which frequently follow the descriptive style, record ingredients, proportions, and procedures, so the number of servings can easily be increased or decreased. When standardized recipes are stored in a computer, changing the number of servings automatically changes the amount of each ingredient needed. Standardized recipes are repeatedly tested and adapted to suit a particular food service operation.
TYPES OF MEAL SERVICE There are six basic types of meal service in North America. In descending order of formality they are: Russian, French, English, American, family, and buffet. Not only do the table settings for each differ, the manner in which the food and beverages are placed and removed from the table differs as well. No matter which type of service is employed, dessert is served only after the table has been cleared of all extraneous items, including salt and pepper shakers, all condiments, and unnecessary flatware.
Russian Service The most formal type of meal service is Russian, also known as European, Continental, or formal service. The entire meal is served by well-trained waiters. Normally, the waiting staff serves and clears food items from the left with the left hand, whereas beverages are always served and removed from the right. The guest to the right, or the host or hostess, is served first, with the rest of the diners being served in a counterclockwise direction. Service plates, or place plates, sometimes made of or embossed with silver or gold, are part of each place setting and serve as underliners; the food is never placed directly on them. The meal is served in courses, starting with the appetizer, and then the
soup. Each of these courses has its own underliner plates, which go on top of the place plates. A fish course may follow the soup. Prior to the introduction of the main entrée, a miniature serving of chilled sorbet is provided to clear the taste buds of any lingering flavors. The place plate is then removed and the main entrée served from a platter or on plates placed before guests. Salad is served and consumed before or after the main entrée has been removed. Once the diners have finished their salads, the waiters remove all flatware, tableware, glassware, and condiments and finish clearing the table with a procedure known as crumbing. Filling all glasses and/or coffee or tea cups before serving dessert is a common policy, regardless of the type of meal service. After the dessert is finished and removed, a finger bowl containing cool water and, usually, a lemon slice is provided to each guest. The fingertips only are dipped into the water and dried on a napkin.
French Service Another very formal type of meal service is French, or cart, service (8). The food is brought out on a cart (guerdon) to the table, where it is cooked or has its cooking completed in a small heater (rechaud) by the chef de rang (chief or experienced waiter) and commis de rang (assistant waiter). The French method is expensive, requires skilled personnel, and results in slower service. It tends to be reserved for elegant French restaurants or those found in Europe.
American Service American service is that in which the meal is placed on the plates in the kitchen and then brought out to the table. This type of service is useful in smaller spaces, allowing for faster service, hotter food, and fewer dishes to wash.
Family Service Family service allows the guests to serve themselves from serving platters and bowls brought to the table and passed counterclockwise among the diners. The main meal-serving dishes, condiment containers, and all accompanying flatware, dinnerware, and glassware are removed after completion of the main entrée. Dessert is served at the table by the hostess or brought to the table in individual portions.
Buffet Service The buffet service allows guests to walk to a separate buffet table from which they serve themselves. If the group of people is large, it is preferable to set the table up in such a way that guests can pass down both sides simultaneously. To avoid “the line,” people can be divided alphabetically (A–O, R–Z) or by any other method and sent to the buffet in 10-minute intervals. The sequence of items on a buffet table varies considerably, but it usually starts with the plates and is followed by the vegetables, salad, bread, main en-
English Service In English service, waiters bring in the various courses, clear the table at the appropriate times, and may take servings dished out by the host and hostess to the individual guests. Frequently, when it is a family or small gathering, the host serves the meat to the guests, who pass their warmed plates to the hostess, who serves the vegetables. The necessary maneuvering of dishes between host or hostess and guests makes this type of service useful for no more than about six or eight people.
Standardized recipe A food service recipe that is a set of instructions describing how a particular dish is prepared by a specific establishment. It ensures consistent food quality and quantity, the latter of which provides portion/cost control. Crumbing A ceremonious procedure of Russian service in which a waiter, using a napkin or silver crumber, brushes crumbs off the tablecloth into a small container resembling a tiny dust pan.
114 Chapter 5 Meal Management
trée, condiments, beverages, flatware, and napkins. Hot items are usually kept warm in a chafing dish with a burner underneath, whereas chilled foods are placed on a bed of ice. The guests may sit down at a table, hold the plates in their laps, or use collapsible TV trays. Regardless of where they end up, they should never have to set glasses on the floor. Also, unless a table is available, runny menu items such as soups and sauces should not be offered to avoid possible spills and embarrassment. In the same vein, if paper plates are used, they should be extra sturdy and resistant to foods’ soaking through.
TABLE SETTINGS A well-prepared meal deserves to be enhanced by aesthetically pleasing table settings and surroundings. Expensive silver and china do not make up for grease marks on the utensils or an improperly set table. This section focuses on the correct presentation of the cover and linens, flatware, dinnerware, glassware, and accessories.
Cover and Linens The table arrangement focuses on a cover, or table setting, for each individual. Each place setting should occupy from 20 to 24 inches to give diners elbow room. The table linen can be a tablecloth, place mats, or a combina-
tion of the two, along with a napkin. For formal service, the most common choice is a white damask cloth with a felt cloth or other silence cloth placed underneath. When a tablecloth is used, it should be centered on the table with an 8- to 12-inch overhang. Most people do not like to sit at a table at which the tablecloth is any longer than lap length. Place mats, either alone or in addition to a tablecloth, are arranged so that each table setting is clearly distanced from the one(s) next to it. The napkin is placed to the left of the fork with the open edge facing the plate and its open corner at its own lower left . This makes it easy to grasp with the fingers of the right hand so it can be brought across the lap with a single motion. For formal service, the napkins are often folded attractively and placed in the center of the service plate or in the glassware. Napkins may be of linen or paper and vary in size—large for dinner, medium for lunch, and small for tea or cocktails. Paper napkins are acceptable for most meals, but linen or other cloth napkins should be used for more formal occasions.
Flatware/Dinnerware/ Glassware Flatware has assigned positions on the table setting, depending on the type of meal being served. A standard placement of flatware is shown in Figure 5-10, but most everyday and
F I G U R E 5 -1 0
restaurant meals do not include two sets of forks, knives, and spoons. Most restaurants position their flatware according to the general rules shown in Figure 5-10, but creativity or necessity can influence the final arrangement. Plates, saucers, bowls, and other dinnerware also have generally assigned positions, as shown in Figure 5-11. Dinnerware does not have to match, but patterns should harmonize. It should also be in balance with the position of the glassware.
Accessories Accessory items that can be distributed attractively on the table include the salt and pepper shakers, sugar bowl with spoon, cream pitcher, butter dish with butter knife, bread baskets, any decorations, and condiments removed from their containers and displayed in attractive serving dishes. Items with the potential to drip are always placed on underliners. Salt and pepper shakers are usually placed near the center of the table, with the salt placed to the right of the pepper. Individual salt and peppers are placed just above or slightly to the left on each cover. Depending on the type of service, serving dishes and serving utensils may or may not be on the table.
Centerpieces Centerpieces and other table decorations should be given special attention, with simple elegance the rule, unless
Standard placement of flatware at the start of service.
Cover The table setting, including the place mat, flatware, dishes, and glasses. Silence cloth A piece of fabric placed between the table and the tablecloth to protect the table, quiet the placement of dishes and utensils, and keep the tablecloth from slipping. Flatware Eating and serving utensils (e.g., knives, forks, and spoons).
Dinner forks
Dinner knife Teaspoons
Meal Management Chapter 5
the meal has a specific theme that requires something more distinctive. Centerpieces should be in scale with the table, should not be overpowering, and should not keep guests from being able to see each other across the table. Candle flames should be kept below eye level to avoid the problem of people having to bend right or left to talk to someone across the table. Many a host or hostess failing to observe these guidelines ends up removing a centerpiece after guests are seated.
F I G U R E 5 -11
Standard placement of dinnerware and glassware.
Three possible positions of the butter knife on the bread and butter plate
Bread plate
Water glass
Salad plate Main plate
Secondary beverage
Tea or coffee cup and saucer
116 Chapter 5 Meal Management
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 5 : Meal Management
Planning meals that are both psychologically and physiologically satisfying requires a basic knowledge of food preparation, nutrition, and presentation strategies. Effective meal management, whether for a household, an institution, or a restaurant, involves efficient management of resources such as money, time, and energy. FOOD SERVICE ORGANIZATION Food service management must set goals, determine what is needed to achieve then, and mobilize people toward these goals. Division of labor is central to good organization. Brigade de cuisine is a system of dividing a kitchen into stations supervised by chefs with expertise in specific areas: • • • •
Sauce Fish Vegetable Soup
• • • •
Roast Pantry Pastry Relief
PURCHASING Budget limitations determine both the types of food to be purchased and the amounts. Careful control of food and labor costs is critical in food service establishments and waste must be avoided. Food bills can be reduced through organized purchasing, comparison pricing, and controlling portions.
TIME MANANGEMENT Food is usually best when it is prepared as soon as possible after purchase and served immediately after preparation. Coordinating the preparation of different foods to be served at the same time is crucial, but equally important is an awareness of the time involved in menu planning, purchasing, preparing the table, serving, and cleaning up. Efficiency is increased with careful menu planning and careful recipe consultation.
TYPES OF MEAL SERVICE MEAL PLANNING Planning menus and setting up menu cycles helps to control costs as well as balance nutrition. Some points to consider: • Nutrient recommendations: Including correct serving sizes. • Individual preferences and needs: Based on age and religious, cultural, ethnic, and regional differences. • Costs: Planning nutrition, flavorful, and appealing meals within the available budget. • Food preparation methods: Alternating oven-baked, boiled, and fried foods or optimal nutrition and to avoid monotony. • Seasonal factors: Availability of fresh food products, method of preparation, and temperature at which food is served.
The six basic types of meal service differ in the manner in which the table is set and the food is served. They include, in descending order of formality, • Russian: Most formal; entire meal is served by waiters. • French: Food is served and or prepared from a cart brought to the table by specially trained chef/staff. • English: Host participates in serving guests; waiters assist. • American: Served on plates in kitchen and brought to table. • Family: Guests serve themselves from platters brought to table and passed counterclockwise among the diners. • Buffet: Guests serve themselves from a central buffet table.
TABLE SETTINGS A cover or place setting should be laid for each individual. There are specific customs for the placement of linens (tablecloth, and/or place mat, and napkin), flatware, dinnerware, glassware, and accessories such as decorations and condiments.
Three possible positions of the butter knife on the bread and butter plate.
Water glass
Bread plate
Salad plate
Main plate
Secondary beverage
Tea or coffee cup and saucer
Meal Management Chapter 5
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. AP stands for ___________________ and EP stands for __________________. a. as planned, eating plan b. amount purchased, edible product c. as purchased, edible portion d. as planned, eating production 2. The last day a food product will be of optimal quality is referred to as the ___________. a. freshness/quality assurance date b. pull date c. expiration date d. code date 3. The table setting, including the place mat, flatware, dishes, and glasses, is referred to as the ______________. a. placement b. coding c. coverage d. cover 4. The second highest chef position in the kitchen after the executive chef is: a. sauce b. pantry c. pastry d. sous
5. Which of the following basic types of meal service is the most formal? a. French b. Russian c. Family d. American
Short Answer/Essay 1. Describe the Eating Right Menu. What are some of the lunch options on the Eating Right Menu? 2. Discuss the difference between AP and EP. 3. How many ounces of boneless chicken breast do you need to purchase if each breast weighs 3 ounces, the percentage yield is 66 percent, and there are 50 people to serve? 4. Define each of the following label dates: freshness/quality assurance date, pull date, expiration date, pack date, and code date. 5. Define what standardized recipes are and explain their function. 6. Briefly outline the brigade de cuisine of kitchen organization. 7. Diagram and label a standard lunch cover, including flatware, dinnerware, and glassware. 8. Diagram three positions for the butter knife on the bread and butter plate. 9. Briefly describe the most formal type of meal service. 10. How is the food served in French service?
*See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
REFERENCES 1. American Dietetic Association. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Management of health care food and nutrition services. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97(12):1427–1430, 1997. 2. Ashley S, and S Anderson. Catering for Large Numbers. Reed International Books, 1993. 3. David C. Meatless meats. Foodservice and Hospitality 30(9): 25–28, 1997. 4. Harrison GG. Reducing dietary fat: Putting theory into practice—con-
ference summary. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97(7): S93–96, 1997. Hollingsworth P. Burgers or biscotti? The fast-food market is changing. Food Technology 56(9):20, 2002. Katz F. How purchasing styles affect new product development. Food Technology 53(11):50–52, 1999. Kerr T. The stealth healthy menu. Food Management 31(5):110–117, 1996. Putman JJ, and JE Allshouse. Food consumption, prices, and expendi-
tures, 1970–93. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Statistical Bulletin No. 915. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1994. 9. Reichler G, and S Dalton. Chefs’ attitudes toward healthful food preparation are more positive than their food science knowledge and practices. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 98(2):165–169, 1998. 10. Warfel MC, and FH Waskey. The Professional Food Buyer: Standards, Principles, and Procedures. McCutchan, 1979.
118 Chapter 5 Meal Management
WEBSITES The National Restaurant Association lists websites for the major food service organizations and associations: resources_associations.cfm
The USDA’s Center for Nutrition Policy and Planning offers nutrition information for planning healthy menus:
6 Meat Types of Meats 119 Composition of Meats 120 Purchasing Meats 124
n North America and Europe, meat from herbivores such as beef cattle, sheep, and swine serves as an important source of complete protein. Meat from other animals, such as goat, rabbit, deer, elk, moose, horse, possum, and squirrel, is less commonly eaten. Significant sources of meat in other countries include the camel in the Middle East, the llama in Peru, the kangaroo in Australia, and the dog in some parts of the Far East. This chapter’s content is confined to the meat from cattle, sheep, and swine. Meat is generally defined as the muscles of animals, but in a broader sense it also covers the organs and glands obtained from the animal. Although the word meat includes the flesh of poultry and fish, these are each covered separately in the next two chapters. The focus of this chapter is to briefly describe the different types of meat (beef, lamb, mutton, and pork); their composition (muscle, connective, and fatty tissues; bone; pigments; extractives); the various considerations involved in purchasing meat (inspection, grading, tenderness, fresh cuts, and processed meats); their preparation (heating changes, determining doneness, dry and moist preparation, carving); and their storage.
Preparation of Meats 138 Storage of Meats 145
BC). Since that time, hundreds of breeding lines have been specially developed to provide cattle that serve as abundant sources of good quality beef. Red meat consumption continues to increase among North American consumers (48). Beef originates from cattle that are classified according to age and gender. • Steers. Male cattle that are castrated while young so that they will gain weight quickly. • Bulls. Consumers often do not see the tougher meat from bulls. These older uncastrated males that provide stag meat are usually used for breeding and then later for processed meats and pet foods. • Heifers and cows. Heifers, females that have not borne a calf, are also used for meat. The meat from cows, female cattle that have borne calves, is less desirable than that from steers or heifers. • Calves. Calves 3 to 8 months old are too old for veal and too young for beef. If they go to market between 8 and 12 months, their meat is referred to as baby beef.
TYPES OF MEATS Beef The ancestor of beef cattle was a type of wild ox domesticated in ancient Greece and Turkey during the Stone Age (around 10,000
Veal comes from the young calves of beef cattle, either male or female, between the ages of 3 weeks and 3 months. These very young animals are fed a milk-based diet or formula and have their movements greatly restricted, resulting in meat with an exceptionally milky flavor, pale color, and tender texture. Some retailers have stopped selling veal, however, because of possible consumer
120 Chapter 6 Meat
objections over what is perceived as the inhumane treatment of these animals. The meat from calves allowed to roam in a pasture is called free-range veal and it is slightly less tender than traditionally fed veal.
Lamb and Mutton Lamb and mutton are the meat of sheep. The primary difference between the two is the age of the animal from which they come: in general, lamb comes from sheep less than 14 months old, and mutton from those over 14 months. Further confirmation of whether one is dealing with lamb or mutton may be found in where the lower leg of a carcass will snap. Lamb breaks off above the joint, whereas mutton will break in the joint. Mutton is also darker and tougher than lamb and has a stronger flavor, which grows even more pronounced as the animal matures.
Muscle Tissue Most of the protein in animals is found in their muscles, which serve as the main sources of dietary meat. The characteristics of muscles are an important consideration in deciding how the resulting meat should be prepared. Muscles are made up of a collection of individual muscle cells, called muscle fibers, that are each surrounded by an outer membrane called the sarcolemma (Figure 6-1). Each muscle fiber is further fi lled with cell fluid (sarcoplasm) in which there are about 2,000
F I G U R E 6 -1
smaller muscle fibrils serving as the contractile components of the muscle fiber. If the muscle fibrils are small, the result is finer muscle bundles, which give the meat a very delicate, velvety consistency. Muscle Contraction and Relaxation Muscle fibrils play an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation. The muscle fibril is separated into segments called sarcomeres, which are bordered by dark bands called Z lines. The sarcomeres contain two proteins,
Muscles are composed of bundles of muscle cells (fibers). Each of these muscle cells (fibers) is a bundle of fibrils. The individual fibrils are responsible for muscle contraction/relaxation.
Pork Most pork is derived from young swine of either gender slaughtered at between 51 ⁄2 and 7 months of age. Technically, pigs are less than 4 months old, whereas hogs are older than 4 months, although the terms are often used interchangeably. In recent times, pork has been bred to be leaner and more tender. Over the past 30 years, this has resulted in a 50 percent increase in the amount of lean meat yielded per animal. About one-third of all pork is sold fresh, whereas the rest is cured and provided to consumers as ham, sausage, luncheon meats, and bacon.
connective tissue around muscle bundles of muscle cells or fibers (each surrounded by sarcolemma) one muscle cell or fiber one fibril
COMPOSITION OF MEATS Structure of Meat Meats are composed of a combination of water, muscle, connective tissue, adipose (fatty) tissue, and often bone. The proportions of these elements vary according to the animal and the part of its anatomy represented by the cut of meat.
bundles of muscle fibrils Z line
Z line
Z line
one sarcomere
one sarcomere muscle fibril
Meat Chapter 6
actin (thin) and myosin (thick), that are alternately aligned. It is thought that muscle contraction occurs when the sarcomeres shorten as the thick and thin fi laments “slide” past each other, forming another protein called actinomyosin (Figure 6-2) The energy for muscle contraction is provided by adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
F I G U R E 6 -2
Muscle contraction and relaxation. The sliding filament theory states that sarcomere units consist of two protein filaments, actin (thin) and myosin (thick), that interact with each other to form actinomyosin, which shortens (contracts) the sarcomere.
Z line
one sarcomere
Z line
Connective Tissue Connective tissue is a part of ligaments and tendons, and it also acts as the “glue” that holds muscle cells together. It is composed primarily of a mixture of proteins and mucopolysaccharides (a type of polysaccharide). The most abundant protein in connective tissue is collagen (Chemist’s Corner 6-1, p. 123). It is tough and fibrous, but converts to a gel when exposed to moist heat. The other two main types of connective tissue proteins are elastin and reticulin. Elastin, as the name implies, has elastic qualities, and reticulin consists of very small fibers of connective tissue that form a delicate interlace around muscle cells.
Effect of Collagen on Tenderness The type and amount of connective tissue found in a meat cut determines its tenderness or toughness and the best type of cooking method. Cuts high in connective tissue are naturally tough and need to be properly prepared in order to become more tender. Muscles used for movement, such as those found in the neck, shoulders, legs, and flank, contain more collagen and tend to be tougher than muscles from the loin, or lower back, and rib areas, which get less exercise. Effect of Age on Tenderness Collagen concentration also increases as animals age, which is why meat from older animals is tougher. These usually less expensive, tougher cuts require slow, moist heating at low temperatures to convert, or hydrolyze, the tough connective tissue to softer gelatin. Conversely, the tougher cuts have more flavor than the more tender ones. Effect of Elastin on Tenderness The other two components of connective tissue have less effect on meats when they are cooked. Elastin, which is yel-
lowish, rubbery, and often referred to as silver skin, does not soften with heating, so it should be removed before preparation if possible. There is very little elastin in meats, except in cuts from the neck and shoulder, so it is less likely to affect tenderness.
Adipose (Fatty) Tissue Adipose tissue is, simply, fat, which serves as insulation under the skin (subcutaneous) and as padding in the abdominal cavity for sensitive internal organs. This fat when it appears on the outside of meat is known as cover fat. Cover fat helps retain the moisture of meats, but this separable fat is often trimmed from meats prior to preparation. Fat found within muscles is called intramuscular fat or marbling. Fat content varies widely among meats and is dependent on the source animal’s genetics, age, diet, and exercise, and on the cut of the meat.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Adenosine triphosphate is a universal energy compound in cells obtained from the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, or protein. The energy of ATP, which is located in high-energy phosphate bonds, fuels chemical work at the cellular level. Connective tissue A protein structure that surrounds living cells, giving them structure and adhesiveness within themselves and to adjacent tissues. Collagen A pearly white, tough, and fibrous protein that provides support to muscle and prevents it from overstretching. It is the primary protein in connective tissue. Marbling Fat deposited in the muscle that can be seen as little white streaks or drops.
122 Chapter 6 Meat
Well-marbled beef fetches a higher price, so many cattle ranchers, in an attempt to improve marbling, feed cattle richer grain during the last weeks or months before slaughter. Paradoxically, however, because of the recent consumer trend away from fatty meats, some ranchers are raising lower-fat beef to meet these consumer demands. Some livestock are being bred to average 25 to 30 percent fat (24). Similarly, a recent technique in swine livestock management is the use of a growth hormone, somatotropin, which results in a leaner animal (36). Conversely, certain hormones (medroxyprogesterone acetate) are sometimes given to animals to speed up fattening (16). Fat Color and Texture The animal’s age, diet, and species affect the color and texture of fat. It is white in younger animals, and turns progressively more yellow as the animals age because of the presence of carotenoid pigments in the feed. Feeding-lot practices that provide swine with fats that are primarily saturated will yield pork fat that is more saturated and hard (Figure 6-3). Conversely, including more polyun-
HOW & WHY? Why is marbling desirable in meat? When meat is cooked, the intramuscular fat deposits melt and contribute to perceived flavor and juiciness. For this reason, the more marbling in a cut of beef, the higher the grade (see the section “Purchasing Meats”).
Bone Bones are used as landmarks for identifying the various meat cuts from a carcass (Figure 6-4). When buying meat, keep in mind that bone weighs more than meat and that the higher the proportion of bone there is to meat, the less the meat yield and the more the cost of the edible portion will be.
A polyunsaturated diet will yield pork that is higher in polyunsaturated fat.
Wolfgang Kaehler/CORBIS
saturated fatty acids in the animal’s diet will make its fat softer. The species and breed of the animal also influence the soft ness of fat; beef fat, for example, is very different from the hard, more brittle and dense fat observed in lamb.
Marrow Marrow is the soft, fatty material in the center of most large bones. The marrow found within the bone will generally be of two different types: (1) yellow marrow, found in the long bones, and (2) red marrow—red because it is supplied with many blood vessels—in the spongy center of other bones. Marrow is a valued food in many cultures and can provide much of the flavor in soups. (See Chapter 14 for more on how bones are used in soups.)
Antibiotics and Hormones Why are antibiotics and hormones given to livestock? Each year, more than 20 million pounds of antibiotics are given to animals raised for meat to shield them from disease and promote growth. In contrast, about 3 million pounds of antibiotics are given to humans. Regulations require that the drugs be withheld prior to slaughter so that any remaining residues fall below federal limits. Some people believe that antibiotic use in animals possibly contributes to the growth and spread of drug-resistant bacteria (2). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that nations phase out the use of antibiotic growth promoters in animal feed in order to preserve the effectiveness of medicinal antibiotics. Not all countries permit the use of hormones in livestoc k to encourage rapid weight gain (increased production by 15 percent), help them reach market weight sooner, and reduce the production cost, because hormonetreated animals gain more on less feed (53). The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has allowed the use of hormones in raising cattle and sheep (but not swine or poultry) for almost half a century. Since 1988, the European Union has banned meat imported from countries that permit hormone use in livestock. The six hormones approved in the United States include three natural hormones (testosterone, progesterone, and estradiol), and three synthetic hormones (trenbolone acetate, which mimics testosterone; melengestrol acetate, which mimics progesterone; and zeranol, which mimics estradiol). The hormones are delivered to the animal through its feed or an ear implant (removed at slaughter).
Meat Chapter 6
Bones identify retail cuts of meat.
Blade bone (near neck)
Blade bone (center cuts)
Blade bone (near rib)
RIB Back bone and rib bone
SHORT LOIN Back bone (T-shape) T-bone
so-called red meats—beef, pork, sheep, and lamb—have more of these pigments than poultry or fish do. Myoglobin receives oxygen from the blood and stores it in the muscles, whereas hemoglobin transports oxygen throughout the body and is found primarily in the bloodstream. The higher that the concentration of myoglobin is in raw meat, the more intense is its bright red color. Several factors influence the concentration of myoglobin. Heavily exercised muscle has a higher demand for oxygen, so it is higher in myoglobin and therefore redder than the less exercised muscles. The red color of meat also increases as the animal ages, which is why beef is redder than veal, and mutton is darker than the pink hue of lamb. Meat color also varies from species to species. Beef is darker than lamb, which, in turn, is darker than pork, a meat that is on the pink side with no visible red.
Effect of Oxygen on Color
HIP (SIRLOIN) Pin bone (near short loin)
Flat bone (center cuts)
Wedge bone (near round)
LEG OR ROUND Leg or round bone
BREAST OR BRISKET Breast and rib bones
Advocates state that the hormone levels in such beef are within the natural levels of hormones found in the animal. European beef is primarily from bulls (high in testosterone), whereas beef comes predominantly from steers (castrated bulls, which are low in testosterone) in North America. Also, eggs and milk that are not treated with hormones, naturally have higher hormone levels than meat from steers treated with hormones. Then there are those who raise the issue of whether or not hormone trace residues in the meat have serious human-health consequences. They also question the effect on the environment of those hormones eliminated through the feces, especially as the hormones may affect the water supply.
Over three-fourths of North American cattle are treated with hormones. Although much more expensive, organic beef ensures the consumer that neither hormones nor antibiotics were used. Such beef is sometimes labeled “no hormone administered.” However, just because a meat is labeled “natural” does not mean that hormones were not used. Any meat without added ingredients can be called natural.
Exposure of meat to oxygen changes the color of myoglobin, and therefore the meat. After slaughter, meat undergoes several changes in color over time that are due to modifications in the molecular structure of myoglobin and/or hemoglobin (Chemist’s Corners 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4, on pages 124, 126, and 127). Myoglobin within the meat is purplish red, but once cut and exposed to oxygen, it becomes bright red—a color indicating freshness and so desired by consumers. A meat’s color is the number one factor influencing consumers when they are purchasing meats (41). After a while, meats left in storage may be exposed to bacteria, less oxygen, and/or kept under fluorescent or incandescent lights, all of which turn the meat brownish-red (43). Using plastic wrap that is permeable to oxygen allows meat retailers to maintain the bright red color for a longer period of time, whereas vacuum wrap, which eliminates the oxygen, causes the meat to appear purplish-red.
Effect of Heat on Color
Many people evaluate a meat’s color when deciding whether or not to purchase a particular meat cut. The color of meat is derived from pigmentcontaining proteins, chiefly myoglobin and, to a lesser extent, hemoglobin. The
Cooking meat initially converts the color of raw meat to bright red, but then the denaturing of the pigmentcontaining proteins yields the classic color of well-done meat—grayish brown. Storing cooked meat too long
124 Chapter 6 Meat
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6-1
Collagen molecule.
Collagen Collagen’s molecular structure consists of three collagen strands twisted together (Figure 6-5). These strands, rich in proline, hydroxyproline, and glycine, are held together by hydrogen and covalent bonds. Older meat is less tender for two reasons: the collagen content of meat increases with an animal’s age, and more covalent cross-links are formed between the collagen strands (38).
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6-2 Meat Pigments Each pigment-containing compound in meat consists of two parts: a protein (globin), and a nonprotein pigment (heme). The heme is an atom of iron surrounded by four connecting pyrrole rings. The difference between myoglobin and hemoglobin is that the simpler myoglobin molecule consists of one protein polymer strand and one heme (molecular weight = about 17,000), whereas the larger hemoglobin molecule is made of four protein polymer strands and four hemes (molecular weight = about 68,000) (38).
causes the denatured protein to further break down, causing the meat to turn yellow, green, or faded.
Extractives Meat derives some of its flavor from nitrogen compounds called extractives. The most common extractives are creatine and creatinine, but urea, uric acid, and other compounds also con-
Extractives Flavor compounds consisting of nonprotein, nitrogen substances that are end-products of protein metabolism.
tribute to the flavor of meat. The meat from older animals contains more connective tissue and extractives, and therefore yields more flavor than that from younger livestock. Extractives are water soluble, so some of the flavor of boiled or simmered beef may be lost in the cooking water, but the flavor can be recaptured by using the cooking liquids in the preparation of soup or gravy.
PURCHASING MEATS To ensure that consumers are purchasing meat that is safe, federal laws require the inspection of animal car-
casses. In addition to this mandatory inspection for safety, meat may also be assigned yield grades and the later quality grades to assist consumers in selection. Meat processors submit to the grading system voluntarily.
Inspection The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 made inspection mandatory for all meat crossing state lines or entering the United States through foreign commerce. Inspections are the responsibility of the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. This inspection is a guarantee of only wholesomeness and does not ensure the quality or tenderness of the meat itself. A meat inspection is conducted by licensed veterinar-
Meat Chapter 6
USDA meat inspection stamp. The number is assigned to the meat processing plant. Consumers rarely see the stamp, which is placed on larger wholesale cuts.
ians or by specially trained, supervised inspectors. They examine live animals prior to slaughter, as well as animal carcasses, observe the meat at various processing stages, monitor temperatures and additives, review packaging materials and labels, determine employee and facility hygiene, and check imported meat. Meat that passes this federal inspection is marked with an inspection stamp (Figure 6-6) to distinguish it from meats that are diseased or slaughtered in unsanitary conditions. The exception is inspection for Trichinella spiralis, because visual inspection may miss the small parasite (see Chapter 3 for information on Trichinella spiralis). Other laws passed since 1906 further protect the meat supply. The USDA can oversee only those meats that are transported between states, so the Wholesale Meat Act of 1967 was passed to require that meat sold within the states meet requirements equal to the federal standards. Most recent was the implementation in 1997 of new USDA inspection regulations incorporating hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) within meat and poultry slaughterhouses, along with mandatory testing for E. coli (20).
Grading The grading of meat is not under government mandate or control, but is a strictly voluntary procedure that the meat packer or distributor may have done under contract with the USDA (34). For purposes of grading, a cut is made between the twelfth and thirteenth rib in order to expose the rib muscle.
N U T R I E N T CON T E N T Meat consists of water, protein, and fat, with a few minerals and some B vitamins. It contains trace amounts, if any, of carbohydrate (liver is the highest source), no fiber, and no vitamin C. Meat is about 75 percent water, and most of this water is found in the muscle cells. Protein. High-quality protein is the second major constituent of meat after water, accounting for about 20 percent of its weight (43). Meat contains 7 grams of protein per ounce. Current recommendations on meat intake suggest 4 to 6 ounces of meat a day, or 28 to 42 grams. The Reference Daily Intake of protein for adults is 50 grams per day, so meat is an excellent source of this nutrient. The remaining protein is usually met by consuming foods from other food groups. Fat. Fat content can vary widely, according to the grade of meat and its cut. Several cuts of beef are lower in fat than an equal amount of some poultry choices, yet consumers often select poultry over beef, thinking it is lower in fat (52). See Figure 6 in the color insert for the cuts of meat that are lowest in fat. The general rule of thumb is that beef cuts from the loin or round, and veal and lamb cuts from the loin or leg, are the leanest choices. Examples of lean beef cuts include sirloin, tenderloin, top loin, top round, and eye round. Lower-fat meats, including some types of wild game, are becoming more popular with consumers. The fat content of wild game compared to beef is shown in Table 6-1. Most processed meats, such as hot dogs and bologna, are not a good choice for consumers looking to lower fat consumption, because they average 30 to 50 percent fat.
T A B L E 6 -1
Fat Content of Wild Game Compared to Beef*
Species Beef, T-bone, USDA choice Antelope
Fat (grams)
Bison (buffalo)
Deer (venison)
Duck (skinless)
Pheasant, breast without skin
Rabbit (wild)
*All values shown are for a 100 gram (about 3 oz) cooked portion, with visible fat removed unless noted.
Carbohydrate. Meat contains very little carbohydrate. Glycogen, found in liver and muscle tissue, is present when the animal is alive, but the glucose that makes up the glycogen is broken down to lactic acid during and after slaughter. Vitamins. Meat is an excellent source of certain B vitamins—thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), vitamin B12, niacin, and some folate. Niacin is obtained from tryptophan, an amino acid plentiful in meats and milk. Lean pork is an excellent source of thiamin (B1). Fat-soluble vitamins, especially vitamin A, are found in liver. Vitamin loss during meat preparation depends on the temperature, the time exposed to the heat source, and the cooking method. Thiamin (B1) is especially sensitive to heat, so levels of this vitamin are somewhat reduced in canned meats, which have undergone high-heat processing (55). Water-soluble B vitamins can be leached from meat into cooking liquid, but can be recaptured by making gravy or soup from that liquid. Minerals. Meat is an excellent source of iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus, and a few other trace minerals. Liver is especially rich in iron and vitamin B12. Minerals are stable when heated, and although they can be lost in cooking water, retention of most minerals in cooked meat ranges from 80 to 100 percent.
126 Chapter 6 Meat
Color Changes in Meat The molecular changes in the pigment-containing proteins determine the color of meat from slaughter to consumption. Color changes are dependent on the oxidation or reduction of the iron in the heme. Initially, the internal color of meat is purplish-red, because slaughter depletes oxygen concentrations in the meat. As soon as meat is cut from the carcass and exposed to the oxygen in the air, a bright red compound known as oxymyoglobin forms (Figure 6-7). Over time, the bright red oxymyoglobin is further oxidized to metmyoglobin, which is a brownish-red color (57). Older meat cuts look browner because myoglobin or oxymyoglobin is converted to metmyoglobin as the iron in the pigment is oxidized from its ferrous ( +2) to ferric ( +3) state. This usually occurs during storage when the meat continues to be exposed too long to bacteria, oxygen, or light (fluorescent and incandescent). The brownish-red color resulting from metmyoglobin is undesirable to retailers (43).
F I G U R E 6 -7
Color changes in fresh meats. oxygen (oxidized)
Myoglobin (purplish-red) Fe2
) (re ge n ox y
ed )
ce du
z idi
ge n
ox y
ed idi z (ox
n ge
n ge
Quality grades The USDA standards for beef, veal, lamb, and mutton.
du ce
y ox
y ox
(bright red) Fe2
Metmyoglobin (brownish-red) Fe3
TA B L E 6 -2
USDA Quality Grades for Beef, Veal, Lamb, and Mutton from Highest to Lowest*
Prime Choice Select Standard Commercial Utility Cutter Canner
Prime Choice Select Standard Commercial Utility Cull
Prime Choice Select Commercial Utility Cull
Choice Select Commercial Utility Cull
*There are no quality grades for pork.
The differences in USDA quality grades for beef are described below.
oxygen (reduced)
Influence of Fat Content on Grading Fat, especially in the form of marbling, melts during heating, thereby increasing the flavor and perceived tenderness of the meat. USDA quality grades of beef reflect this marbling. Prime, the top USDA grade, contains the most marbling and is the most expensive (Figure 6-9). The marbling and any fat trim of a beef steak being examined for possible purchase should be cream colored. If the fat is yellowish, the meat may be from an older animal and therefore may be tough. However, when retailers trim the fat to 1 ⁄8 inch around the meat, it makes it difficult to judge the fat’s actual color and texture.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6-3
The quality grades for the different types of meat are shown in Table 6-2. Factors considered in grading are color, grain, surface texture, and fat distribution. Unfortunately, this system is not used uniformly by retailers. Instead of Prime, Choice, Select, and Standard, retailers frequently designate the quality of their meat with a descriptive word or phrase such as 5 Star, Blue Ribbon, or Supreme. This is purely a marketing strategy and leaves it up to the consumer to determine the validity, or lack thereof, of the designation. Although a large percentage of meat sold is graded, the term no roll is used to indicate ungraded meat. Any judgment of quality must be somewhat subjective, but several identifiable factors separate a poor cut of meat from one that is excellent. Top cuts of meat have the optimum color for their type, and fine-grained, smooth surfaces that are velvety, silky, or satiny to the touch. They contain fat that is evenly distributed, white or creamy-white rather than yellow in color, and firm instead of brittle or runny. These factors contribute to tenderness, which is never directly measured in grading, although it remains a top concern among both retailers and restaurateurs (39).
Beef USDA Quality Grades There are eight USDA quality grades for beef, with the top three—Prime, Choice, and Select—being of most concern to consumers (Table 6-3). Prime accounts
for less than one-fift h of the beef marketed. It is usually sold to restaurants, because the price is not competitive enough for the average supermarket consumer. Choice and Select are the grades most commonly purchased by consumers in the supermarket. Select cuts contain 5 to 20 percent less fat
Figure 1
hown here are selected retail beef cuts derived from the rib, brisket, and short loin wholesale cuts, as well as suggested preparation methods for each. Some of the preferred beef cuts for broiling are filet mignon steak, strip loin steak, Delmonico steak, rib-eye steak, top butt sirloin steak, chuck tender steak, and top round steak.
Beef Rib
Rib eye steak
Rib steak, small end
Rib eye roast
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Rib roast, small end
Back ribs
Braise, cook in liquid
Rib roast, large end Roast
Short Loin
Tenderloin roast T-bone steak
Roast, broil
Roast, broil
Corned brisket, point half Braise
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Boneless tenderloin steak
Porterhouse steak Brisket, whole
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Braise, cook in liquid
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Tenderloin steak
Figure 2
Some of the preferred beef cuts for pan-frying are top round steak, top sirloin steak, shoulder steak, chicken steak, bottom round steak, eye round steak, and flank steak. Preferred beef cuts for pot roasts are center-cut chuck, chuck shoulder, rump roast, bottom round, top rib, brisket, and plate.
Beef Sirloin
Top round roast Roast
Sirloin steak, flat bone
Boneless rump roast
Bottom round roast
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Roast, braise
Braise, roast
Sirloin steak, round bone Braise, pan-broil, pan-fry
Eye round roast Braise, roast
Tip roast, cap off
Round steak
Roast, braise
Braise, pan-fry
Top round steak
Tip steak
Top sirloin steak
Braise, pan-broil, pan-fry
Broil, pan-broil, pan-fry
Braise, pan-broil, pan-fry
Chuck Boneless shoulder pot roast Braise
Cross rib pot roast
Arm rib pot roast Braise
Flank style ribs Braise, cook in liquid
Boneless top blade steak Braise, pan-fry
Under blade pot roast
Blade roast
Short ribs
Chuck eye roast
Braise, cook in liquid
Braise, roast USDA
Figure 3
Preferred beef cuts for stewing are boneless chuck (center and rib), heel of round, flank steak, top rib, shin of beef, and plate. Beef cuts suitable for braising are top round, top sirloin, chuck shoulder, bottom round, chuck blade steak, flank steak, and short ribs.
Beef Flank and Short Plate
Other Cuts Ground beef
Flank steak
Broil, pan-fry, panbroil, roast (bake)
Broil, braise, pan-fry
Cubed steak
Skirt steak
Braise, broil, panbroil, pan-fry
Broil, braise, pan-fry
Beef for stew
Flank steak rolls
Braise, cook in liquid
Braise, broil, pan-fry
The rib and loin sections of a calf are divided into chop and roast cuts, while the hind legs are tender enough for roasts. Cuts from the neck, shoulder, breast, chuck, and shanks are less tender and may require moistheat preparation.
Arm steak Braise, pan-fry
Leg cutlet Braise, pan-fry, broil
Braise, cook in liquid
Loin chop
Rib chop
Blade steak
Braise, pan-fry, broil
Braise, pan-fry, broil
Braise, pan-fry USDA
Figure 4
referred pork steaks and chops suitable for pan-frying are center-cut loin chop, center-cut rib chop, loin end chop, fresh ham steak, shoulder arm steak, and blade pork steak.
Sirloin chop
Center-cut loin chop
Chops are one of the most familiar pork cuts. Chops can be prepared by pan-broiling, grilling, broiling, roasting, sautéing, or braising. Thin chops (3/8-inch) are best quickly sautéed. Thicker chops (3/4-inch to 1 1/2 inches) can be grilled, roasted, braised, or pan-broiled.
Blade steak
Boneless pork sirloin chop Pork rib chop
Pork loin chop
Ribs Pork tenderloins are among the leanest cuts of pork. A pork tenderloin has only 4.1 grams of fat and 141 calories per 3ounce roasted, trimmed serving.
Ribs are commonly used for barbecue meals. Slow-roasting or braising yields tender, flavorful results. Back ribs
Pork tenderloin
Roasts A roast is a large cut of pork from the loin, leg, shoulder, or tenderloin. It can be roasted in the oven, barbecued over indirect heat, or braised in the oven.
Bone-in blade roast
Center rib roast (rack of pork leg)
Boneless blade roast
Figure 5
Lamb is traditional in Middle Eastern and Navajo cuisine. In North America, it is often served with mint sauce or jelly.
Loin chops
Ground lamb
Rib chop
Sirloin chops
Boneless lamb shoulder
Center leg
Shoulder chops
Half of leg
Boneless loin roast
Figure 6
More people are achieving the goal of deriving less than 30 per-
Lower-Fat Meats
cent of their calories from fat. Choosing lean meat cuts and following the tips for reduced fat cooking listed below are some of the steps that can be taken toward achieving a healthy, balanced diet.
Top round
Eye of round
Top loin
Round tip
Boneless top loin chop
Ham, cured
Center loin chop
Chicken breast
Chicken leg
Turkey dark meat
Turkey leg
Regular and 95% lean
Loin chop
TIPS FOR REDUCED FAT COOKING ✔Choose 3-ounce servings (for a total of 6 ounces
per day). Start with 4 ounces of raw meat to end up with a 3-ounce cooked serving. This will account for cooking losses.
✔Look for beef labeled with the “USDA Select”
grade. It’s lower in fat and calories than “Choice” or “Prime.” Marbling (the flecks of fat in the lean) makes the difference.
✔Use the “loin/round” rule of thumb for beef and
“loin/leg” for pork, lamb, and veal. Cuts with these words on the label will be lean choices.
✔Tenderize lean cuts of meat by cooking them
slowly in liquid or marinating them before cooking. Pounding, grinding, and slicing across the grain can also help.
Part III
Food Items
✔Keep your meat selections lean. Trim all visible fat
and let the remainder drip off during cooking. When you prepare meat, broil, grill, bake, roast on a rack, or microwave. Buy skinless poultry or remove skin before cooking and you will reduce fat content by about half.
✔Remove fat from stews, soups, and casseroles by
chilling them and skimming the hardened fat from the top. If you’re pressed for time, use a baster to remove it.
✔Don’t fry. The batter or breading on fried chicken,
for example, acts like a sponge—soaking up fat. And after frying, you’re less likely to remove the coating and skin before you eat the meat. Also skip the heavy gravies and rich sauces. Even the butter or margarine you use on broiled food makes the fat add up fast.
Figure 7
Seafood Consuming fish twice a
Lois Frank
Lois Frank
week, especially those high in omega-3 fatty acids, has been reported to lower the risk for heart disease. Most fish—except mackerel, shark, herring, and eel— also contain fewer than 160 calories (kcal) per three-ounce cooked serving.
Figure 8
The type of onion chosen depends on how it will be used in food preparation. Yellow onions are all-purpose, white onions are the most pungent, red onions lend themselves to certain salads, the smaller pearl onions are preferred for soups and casseroles, and vidalias yield a sweeter flavor.
YELLOW ■ All-purpose ■ Medium-strong flavor
RED ■ Best used raw ■ Tangy flavor
Lois Frank
WHITE ■ Pungent odor ■ Sharp flavor
VIDALIA ■ Salads ■ Sweet flavor
PEARL ONIONS ■ Soups and casseroles ■ Regular onions whose growth has been stunted
Figure 9
Potatoes differ in their moisture and starch content. Russet/Idaho potatoes are high in starch and best for baking, while reds or waxy potatoes have the least starch and are best for boiling and microwaving.
Vincent Lee
RED POTATOES Boiling ■ Microwaving ■ Salads ■ Soups ■ Steaming
WHITE POTATOES ■ Braising ■ Microwaving ■ Boiling ■ Pan-frying ■ Casseroles ■ Salads ■ Frying ■ Sautéing ■ Mashing
Austrian Crescent
Blue Pride
Ozette Indian
Ruby Crescent
Red Thumb
Rote Erstling
French Fingerling
Russian Banana
Yukon Gold
Vincent Lee
RUSSET/IDAHO POTATOES ■ Baking ■ Mashing ■ Boiling ■ Microwaving ■ Casseroles ■ Pan-frying ■ Sautéing ■ Frying
Figure 10
ummer squashes are harvested in the summer, usually elongated, and can be left unpeeled and cooked whole, sliced, cubed, or grated. Winter squashes, harvested in the fall, usually have hard rinds that are cut in half to remove their fibrous matter and seeds before being baked, broiled, or steamed.
White Acorn Australian Blue Spaghetti Acorn Butternut White Acorn Yellow Crookneck
Vincent Lee
Golden Nugget
Figure 11
hese round to oblong fruits grow on vines. The skin on melons is actually a rind that can be smooth, netted, ridged, wrinkled, or warty. Inside, the edible pulp varies in color and can be white, yellow, pink, green, or red.
Santa Claus Casaba
Vincent Lee
Juan Canary
s the global economy has expanded and transportation methods have improved, the selection of available fruits and vegetables includes produce from around the world.
Exotic Vegetables and Fruits Figure 12
Chinese long beans ■ Grow up to 18" long ■
Steam or stir-fry
Jerusalem artichoke Root of sunflower plant
Nutty, sweet, mild flavor
Kohlrabi ■ Sweeter and crisper than turnips
Breadfruit Not used to make bread
Used like a potato
Belgian endive Jicama ■ Pronounced "hee-ka-ma"
Used in salads or soups
Calabaza ■ Variety of squash ■
Dark orange flesh
Pronounced "chy-o-tay"
Flavor similar to zucchini/cucumber
Sweet, starchy taste
Figure 13
Kumquats ■ Tart pulp
Lychee ■
Mild, bitter flavor
Grape-like flesh
Cherimoya ■ Sweet, custard-like flavor
Red banana ■ Maroon when ripe ■
Tangy-sweet flavor
Plantains Served as vegetable ■ Starchy, no banana flavor ■
Passion fruit ■
Lemony, tart flavor
Many small black seeds
Digital Works
Flavor of broccoli stems
Pummelos ■
Largest of citrus fruits
Guavas ■
High vitamin C content
Figure 14
ver 7,500 varieties of apples are grown worldwide, but only about 18–25 comprise the majority of the North American commercial crop. While many apples can be used for both eating and cooking, tart varieties with a high acid content and firm texture are best for baking.
Apples Some Apple Favorites
Red Delicious Bright to dark red, sometimes striped
Favorite eating apple
■ ■
Rome Beauty
Golden Delicious
Dark red
Brilliant red, round
Appropriate for cider, snacking, and cooking
Mildly sweet, juicy
Spicy, slightly tart
Great for baked apples; holds shape well when cooked
Available year-round
Available October to August
Available October to June
All-purpose apple for baking, salads, and fresh eating; flesh stays white longer than other apples
Mellow, sweet
Available year-round
Washington State Apple Commission
Criterion ■
Sweet, yellow, often with red blush Wonderful eaten fresh, in salads, or baked; flesh stays white longer than other apples Available October to Spring
Gala ■ ■
Yellow to red
Appropriate for cider, snacking, and cooking
Excellent for cooking, salads, fresh eating
Spicy, slightly tart ■ Available October to August ■
Granny Smith
Tart, crisp, juicy ■ Available year-round ■
Fuji ■
Ranges from yellow-green with red highlights to very red
Excellent for eating or applesauce
Sweet, spicy, crisp
Available year-round
Figure 15
Greens I
ceberg, butterhead, romaine, and loose-leaf lettuce are the greens most commonly used in salads, but a variety of other greens are also available.
Bibb Lettuce (Butterhead)
When selecting greens, look for clean, crisp, tender leaves free of "tipburn"—the ragged brown borders that can appear on a leaf's edge.
Boston Lettuce
Belgian Endive
Green Cabbage
Digital Works
Watercress Red Leaf Lettuce
Swiss Chard
Savory Tarragon
Digital Works
Green Leaf Lettuce
Flat Parsley
Richard Brewer
Romaine lettuce
Figure 16
One of the newest trends in gourmet produce is edible flowers. A colorful, pepperytasting addition to salads can be made by adding a sprinkle of nasturtium flowers or calendula petals. Daylily, squash, and pumpkin blossoms are delicious dipped in tempura batter and quickly deep-fried. Lavender and many geranium blossoms add a perfumy, herbal scent to beverages and desserts. Viola, pansy, and violet blossoms can be candied and used as edible decorations for cakes and other desserts.
Lois Frank
Digital Works
Figure 17
esserts not only satisfy the sweet tooth but are sometimes identified with certain meals or occasions—fortune cookies following a Chinese meal, marshmallow eggs at Easter, birthday cakes, pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, Christmas cookies and fruitcakes during Christmas, and complimentary mints at some restaurants.
COOKIES Bar Brownies
Dropped Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Raisin
Pressed Rolled Tea Sugar Lady Fingers Coconut Macaroons
Molded Peanut Butter Shortbread
CAKES PIES Cream Fruit Ice Cream Chiffon Custard Meringue
Shortened Unshortened Chiffon White Angel Food Lemon Chiffon Yellow Sponge Chocolate Chiffon Chocolate Spice Fruit
Ice Cream Imitation Ice Cream Sherbet Sorbets Water Ices Frozen Yogurt Still-Frozen —Mousses —Bombes —Parfaits
Phyllo Baklava French Pâte à Choux Cream Puffs
Blitz/Puff Pastry Napoleons Tart Shells Strudel Danish Eclairs
Color changes in cooked meats.
Myoglobin (Meat Pigment)
Nitrite (Additive)
Pink color (Nitrosyl Hemochrome)
Myoglobin (Purplish Red) Fe+2
TA B L E 6 -3 USDA Grade
Nitric Oxide
Nitrosylmyoglobin (Red) Fe+2
Denatured Nitrosyl-Hemochrome (Pink) Fe+2
Top Three USDA Quality Grades for Beef What the Grade Means
Quite tender and juicy, good flavor; slightly less marbling than Prime. The grade most frequently found in retail stores.
Fairly tender; not as juicy and flavorful as Prime and Choice; has least marbling of the three, and is generally lower in price.
USDA grades related to marbling.
USDA Prime: Very heavy marbling that looks like snowflakes and is evenly distributed.
USDA Choice: Moderate marbling in delicate lacy streaks that is less evenly distributed than in Prime.
Denatured Nitrosyl-Hemochrome (Brown) Fe+3
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6- 4 Color Changes in Cooked Meats: Nitrites
Very tender, juicy; flavorful; the greatest degree of marbling. The most expensive of the grades, Prime is sold to finer restaurants and some meat stores.
Oxidation Light, Air
USDA Select: Spotty marbling scattered like rice grains.
Nitrite, a conjugate base of a weak acid named nitrous acid, provides color to processed meats by combining with the myoglobin pigment to produce nitrosyl-myoglobin. This resulting compound denatures during the cooking phase of the curing process to form a pink-colored compound called nitrosyl-hemochrome (Figure 6-8). One of the major problems of storing nitrite-cured meats is that continued exposure to oxygen and light oxidizes the iron from the ferrous ( +2) to ferric form ( +3), which results in a brown discoloration. Additional oxidation of the pigmentcontaining protein’s porphyrin ring, instead of the iron, results in a very undesirable yellow or greenish color, making the meat unappealing to consumers (43).
128 Chapter 6 Meat
USDA yield grades. The amount of lean muscle is compared in a ratio to the non-meat portion—fat, bone, and inedible material.
F I G U R E 6 -1 0
than Choice cuts, and 40 percent less fat than Prime. Standard and Commercial USDA grades are not seen at the retail level, because they are usually from older, more mature, and therefore less tender cattle. USDA grades identified as Utility, Cutter, and Canner are usually used in processed foods such as canned meats, sausages, and pet foods.
Tenderness of Meats
Yield Yield grade is the other main factor determining the grade of a meat cut (Figure 6-10). The evaluation for yield does not occur at the consumer level, but rather at the slaughterhouse often referred to as a rendering plant. Carcasses of beef, lamb, and mutton are rated at yields of 1 to 5, with 1 providing the highest yield and 5 the lowest (Table 6-4). Pork is yield-graded from
TA B L E 6 - 4
Yield Grade 1 2 3 4 5
Percentage of Lean Meat Required for USDA Yield Grades Usable Carcass Meat* 74% or more 71% 68% 64% 61% or less
*Percentages vary depending on the range within each yield grade and the way the carcass is cut.
1 to 4. Veal is not yield-graded because it contains so little fat. Although 4 ounces of raw meat with little or no bone generally constitutes one serving, 3 ⁄4 to 1 pound of meat per serving may be needed if the meat contains high amounts of refuse.
Yield grade The amount of lean meat on the carcass in proportion to fat, bone, and other inedible parts.
Tender meat generally is preferred by consumers. In fact, tenderness and flavor are the two most important factors affecting consumer acceptance of cooked beef (12). It’s difficult to select tender meat, because a top quality grade does not guarantee its tenderness. The only real test is how easily the meat gives way to the teeth. Extreme variations of tenderness exist in beef, even within different areas of a single meat cut, but overall, natural meat tenderness is due to factors such as the cut, age, and fat content. Meats can also be treated to make them more tender by adding enzymes, salts, and acids, or by subjecting them to mechanical or electrical treatments. Preparation temperatures and times also have an influence on tenderness.
Natural Tenderizing The particular cut of the meat, the animal’s age at slaughter (connective tissue concentration), the animal’s heredity and diet, the meat’s marbling, slaughtering conditions, and aging all play a part in determining tenderness (17). Cut The most important influence on the tenderness of meat is the location, on the animal’s body, of the muscle
from which it came. Muscles that are exercised are tougher than those that are not. Meat cuts such as chuck and round from the shoulder and hindquarters come from muscles that are used for locomotion, and are therefore tougher than those from the loin (lower back) and rib areas of the animal. The least tender cuts are flank steak, short plate, and brisket from the legs and underside of the animal. The most tender cuts of the carcass, such as sirloin, tenderloin, and rib eye, are found in the loin and rib areas. Animal’s Age An animal’s age at the time of slaughter contributes to tenderness, and top USDA grades usually come from relatively young animals. As muscles age, the diameter of the muscle fibers increases and more connective tissue develops, resulting in toughening of the meat (29). Heredity Cuts of meat will vary in tenderness because of genetic factors. For example, beef from Black Angus cattle, which are bred to be heavily muscled and marbled, will be very different from meat obtained from dairy cattle or from one of the other, larger breeds of cattle. Diet The type of diet fed to the animal directly influences its fat accumulation, which is one of the factors affecting the tenderness and flavor of its meat. Ranchers have long known that grain-fed cattle yield ground beef that is more tender and better flavored than that from cattle fed hay or left to feed on the range (37, 51).
Meat Chapter 6
Marbling Fattening animals before slaughter is thought to increase tenderness by increasing marbling and the development of subcutaneous fat. The amount of subcutaneous fat on the carcass contributes to tenderness by delaying the speed at which the carcass chills when refrigerated. When choosing meat cuts, consumers seem to prefer lean-looking meats over more marbled ones, but usually reverse their choices in a taste test after those same cuts are prepared. Slaughtering Conditions Both the conditions preceding slaughter and the handling of the carcass immediately afterward affect the tenderness of meat. If the animal is under stress from fear, fasting, temperature extremes, or exercising, its muscle cells may be deprived of oxygen. When this occurs, the cells switch to anaerobic energy sources such as glycogen, which is converted to lactic acid, causing the pH to fall. A poor-quality meat will result if the glycogen has already been converted to lactic acid prior to slaughter. Rigor Mortis Within 6 to 24 hours after slaughter, the muscles of livestock enter the state of rigor mortis. This condition reverses naturally one or two days after slaughter. During rigor mortis, the oxygendeprived cells switch to glycogen as an energy source, converting it to lactic acid, the buildup of which causes the pH to fall from approximately 7.0 to 5.8. The perception of a meat’s juiciness or dryness depends on the binding of water to muscle proteins, and this is influenced by pH. Water-holding capacity is best in meats with a pH of 5.8 (27). Problems with Improperly Handled Meat The following problems, which decrease the quality of meat, can occur if slaughtering and rigor mortis are not properly managed: dark-cutting beef; pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) pork; thaw rigor; and cold shortening. • Dark-cutting beef. If glycogen stores are depleted before death because the animal is exercised or stressed, insufficient lactic acid will be produced during rigor mortis. The resulting higher pH (above
5.8) of the meat will result in a deep-purple brown meat known as dark-cutting beef, which has a sticky texture that is unacceptable to consumers (38). • PSE pork. Pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) pork results if the pH drops too low, and therefore the meat becomes very dry when cooked. A low pH—under 5.1, or even up to 5.4—can cause the pork to become extremely pale, mushy, slimy, flavorless, and full of excess drip (11, 19). • Thaw rigor. Freezing meat before it undergoes rigor mortis can cause thaw rigor, a phenomenon in which the meat shrinks violently by almost 50 percent when thawed. • Cold shortening. A kind of thaw rigor occurs, although to a lesser degree, when meat has been chilled too rapidly before rigor mortis, called cold shortening. In both cases, the meat will be tougher. Neither thaw rigor nor cold shortening meat is allowed to be sold at the consumer level. Also, meat that is cooked while in a state of rigor mortis, called green meat or cooked rigor, will be tough. If it is prepared before stiffening begins, however, it can be quite tender. Aging Aging meats improves their juiciness, tenderness, flavor, color, and their ability to brown during heating. This treatment pertains primarily to beef (56). All fresh beef is aged for at least a few days and may be aged up to several weeks. Enzymes naturally found in the meat break down the muscle tissue, improving its texture and flavor. Hanging the carcass also aids in the aging process by stretching the muscles (Chemist’s Corner 6-5). The animal’s species, size, age, and activity before slaughter influence how long rigor mortis lasts. Beef takes about 10 days to age, which is about the same amount of time it takes for meat to be transported, packaged, and sold to the consumer. Top-quality beef is often aged longer, up to 6 weeks. Mutton is sometimes aged, but pork and veal come from such young animals that aging is not required to increase tenderness. The fat in pork tends to go rancid quickly, and veal’s lack of protective fat covering causes it to dry
out too quickly—further reasons these meats are not routinely aged. Meats are aged in one of several ways. The time required for aging depends on the method used. • Dry aging. Carcasses are hung in refrigeration units at 34°F to 38°F (1°C to 3°C) with low (70 to 75 percent) or high (85 to 90 percent) humidity for 11 ⁄2 to 6 weeks. Specialty steak houses and fine restaurants usually purchase dry-aged meat. The meat is more expensive than other types of aged beef because the exposure to air can cause it to lose up to 20 percent of its original weight. The carcass weight is further reduced because the dry exterior layer must then be trimmed. The advantage of dry aging makes the meat tastier because the dehydration concentrates the meat’s flavor, making it more succulent and mellow (4). • Fast or wet aging. Most beef is aged in plastic shrink-wrap. Warmer temperatures of 70°F (21°C) with a high humidity of 85 to 90 percent lower the aging time to 2 days, but additional aging will occur during the 10 or so days it takes the meat to reach the consumer. Ultraviolet lights are used to inhibit microbial growth. Most retail meat is fast aged. • Vacuum-packed aging. Less weight loss and spoilage occur in meats that are aged by vacuum packing (cryovacing). During this process, meat carcasses are divided into smaller cuts, vacuum packed in moisture- and vapor-proof plastic bags, and then aged under refrigeration.
Rigor mortis From the Latin for “stiff ness of death,” the temporary stiff state following death as muscles contract. Aging Holding meat after slaughter to improve texture and tenderness. A ripening that occurs when carcasses are hung in refrigeration units for longer periods than that required for the reversal of rigor mortis.
130 Chapter 6 Meat
HOW & WHY? Why does a carcass stiffen? Rigor mortis is caused by a cascade of events that take place at the cellular level. Death interrupts the blood flow and prevents oxygen from reaching the cells. Changes then occur within the cells of the muscles, causing them to contract and stiffen. The rigidity of the muscles in rigor mortis occurs because the cross-links between the actin and myosin filaments overlap and cause the sarcomeres to shorten. The automatic contraction of fibrils in the muscle cells causes the characteristic muscle stiffness.
Artificial Tenderizing External treatments can be applied to meats to increase their tenderness. These include the use of enzymes, salts, acids, and mechanical methods such as grinding or pounding. Enzymes One of the reasons that contracted muscles begin to “relax” toward the end of rigor mortis is that proteolytic enzymes work internally to break down the proteins within the muscle fibrils (27, 31). A more even distribution of enzymes may be achieved by injecting a tenderizing solution of papain, or some other proteolytic enzyme, into the bloodstream of animals ten minutes before slaughter. Th is optional treatment sends enzymes traveling to all the muscles through the circulatory system, but they are not activated until meat from the animal is exposed to heat during preparation. This process not only increases tenderness, but shortens the time of rigor mortis and aging as well (44). Commercial meat tenderizers containing enzymes are available for consumers to use, but they are effective only on fairly thin cuts of meat because they penetrate to a depth of only 1 ⁄2 to 2 millimeters. They are ineffective on larger cuts such as roasts. Tenderizers are sold as a salt or liquid mixture and differ in the proteolytic enzymes they contain: papain from papayas, bromelin from pineapples, ficin from figs, trypsin from the pancreases of animals, and rhyozyme P-11 from fungi. The enzymes are not active at room temperature. The optimal activity tem-
perature (highest rate of activity) for papain, the most common tenderizing enzyme, is about 131°F to 170°F (55°C to 76°C), which is reached only during heating. Exceeding 185°F (85°C) denatures the enzyme, thus inhibiting its activity. Uniform distribution is hard to achieve with the use of commercial tenderizers, and any attempt to get more of the enzyme to penetrate by adding excessive amounts of it can cause the meat to have an unappetizing, mealy, mushy texture. Salts Tenderness can also be increased by the addition of salts in the form of potassium, calcium, or magnesium chlorides. These salts retain moisture and break down the component that surrounds the muscle fibers, resulting in the release of proteins. Polyphosphates are sometimes added to the salts to improve the meat’s juiciness by increased water retention ability (18), and, if added to processed meats, they also increase firmness, emulsion stability, and antimicrobial activity (22, 35). However, along with increased water retention capacity is an increase in sodium concentration. Acids Meats can be made more tender by applying marinades containing acids or alcohol, which break down the outside surface of the meat (42). The various acids found in marinades include vinegar; wine; and lemon, tomato, and other fruit juices. Not only do marinades tenderize the meat, but they increase flavor and also contribute to color. The maximum benefit of a marinade can be obtained by increasing the surface area of the meat. This may be done by cutting the meat into small pieces, such as teriyaki strips or kabob cubes. Marinades penetrate only the surface of the meat and are therefore not effective at tenderizing large cuts of meat or poultry. Generally, the acid in a marinade is responsible for tenderizing, although some marinades rely on added enzymes from certain tropical fruits such as papayas and pineapples. The meat is then allowed to soak in the marinade, in the refrigerator, from half an hour to overnight, or for several days for sauerbraten.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6-5 Rigor Mortis The lack of blood flow after slaughter creates an anaerobic condition. This causes the muscles to rely on the breakdown of glycogen (glycolysis) to glucose. Muscles stay relaxed in the presence of sufficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but once it is used up through glycolysis, the lack of ATP causes the actin to bind irreversibly with myosin. The muscles then contract into a state of rigor mortis. The passing of rigor occurs when the muscles gradually extend again. This is facilitated by the proteases that hydrolyze proteins and disrupt the Z bands. As a result, the actin and myosin release from each other, causing the muscles to relax (27).
HOW & WHY? How Do Meat Tenderizers Work? Meat tenderizers contain enzymes that break down muscle proteins. They are sprinkled on meat, which is then pierced with a fork to drive the enzymes below the surface, where they hydrolyze muscle cell proteins and connective tissue when activated by the heat of preparation.
Mechanical Tenderization Meat can be tenderized mechanically by several methods, including grinding, cubing, needling, and pounding. These actions physically break the muscle cells and connective tissue, making the meat easier to chew. Grinding and cubing meat simply increases the surfacearea-to-volume ratio, causing the teeth to have less work to do. Needling uses a special piece of equipment to send numerous needle-like blades into the meat, separating the tissues. Because of the equipment required to do this, it is usually not done at the consumer level. Another method of mechanical tenderization, which is more easily done in the home, is simply pounding the meat with a special hammer that breaks apart its surface tissue. Electrical Stimulation The meat of beef cattle and sheep, but not swine,
Meat Chapter 6
becomes more tender when a current of electricity is passed through the carcass after slaughter and before the onset of rigor mortis. Electrical stimulation speeds up rigor mortis by accelerating glycogen breakdown and enzyme activity, which disrupts protein structure, making the meat more tender (23). In this way, the meat can be immediately cut up without any loss of quality.
Cuts of Meat Consumer confusion abounds when it comes to deciphering the various meat cuts. Part of this confusion stems from the fact that there are two major types of meat cuts, wholesale and retail. Prior to reaching the supermarket and the consumer, a carcass is divided into about seven wholesale or primal cuts. Although the carcasses of each species are sectioned slightly differently, the basic wholesale cuts are similar to each other and are identified by the major muscles and by bone “landmarks” (see Figures 1 to 5 in the color insert). These wholesale cuts are then divided into the retail cuts purchased by consumers. Figure 6-11 shows how common retail cuts are obtained from the wholesale cut of a hindquarter.
Terminology of Retail Cuts The use of the standard system of naming retail cuts is not mandatory, so consumers often face additional confusion at the market. The same cut of meat may be called by different names, depending on the retailer or the part of the country in which it is sold. For example, beef chuck cross-rib pot roast is also known as Boston cut, bread and butter cut, cross-rib roast, English cut roast, and thick rib roast. Lack of a sin-
F I G U R E 6 -11
gle title for each cut prevents consumers from catching on to a standardized nomenclature for cuts based on shear repetition. Commercial establishments do have a system of standardized names out of necessity. The names and specifications for over 300 cuts of beef, veal, pork, and lamb are known as Institutional Meat Purchases Specifications (IMPS). The IMPS are listed in a booklet, “The Meat Buyers Guide,” that can be purchased online. It serves as an industry reference for those responsible for the preconsumer purchase and for the sale of meat. Most retail meat markets adhere to “The Meat Buyers Guide.” Under this system, meat labels include the species (beef, veal, pork, or lamb), primal cut, and retail cut (Figure 6-12). Hence, rib eye steak would be labeled “Beef, rib, rib eye steak.”
F I G U R E 6 -12
Meat labeling.
PRICE Per Lb. 0.00
1. The kind of meat BEEF, VEAL, PORK or LAMB. It is listed first on every label. 2. The primal (wholesale) cut CHUCK, RIB, LOIN or ROUND. Tells where the meat comes from on the animal. 3. The retail cut BLADE ROAST, SPARERIBS, LOIN CHOPS, etc. Tells from what part of the primal cut the meat comes.
Beef Retail Cuts Rib, short loin, and sirloin wholesale cuts lie along the back of the animal and are usually the most tender and expensive cuts of beef (Figure 6-13). Rib roasts are the most tender roasts, and tenderloin the most tender steak. Filet mignon is the small end of the tenderloin, but some retailers incorrectly, perhaps deliberately, label any cut from the tenderloin as fi let mignon. Although less tender, chuck (shoulder area) and round (rump area) wholesale cuts provide many popular retail cuts. The least tender wholesale cuts are flank, short plate, brisket, and foreshank (Table 6-5). Ground Beef About 44 percent of all fresh beef is sold in the form of ground beef and used extensively in fast-food restaurants, schools, military programs, and homes (7). The terms ground beef and hamburger are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. The USDA classifies ground beef as beef that has been ground. Hamburger is ground beef that is often combined with ground fat; seasonings may also be added. Neither ground beef nor hamburger may exceed 30 percent fat by weight. Regular ground beef contains 30 percent fat, lean ground beef about 23 percent, and extra lean ground beef does not exceed 15 percent fat. Draining the fat off hamburger or ground beef during and after cooking lowers the fat content appreciably. Consumer preference studies have shown that ground beef containing 15 to 20 percent fat is preferred. Reducing the fat content below 20 percent decreases the flavor, tenderness, and juiciness of the product (8). The fat in ground beef can be reduced by adding extenders such as nonfat dry milk solids, texturized vegetable protein (TVP), plant starches,
How retail cuts are obtained from a hindquarter wholesale cut.
Wholesale (primal) cuts The large cuts of an animal carcass, which are further divided into retail cuts. Steaks
Roast Kabobs
Retail cuts Smaller cuts of meat obtained from wholesale cuts and sold to the consumer.
F I G U R E 6 -1 3
Wholesale and retail cuts of beef.
Strip Loin, Short Cut, Boneless
T-Bone Steak, Short Cut Full Tenderloin
Rib Eye Roll
Strip Loin Steak, Boneless
Top Sirloin Butt Steak
Cubed Steak
Rib Eye Roll Steak
Rib, Roast Ready
Rib Steak, Boneless
Top (Inside) Round Steak
Top Sirloin Butt Steak, Center Cut
Tenderloin Steak
SIRLOIN Top (Inside) Round
Short Ribs Bottom (Gooseneck) Round, Heel out, Trimmed
Beef for Stewing Ground Beef, Regular
Chuck Roll Shoulder Clod Roast
TA B L E 6 -5
Flank Steak
Braising Steak, Swiss
Retail Cuts Obtained from the Primal Cuts of Beef
Some of the more tender retail cuts Rib Rib eye (Spencer) Rib roast Rib steak
Short Loin Tenderloin Porterhouse steak T-bone steak
Sirloin Sirloin steak (Delmonico) Top loin steak Sirloin tip roast Tenderloin steak
Less tender but still popular retail cuts Chuck Chuck roast Cross-rib roast Boneless chuck eye roast Blade roast or steak Arm pot roast or steak Boneless shoulder pot roast or steak Chuck short ribs Stew meat Ground chuck
Round Top round steak or roast Eye of round steak or roast Bottom round or roast Rump roast Heel of round Cubed steak Ground beef
The least tender cuts Flank Flank steak
Short Plate Skirt steak rolls Short ribs Stew meat
Brisket Brisket Corned beef Stew meat
Fore shank Crosscut shank Stew meat
Meat Chapter 6
soy proteins, oat bran or fiber, modified food starches, maltodextrins (starches), and vegetable gums (carrageenan) (19). Many of these extenders enhance the flavor as well as lower the fat content.
Veal Retail Cuts As will also be seen with pork and lamb, the retail cuts of veal are fewer in number than those of beef because the carcasses are smaller. The hind legs of these animals are suitable for roasts, but veal roasts are usually tender regardless of their wholesale cut origin.
Pork Retail Cuts Pork is usually tender, regardless of the cut, because it comes from animals under 1 year of age. When compared to beef, veal, or lamb wholesale cuts, the wholesale loin and spare rib cuts of pork are much longer because there is no separation of the rib and sirloin as in other carcasses (Figure 614). In addition, modern breeders have developed an even longer swine with fourteen ribs (as compared with thirteen in beef and lamb). The leg is the largest primal cut, representing about one-fourth of the carcass weight. The following wholesale cuts provide the majority of fresh pork retail cuts: • Loin: Pork loin chop or roast, Canadian-style bacon, pork loin tenderloin • Spare rib: Spare ribs, bacon, salt pork
Lamb Retail Cuts Lambs are smaller than either cattle or swine, so the leg wholesale cuts are usually cut into roasts, with leg of lamb being the most common (Figure 6-15). A rack of lamb consists of seven or eight rib chops; the backbone is usually removed to make carving easier. A fancier cut is crown roast of lamb, which consists of two rib sections or racks attached to the backbone. Formed into a circle or crown, it can be stuffed and is often decorated just before serving by covering the bone tips with paper frills, making a very handsome main dish for any table. Lamb chops are frequently cut from the loin, rack (rib), or shoulder. Loin chops are the most tender.
Variety Meats Variety meats, also known as organ, offal, sundry, or specialty meats, can be divided into two categories: organ meats and muscle meats (Figure 6-16). Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, and brains from young animals are generally very soft, extremely tender, and require only very short heating times. Sweetbreads can be obtained only from calves or young beef, because the thymus gland disappears as the animal matures. The meat of heavily exercised muscles such as the tongue and heart is quite tough and requires long, slow cooking. Tripe, the inner lining of the stomach, can be smooth or honeycombed. Smooth tripe originates from the first stomach, and honeycombed tripe, which is more popular, comes from the second stomach. Both types are extremely tough and strong in flavor. As with the tongue and heart, they require long, slow cooking.
Kosher Meats Kosher meats are from certain animals (cattle, sheep, and goats, but not swine) designated as clean that have been slaughtered according to Jewish religious practices dating back more than 3,000 years (see Chapter 1). The animal must be slaughtered in the presence of a rabbi or other approved individual with a single stroke of a knife; be completely bled; and have all its arteries and veins removed. Blood must not be consumed because in the Jewish tradition it is synonymous with life. The hindquarter is rarely used for kosher meats because it is so difficult to remove the blood vessels in this area.
Halal Meats As discussed in Chapter 1, halal is defined as “permitted,” and it often refers to meat. Most meat is allowed except pork and carnivorous animals with fangs (lions, wolves, tigers, dogs, etc.). Acceptable animals need to be sacrificed according to Muslim guidelines.
cattle fed only milk, grasses, and grains from birth to slaughter.
Processed Meats About one-third of all meat is processed, meaning it has been changed from its original fresh cut (Table 6-6). Ham, sausage, and bacon are the most popular processed meat products. Other examples of processed meats include salami, bologna, bratwurst, and pastrami.
Processing Methods Before the advent of refrigeration, meat was preserved by such processing methods as curing, smoking, canning, and drying. Curing Commonly cured meat products include ham, bacon, sausages, frankfurters, corned beef, and luncheon meats. Meat once was cured by saturating it with salt. Corned beef, a cured beef brisket, was so named because in the 16th century the word corn was used interchangeably with grain, so meat rubbed with coarse grains of salt was called corned (21). Today the same result is accomplished using a mixture of salt, sodium or potassium nitrate, sugar, and seasonings (46). Nevertheless, salt remains one of the major flavoring agents of cured meat. The different proportions and combinations of ingredients used for curing contribute to the varying flavors of cured meats, which often garner additional flavor from being smoked. There are several ways to cure meat. Dry curing consists of mixing the ingredients together and rubbing them into the surface of the meat, so that they can penetrate their way to the center. Another method involves brining the meat (soaking it in a salt solution) or immersing it in a pickling solution. Salt and other flavors migrate into the meat, making it more flavorful. Osmosis is the mechanism whereby fluids
Organic Meats
The demand for the more expensive organic meats is increasing. Organic beef standards were established in 2002 by the United States government. Organic meat is defined as being derived from
Variety meats The liver, sweetbreads (thymus), brain, kidneys, heart, tongue, tripe (stomach lining), and oxtail (tail of cattle).
Wholesale cuts of pork.
Courtesy of the National Pork Board
F I G U R E 6 -1 4
Wholesale cuts of lamb.
F I G U R E 6 -1 6
Variety meats.
Courtesy of American Lamb Board
F I G U R E 6 -1 5
136 Chapter 6 Meat
TA B L E 6 - 6
Examples of Processed Meats: The meats are grouped according to their major meat ingredient. Differences within each group are based on added ingredients and processing techniques.
Beef and Pork
Veal and Pork
Beef bologna Beef salami Pastrami
Blood sausage Bratwurst Capacolla Chorizo Frizzies Ham Ham bologna Linguica Lola/Lolita Luncheon meat Lyons New England– style sausage Old-fashioned loaf Pork sausage Prosciutto Salsiccia Scrapple Thuringer
Club bologna Cervelat Frankfurters* Honey loaf Hot dog* Knockwurst Luncheon meat Mettwurst Mortadella Olive loaf Peppered loaf Pimento loaf Salami Smokies Weiner* Vienna sausage*
Bockwurst Bratwurst Veal loaf Wiesswurst
Braunschweiger Liverwurst (pork)
Canning Canned meats are processed through either pasteurization or sterilization. Pasteurized canned meats require refrigeration and are labeled “Perishable—Keep Refrigerated,” whereas those that are sterilized do not need refrigeration as long as the can remains sealed. Drying Drying is not widely used for meats, but it has some applications for them. Certain types of sausage, including pepperoni, salami, and cervelat, are dried. They are cooked, sometimes smoked, and dried under specific conditions of humidity and temperature. Beef jerky, usually dried to a water activity of 0.7 to 0.85, is convenient, ready to eat, and requires no refrigeration (47).
Food Additives in Processed Meats
*Terms used interchangeably.
diff use through cells into the meat to equalize the increased salt (ion) concentration. The greater salt concentration in the meat causes it to absorb some of the water of the brining solution (6 to 8 percent of the meat’s original weight), resulting in a moister meat (5). Whole turkey carcasses are commonly brined; however, this process can be applied to any meat. The most common commercial curing technique is one in which the curing solution is mechanically pumped or injected into the meat using a machine lined with needles. These injected curing solutions increase the meat’s weight. If the meats are not shrunk back to their original weight through heating and/or smoking, and if they contain up to 10 percent added moisture, they must be labeled “Water Added.” Although the original purpose of salting foods was to keep them from spoiling, now that refrigeration is widely available, meats are no longer cured solely for preservation. The high sodium content of many cured meat products now serves several purposes: to provide flavor, to improve texture by facilitating the binding of proteins, and to increase the proteins’ waterbinding capacity, which reduces fluid
a possible cancer risk regardless of the type of smoking used.
loss within the packages. Nevertheless, lower-sodium processed meats are becoming increasingly available on the market. Smoking Most cured meats are also smoked and cooked. Smoke imparts flavor, aroma, and color to foods. Meats are placed in smokers, where they are exposed to the smoke of burning wood. In smoke houses, the intensity of the smoke, the humidity, and the temperature are all carefully regulated, and the type of sawdust or wood used to produce the smoke determines the product’s resulting flavor. Sawdust is the most economical fuel and is often used by commercial processors, but other woods available for smoking include mesquite, hickory, oak, apple, and various combinations of them. In the late 1800s, a technique was developed to distill the smoke from burning wood to create liquid smoke, which could be spread on cured meats to achieve the same flavor as achieved using the smoke house method (40). Today the use of liquid smoke is more common, and it saves time and minimizes air pollution. Although the additional flavor provided by smoked meats is preferred by some consumers, there is some concern about its posing
A variety of food additives are added to processed meats, as shown in Figure 6-17. Nitrite is a common food additive used by the food industry to keep processed meat from turning brown (Chemist’s Corner 6-4). Nitrite and salts of nitrate are used as a preservative in approximately 7 percent of foods, particularly processed meats such as ham, hot dogs, bacon, sausage, bologna, salami, and other cold cuts (3). These food additives are responsible for keeping many packaged processed meats permanently pink, while simultaneously reducing the risk of botulism, and creating a distinctive flavor (43). To maintain the pinker color in the grocery store, ham slices are often stored upside down with the label on the back of the Styrofoam board because grocery store lights promote undesirable color changes. The safety of foods containing nitrites became an issue after the discovery that carcinogenic nitrosamines can form when nitrites combine with secondary amines in the stomach acid (14). This concern resulted in the lowering of nitrite levels used in processing, but not in their elimination, because of their role in preventing botulism poisoning. In fact, nitrites are also formed in the body, and are found naturally in such foods as cabbage, cauliflower, car-
Meat Chapter 6
F I G U R E 6 -17
Selected additives used in processed meat and poultry products.
Antioxidant—substances added to foods to prevent the oxygen present in the air from causing undesirable changes in flavor or color. BHA, BHT, and tocopherols are examples of antioxidants.
rots, celery, lettuce, radishes, beets, and spinach. Nevertheless, antioxidants such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or vitamin E are now often added to cured meats to help reduce nitrite reactions.
Binder—a substance that may be added to foods to thicken or improve texture. Bromelin—an enzyme that can dissolve or degrade the protein’s collagen and elastin to soften meat and poultry tissue. It is derived from pineapple fruit and leaves, and is used as a meat tenderizer. Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Tocopherols (Vitamin E)—antioxidants that help maintain the appeal and wholesome qualities of food by retarding rancidity in fats, sausages, and dried meats, as well as helping to protect some of the natural nutrients in foods, such as vitamin A. Carrageenan—seaweed is the source of this additive. It may be used in products as binder. Citric Acid—widely distributed in nature in both plants and animals. It can be used as an additive to protect the fresh color of meat cuts during storage. Citric acid also helps protect flavor and increases the effectiveness of antioxidants. Corn Syrup—sugar that is derived from the hydrolysis of cornstarch. Uses include flavoring agent and sweetener in meat and poultry products. Emulsifier—substance added to products, such as meat spreads, to prevent separation of product components to ensure consistency. Examples of these types of additives include lecithin, and monoand diglycerides. Ficin—enzyme derived from fig trees that is used as a meat tenderizer. Gelatin—thickener from collagen that is derived from the skin, tendons, ligaments, or bones of livestock. It may be used in canned hams or jellied meat products. Humectant—substance added to foods to help retain moisture and soft texture. An example is glycerin, which may be used in dried meat snacks. Hydrolyzed (source) Protein—flavor enhancers that can be used in meat and poultry products. They are made from protein obtained from a plant source such as soy or wheat, or from an animal source, such as milk. The source used must be identified on the label. Modified Food Starch—starch that has been chemically altered to improve its thickening properties. Before the starch is modified, it is separated from the protein through isolation techniques; therefore, the source of the starch used is not required on the food label. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)—MSG is a flavor enhancer. It comes from a common amino acid, glutamic acid, and must be declared as monosodium glutamate on meat and poultry labels. Papain—an enzyme that can dissolve or degrade the protein’s collagen and elastin to soften meat and poultry tissue. It is derived from the tropical papaya tree and is used as a meat tenderizer. Phosphates—the two beneficial effects of phosphates in meat and poultry products are moisture retention and flavor protection. An example is the use of phosphates in the curing of ham in which approved additives are sodium or potassium salts of tripolyphosphate, hexametaphosphate, acid pyrophosphate, or orthophosphates, declared as phosphates on labels. Propyl Gallate—used as an antioxidant to prevent rancidity in products such as rendered fats or pork sausage. It can be used in combination with antioxidants such as BHA and BHT. Rancid/Rancidity—oxidation/breakdown of fat that occurs naturally, causing undesirable smell and taste. BHA/BHT and tocopherols are used to keep fats from becoming rancid. Sodium Caseinate—used as a binder in products such as frankfurters and stews. Sodium Erythorbate—is the sodium salt of erythorbic acid, a highly refined food-grade chemical closely related to vitamin C, synthesized from sugar, and used as a color fixative in preparing cured meats. Sodium Nitrite—used alone or in conjunction with sodium nitrate as a color fixative in cured meat and poultry products (bologna, hot dogs, bacon). Helps prevent growth of Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism in humans. Sugar (Sucrose)—used as sweetener in an endless list of food products. Texturizers/Stabilizers/Thickeners—used in foods to help maintain uniform texture or consistency. These are substances that are commonly called binders. Examples are gelatin and carrageenan. Whey, Dried—the dried form of a component of milk that remains after cheese making. Can be used as a binder or extender in various meat products, such as sausage and stews. Source: Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
Types of Processed Meat There are three types of meats that are commonly processed: ham, bacon, and sausage. In addition, lower-fat processed meats are becoming popular with consumers. Ham Ham is cured pork, and according to USDA standards, only meat from the hind leg of a hog can be labeled ham. Several types of cooked ham products are available for purchase: • Canned ham. Boneless, fully cooked ham that can be served cold or heated. Most are cooked only to pasteurization temperatures, so they must be refrigerated. Sterilized hams are usually available only in cans of under 3 pounds. Gelatin is often added in dry form to absorb the natural juices of the ham as it cooks. • Water-added ham. Contains no more than 10 percent by weight of water added. The added moisture contributes to a moist, juicy, and tender texture. • Imitation ham. Ham that retains more than 10 percent moisture after curing. • Country ham. Ham cured by the dry salt method and usually hickory smoked to develop a distinctive flavor. • Picnic ham. Cured pork that comes from the front leg instead of back leg of the hog, and therefore cannot be labeled simply ham. This cut is less tender and higher in fat than regular ham. Bacon Bacon is cured and smoked meat from the side of a hog. It should be balanced in its proportion of fat to lean. When cooked, bacon with too much lean will be less tender, whereas bacon with too high a proportion of fat will shrink too much. Sausage Sausage is meat that has been finely chopped or ground and blended with various ingredients, seasonings, and spices. It is then stuffed
138 Chapter 6 Meat
into casings or skins. Traditionally, the casings were made of the intestines of pigs or sheep, but now they are often manufactured from cellulose or collagen. Beef and pork, or a combination of the two, are the usual main ingredients. Other meats and meat combinations may be used, including veal, chicken, turkey, lamb, duck, rabbit, venison, and liver from any of several animals. Other ingredients that may be added include eggs, cream, oatmeal, breadcrumbs, potato flour, tripe, wine, and beer. Pork and/or beef fat are often added to boost the moisture content and enhance the texture. There are three major classifications of sausage: • Uncooked. Made from ground, uncooked meat. Fresh pork sausage, bratwurst, and bockwurst are examples. New combinations of chicken, turkey, apple, and other lower-fat alternatives are available. • Cooked. Made from cured meat, which may be slightly smoked before being stuffed into the casings. Examples include hot dogs, bologna, and knockwurst. • Dry/semidry. Made of cured meat that has been dried. Examples are pepperoni, salami, thuringer, and cervelat. Dried, cured sausage undergoes a ripening period in which the texture changes from a soft, pliable mass into a hard, sliceable, distinctly flavored sausage. The unique flavors of dry, cured sausage result from the enzymatic breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids to smaller compounds that exhibit intense aromas (28).
substituted for fat in processed meats as long as the total amount of fat and water does not exceed 40 percent, with a maximum fat content of 30 percent (6). Less fatty ingredients, including the new fat replacers (see Chapter 21 on fats and oils), may also take the place of more fatty ones. The federal government used to define certain processed products by a minimum amount of fat, but these regulations have been changed in light of dietary recommendations. For example, cooked frankfurters had been required to contain about 30 percent fat, but a 1998 change in regulations lowered it to 20 percent. Sausages used to average 43 percent fat, but sausages are now available that do not exceed 15 percent fat (10).
Mechanically Deboned Meat The traces of meat that are left on the bones after butchering can be collected and sold as mechanically deboned meat. This is accomplished by grinding the remaining meat and bones together, and removing the bone by putting the mixture through a sieve. The resulting meat contains ground bone, bone marrow, and soft tissue and is most commonly used in further processed meat products. The presence of the bone increases the calcium and trace mineral content of the meat. Processed meat products containing up to, but no more than, 20 percent mechanically boned meat must include the designation “mechanically separated meat” on the food product’s ingredient list.
Restructured Meat Lower-Fat Processed Meats Many processed meats contain 30 to 50 percent fat. Consumers have challenged processed meat product manufacturers by demanding foods that are lower in fat and cholesterol. Oscar Mayer’s Leanest Cuts are 95 percent fat free, and Hillshire Farm has introduced Lite Smoked Sausage, Lite Polish Kielbasa, and Deli Select Thin Sliced Lunch Meats. Lower-fat processed meat products are produced by using leaner cuts of meat, adding more water, and/or including ingredients such as fiber, gums, modified starches, and whey protein concentrate (9). Water can be
Restructured or fabricated meat is made from meat trimmings and/or lowergrade carcasses. It is similar to real meat in texture, flavor, and appearance, but is less expensive. The meat trimmings are broken down to particle size by flaking, shredding, grinding, or chopping, and are then bound together into uniform shapes and sizes. Some natural binding between the meat’s proteins occurs, but binding is further accomplished by adding nonmeat ingredients such as egg albumen, gelatin, textured soy protein, and wheat or milk proteins (49). The uniformity in shape and weight of the types of products that is made possible with restructured meat
makes it ideal for the fast-food industry and food service establishments (13).
PREPARATION OF MEATS Meat is usually the most expensive portion of a meal; therefore, its preparation is usually given extra consideration. It’s important to observe the changes in the meat during heating, to look for signs of doneness, and to realize the differences between dry-heat and moist-heat preparations. Selecting a meat cut partially determines how the meat will be prepared. Some cuts are naturally tender, whereas others are tough, so preparation methods must vary accordingly. Tender cuts lend themselves to dry-heat methods such as roasting, broiling, grilling, and frying, whereas tougher cuts are better for long, slow, moist processes such as braising, stewing, or steaming. Whether meat is prepared by dryheat methods or by any of the various moist-heat methods, it should first be wiped with a paper towel to remove any surface moisture. Leaving water on the meat or washing it will result in a faded color and the loss of some water-soluble nutrients and flavor compounds. After it is wiped, the meat can be trimmed of any visible fat or connective tissue to reduce calories (kcal) and increase tenderness. If it is a tougher cut, it can be tenderized according to the techniques discussed earlier. For best results when preparing frozen meats, they should be thoroughly thawed in the refrigerator or microwave before cooking. Cuts prepared from the frozen state take longer to heat and are less energy and cost efficient. A frozen roast may take up to three times longer to prepare than a thawed roast. Frozen cuts are more difficult to heat evenly, and the center may remain frozen even though the outside looks perfectly done.
Changes During Heating Tenderness and Juiciness Cooking meats at the correct temperature for the right amount of time will maximize their tenderness, juiciness,
Meat Chapter 6
and flavor. Although heat makes meat more palatable, exposing it to high temperatures for too long will toughen, shrink, and harden meat because such exposure shortens muscle fibers, denatures proteins, and causes the meat to dehydrate (1). Even with proper cooking, it is not unusual for a 4-ounce piece of meat to be cooked to 3 ounces. During heating, the collagen molecule begins to denature at 102°F (39°C), and collapses at 149°F (65°C), resulting in a considerable loss of volume and length in the meat. Another contributing factor to meat shrinkage is the freeing of some water as the meat’s other proteins denature and lose their water-binding capacity. Tenderness starts to decrease as temperatures reach 104°F (40°C). Longer cooking at lower temperatures makes meat, especially the tougher cuts, more tender, because such cooking breaks down the collagen that often gelatinizes during cooling (45). As has been mentioned, any fat in the meat melts as it is cooked, which increases tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. When meat is very lean, it may be desirable to add fat to it. This may be done by two older techniques known as larding and barding. Searing It was once thought that searing would help to keep the juices inside a piece of meat as it cooked. It is now known that roasts heated at low temperatures for the entire cooking time retain more juices than those that are seared. Searing still remains a valuable technique for increasing the flavor and color of meat, however, because such action caramelizes the outside, sealing in the flavor. To sear a piece of meat, get the pan extremely hot before adding the meat. It’s important to leave the meat in the pan long enough for it to form a rich, brown crust. Trying to move the meat too early in the searing process will destroy the crust formation (50). Blanching Another technique thought to lock in the juices is blanching. Meat is blanched by boiling it very briefly, but this method is no longer recommended, because water-soluble compounds such as vitamins, minerals, and flavor substances may be lost. In the end, proponents argue that neither blanching nor searing makes any difference in moisture loss in meats exposed to prolonged heating (25).
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 6-6
F I G U R E 6 -1 8
Warmed-Over Meat Flavor
Au Jus—natural beef juices
The warmed-over flavor in reheated meat is thought to be caused by the oxidation of the meat’s unsaturated fatty acids, resulting in various offflavor substances (e.g., hexanal) (33). Warmed-over flavor is just one example of lipid oxidation, thought to be the major cause of quality deterioration in meats (15).
Béarnaise—thick sauce of egg yolks, white wine, tarragon vinegar, herbs
Sauces for beef.
Béchamel—seasoned white sauce Bercy Butter—shallots cooked in white wine mixed with creamed butter and parsley Beurre Noir—clarified butter with vinegar or lemon juice Bordelaise—brown sauce with red wine, shallots or green onions, herbs, and lemon juice Brown (Sauce Espagnole)—flavorful beef sauce used as baste for others
Flavor Changes Natural compounds in meat yield that characteristic meat flavor, but other factors contribute to flavor as well, including protein coagulation, melting and breakdown of fats, organic acids, and nitrogen-containing compounds. The trace amount of carbohydrates in meat contributes to the special flavor of browned meat surfaces as these sugars react with proteins in the Maillard reaction, producing the desirable brown color. Storing meat for more than 2 days in the refrigerator or heating leftover meat can result in an unfavorable warmed-over flavor (WOF), which is best avoided by reheating the meat in a microwave oven (Chemist’s Corner 6-6) (26).
Chasseur—brown sauce with mushrooms, tomato sauce, tarragon Chili Salsa—chopped tomato, onion, green chili pepper Choron—béarnaise sauce and tomato Colbert—béarnaise sauce and meat glaze Hollandaise—thick sauce of egg yolks, melted butter, and lemon juice Madeira—brown sauce and Madeira wine Maître d’Hôtel Sauce—béchamel sauce with butter, lemon juice, parsley, and tarragon Marchand de Vin—red wine, parsley, green onions, and lemon juice Meunière—browned butter with lemon juice and parsley Mornay—creamy cheese sauce
Flavor Enhancements The flavor of baked or broiled meat can be enhanced by basting and seasoning. If the seasoning includes salt, however, some professional chefs recommend adding it only after the meat has been slightly browned, because salt draws out juices and retards browning. Meat is basted by brushing the meat drippings or fat-based marinade over its surface to help it retain moisture and flavor. Self-basting can be achieved by barding. Seasoning prior to heating may improve flavor if the seasoning becomes part of the crust. Marinating meat is a flavorful way to preseason it, whereas prepared sauces may be served with the meat (Figure 6-18). Sauces and their preparation are discussed further in Chapter 17. In addition to sauces, condiments can also be used to add flavor to meats. Those frequently served with meat include steak sauces, ketchup, seasoned butters, salsas, and
Périgueux—wine sauce with diced truffles Robert—brown sauce with mustard, onion, tomato, and pickle
Larding Inserting strips of bacon, salt pork, or other fat into slits in the meat with a large needle. Barding Tying thin sheets of fat or bacon over lean meat to keep the meat moist during roasting. The sheets of fat are often removed before serving. Searing Cooking that exposes a meat cut to very high initial temperatures; this is intended to seal the pores, increase flavor, and enhance color by browning.
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chutneys and fruit sauces, such as mint sauce for lamb cuts.
T A B L E 6 -7
Internal Temperatures Recommended for Cooked Meat Internal Temperature
Determining Doneness Several changes occur in meat during cooking, and a multitude of factors affect the cooking times of meats: the effects of carryover cooking; differences in the type, size, and cut of meat; the presence of bones, which conduct heat faster than flesh, or of fat, which acts as an insulator; the actual oven temperature; the temperature of the meat before heating; and variations in the degree of doneness preferred by the preparer. Various methods are used to determine doneness and sometimes more than one method is used. Those discussed below include internal temperature, time/weight charts, color changes, and touch.
Description Color
Medium Well-done Veal
Firm, not crumbly; juice clear, light pink
Rose-red in center; pinkish toward outer portion; brown crust; juice bright red Light pink; juice light pink Center brownish gray; texture firm but not crumbly; juice clear
160 170
70 77
130–140 140 160 170
55–60 60 70 77
Medium Well-done
Internal Temperature Using a meat thermometer is the most accurate method of determining doneness. There are several different styles of meat thermometers on the market, with some being inserted into meats before heating and others, such as instant-read thermometers, that can be inserted at any time. The thermometer should be inserted into the thickest portion of the meat and in such a way as not to touch any fat or bone. Meat thermometers should be thoroughly sanitized after each use. Table 6-7 gives the internal cooking temperatures indicating doneness for various meats. The final internal temperatures according to the USDA for beef are as follows: • Rare:
136°F–140°F (58°C–60°C) • Medium: 160°F–167°F (71°C–75°C) • Well done: 172°F–180°F (78°C–82°C) Most other meats are expected to reach an internal temperature of at least 140°F (60°C). In January 1993,
Carryover cooking The phenomenon in which food continues to cook after it has been removed from the heat source as the heat is distributed more evenly from the outer to the inner portion of the food.
Rose red in center; pinkish toward outer portion, shading into a dark gray; brown crust; juice bright red Light pink; brown edge and crust; juice light Pink Brownish gray in center; dark crust
Pork Ham Fully cooked or canned Cook before eating Smoked loin Fresh rib, loin, picnic shoulder
Heated Medium Medium Well-done
Pink Pink Pink Center grayish white
Source: USDA.
following a highly publicized outbreak of E. coli i n the Northwest, health departments across the United States increased the required preparation temperature for hamburgers served by eating establishments from 140°F (60°C) to 160°F (71°C). When measuring internal temperature, it is important to adjust for carryover cooking. This can result in an average temperature increase of 10°F to 15°F (6°C to 8°C) for averagesize roasts. Very large roasts can have as much as a 25°F (14°C) increase in temperature, whereas small cuts may rise only 5°F (3°C) in temperature. To adjust for this carryover cooking, most roasts should be removed from the oven when the internal temperature is 10°F to 15°F (6°C to 8°C) below the final desired degree of doneness. Meat cooked at a low temperature such as 200°F to 250°F (93°C to 121°C) will experience only minimal carryover cooking. Depending on their size, roasts should be allowed to stand for 15 to 30 minutes in order to distribute the heat and juices.
Time/Weight Charts. Time/weight charts, such as the one shown in Table 6-8, are useful in estimating roughly how long it will take to cook a piece of meat, but are unreliable if used alone because of the many factors that can affect doneness. Instead, a combination of criteria is used to determine the doneness of meats. These criteria include time/weight charts, along with color changes, internal temperature, and touch.
Color Changes Meat pigments change color as the meat is cooked. Doneness can be determined by observing the following colors in red meats: • Rare. Strong red interior. Rare meat does not reach a final internal temperature considered microbiologically safe. • Medium. Rosy pink interior and not quite as juicy as a rare piece of meat.
Meat Chapter 6
TA B L E 6 - 8
Time/Weight Chart for Roasting Beef Approximate Oven Weight Temperature (pounds) (degrees F)
Cut Rib roast Rib eye roast Boneless rump roast Round tip roast Top round roast Tenderloin roast Whole Half
4 to 6 6 to 8 4 to 6 4 to 6 31 ⁄ 2 to 4 6 to 8 4 to 6
300 to 325 300 to 325 350 300 to 325 300 to 325 300 to 325 300 to 325
4 to 6 2 to 3
425 425
• Well done. Brown interior. No traces of red or pink left. Moist, but no longer juicy. Veal and pork are known as white meats, in part because they change from a pinkish to a whiter color as they are heated to the well-done stage. According to the USDA, pork should be heated at least to an end-point temperature of 160°F (71°C). Color may not be a good indicator for doneness in meat from older swine, which is often grayish-brown rather than pink (30). It is not recommended that color be used to judge the doneness of hamburger, either, because of the risk of E. coli 0157: H7 contamination.
Touch Doneness can be determined by the firmness of the meat. Some meat cuts such as steaks and chops can be judged
F I G U R E 6 -1 9
Approximate Cooking Time (minutes per pound) Rare Medium Well 26 to 32 23 to 25 18 to 20 — 30 to 35 22 to 25 20 to 25
34 to 38 27 to 30 20 to 22 25 to 27 35 to 38 25 to 30 25 to 28
40 to 42 32 to 35 22 to 24 28 to 30 38 to 40 30 to 35 28 to 30
more than three servings. The meat is placed, fat side up (if it has any), on a rack in an open pan. The rack prevents the meat from sitting in its own juices, which would cause the meat to simmer rather than to roast. If a rack is not available, one can be made by lining up carrots and celery stalks lengthwise across the bottom of the pan. Figure 6-20 shows examples of cuts suitable for roasting.
Tender cuts are usually prepared by one of the dry-heating methods: roasting (baking), broiling, grilling, panbroiling, and frying.
Roasting Temperatures Temperatures from 300°F to 350°F (149°C to 177°C) are recommended for roasting and should produce an evenly cooked, easy to carve, juicy, tender, flavorful roast with a greater yield than roasting at higher temperatures would have produced. Higher temperatures of 350°F to 500°F (177°C to 260°C) are recommended to produce roasts with deeply seared crusts in less time, but the higher oven temperatures cause greater shrinkage. In general, it usually takes 18 to 30 minutes of roasting time for every pound of meat. As previously mentioned, roasts should be removed from the oven slightly before their final desired temperature is reached and allowed to stand for 15 to 30 minutes in order for carryover cooking to occur. This will also make carving easier and result in a more evenly juicy roast.
Broiling and Grilling
Roasting is the heating of moderateto-large tender cuts of meat in the dry, hot air of an oven. A roast will usually be at least 21 ⁄2 inches thick and provide
Smaller cuts of tender meat ranging from 1 to 3 inches in thickness can be broiled or grilled. High temperatures and short heating times will keep
45 to 60 (total) 35 to 45 (total)
for doneness based on their color and firmness. Pressing lightly on the center of the lean tissue can help to determine whether the meat is rare, medium, or well done (Figure 6-19). This technique takes a fair amount of experience to master and is most often used by professional chefs who frequently prepare steaks.
Dry-Heat Preparation
Touch as a test for doneness.
Rare: Shake, dangle, and relax right hand; pressing the area between thumb and index finger feels similar to rare steak—soft and yielding to slight pressure.
Medium: Stretch out the right hand and tense the fingers; the springy firmness is similar to the resistance felt in medium-cooked meats.
Well done: Harden the right hand into a tight ball; this hard and unyeilding feeling with all the springiness gone is how well-done meat feels.
142 Chapter 6 Meat
F I G U R E 6 -2 0
ting the juices escape. The second side is heated to the desired stage of doneness. When heating is complete, remove and serve immediately. One of the benefits of using a grill is that attractive, appetizing grill marks can be made by turning the meat over according to the pattern depicted in Figure 6-21.
Examples of tender roast cuts.
Pan-Broiling Ham roast
Leg of lamb
Pork center-cut loin
Veal roast
TA B L E 6 -9
Beef Cut Sirloin steak
Very thin cuts of meat, less than 1 ⁄2 inch, can be pan-broiled to achieve a tasty outside crust without overcooking the meat. In this method, heat is applied directly through the hot surface of a heavy pan or flat grill (Figure 6-22). Thin, tender cuts of beef steaks, lamb chops, and ground-beef patties are perfect for pan-broiling. Place the meat on the hot surface of the preheated pan with no added fat or oil. Any drippings should be drained during heating to prevent frying. The meat can be seasoned before, during, or after placing it on the pan.
Time/Weight Chart for Broiling Sirloin Steak
Approximate Approximate Thickness Weight (inches) (pounds) ⁄ 1 11 ⁄ 2
3 4
11 ⁄4 to 13 ⁄4 11 ⁄ 2 to 3 21 ⁄4 to 4
the meat tender. Broiling and grilling times are based primarily on the meat’s thickness and its distance from the heat (Table 6-9). Ovens, whether electric or gas, need at least 15 minutes to reach the desired temperature, whereas charcoal or wood fires need at least 25 minutes to burn down to the required heat. Beef retail cuts suitable for broiling include the following steaks in descending order of tenderness: fi let mignon, strip loin, Delmonico, rib eye, top butt sirloin, chuck tender, and top round. A very light layer of oil on the meat will keep it from sticking to the grill, whereas using a marinade, spice rub, or adding sauces during basting will yield more flavor. Tips for Broiling/Grilling The goal in either broiling or grilling is to simultaneously heat the inside of the meat
Distance From Heat (inches) 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5
Approximate Cooking Time (total minutes) Rare Medium Well 10 16 21
15 21 25
— — —
while achieving just the right degree of browning on the exterior. The thickness of the cut and the desired level of doneness dictate the intensity of the heat, which is controlled by altering the distance of the meat from the heat source, from 2 inches for cuts less than 1-inch thick, to up to 5 inches for thicker cuts. When broiling thicker steaks or those to be well done, the broiler rack in an electric oven should be lowered and the door left open to prevent steam from accumulating, thereby preventing the meat from browning. Gas broiler doors are left closed. The oven, broiler, or grill should be preheated. Then the meat should be placed under the broiler or over the coals and heated until one side is brown. Tongs should be used to turn the meat, but if a fork is used, it is best inserted into the fat trim to avoid let-
Sautéing, pan-frying, and deep-frying are suitable for tender, small pieces of meat that are low in fat or that have a breaded coating. Sautéing Sautéing is identical to panbroiling except that a small amount of fat is heated to the sizzling point before the meat is added. Examples of sautéed meat dishes include liver and onions, veal Oscar, veal picatta, and veal cordon bleu. Liver should be salted after it is sautéed or else it will toughen and shrivel. Stir-frying is a type of sautéing that has become increasingly popular. For stir-frying, thin slices of meat are cooked in an oiled wok or other slopingsided pan. The meat is stirred constantly over high heat for about 3 minutes to promote even heating. When the meat is done, it is moved to the side, and chopped vegetables are added to the pan. As soon as they are barely tender, they are mixed with the meat and any desired sauces or flavorings. Pan-Frying In pan-frying, more fat (but no more than up to 1 ⁄2 inch deep), lower heating temperatures, and longer cooking times are used than what is common in sautéing. Commonly, panfried meat cuts are larger and include steaks (Figure 6-23), chops, and sliced pieces of liver. Meats are often sea-
Meat Chapter 6
F I G U R E 6 -21
Technique for making grill marks: Rotate clockwise a quarter of a turn.
F I G U R E 6 -2 2
Pan-broiling. 1. Place beef in preheated frying pan. 2. Do not add oil or water. Do not cover. 3. Cook slowly (5/8 to 1 cuts), turning occasionally. For cuts thicker than 1/2 use medium to medium-low heat. For thinner cuts, use medium-high heat. 4. Pour off excess drippings as they accumulate. 5. Season if desired.
soned and coated with flour or breading before pan-frying. The fat used in sautéing or in pan-frying should be vegetable oil or clarified butter. The low smoking temperatures of whole butter and margarine make them unsuitable for frying. An alternative to frying steaks and chops in oil is to use a nonstick pan or to sprinkle the pan with a thin layer of salt. The pan is heated until a drop of water hisses; the meat is then added, fried, and turned when the underside has reached the desired brownness. Deep-Frying Meat, with the exception of chicken-fried steak, is seldom deep-fried. When it is, the meat is usually cut into small pieces and dipped in seasoned flour or cornstarch, placed in a wire basket, submerged in oil preheated to 300°F to 360°F (149°C to 182°C), and heated until golden brown.
Moist-Heat Preparation Less tender cuts of meat, which tend to come from more heavily exercised muscles or older animals, are usually prepared by moist-heat methods such as braising, simmering/stewing, or steaming.
F I G U R E 6 -2 3
Cuts of steak suitable for pan-frying (if less than 1 ⁄2” thick).
a. Bottom round steak b. Chicken steak c. Flank steak d. Shoulder steak
e. Eye round steak f. Top round g. Top sirloin
Braising consists of simmering meat, in a covered pan, in a small amount of water or other liquid. It is ideal for less tender cuts such as beef chuck, round steak, and flank steak, because braising breaks down collagen and tenderizes the meat. Braising can transform a meat’s texture from tough to forktender (54). Some smaller meat cuts such as round steaks, pork and veal chops, and organ meats are also good braisers. The most common braised meats are pot roasts, which are large cuts of meat cooked whole and served in slices covered with their own cooking liquid. Adding vegetables completes the meal and adds color. Chopped vegetables commonly added to pot roasts include potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, and tomatoes. Browning Before Braising Although not necessary, browning the meat prior to adding the liquid improves the final color and flavor. Before browning, the meat should be dried with a paper towel, and it is sometimes dredged with
144 Chapter 6 Meat
seasoned flour. As with any browning, it is essential not to overcrowd the pan and to brown the meat in batches, if necessary. After the liquid is added, the pan is covered and the liquid brought to a simmer; boiling must be guarded against because it will toughen the meat. The goal is to simmer the meat until it is tender. Doneness when braising is determined by fork tenderness. The flavor of the braising liquid can be enhanced by the addition of wine, soup stock, marinades, seasonings, or tomato products. Only enough liquid, no more than 1 inch, should be added to produce steam. If too much liquid is used, it can reduce the flavor by sheer dilution.
Simmering or Stewing Simmered or stewed meat is cooked completely submerged in liquid. The pan is covered, brought to simmering, not boiling, and cooked until the meat is tender. Fricassees are stews in which the meat is first browned in fat. Stews, unlike other simmered meats, are served in their own cooking liquid mixture, thickened or not, as desired, and usually contain vegetables added during the last hour of heating. Cured meats, such as corned beef or tongue and fresh beef brisket cuts, are commonly prepared by stewing. They are not browned first, and the cooking liquid, which has very little flavor, is usually discarded.
added liquid. Depending on the size and toughness of the cut, this may take anywhere from six to twelve hours. The long heating time and relatively low temperature may pose food safety concerns, however (see Chapter 3).
Microwaving Microwave ovens are usually not the best option for cooking meats, except for thawing and reheating leftovers. They decrease juiciness, do not brown, and do not heat sufficiently to kill pathogens such as Trichinella spiralis. Microwaved meats do not taste the same as meats cooked by other timetested methods, primarily because they do not get browned. Brown condiments such as Kitchen Bouquet, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, or steak or barbecue sauces can be used to add color to the meat or to cover it up, hiding the fact that the surface appears uncooked. Microwave browning skillets and grills are also available, but the flavor and
F I G U R E 6 -2 4
texture problems remain the same. The power emissions from microwave ovens vary from brand to brand, so the manufacturer’s instructions should be followed whenever a microwave is used for preparing meat or meat dishes.
Carving Meat should not be sliced in just any manner, because the way it is sliced affects its tenderness. The first step in slicing meat is to determine the direction in which the muscle fibers run, called the grain. This can be seen on the surface of the meat. It may be difficult to find the grain in larger cuts such as roasts, because they consist of parts of several different muscles, each with its own grain. When carving meats, it is important to cut across the grain to increase tenderness (Figure 6-24). Cutting across the grain shortens the muscle fibers into smaller segments, making the meat easier to chew.
Carving across the grain.
grain direction
Steaming exposes food directly to moist heat. Meats can be steamed in a pressure cooker or in a tightly covered pan. They can also be wrapped in aluminum foil or placed in a plastic oven bag, which is then placed in a heated oven. Oven bags are heat-resistant nylon bags made to withstand oven temperatures in order to provide steam to foods that are being roasted. They are used to cook a variety of foods, but are most often used for cooking large cuts of meat such as turkey, ham, or beef roasts. Because the meat cannot be observed during heating in a pressure cooker, its doneness is determined by timing. Meats also heat very well in a crockery cooker, an electrical appliance that will gently steam meat to extreme tenderness with only a little
c dir arvi ec ng tio n
Meat Chapter 6
STORAGE OF MEATS Meat contains high percentages of water and protein, both ideal for the growth of microorganisms. Consequently, meat should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
Refrigerated Meats are best refrigerated at just above freezing (32°F/0°C), between 32°F and 36°F (0°C to 2°C). They do not freeze until the temperature drops to below 28°F (22°C). The best place to store meats in the refrigerator is in the coldest part. Many refrigerators have such an area or a compartment reserved for meat storage.
Wrapping Meat Most retail meats are packaged with plastic wrap and can be refrigerated in their original wrap for up to 2 days. After that time, the store wrapping should be removed and replaced by loosely wrapped plastic wrap, wax paper, or aluminum foil. Leaving the tight store wrapping on meat for more than 2 days creates moist surfaces, which promote bacterial growth and deterioration of the meat. Exceptions to this general storage guideline are hams and other processed meats that are high in salt. They should not be stored in aluminum foil because the salt’s corrosive action on aluminum foil will cause discoloration of the meat. Cured meats are also high in fat, which quickly turns rancid when exposed to oxygen and light. For this reason, ham and other processed meats are best stored in the refrigerator in their original wrappings.
Controlled-Atmosphere Packaging One alternative to storing meats for long periods of time at refrigeration temperatures is a new, patented, controlled-atmosphere package (CAP) available only to meat wholesalers. It can extend the shelf life of fresh red meat from the current 2 days to up to 28 days. The process involves using a special package that allows the removal of oxygen and its replacement with a mixture of 70 percent nitrogen and 30 percent carbon dioxide (32).
Frozen Meats to be frozen should be wrapped tightly in aluminum foil, heavy plastic bags, or freezer paper and stored at or below 0°F (218°C) (Figure 6-25). It is a good idea to first trim meat of bone and fat and to divide it up into individual servings before wrapping and freezing it. Most beef cuts can be kept frozen for 6 to 12 months, but ground beef should be frozen for no longer
F I G U R E 6 -2 5
than about 3 months (see back inside cover of this book). The colder temperatures reached by commercial freezers for at least 20 days at 5°F (215°C) can kill T. spiralis. If not frozen to this degree, pork should always be cooked to the recommended temperature of 160°F (71°C). Wrappers often hide the identity of their contents, so the packages of frozen foods should be labeled and dated. It is better to make more frequent purchases than to freeze meat for extended periods of time, which can reduce its quality. The texture and flavor of thawed meats will be adversely affected if they are refrozen. Freezer burn, caused by loss of moisture from the frozen food’s surface, can result if meat is stored longer than the recommended storage time or when it is wrapped in materials that are not vapor proof or are punctured. The dehydration of freezer burn causes a discolored surface on the meat that becomes very dry, tough, and somewhat bitter in flavor when cooked.
Wrapping meat for freezing (apothecary or drugstore method).
Wrapping Meat for the Freezer (Apothecary or Drugstore Method) 1. Place the meat near the center of the wrap. Bring edges of the wrap together over the meat.
4. Fold the ends under the package away from the top fold to tighten it.
2. Fold the wrap over once, then repeat folds until the last fold is tight against the meat.
5. Seal with freezer tape.
3. Make top folds even. Smooth the ends close to the meat and fold into triangles.
6. Label with date, kind of meat, and number of servings or weight.
Refrigeration Times General guidelines suggest that fresh meat should not be stored in the refrigerator longer than 3 to 5 days, and that ground meats and variety meats should be cooked within 1 or 2 days (see back inside cover of this book). Variety meats are more perishable than regular meat cuts and should be used within a day or two of purchase or frozen immediately. Cooked meat can be kept for about 3 to 4 days. If the meat needs to be kept longer than the recommended storage times, it should be frozen.
Source: National Livestock and Meat Board.
146 Chapter 6 Meat
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 6 : Meat
Usually the most expensive item on a menu, meat serves as an im- COMPOSITION OF MEATS portant source of complete protein. In North America and Europe, the main sources of meat are herbivores, such as beef cattle, sheep, Meats consist of muscle, connective tissue, adipose (fatty) tissue, and bone. In meat cuts, the fat deposited in the muscle is visible as and swine. white streaks called marbling. In terms of nutrient composition, meat TYPES OF MEATS is primarily water, high-quality protein, fat, some minerals, and B vitamins. Beef. Most beef is supplied Meat is not a good source of carbohyby steers, male cattle that are drates, fiber, or vitamin C. castrated while young so that they will gain weight quickly. Heifers, females that have not borne a calf, are also used for meat. Veal. Veal comes from male and female calves of beef (and dairy) cattle between the ages of 3 weeks and 3 months. These animals are fed a milk-based diet and have their movements restricted for a more flavorful and tender meat.
PREPARATION OF MEATS Meat should be sponged clean of any moisture with paper towels and trimmed of fat before being prepared. Doneness of meats can be determined by a combination of time/weight charts, color changes, internal temperature, and touch. Tender meats are best prepared by dry heat (roasting/baking, broiling, grilling, panbroiling, and frying), whereas moist-heat methods (braising, simmering, stewing, and steaming) are best for tougher cuts. Common wholesale and retail cuts of meat are shown below:
Lamb. Lamb comes from sheep less than 14 months old; the meat from older animals is sold as mutton. Pork. Most pork comes from young swine of either gender. In the last 30 years, pork has been bred to be leaner and more tender.
PURCHASING MEATS Meat inspection is mandatory in the United States, but grading is voluntary. There are quality grades for beef, veal, lamb, and mutton. Factors considered in grading are color, grain, surface texture, and fat distribution. Yield grades are ranked from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest), and indicate the amount of lean meat in proportion to fat, bone, and other inedible parts. Tenderness in meats is due in part to natural influences such as the cut, marbling, animal age, heredity, diet, and slaughtering conditions. Meats can be artificially treated to make them more tender by aging, adding enzymes, salts, and acids, or subjecting them to mechanical or electrical treatments. Kosher meats have met standards set by Jewish religious law. Variety meats include the liver, sweetbreads (thymus), brain, kidney, heart, tongue, tripe (stomach lining), and oxtail of the animal. Processed meats such as ham and sausage are preserved by curing, smoking, cooking, canning, or drying.
STORAGE OF MEATS All meats should be refrigerated or frozen according to recommended temperatures. They should be held in the refrigerator no longer than the suggested maximum times, usually 3 to 5 days, although ground and variety meats will last only 1 or 2 days. Most meats can be kept frozen for 6 to 12 months if properly wrapped to avoid freezer burn caused by moisture loss.
Meat Chapter 6
c. completely bled. d. all of the above
1. The most important influence on the tenderness of meat is: a. animal’s age b. diet c. cut (location on the animal’s body) d. marbling
Short Answer/Essay
2. What is the most abundant protein in connective tissue? a. cholesterol b. ATP c. actin d. collagen 3. Meats are good sources of the mineral ____________, but poor sources of the mineral ___________. a. iron, calcium b. riboflavin, calcium c. calcium, zinc d. zinc, iron 4. Which of the following retail cuts of beef would be classified as tender? a. top loin steak b. rump roast c. brisket d. chuck roast 5. For meat to be considered kosher, the animal must be: a. slaughtered in the presence of a rabbi. b. slaughtered with a single stroke of a knife. *See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
1. Briefly describe the following components of meat: muscle tissue, connective tissue, adipose tissue, and bone. 2. Meat changes color during storage and preparation. Explain what is happening as meat turns from purplish red to bright red to brownish-red. 3. List the USDA quality grades for beef. How do these differ from the yield grade? 4. Discuss how the following factors affect meat tenderness: cut, age, heredity, diet, marbling, and slaughtering conditions. 5. What is rigor mortis? Describe the changes that occur in meat during aging. 6. List and briefly describe the various methods for artificially tenderizing meats. 7. Describe these terms: wholesale/primal cuts, IMPS, kosher meats, variety meats, processed meats, mechanically deboned meat, and restructured meat. 8. Briefly describe four methods for determining the doneness of cooked meats. 9. Describe the general process of preparing meats by the following methods: roasting (include an explanation of carryover cooking), broiling, pan-broiling, braising, and stewing. 10. Discuss the special requirements for the storage of fresh meats, including temperature, packaging, and maximum storage time.
REFERENCES 1. Ainwunmi I, LD Thompson, and CB Ramsey. Marbling, fat trim and doneness effects on sensory attributes, cooking loss and composition of cooked beef steaks. Journal of Food Science 58(2):242–244, 1993. 2. Angulo FJ, NL, SJ Olsen, A Anderson, and TJ . Antimicrobial use in agriculture: controlling the transfer of antimicrobial resistance to humans. Seminars In Pediatric Infectious Diseases 15(2):78-85, 2004. 3. Archer DL. Nitrite and the impact of advisory groups. Food Technology 55(3):26, 2001. 4. Armentrout J. Dry-aging beef pays off with big flavor. Fine Cooking 69:76, 2005.
5. Armentrout J. For juicier and tastier meat, try brining. Fine Cooking 67:74–76, 2004. 6. Beggs KLH, JA Bowers, and D Brown. Sensory and physical characteristics of reduced-fat turkey frankfurters with modified corn starch and water. Journal of Food Science 62(6):1240–1244, 1997. 7. Berry BW. Low fat level effects on sensory, shear, cooking, and chemical properties of ground beef patties. Journal of Food Science 57(5):1205–1209, 1992. 8. Berry BW. Fat level, high temperature cooking, and degree of doneness affect sensory, chemical, and physical properties of beef patties.
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148 Chapter 6 Meat
steaks from bovine m. Longissiumus thoracis et lumborum from different production and aging regimes. Journal of Food Science 70(4):306–316, 2005. Carter RA, et al. Fabricated beef product: Effect of handling conditions on microbiological, chemical, and sensory properties. Journal of Food Science 57(4):841–844, 1992. Cassens RG. Residual nitrite in cured meat. Food Technology 51(2):53–55, 1997. Cheah PB, and DA Ledward. Catalytic mechanism of lipid oxidation following high pressure treatment in pork fat and meat. Journal of Food Science 62(6):1135–1138, 1997. Chifang P, X Chuanlai, J Zhengyu, C Xiaogang, and W Liying. Determination of anabolic steroid residues (medroxyprogesterone acetate) in pork by ELISA and comparison with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Food Science 71(1):44–55, 2005. Correlation of sensory, instrumental and chemical attributes of beef as influenced by meat structure and oxygen exclusion. Journal of Food Science 57(1):10–15, 1992. Craig JA, et al. Inhibition of lipid oxidation in meats by inorganic phosphate and ascorbate salts. Journal of Food Science 61(5):1062–1067, 1996. DeFreitas Z, et al. Carrageenan effects on salt-soluble meat proteins in model systems. Journal of Food Science 62(3):539–543, 1997. Dorsa WJ. New and established carcass decontamination procedures commonly used in beef-processing industry. Journal of Food Protection 60(9):1146–1151, 1997. Dowell P, and A Bailey. Cook’s Ingredients. William Morrow, 1980. Eilert SJ, RW Mandigo, and SS Sumner. Phosphate and modified beef connective tissue effects on reduced-fat, high water-added frankfurters. Journal of Food Science 61(5):1106–1011, 1996. Gariepy C, et al. Electrical stimulation and 48 hours aging of bull and steer carcasses. Journal of Food Science 57(3):541–544, 1992.
24. Giese J. Developing low-fat meat products. Food Technology 46(4):100–108, 1992. 25. Gisslen W. Professional Cooking. Wiley, 1998. 26. Grun IU, J Ahn, AD Clarke, and CL Lorenzen. Reducing oxidation of meat. Fine Cooking 60(1):36–43, 2006. 27. Haard NF. Foods as cellular systems: Impact on quality and preservation. Journal of Food Biochemistry 19:191–238, 1995. 28. Hagen BF, et al. Bacterial proteinase reduces maturation time of dry fermented sausages. Journal of Food Science 61(5):1024–1029, 1996. 29. Harris JJ, et al. Evaluation of the tenderness of beef top sirloin steaks. Journal of Food Science 57(1):6–9, 1992. 30. Hauge MA, et al. Endpoint temperature, internal cooked color, and expressible juice color relationships in ground beef patties. Journal of Food Science 59(3):465–473, 1994. 31. Jiang S, Y Wang, and C Chen. Lysosomal enzyme effects on the postmortem changes in tilapia (Tilapia nilotica X T. aurea) muscle myofibrils. Journal of Food Science 57(2):277–279, 1992. 32. Katz F. Is it time for changes in meat packaging and handling? Food Technology 51(6):99, 1997. 33. Kerler J, and W Grosch. Odorants contributing to warmed-over flavor (WOF) of refrigerated cooked beef. Journal of Food Science 61(6):1271– 1274, 1996. 34. Kinsman DM, AW Kotula, and BC Breidenstein. Muscle Foods. Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Technology. Chapman & Hall, 1994. 35. Kulshrestha SA, and KS Rhee. Precooked reduced-fat beef patties’ chemical and sensory quality as affected by sodium ascorbate, lactate and phosphate. Journal of Food Science 61(5):1052–1057, 1996. 36. Lonergan SM, et al. Porcine somatotropin (PPST) administration to growing pigs: Effects on adipose tissue composition and processed product characteristics. Journal of Food Science 57(2):312–317, 1992. 37. Maruri JL, and DK Larick. Volatile concentration and flavor of beef as
38. 39.
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Meat Chapter 6
50. Rosenfeld T. Sear, roast, and sauce. Fine Cooking 71:36, 2005. 51. Simmonne AH, NR Green, and DI Bransby. Consumer acceptability and beta-carotene content of beef as related to cattle finishing diets. Journal of Food Science 61(6): 1254–1256, 1996. 52. State of the food industry: Meat and poultry. Food Engineering 63(6):78, 1991.
53. Stephany RW. Hormones in meat: Different approaches in the EU and in the USA. PMIS Supplement 103: S357–363, 2001. 54. Stevens M. Three ways to braise short ribs for the best flavor. Fine Cooking 77:42–48, 2006. 55. Watch the water loss. Food Manufacture 66(4):39–43, 1991. 56. Wicklund SE, et al. Aging and enhancement effects on quality
characteristics of beef strip steaks. Journal of Food Science 70(3): S242–S247, 2005. 57. Yin MC, and WS Cheng. Oxymyoglobin and lipid peroxidation in phophatidylcholine liposomes retarded by alpa-tocopherol and beta-carotene. Journal of Food Science 62(6):1095–1097, 1997.
WEBSITES USDA’s meat and poultry hot line can answer food safety questions: .htm
Questions about organic meat and other foods can be answered at: www.Ams.Usda.Gov/Nop/Consumers/ Consumerhome.Html
Meat and poultry labeling terms from the USDA can be found at: .htm
7 Poultry Classification of Poultry 150 Composition of Poultry 151 Purchasing Poultry 151
he word poultry refers to all domesticated birds raised for their meat. Although chickens are the most popular poultry consumed, other species include turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowls, and pigeons (squabs). Game birds such as pheasant, wild duck, and quail are also consumed, but few of them reach the marketplace. Not readily available in all parts of the country yet, but starting to be seen, are emus and ostriches, bred for their low-in-fat meat. Despite the variety of poultry, chickens, domesticated by humans for over 4,000 years (12), remain the most common poultry consumed. Chickens are especially useful, because both their meat and their eggs are consumed. The popularity of chicken and turkey continues to increase at the expense of beef (16). In the past 40 years, production of broilers (young chickens) in the United States has increased from about 34 million to over 6 billion (4). Poultry is important to the diet, and the purpose of this chapter is to discuss poultry classification, composition, purchasing, preparation, and storage.
CLASSIFICATION OF POULTRY Ready-to-eat poultry is classified according to age and gender (Table 7-1). Classifications vary from species to species; chickens are classified as broilers, fryers, and so on, and turkeys as toms and hens. In the past, there was a stewing hen classification in the chicken category, but such a
Preparation of Poultry 154 Storage of Poultry 161
designation is now rare. Younger poultry are usually preferred because they are more tender and have less fat than older birds.
Chickens Chickens sold on the market may be male or female, and differ in the age at which they are slaughtered and their weight. The younger chickens coming to market are classed as broilers/fryers, roasters, capons, and Cornish game hens.
Broilers/Fryers Broilers and/or fryers are chickens of either sex, slaughtered under ten weeks of age, and weighing 3 to 5 pounds. They can be used not just for broiling and frying, as the names imply, but in any other way desired. At the market, these chickens will have soft skin, tender meat, and a flexible breastbone.
Roasters Roasters are older and larger than broilers/ fryers. These chickens are of either sex, usually processed at 9 to 11 weeks of age, and weighing 6 to 8 pounds. The breastbone is less flexible than it is in broilers, having become calcified with age.
Capons Capons are neutered male chickens that usually reach the market under 4 months of age weighing 12 to 14 pounds. The tenderness and juiciness of the meat is comparable to that of broiler/fryers.
Poultry Chapter 7
T A B L E 7 -1
Species and Classes of Poultry*
Cornish game hen Broiler or fryer Roaster Capon Hen, fowl, baking chicken, or stewing chicken Cock or rooster
Either Either Either Unsexed male Female
5–6 weeks Under 10 weeks Under 12 weeks Under 4 months Over 10 months
Over 10 months
Fryer-roaster Young hen Young tom Yearling hen Yearling tom Mature or old
Either Female Male Female Male Either
Under 12 weeks Under 6 months Under 6 months Under 15 months Under 15 months Over 15 months
Duckling Roaster duckling Mature or old
Either Either Either
Under 8 weeks Under 16 weeks Over 6 months
Young Mature or old
Either Either
Young Mature or old
Either Either
Squab Pigeon
Either Either
*The different species represent “kinds,” while class is dependent on the bird’s sex and age.
Cornish Game Hens
Older adult chickens over 10 months of age, both female (hens, fowls, baking chickens, or stewing chickens) and male (cocks or roosters), have outlasted their breeding capabilities. Their meat is tougher, the skin coarser, and the breastbone less flexible. They are best used in stews, soups, and other slowcooking dishes.
gallopavo domesticated by the Aztecs of Mexico. Right now, seven standard breeds of turkey exist, but only the broad-breasted white is of commercial significance. Turkeys are classified as fryer-roasters, hens, and toms. Fryer-roasters are very young turkeys, under 12 weeks old, with a ready-to-cook weight of around 7 pounds. They are seldom found in the markets, however; young hens and toms are more often sold. A young hen will weigh less than a young tom of the same age. Young toms are usually processed at about 171 ⁄2 weeks of age, while the hens are processed earlier, at 141 ⁄2 weeks, when they weigh 26 and 14 pounds, respectively. The ready-to-cook weight varies from 8 to 15 pounds for a young hen and from 25 to 30 pounds for a young tom.
Other Domestic Poultry
The turkeys bred for their meat today look very different from the Meleagris gallopavo silvestris depicted in the familiar old paintings of pilgrims and Native Americans at the first Thanksgiving. Turkeys consumed today are actually descended from the Meleagris
The flesh of ducks and geese is not as widely consumed as that of chickens or turkeys, and is considered a luxury food item by many people. Ducks are usually marketed when they are 7 to 8 weeks old and weigh 3 to 7 pounds in their ready-to-cook state. Geese are
Cornish game hens are bred by crossing a Cornish hen, a breed of chicken, with one of the other common breeds, such as White Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire, or Barred Plymouth Rock. The hens are slaughtered at 5 to 6 weeks, at which point they will weigh not more than 2 pounds. The meat is always very tender.
Mature Chickens
marketed at about eleven weeks of age and have a ready-to-cook weight of 6 to 12 pounds. Other birds such as guinea fowl, squab (young pigeon), quail, and pheasant are also sometimes consumed. Occasionally these birds may be served in restaurants as delicacies or special entrées. The immature version of these birds is preferred for consumption. For example, younger guinea fowl weighing 13 ⁄4 to 21 ⁄2 pounds (live weight) are preferred over mature guinea fowl that are normally 1 pound heavier. Squab are processed just before they leave the nest, or at about 30 days of age.
COMPOSITION OF POULTRY The composition of poultry (muscle tissue, connective tissue, etc.) is similar to meat (see Chapter 6).
Pigments Turkeys and chickens have both white and dark meat, the lightness or darkness depending on the amount of myoglobin content in the muscle.
PURCHASING POULTRY Inspection In 1968, the Wholesome Poultry Products Act made inspection of poultry shipped across state lines mandatory. It is also required that poultry sold within a state meet similar regulations, but these vary slightly from state to state. Poultry is inspected for wholesomeness before and after slaughter by a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspector, who also ensures that the poultry is processed under sanitary conditions. Processing plants are encouraged to follow a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan to minimize the risk of foodborne illness among consumers (10). Poultry that passes inspection is stamped with the USDA inspection mark.
152 Chapter 7 Poultry
F I G U R E 7 -1
USDA grades for poultry.
Fully fleshed and meaty; uniform fat covering; well formed; good, clean appearance. This grade is most often seen at retail.
Grading The grading of poultry is voluntary and is paid for by the producer. Three grades are used: A, B, and C. Grade A is the best and refers to a chicken that is full-fleshed and meets standards of appearance (Figure 7-1). The criteria used in grading are the conformation (the shape of the carcass), the fleshing (the amount of meat on the bird), the amount and distribution of fat, and freedom from blemishes such as pinfeathers, skin discoloration, broken bones, and skin cuts and tears (7). Poultry parts may also be graded USDA A, B, or C as well. In spite of the claims made by some chicken producers, skin color is not reflective of quality, but rather of the amount of xantho-
Eviscerate To remove the entrails from the body cavity.
phyll and carotene plant pigments in the bird’s diet. The USDA grade shield shown in Figure 7-1 is used only when the poultry has been USDA graded. Because such grading is not mandatory, some poultry may be marketed under the proprietary grades established by individual packing houses, which may or may not match federal standards.
HOW & WHY? Why is the breast meat in chicken and turkey whiter than the thigh or drumstick? Higher amounts of the red-pigmented myoglobin are found in muscles that are used more frequently, such as those of the thighs and drumsticks (13, 20). Because domesticated chickens and turkeys do almost no flying, their little-used breast meat is white. Wild birds such as ducks have darker breast meat because they actually use the muscles for flying.
Not quite as meaty as A; may have occasional cut or tear in skin; not as attractive as A.
Types and Styles of Poultry Poultry comes to market in a number of different types and styles. Type refers to whether it is fresh, frozen, cooked, sliced, canned, or dehydrated. Style describes the degree to which it has been cleaned or processed, that is, live, dressed, ready-to-cook, or convenience categories. Live birds are rarely bought by the average consumer or restaurant. The other styles are far more prevalent. • Dressed. Dressed birds are those that have had only the blood, feathers, and craw removed. The craw or crop is the pouch-like gullet of a bird where food is stored and softened. • Ready-to-cook. Ready-to-cook poultry is eviscerated, free of blood, feathers, head, and feet; it is what is typically found in the supermarket and in most food service facilities. In ready-to-cook poultry, the internal organs such as the
Poultry Chapter 7
N U T R I E N T CON T E N T The protein, carbohydrate, and vitamin content of poultry is somewhat similar to that of meats (see Chapter 6), with the exceptions listed below. Fat and Cholesterol. Contrary to the popular notion that poultry is always lower in fat and cholesterol, Figure 7-2 shows that, with the exception of a few meat cuts, poultry is very similar to other meats in nutritive value. In both chickens and turkeys, the dark meat is usually higher in fat, calories (kcal), and iron than white meat is. It is only after removing the skin, about 100 calories (kcal) per ounce, that there is any significant difference in fat content between poultry and lean cuts of meat. Ducks and geese are considerably higher in fat than chickens or turkeys. Emu and ostrich meat are lower in both calories (kcal) and grams of fat, with a 3-ounce serving yielding 93 calories (kcal) per 1.5 grams of fat and 121 calories (kcal) per 2.5 grams of fat, respectively. Minerals. Any processed poultry product (canned, dried, smoked, or self-basting) is higher in sodium than nonprocessed poultry. Processed poultry products are some times used as a substitute for the meat in foods such as hot dogs, bologna, and hamburgers, and lower-sodium varieties are available for these uses (11).
F I G U R E 7-2
Comparing the calories and fat grams in poultry vs meat (3 oz).
7 140
Skinless chicken breast
Chicken drumstick Skinless chicken drumstick
Chicken wing (1 each)
Skinless chicken wing (1 each)
Pork tenderloin
Round steak
Processing Poultry
6 172
Lamb loin chop
8 180
Filet mignon
Lamb shoulder
Ground beef (30% fat)
Convenience is also available to consumers and food manufacturers in the form of processed poultry products. Processed chicken and turkey are commonly used in canned or dried soups, frozen dinners, potpies, sausages, hot dogs, burgers, and bologna. In addition, larger pieces of processed poultry meat minus the bone are sold as boneless turkey breast, roll, and ham. These meats are made from mechanically deboned poultry in which the bone fragments have been removed. The larger cuts are easy to carve and have a characteristic texture due to binders and other compounds that have been added (Chemist’s Corner 7-1).
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 7-1
Roast rump
Processed Poultry
Sirloin Meat
try products are created equal. Labels should be read carefully, because fat is sometimes added, which increases the total calorie (kcal) and fat gram count.
Chicken Nuggets What is in a chicken nugget? These are chicken pieces, either whole or composed of a paste of finely minced combination of chicken meat and skin. Commercially, they are often made with a high proportion of chicken skin (100 calories/kcal per ounce) that provides a sticky consistency to hold the nugget together. Coated with batter or breadcrumbs, they are then normally deep-
Chicken breast
17 0
300 Calories (kcal) Fat (g)
heart, liver, neck, and gizzard (part of the bird’s stomach) have been cleaned and had the fat removed, and are frequently put back inside the inner cavity, often in their own giblet bag. • Convenience. For convenience, smaller pieces such as halves,
breasts, drumsticks, thighs, and wings of both chicken and turkey are available. Ground turkey and ground chicken products are also becoming increasingly popular, and are used in a variety of foods ranging from sandwich fi llings to frozen entrées. Not all ground poul-
The texture of processed poultry products is influenced by a variety of factors. First, the physical removal of meat from the bone mechanically causes a redistribution of the collagen fibers and myofibril proteins around the fat globules. This creates a more stable meat emulsion (17). Second, a brine mixture containing water, salt, and phosphates is added to improve flavor and cohesiveness. The phosphates in the mixture make the protein more absorbent to water by binding to the calcium and causing the protein fibers to relax. Gums such as carrageenan are then added to absorb water, creating a gel-like texture that prevents water loss during heating and makes slicing easier.
154 Chapter 7 Poultry
fried (commercially) or baked (home preparation). Both the skin content and frying contribute to making chicken nuggets a high-calorie food. Another ingredient in chicken nuggets sold at fast-food restaurants may be monosodium glutamate (MSG). Hormones and Antibiotics The USDA does not allow the use of hormones in the raising of chickens. Antibiotics may be given to prevent disease and increase feed efficiency. However, a “withdrawal” period is required prior to slaughter to ensure that there are no residues in the bird’s system. Additives Additives are not allowed in fresh chicken. Processed chicken may contain additives; however, the chicken must be clearly labeled as containing them. Many of the additives used in poultry are also used in meats (see Chapter 6). Common additives used in poultry include salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and sodium erythorbate, which keeps processed poultry meat from changing color.
Standardized Poultry Buying Similar to “The Meat Buyers Guide” for meat, another publication exists for the institutional purchasing of poultry, “The Poultry Buyers Guide.” This guide details the different cuts of chicken, turkey, duck, goose, and game birds. “The Poultry Buyers Guide” allows standardization among poultry products so that there is some form of uniformity among companies selling and buying poultry meat.
How Much to Buy Ready-to-cook poultry contains a good deal of inedible bone and unwanted fat, which must be taken into consideration when deciding how much to buy. A good rule of thumb for most poultry is to buy 1 ⁄2 pound or slightly more per serving. The exceptions are ducks and geese, which have more fat to melt during cooking, resulting in less yield. When purchasing a goose, plan on a bit over 1 ⁄2 pound per serving, and plan on 1 pound for ducks. Turkeys under 16 pounds, which have a higher bone-tomeat ratio, are best purchased at about 1 pound per person.
Common broiler-fryer chickens average 31 ⁄2 pounds and yield four servings—two breasts, and two leg and thigh pieces. Chickens under 21 ⁄2 pounds are not economical. Turkeys, especially full-grown toms weighing 18 pounds or more, provide the greatest yield per pound. One of the most economical ways to buy poultry is in its ready-to-cook whole state. Poultry purchased whole can be cut up following the steps illustrated in Figure 7-3.
PREPARATION OF POULTRY Throughout the world, chicken is the most widely eaten of all the types of poultry. In Mexico, cooked chicken is shredded to fi ll tacos, enchiladas, and tamales. The Chinese stir-fry freshly cut-up chicken with vegetables and soy sauce. Chicken Kiev is a Russian specialty consisting of boneless breasts that are stuffed, rolled in a seasoned batter, and deep-fried. Paella, a Cuban favorite, is a combination of chicken with rice, tomatoes, sausage, and shellfish in one dish. In Africa, where peanuts are known as groundnuts, groundnut stew is made by simmering chicken with tomatoes and peanuts. In Japan, chicken may be marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, rice wine, and ginger before being grilled or steamed with cooked rice and egg. The resulting dish, called donburi, is very popular in that country. In India, chicken may be spiced and braised in a curry sauce or marinated in yogurt and spices before being roasted. The French are famous for coq au vin, or chicken braised in red wine, and the Italians are known for roasting chicken with rosemary. Some chicken dishes commonly consumed in North America include fried chicken, chicken cordon bleu; chicken and dumplings; chicken à la king; chicken divan; and chicken pies, soups, and salads.
Thawing Frozen Poultry Freezing will largely protect against bacterial growth while the poultry is frozen, but precautions should be taken during and after thawing, when any bacteria that are present may begin to grow. The refrigerator is the best place to thaw frozen birds, and its use requires planning ahead. It takes about a day for a 31 ⁄2 -pound chicken and 1 to 5 days for a turkey to defrost, depending on its weight (Table 7-2). When the cavity is sufficiently thawed, the package of internal organs should be removed, and the cavity rinsed. Thawing whole poultry at room temperature, in the microwave oven, or under running cold water is not recommended.
Stuffing For food safety reasons, the USDA recommends that stuffing be prepared and cooked separately or, if not, at least checked with a meat thermometer to determine if the internal temperature is at least 165°F (74°C). Prestuffed frozen poultry should never be thawed, but should be prepared, according to package directions, directly from the frozen state. The stuffing should be removed from leftover cooked poultry before the bird is refrigerated or frozen.
Brining What is brining? It is a method of increasing the water content of the poultry prior to cooking to create a more juicy, flavorful meat. The poultry (whole or pieces) is thoroughly rinsed, placed in a large nonreactive pot, and
TA B L E 7-2
Preparation Safety Tips As a prelude to preparation, all readyto-cook poultry should be washed inside and out and then patted dry with paper towels. Dish towels should not be used, because they can become a habitat for microorganisms.
Thawing a Turkey. The rule of thumb is about 24 hours of thawing for every 5 pounds of whole turkey.
Thawing Time in Refrigerator (40°F/4°C)
8–12 lb 12–16 lb 16–20 lb 20–24 lb
1–2 days 2–3 days 3–4 days 4–5 days
Poultry Chapter 7
FI G U R E 7-3
Cutting up a chicken.
(2) Optional: Cut through the leg joint to create the drumstick and thigh pieces.
(3) Dislocate the wings and then cut them away from the body.
(4) Whack through the ribs with a heavy chef’s knife. Holding the chicken with the pointed end of the breast up, use a chopping motion to separate the whole breast from the back.
Richard Brewer, all
(1) Separate the leg from the breast. Pull the drumstick toward you. Use the tip of a knife to cut through the skin diagonally. Snap the thigh away from the backbone until the joint pops out of the back. Cut through the remaining skin.
(5) Snap the backbone away from the breast. Hold the breast in one hand and push down on the backbone with the other. With this action, the wishbone is exposed. Cut along the wishbone to fully remove the back. Aim for the point where the wings join the breast, being careful to leave them attached to the breast. Save the back to use for stock.
covered with a brine solution. One recipe for a brine solution calls for water (1 gallon), salt (3 ⁄4 cup), sugar (2 ⁄3 cup), soy sauce (3 ⁄4 cup), and herbs (one teaspoon each of dried tarragon, thyme, and pepper). The water, salt, sugar, and soy sauce are boiled to dissolve the salt and sugar; the herbs are then added to the solution after it has been removed from the heat source. Once the brining solution is cooled, it is important that the chicken be completely submerged in it; do this by placing a heavy object on top of the pot’s lid. Food safety is
(6) Cut the breast in half through the center of the cartilage. Cut off any pieces of wishbone and rib that remain attached to the breast.
crucial, so the pot containing the submerged chicken in the brining solution should be stored in the refrigerator. The brining process takes about 2 hours for chicken pieces and 4 hours for a whole chicken. The water and salt enter the muscle through diff usion and osmosis. Leaving the chicken for too long a time in the brining solution will cause the meat to become too mushy and salty. After the brining time is complete, the chicken is immediately rinsed at least twice and patted dry with paper towels.
(7) A whole chicken cut in 10 pieces.
Changes During Preparation Properly prepared poultry is tender and juicy, but overcooking causes the flesh to become dry, tough, and stringy. The skin of any poultry, which is primarily fat, can be removed before or after preparation, but if it is left on, it does contribute to flavor and juiciness. Fat that naturally melts off the bird during heating can be used to baste the poultry or to create sauces. Basting adds flavor and helps keep the meat tender
156 Chapter 7 Poultry
and moist. Fat rises to the top of the drippings, so it may be easily removed before the drippings are used for gravy or sauce. Reheated poultry, especially turkey, has a characteristic warmed-over flavor caused by the breakdown of fat (15). Microwave reheating results in less of this warmed-over flavor than reheating using conventional methods (6). The other changes that occur during preparation closely parallel those found in meats (see Chapter 6).
HOW & WHY? Why is there so much concern about food safety in poultry preparation? About one-fourth of all chickens in the United States carry Salmonella, and about half carry Campylobacter jejuni (3). A national survey showed that although only about 4 percent of broilers tested positive for Salmonella before processing, the number rose to 36 percent after the carcasses had been subjected to scalding, defeathering, eviscerating, and chilling (8). For this reason, anything that comes in contact with raw poultry, including hands, cutting boards, sinks, utensils, dishes, and counters, should be cleaned and sanitized afterward.
of doneness. A thermometer placed in the center of any stuffi ng must reach a minimum temperature of 165°F (74°C) (Figure 7-4).
Color Change When the skin on oven-roasted chicken or turkey reaches a golden brown color, it is time to test for doneness. The juices coming out of the bird should have turned from pink to clear, and a bit of bone should be showing on the tip of the legs. When a turkey is roasted breast side up, the breast should be covered with metal foil or a bit of cooking oil to keep the breast from over-browning or burning. The foil should be removed 45 minutes to an hour before the end of heating to allow for final browning.
FI G U R E 7- 4
Touch When pressed firmly with one or two fingers, the well-done bird’s flesh will feel firm, not soft. White meat may be firmer than dark meat, in part because certain proteins have a higher gel-forming ability in white muscle than they do in the dark muscles (4). Another way to tell whether or not the poultry is done through touch is to wiggle the drumstick—it should move easily in its joint.
Time/Weight Charts Time/weight charts appear on the packaging of all frozen and many fresh birds. It takes about 11 ⁄2 hours in a 350°F (177°C) oven to thoroughly cook a 31 ⁄2 -pound chicken. Preparation times for turkeys depend on their weight and
Internal temperatures for a well-cooked turkey. 165°F
Determining Doneness Poultry should always be heated until well done to enhance flavor and to minimize the risk of foodborne bacterial illnesses. Doneness may be determined by internal temperature, color changes, and/or touch and time/weight tables, each of which is discussed below.
Internal Temperature The best way to check poultry for doneness is to use a meat thermometer. It should be inserted into the thickest part of the breast, although it can also be inserted in the inner thigh. In either case it should not touch bone or fat. Poultry is sufficiently cooked when the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 165°F (74°C) for at least 15 seconds (the old recommended temperature was 180°F/82°C). The pop-up indicators that some poultry producers place in turkey breasts are not always reliable, so check for other signs
The safest option is to prepare stuffing in a pan rather than in the bird’s cavity.
Poultry Chapter 7
are reduced for those roasted in one of the special oven bags (Table 7-3). Although there are time/weight charts for frozen turkeys, it is not recommended that they be cooked from the solidly frozen state, because they may not be heated through enough to destroy microorganisms.
Dry-Heat Preparation Roasting or Baking Poultry to be roasted or baked, whether whole or in pieces, should be rinsed and patted dry as described previously. A heavy-duty roasting pan is used for the best result. Some people place the bird, breast up, directly on the pan, which promotes the loss of tasty juices to be collected later, or breast down, for more juicy breast meat. Others use a V-shaped rack or a flat rack to keep the bird elevated from the juices. The inside of the cavity of a whole bird is seasoned as desired, and the outside may be coated lightly with vegetable oil to prevent the skin from cracking and the meat from drying out. Th is process is further enhanced by basting the bird every 20 minutes with its own juices. The pan drippings (fat removed) also make an excellent natural sauce to pour over the chicken pieces, further adding to flavor. In fact, without these pan drippings, the meat may seem drier and less tasty. Margarine is not recommended for such a coating or for basting because of its low smoking temperature. Seasonings may be added as desired. Although surface seasonings do not add flavor to the flesh, the skin does become more flavorful when it has been browned to a certain crispness (Chemist’s Corner 7-2). Salting the skin may dry it out and sometimes this is done purposely to create crispy skin (1). The outwardly salted bird is left un-
TA B L E 7-3 Weight (pounds) 8–12 12–16 16–20 20–24
covered in the refrigerator (4 hours to 2 days) to air dry. Sprinkling a slight amount of sugar on the skin will make it brown even more and perhaps cause darker spots. Salting and seasoning the inner cavity are optional, but the seasonings permeate from the inside out through the meat (via steaming) during baking, which results in a tastier meat. The bird is then placed in an oven set at between 325°F and 350°F (163°C and 177°C) and baked for the allotted time (about an hour for a whole chicken): • 20 to 25 minutes per pound for poultry up to 6 pounds • 15 to 20 minutes per pound for poultry up to 15 pounds • 12 to 15 minutes for poultry over 15 pounds When birds are stuffed, more cooking time must be added, about 5 minutes per pound, to make sure the stuffing is sufficiently heated all the way through to kill microorganisms. A small piece of aluminum foil placed over exposed stuffing in the final stages of baking will prevent it from scorching (Figure 7-5). Some recommend that turkeys should not be stuffed for food safety reasons
FI G U R E 7-5
Protecting stuffing from scorching.
Covering the stuffing with aluminum foil prevents it from burning during the last stage of roasting.
Time/Weight Chart for Preparing Turkey at 325°F/163°C* Cooked in Open Roasting Pan Unstuffed Stuffed** (hours) (hours) 23 ⁄4 –3 3–4 4–41 ⁄ 2 41 ⁄ 2 –5
3–31 ⁄ 2 31 ⁄ 2 –41 ⁄4 41 ⁄4 –43 ⁄4 43 ⁄4 –51 ⁄4
Cooked in Oven Cooking Bag Unstuffed Stuffed** (hours) (hours) 13 ⁄4 –21 ⁄4 21 ⁄4 –23 ⁄4 23 ⁄4 –31 ⁄4 31 ⁄4 –33 ⁄4
*These times are approximate and should always be used with a properly placed thermometer. **The safest option is to prepare stuffing in a pan rather than in the bird’s cavity.
21 ⁄4 –23 ⁄4 23 ⁄4 –31 ⁄4 31 ⁄4 –33 ⁄4 33 ⁄4 –41 ⁄4
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 7-2 Aroma of Roasting Chicken The classic aroma of roasting chicken comes from volatile compounds such as carbonyls and hydrogen sulfide (14).
Poultry may be trussed before roasting. This is usually done with turkeys because of their long preparation time. Figure 7-6 illustrates one method of trussing a bird. Wire clips, which frequently come with a turkey, will hold the legs in place without trussing. The wire clips should be temporarily removed when cleaning the bird prior to preparation. The wings can be tied up against the breast to prevent their edges from burning. Birds to be roasted are placed, usually with the breast up, in a heavy-duty roasting pan on the lowest rack of the oven. The pan should have 2-inch sides; sides higher than 2 inches make basting difficult and prevent the lower portion of the bird from browning. Some cooks claim that the bird is juicier if placed breast down so that it can self-baste. However, eventually it must be turned over to brown the breast, and because this task is not easy, most people find that basting a breast-up bird with accumulated pan juices and/or melted butter is quite satisfactory. Ducks and geese, because of their high fat content, should be placed breast down after having had their skins thoroughly pricked to release excess fat during the cooking process. They are turned breast up about halfway through heating time. The skin is pricked again at least once during heating to facilitate fat drainage, and pan drippings are periodically removed during roasting. Duck and goose are sometimes preroasted for about 15 minutes and then prepared in the same manner as chicken. Cornish game hens
Truss To tie the legs and wings against the body of the bird to prevent them from overcooking before the breast is done. It is also for presentation purposes.
158 Chapter 7 Poultry
FI G U R E 7- 6
Trussing poultry.
(1) Tuck the wings under the back to avoid overcooking.
(3) Pull the ends of the string together and run them under the breastbone.
are roasted the same way as broilers and fryers except that their cooking time is only about half an hour, unless they have been stuffed, in which case their baking time increases by 15 minutes. Basting Basting chickens and turkeys helps prevent drying of the skin and meat. This involves using a wide spoon or brush or a special tool called a baster to periodically cover the bird with liquid from the drippings, melted butter, or barbecue or other sauce. Any sauce containing sugar (brown or white), such as barbecue sauce, will
Mirepoix A collection of lightly sautéed, chopped vegetables (a 2:1:1 ratio by weight of onions, celery, and carrots) flavored with spices and herbs (sage, thyme, marjoram, and chopped parsley are the most common).
(2) Loop a butcher string (three times as long as the poultry) as shown.
(4) Turn poultry over, tuck string under wings, and tie it over the neck flap.
increase browning, possibly to an undesirable degree, and should be applied toward the end of the cooking process to avoid burning the sauce. The number and timing of bastings depend on the size of the bird and whether or not it has been covered early in the cooking with an oil-soaked cloth or other covering, but basting once every half hour is usually more than adequate. Basting helps the skin to brown, but to prevent overbrowning, tent the bird with aluminum foil two-thirds of the way through the cooking time. Duck and goose do not need to be basted; they are so high in fat that they are self-basting. For the same reason, any stuffing for these fowl should be cooked separately, because it would become too soaked with fat if prepared in the cavity of the bird. Stuffing Stuffing refers to anything that is placed in the cavity of a bird during cooking. This is usually the familiar breadcrumb or cornbread stuffing; however, other foods such as
vegetables and meats are sometimes stuffed in the bird’s cavity. Dressing is distinguished from stuffing by being heated separately in a casserole or pan and served as a side dish. The main ingredient of stuffing/ dressing is cut cubes of day-old bread, packaged stuffing mixes, or rice. This starch-based foundation absorbs the juices released during cooking, which is why it is important that it be dried; otherwise, the dressing will be mushy. Bread cubes (1 ⁄4 to 1 ⁄2 inch for turkey, smaller cubes for chicken) can be dried by spreading them out on a cookie sheet and baking them on low (275°F/135°C) for 15 minutes or leaving them out on the counter overnight. If grains such as rice are to be the main stuffing ingredient, they should be cooked and cooled before being combined with the other ingredients. Added to this bread or grain base is a mirepoix (meerPWAH). Apricot or apple pieces, nuts, mushrooms, oysters, raisins, or other items may also be added to the base, according to personal preference. A liquid such as broth or water is then added to hold the mixture together, and eggs may be included to add cohesiveness. If the stuffi ng is going into the bird, only enough liquid should be added to make the stuffing barely hold together; if it is too moist, it will not be able to soak up juices. All the ingredients should be lightly tossed together and then spooned into the poultry cavity. Stuffing should not be packed in, but should fill only three-quarters of the cavity, because the stuffing will expand as it cooks. It is important to remember that stuffing a bird increases roasting time, so plan accordingly. The center of the stuffing needs to reach a final temperature of 165°F (74°C) in order to destroy microorganisms. A stuffed bird should be allowed to stand for only a short time after being removed from the oven and before it is served. It should be refrigerated as soon as possible after that, and all the stuffing should be taken out of the bird’s cavity before refrigerating. It cannot be stressed enough that stuffi ngs, particularly those with eggs as an ingredient, are an ideal medium in which microorganisms can grow and flourish. If stuffing is not used, then apple, potato, carrot, onion, or celery stalks may
Poultry Chapter 7
be placed in the cavity to absorb offflavors. The fat and off-flavors absorbed by any such fruits or vegetables during cooking renders them unappetizing to eat, and they are usually discarded. Carving Chicken is carved into the breast, leg, thigh, and wing pieces using the technique illustrated in Figure 7-7. Turkey should be allowed to stand for about 20 minutes after it is removed from the oven before carving. This allows the flesh to firm up and makes carving easier. Figure 7-8 demonstrates carving a turkey. Carve only what will be used immediately to avoid drying and cooling of the turkey meat pieces.
FI G U R E 7- 8
F I G U R E 7 -7
Carving roast chicken.
(1) Steady the chicken on a sanitary cutting board. To remove the leg, slice through the skin holding the leg to the breast.
(2) Push the leg down to partially dislodge the joint, cut through the meat between the leg and breast, then cut through the joint.
(3) To separate the breast meat, brace the chicken with a fork, slicing just inside the keel bone. Move the knife downward, pulling/cutting the breast section away from the rib cage.
Carving a turkey.
(2) Push the thigh down to disjoint the bone; cut through the rest to separate it from the thigh.
(3) Separate the thigh from the drumstick by cutting through the joint.
(4) Slice the thigh.
(5) Slice the breast meat.
(6) Lift off each slice using the knife and fork.
(7) Remove the wing by cutting through the joint.
(8) Slice the drumstick.
(9) Disjoint the wing and salvage the meat.
Jim Peterson
(1) Slice down between the thigh and breast. Don’t let the fork puncture the skin, causing juices to be lost.
160 Chapter 7 Poultry
Broiling or Grilling Except when cooking a whole bird on a spit over hot coals, only cut-up poultry is used for broiling or grilling. It is frequently marinated or coated with butter and seasonings before being broiled or grilled. In the interest of food safety, marination must take place under refrigeration. A marinade must be fully cooked if it is to be served or used for basting. Failure to heat the marinade to a sufficient temperature to kill the bacteria that remain in it from the raw chicken may cause a foodborne illness. For the same reason, unless it is thoroughly washed in the interim, the plate used to carry the raw poultry to the grill should never be used to carry it back to the table after it has been cooked. Vegetable sprays applied to the pan or grill help to prevent sticking. When an oven broiler is used, the poultry pieces are put skin side up on a rack in the broiler pan and placed approximately 6 inches below the heat source. The same procedure is used when grilling over coals, except that the skin side goes down. The cooking time varies according to thickness, but in general, chicken takes 20 minutes per side. Turkey pieces are larger and so require longer cooking. Once the skin side is browned, use tongs to turn the poultry pieces over, because the piercing tines of a fork will allow juices to be lost. Sauces are best added during the last 15 minutes of preparation, because high heat readily burns sugar, which is the main ingredient of many barbecue sauces.
Frying Poultry pieces can be sautéed, panfried, deep-fried, or stir-fried. Sautéing Small poultry pieces are placed in a skillet or pan with a small amount of oil for quick preparation. Pieces must be turned to assure adequate doneness. Sautéing can also be used to brown larger poultry pieces prior to their being baked or braised to completion. Pan-Frying Pan-fried chicken pieces are usually breaded or floured before they are fried over high heat in approximately 1 ⁄4 inch of fat. The breading adds texture and flavor and keeps
moisture from being lost from the fried food; it also allows heat to be transmitted to the food without its absorbing as much fat. Fry with the skin side down first; when that side is brown, turn it over with tongs and brown the other side. Lower the heat and turn the pieces occasionally, for 30 to 45 minutes, or until done. If the poultry is placed in the oven following browning, the method of preparation is referred to as “oven fried,” even though it is actually baked. Deep-Frying Deep-frying poultry pieces that have been breaded, floured, or battered involves submerging them completely in oil heated to between 325°F and 350°F (160°C and 180°C). Stir-Frying Stir-frying is lightly frying bite-size pieces of boned chicken while stirring them frequently in a tiny amount of oil. Vegetables, also cut into small pieces, are usually added, along with soy sauce and/or other seasonings.
Moist-Heat Preparation Braising Although braising, also called fricasseeing, can be applied to any poultry, it is of particular value when it comes to preparing older, tougher birds. The slow, moist heating tenderizes the meat and makes it easier to chew. The chicken or turkey is first cut into pieces and browned in a small amount of oil and/or butter; it may be floured or breaded first. Liquid is added, and the poultry is simmered in a tightly covered pan until tender. The initial browning is important because it helps create a rich flavor and holds in the juices. Desired seasonings are added with the liquid.
Stewing Any whole or cut-up fresh poultry can be covered in cold salted water and heated to the boiling point, at which point the heat is immediately lowered to a simmer. An average 31 ⁄2 pound chicken usually takes about 2 to 21 ⁄2 hours. The bones and skin may or may not be removed from the pot, and dumplings, which are made from a dough mixture, can be placed gently on top of the simmering chicken 12 to
15 minutes before the end of preparation time.
Poaching Chicken pieces can be poached fairly quickly in a small amount of water. The chicken pieces, such as breasts, are placed in a frying pan and covered with 11 ⁄3 cups water. The water is brought to a boil and then reduced to a simmer, and the chicken is cooked about 10 to 15 minutes or until tender.
Microwaving Microwave ovens do not always heat food deeply or evenly enough, and power levels vary from brand to brand, so it is suggested that stuffed poultry, particularly turkeys, be prepared in a conventional oven. The microwave manufacturer’s instructions should be followed for preparing all other poultry. This is equally true when it comes to thawing poultry or any other frozen food. Once thawed in the microwave oven, the poultry should be cooked immediately. In general, microwave directions call for smaller pieces of poultry rather than whole fowl. If a recipe calls for chicken pieces, a microwave can be handy. The poultry pieces are arranged skin side up, with the thickest portions toward the outside of the dish and any loose flaps of skin tucked under. The dish is covered with wax paper or plastic wrap and cooked on high for about 8 minutes per pound, or according to the manufacturer’s directions. Chicken breasts are heated on high for about 10 minutes or until well done. The pieces should be rotated at the 5-minute mark. Flavor and appearance are enhanced if the pieces are initially covered with browning sauce, barbecue sauce, or some other topping. Cooking is completed when the flesh is firm and fork tender, and the juices run clear instead of pink. However, using a thermometer to verify internal temperature is advised. The finished pieces should be left to stand about 5 minutes before serving. If they are to be used in a salad or other dish, it is best to chill them in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Two boned, skinned, chicken breasts will yield 1 cup of cubed chicken meat.
Poultry Chapter 7
Food Safety Inspector and Food and Drug Branch Supervisor
Lance now works (he has worked in both divisions), has 10 inspectors who inspect food manufacturers, bakeries, supermarkets, open markets (such as exLance Wong majored in biology in college and ist in Chinatown), pharmacies, and delis. His office soon after graduating decided to pursue a Master works closely with the federal Food and Drug Adof Science degree in Public Health. His goal was ministration in safeguarding the public’s health by to apply to law school with an emphasis in enviensuring that foods, drugs, cosmetics, and medical ronmental health so that he could help protect devices are safe, effective, and properly labeled. the environment. Before applying to law school, One of the best things he enjoys about his job Lance was checking the classifieds and saw a job is that “each day brings new challenges and learnfor Food Safety Inspector at the Hawaii State Deing experiences.” He is responsible for supervising partment of Health. That was 23 years ago. His five inspectors. Each inspector is responsible for law school plans long forgotten, Lance is now some 300 food establishments. “It’s a people job,” the Health Department’s Food and Drug Branch Lance says. “So much so, that all those psychology Supervisor. classes and Dale Carnegie seminars helped me to According to Lance, the Hawaii State Health develop my people skills. You learn most of the Mr. Lance Wong Department has two divisions of Environmental work on the job, but science classes really gave me Health: the Environmental Health Management dia good foundation.” vision and the Environment Health Services division. The EnvironHe trains his staff on the importance of “talking to people, mental Health Management division is concerned primarily with developing a positive rapport, and focusing on training and eduair and water quality, safe drinking water, solid and hazardous cation rather than to be a heavy handed enforcer.” Some of the wastes, and waste-water disposal. It works closely with the Enviless positive aspects of the job Lance mentioned include “irate ronmental Protection Agency at the federal level. The Environmenmanagers (but only a small percentage); unsanitary conditions; tal Health Services division is composed of Vector Control, Noise and getting up close to rats, roaches, and flies.” The primary goal, and Radiation, Sanitation, and the Food and Drug branches. The he says, is to “convey to the food establishments that food safety Sanitation branch has 25 food safety inspectors whose job it is to is their number one priority and that foodborne illness is bad for inspect restaurants, caterers, hotels, lunch wagons, and all other business.” commercial food preparers. The Food and Drug branch, where
STORAGE OF POULTRY Precautions should be taken in the handling of poultry, because of the possibility of bacteria contamination. Campylobacter and Salmonella are two of the most common causes of foodborne illness. Raw poultry is a major source of these two bacteria (see Chapter 3 for a full discussion of these bacteria). In 1993, the irradiation of poultry was approved for commercial use in the control of Salmonella following several studies that showed that irradiation reduces bacterial concentration (5, 18). Irradiated poultry, however, is not sterile and should be handled using the same precautions used for any raw poultry. In 1992, the use of trisodium phosphate (TSP), a colorless, odorless, flavorless chemical mixture, also received approval for use by the poultry indus-
try on poultry carcasses to further aid in reducing Salmonella contamination.
Refrigerated Fresh, ready-to-cook poultry can be kept safely in the refrigerator at 40°F (4°C) or below for up to 3 days (Chemist’s Corner 7-3). It should be stored in the vapor-proof wrapping in which it is purchased, because repackaging increases the risk of bacterial contamination. It is best kept in the bottom portion of the refrigerator to prevent its drippings from contaminating other foods. Chickens labeled “fresh” should not have been exposed to temperatures below 26°F (23°C), the temperature at which chickens freeze.
Frozen Frozen whole poultry can be stored from 6 to 12 months at 0°F (218°C), whereas leftover cooked poultry can be
frozen for up to 4 months. The meat will decline in moistness and eating quality if it is kept frozen beyond these recommended times. Breaded or fried poultry should never be thawed and refrozen.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 7-3 Oxidation of Cooked Poultry Dark meat has a higher myoglobin content than white meat does. Consequently, it is more easily oxidized because the iron in the myoglobin acts as a metal catalyst to speed up the reaction of the polyunsaturated fatty acids being oxidized. Oxidation of these polyunsaturated fatty acids found naturally in the meat results in disagreeable off-odors (9, 19). As a result, chicken legs with their dark meat cannot be stored as long as chicken breasts.
162 Chapter 7 Poultry
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 7 : Poultry
Humans have been domesticating chickens for over 4,000 years. These days, the consumption of poultry, especially chicken and turkey, continues to increase in popularity. CLASSIFICATION OF POULTRY Poultry, or domesticated birds raised for their meat, includes:
COMPOSITION OF POULTRY Nutritionally poultry, like meat, is a high-quality protein food. Contrary to the popular notion that poultry is always lower in fat and cholesterol, poultry is very similar to many other meats in nutritive value. Poultry does provide less fat if the skin is removed. The amount of myoglobin determines whether the flesh is white or dark.
PREPARATION OF POULTRY Poultry can be prepared in any number of ways: Chicken • Broilers • Fryers • Roasters • Capons • Cornish Game Hens
Turkey • Young Tom • Young Hen
Goose Pigeon Guinea Fowl Domesticated birds are classified according to age and weight, and the classifications vary from species to species. Chickens are sold as broilers and/or fryers, roasters, capons, Cornish hens, and stags. The majority of the turkeys coming to market are young hens, hens, young toms, and toms.
Dry-heat methods • Roasting • Baking • Broiling • Grilling • Frying
Moist-heat methods • Braising • Stewing • Poaching
Regardless of the preparation method selected, poultry should always arrive on the table well-done as determined by the combined use of internal temperature, color changes, touch, and time/weight tables. Poultry is sufficiently cooked when internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds. Microwave ovens are not recommended for cooking poultry, except for smaller pieces. Thawing frozen poultry is best done in the refrigerator. When handling fresh or frozen poultry, cleanliness and personal hygiene are of utmost importance in preventing foodborne illnesses. Carving a chicken
PURCHASING POULTRY All poultry scheduled to be transported interstate must have the USDA stamp of approval. For birds sold intrastate, USDA inspection is voluntary. However, strict state inspection guidelines are enforced. These may vary slightly from state to state but are close to federal standards. USDA grade stamps indicate A, B, and C quality, with A being the best. Many processors use their own grading system and stamps. The least expensive way to buy poultry is to purchase it as a readyto-cook whole bird. The larger the bird, the more edible meat per pound. For chicken and turkey, approximately 1 ⁄ 2 pound of whole bird is needed for each serving. Poultry is available for purchase in the following forms: • Fresh • Canned • Dressed • Frozen • Dehydrated • Ready-to-cook • Cooked • Live • As convenience food
STORAGE OF POULTRY Fresh poultry will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, while frozen poultry will keep in the freezer for 6 to 12 months. All prepared foods should be refrigerated in covered containers and guarded against Salmonella. • Store in the refrigerator a maximum of 3 days. • Freeze for a maximum of 6 to 12 months.
Poultry Chapter 7
CHAPTER REVIEW AND EXAM PREP Multiple Choice* 1. What is the name for chickens that are older and larger than broilers/fryers? a. capons b. roasters c. Cornish game hens d. roosters 2. Contrary to popular belief, the level of _____________ in poultry is similar to that of other meats. a. carbohydrate b. white meat c. cholesterol d. fiber 3. How long should it take an 8- to 12-pound turkey to thaw in a 40°F refrigerator? a. 3–5 days b. 2–3 days c. 2–5 days d. 1–2 days 4. A mirepoix is defi ned as a 2:1:1 ratio of the following vegetables flavored with spices and herbs: a. carrots, onions, celery b. potatoes, onions, carrots c. onions, potatoes, carrots d. onions, celery, carrots.
5. Poultry is sufficiently cooked when the internal temperature reaches what level? a. 125°F b. 145°F c. 165°F d. 185°F
Short Answer/Essay 1. Describe how poultry is classified and then briefly discuss the various classifications of chicken. 2. What are the USDA grades for poultry and on what criteria are they based? 3. Purchasing poultry is often based on type and style. Briefly define these two terms. 4. Approximately how many pounds per serving would you purchase of chicken? Duck? Goose? Turkey? 5. Discuss the methods for determining the doneness of baked chicken or turkey. 6. Describe the basic steps involved in roasting or baking poultry. 7. Discuss the purpose and process of trussing, of basting, and of adding a mirepoix to stuffi ng. 8. How are poultry braised and what is the value of this preparation process? 9. What are the general recommendations for microwaving poultry? 10. What precautions should be taken when handling and storing poultry?
*See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
REFERENCES 1. Anderson P. How to get crisp skin and juicy breast meat. Fine Cooking 70:40, 2005. 2. Boyer C, et al. Ionic strength effects on heat-induced gelation of myofibrils and myosin from fast- and slow-twitch rabbit muscles. Journal of Food Science 61(6):1143–1148, 1996. 3. Djurdjevic N, SC Sheu, and YH Hsieh. Quantitative detection of poultry in cooked meat products. Journal of Food Science 70(9):586– 593, 2005. 4. Ensminger ME. Poultry Science. Interstate Publishers, 1992. 5. Hashim IB, AVA Resurreccion, and KH McWatters. Consumer attitudes
toward irradiated poultry. Food Technology 50(3):77–80, 1996. Kerler J, and W Grosch. Odorants contributing to warmed-over flavor (WOF) of refrigerated cooked beef. Journal of Food Science 61(6):1271– 1274, 1996. Kinsman DM, AW Kotula, and BC Breidenstein. Muscle Foods: Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Technology. Chapman & Hall, 1994. Li Y, et al. Salmonella typhimurium attached to chicken skin reduced using electrical stimulation and inorganic salts. Journal of Food Science 59(1):23–24, 1994. Liu G, and YL Xiong. Storage stability of antioxidant-washed
myofibrils from chicken white and red muscle. Journal of Food Science 61(5):890–894, 1996. McNamara AM. Generic HACCP application in broiler slaughter and processing. Journal of Food Protection 60(5):579–604, 1997. Meullenet JF, et al. Textural properties of chicken frankfurters with added collagen fibers. Journal of Food Science 59(4):729–733, 1994. Parkhurst CR, and GJ Mountney. Poultry Meat and Egg Production. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1988. Pegg RB, and F Shahidi. Unraveling the chemical identity of meat pigments. Critical Reviews in Food Sci-
164 Chapter 7 Poultry
ence and Nutrition 37(6):561–589, 1997. 14. Penfield MP, and AM Campbell. Experimental Food Science. Academic Press, 1990. 15. Ruenger EL, GA Reineccius, and DR Thompson. Flavor compounds related to the warmed-over flavor of turkey. Journal of Food Science 43:1198–1200, 1978. 16. State of the food industry: Meat and poultry. Food Engineering 63(6):78, 1991.
17. Tanaka MCY, and M Shimokomaki. Collagen types in mechanically deboned chicken meat. Journal of Food Biochemistry 20:215–225, 1996. 18. Thayer DW, et al. Destruction of Salmonella typhimurium on chicken wings by gamma radiation. Journal of Food Science 57(3):586, 1992. 19. Wettasinghe M, and F Shahidi. Oxidative stability of cooked comminuted lean pork as affected by alkali
and alkali-earth halides. Journal of Food Science 61(6):1160–1164, 1996. 20. Xiong YL. Myofibrillar protein from different muscle fiber types: Implications of biochemical and functional properties in meat processing. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 34(3):293– 320, 1994.
WEBSITES The USDA provides information on emus, ostrich, and rhea at this website: ratites_emu_ostrich_rhea/index.asp
The USDA’s facts about poultry preparation can be found here: chicken_food_safety_focus/index.asp
(Click on “Fact Sheets” located in top horizontal bar. Click on “Poultry Preparation” located in right bar column. Scroll down to “Ratites: Emu, Ostrich and Rhea.”)
(Click on “Fact Sheets” located in top horizontal bar. Click on “Poultry Preparation” located in right bar column. Scroll down to “Chicken Food Safety Focus.”)
Find the calories in various chicken products and other foods, visit this website: browse/0501.html
8 Fish and Shellfish Classification of Fish and Shellfish 165 Composition of Fish 166 Purchasing Fish and Shellfish 168
umans were eating fish, shellfish, and sea mammals long before they started cultivating plants or domesticating animals for food. Excavations of Stone Age sites have uncovered fishnets, spears, and fishing hooks made from the upper beaks of birds. Seafood is now the only major food source that is still hunted. Most other food sources are raised or grown. At present, there are over 20,000 known species of edible fish, shellfish, and sea mammals. Of these, approximately 250 species are harvested commercially in the United States, of which millions of tons are being served up annually for the consumption of humans and domesticated animals. This chapter focuses on those species and examines their classification, composition, purchase, preparation, and storage.
Preparation of Fish and Shellfish 178 Storage of Fish and Shellfish 181
to distinguish them from each other: vertebrate or invertebrate, salt- or freshwater, and lean or fat. Although these classifications are used to separate the identity of different fish, a vertebrate could be in salt- or freshwater, and be either lean or fat. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has attempted to standardize fish nomenclature by publishing the “Guide to Acceptable Market Names for Food Fish Sold in Interstate Commerce,” and requiring that fish be named according to this publication (27). The FDA guide is the recommended way to classify fish and shellfish, but the three common methods mentioned above are now described: (1) vertebrate or invertebrate, (2) salt- or freshwater, (3) lean or fat.
Vertebrate or Invertebrate
This classification divides water animals according to the presence or absence of a backbone (Figure 8-1).
The staggering variety of creatures harvested from the water makes it difficult to classify them using only one set of criteria. As a result, several categories have arisen in order
The vertebrate category includes finfish, which obtain their oxygen from the water through their gills, and sea mammals, all of which must get their oxygen from above the water’s surface.
Finfish Finfish are found in the freshwater of rivers, lakes, and streams, and the salt water of oceans and seas. The most popular finfish in North America are tuna, cod, Alaska pollack, salmon, catfish, and flounder/sole.
Finfish Fish that have fins and internal skeletons.
166 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
F I G U R E 8 -1
Classification of fish.
Fresh H2O
Salt H2O
Sea Mammals Sea mammals include dolphin, whale, and seal.
Invertebrate The invertebrate category includes shellfish, most of which have external skeletons or shells. Shellfish Shellfish, which is a commercial rather than a scientific classification, includes the invertebrate crustaceans and mollusks. Examples of crustaceans are shrimp, crab, lobster, and crayfish. Mollusks include bivalves, univalves, and cephalopods. Bivalve creatures, including clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops, are contained within two hard shells that are
Crustacean An invertebrate animal with a segmented body covered by an exoskeleton consisting of a hard upper shell and a soft under shell. Mollusk An invertebrate animal with a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell.
Crab Crayfish Lobster Shrimp
Clam Mussel Oyster Scallop
Abalone Conch Snail
Octopus Squid
hinged together. The univalves, such as conch and abalone, have only a single hard shell. Cephalopods, which include octopus and squid, have an almost rubbery soft inner shell, which will be familiar to parakeet owners as a cuttlebone.
Salt- or Freshwater The majority of the fish eaten in the United States are taken from salty waters, but many also come from freshwater lakes, ponds, and streams. Saltwater fish often have a more distinct flavor than freshwater fish do. Sole, however, is a very mild-flavored saltwater fish, and is one of several exceptions to the taste generalization (Table 8-1). Some saltwater fish other than sole are halibut, cod, flounder, haddock, mackerel, red snapper, salmon, shark, striped bass, swordfish, and tuna. Catfish, perch, pike, and trout are the most common freshwater varieties.
Lean or Fat Fish are sometimes identified by their fat content, but in this case, fat is a relative term. Fish are not very fatty com-
pared to most other meats. Fat content in a 3-ounce cooked portion is less than 2.5 grams in lean fish (less than 5 percent fat), which includes cod, pike, haddock, flounder, sole, whiting, red snapper, halibut, and bass (Table 8-2). The same portion of fatty fish (more than 5 percent fat) yields 5 to 10+ grams of fat. Examples include salmon, mackerel, lake trout, tuna, butterfish, whitefish, and herring.
COMPOSITION OF FISH Structure of Finfish Regardless of their classification, fish are usually tender when they come to the table, and three structural factors contribute to this tenderness: collagen, amino acid content, and muscle structure.
Collagen When compared with meat or poultry, fish muscle has lower amounts of collagen. The bodies of land animals average 15 percent connective tissue by
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
T A B L E 8 -1
Common Fish and Shellfish Grouped by Flavor and Texture Flavor
weight, whereas fish are only 3 percent collagen (35).
Amino Acid Content
Mild Flavor
Moderate Flavor
Full Flavor
Cod Crab Flounder Haddock Hake Pollock Scallops Sole
Butterfish Lake perch Whitefish Whiting
Mussels Oysters
Crayfish Lobster Pike (walleye) Orange roughy Shrimp Tilapia
Mullet Ocean perch Shad Smelt Surimi products Trout Sea trout (weakfish) Tuna (canned)
Bluefish Mackerel Salmon (canned) Sardines (canned)
Grouper Halibut Monkfish Sea bass Snapper Squid Tautog (blackfish) Tilefish Wolffish
Catfish Mahimahi Octopus Pompano Shark Sturgeon
Clams Marlin Salmon Swordfish Tuna
Another reason fish is tender is that there is less of a certain amino acid (hydroxyproline) in the connective tissue. When fish is cooked, the collagen breaks down more easily at a lower temperature and converts to gelatin.
Muscle Structure Unlike mammals and birds, whose muscles are arranged in very long bundles of fibers, the muscles of fish are shorter (less than an inch in length) and are arranged into myotomes, which are separated by connective tissue called myocommata (Figure 8-2). This combination of structure and chemistry contributes to the characteristic flaking of prepared fish as the heat softens the collagen in the myocommata. The gel-forming ability of the muscle proteins in fish can also contribute to a soft, tender, gel-like texture (12).
F I G U R E 8 -2
TA B L E 8 -2
Lean vs Fatty Fish: Fat Content of 3-Ounce Cooked Portions of Fish and Shellfish
Lean Fish Very Low Fat—Less Than 2.5 Grams Total Fat Clams Haddock Cod Halibut Cusk Northern lobster Blue crab Mahimahi Dungeness crab Monkfish Flounder Perch (freshwater) Grouper Ocean perch
Pike (northern) Pike (walleye) Pollock (Atlantic) Ocean pout Orange roughy Scallops Shrimp
Low Fat—More Than 2.5 Grams But Less Than 5 Grams Total Fat Bass (freshwater) Croaker Salmon (pink) Bluefish Mullet Shark Blue mussels Oysters (eastern) Smelt Catfish Salmon (chum) Striped bass
Fish muscle, unlike other meats, is arranged in layers of short fibers (myotomes) separated by very thin sheets (myocommata).
Red snapper Snow crab Sole Squid Tuna (skipjack) Tuna (yellowfin) Whiting Swordfish Rainbow trout Sea trout Wolffish (ocean catfish)
Fatty Fish Moderate Fat—More Than 5 Grams But Less Than 10 Grams Total Fat Butterfish Salmon (Atlantic) Lake trout Herring Salmon (coho) Tuna (bluefin) Mackerel (Spanish) Salmon (sockeye) Whitefish Higher Fat—More Than 10 Grams Total Fat Mackerel (Atlantic) Salmon (king) Source: U.S. Dept. of Fisheries.
Myotomes Layers of short fibers in fish muscle. Myocommata Large sheets of very thin connective tissue separating the myotomes.
168 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
Pigments When fish flesh is exposed to air during preparation, it will vary in color as a result of the presence of white, pink, or red pigments. The color of a fish’s flesh depends on whether that fish relied predominantly on quick or slow movements to stay alive. Red, or darker colored flesh, such as that seen in salmon, has a higher concentration of the “slow-twitch fibers” needed for long-distance swimming and endurance. White meat, like that of the sole, has more “fast-twitch fibers,” which are designed for quick bursts of speed of brief duration between long periods on “cruise control.” Some fish, such as tuna, are composed of both fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers, giving them dark, light, and white meat. A higher fat content will also darken the color of the flesh, as seen in fatty fish such as mackerel and tuna. The concentration of myoglobin contributes to the overall color of fish flesh. The more oxygen required by the muscle, the more myoglobin proteins are necessary, because they carry the oxygen. Unfortunately, a higher myoglobin concentration results in quicker rancidity because the iron in myoglobin accelerates the oxidation of fat found in the muscle (32).
Marine Fisheries Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce is responsible for fish inspections, which are paid for by the processor. Only inspected finfish can be graded. Grading, too, is voluntary and paid for by the processor. Fish products are graded U.S. Grade A, U.S. Grade B, and substandard. Quality grades are based on appearance, texture, uniformity, good flavor, fresh odor, and an absence of defects. Breaded fish products are further evaluated in terms of their breading and bone-to-fish ratio. Labels should be read whenever possible to find out whether or not the fish product has been inspected and graded.
TA B L E 8 -3
HOW & WHY? Why do salmon have that characteristic pink/orange hue? Sometimes a specific pigment adds a special hue. For example, a carotenoid pigment, astaxanthin, imparts a characteristic orange-pink color to certain salmon and trout that feed on insects and crustaceans containing this pigment.
Shellfish Certification The U.S. Department of Commerce also oversees the publication of the Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers
Types of Fish and Shellfish and Their Uses
Common Name(s)
American Pollock (Boston Bluefish)
Baked, broiled, pan-fried, steamed, or poached.
American Shad (Buck Roe; White Shad)
Baked, broiled, planked, stuffed, or sautéed.
Atlantic Croaker (Croaker; Hardhead)
Baked, broiled, poached, pan-fried, or oven-fried.
Blue Crab
Steamed (boiled), cakes, patties, deviled, stuffed, casseroles, salads, appetizers.
Not a favorite of Americans; eaten by Europeans.
Baked, broiled, grilled, barbecued, smoked, sautéed or stuffed.
Cod (Codfish; Scrod)
Baked, broiled, poached, fried, or steamed; oven finish or deep-fry breaded portions and sticks.
Crayfish (Crawfish)
Like lobster; thick soup, crayfish bisque.
Dungeness Crab
Steamed, baked, broiled, simmered, casseroles, salads, appetizers, cocktails, and sauces.
Geoduck Clam
Steaks, fried, minced as dip or chowder; party snacks.
Flounder (Blackback, Fluke; Summer Flounder, Winter Flounder)
Baked, broiled, poached, fried, steamed; oven finish or deep-fry breaded fillets, sticks, or portions.
Commonly purchased fish and shellfish and their uses are listed in Table 8-3. Retailers providing consumers with nutrition information must abide by the nutrition labeling values provided by the FDA for fish and shellfish (28). Fish processors may submit to inspection and grading on a voluntary basis.
Haddock (Scrod)
Same as flounder.
Halibut (North Pacific Halibut)
Baked, broiled, poached, fried, or steamed.
Herring (Pacific Sea Herring)
Bait, oil, fertilizer; cooked or eaten as kippered herring.
Jonah Crab
Steamed, simmered, or broiled; casseroles, salads, appetizers, cocktails, and sauces.
King Crab
Used interchangeably with other crabmeat recipes; casseroles, salads, appetizers, cocktails, and sauces.
Lake Trout
Baked, broiled, poached, fried, steamed, or sautéed.
Inspection/Grading Unlike meat and poultry, inspection of finfish is voluntary; inspection, when it occurs, is based on the wholesomeness of the fish and the sanitary conditions of the processing plant. The National
Broiled, sautéed, baked, poached, or deep fried.
Lobster (Spiny Lobster)
Baked, broiled, or simmered; variety of recipes for use.
Baked, broiled, fried, poached, or steamed.
Menhaden (Pogy; Fatback)
Seldom for human consumption.
Mullet (Black or Striped Mullet)
Deep-fried, oven-fried, baked, or broiled.
Ocean Perch (Redfish; Rockfish; Rosefish)
Baked, broiled, poached, or steamed fillets; oven fried or deep-fried, breaded, raw, or cooked portions.
(Continued )
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
TA B L E 8 -3
Types of Fish and Shellfish and Their Uses (Continued )
Common Name(s)
Ocean Quahog Clam (Mahogany Quahog; Black Quahog)
Deep-fried; pan-fried patties; deviled clams; Manhattan clam chowder; clam cakes and rolls.
Oysters (Eastern or Atlantic Oyster; Pacific Oyster; Western Oyster)
Steamed, baked, sautéed, or used in variety of dishes.
Pacific Cod
Baked, broiled, poached, fried, or steamed; oven-finish breaded, cooked portions or sticks, deep-fried frozen breaded cuts.
Pompano (Cobblerfish; Butterfish; Pacific Oyster; Western Oyster)
Baked, broiled, pan-fried, or deep-fried.
Porgy (Scup)
Baked, pan-fried, or sautéed.
Rainbow Trout
Baked, broiled, pan-fried, poached, or steamed.
Red Crab
Broiled, baked, steamed, sautéed, or served cold; suitable in any recipe for crab.
Red Snapper
Broiled, baked, steamed, or boiled.
Baked, broiled, fried, and in chowders.
Sablefish (Black Cod)
Ready-to-eat; steamed; used in casseroles or salads.
Baked, broiled, barbecued, fried, steamed, or poached; variety of recipes and dishes.
Sardines (Atlantic herring)
Ready-to-eat snack; convenience food.
Boiled or sautéed, cocktails.
Sea Bass (Striped Bass)
Baked, broiled, pan-fried, oven-fried, or poached.
Shrimp (Northern Shrimp; North Pacific Shrimp; Southern Shrimp)
Simmered, baked, broiled, fried, or oven-finish; cocktail; hundreds of uses such as casseroles, salads, and sauces.
Smelt (Whiteball; Eulachon)
Broiled, fried, baked, or prepared in casserole.
Snow Crab (Tanner; Queen)
Interchangeably with other crabmeat recipes.
Sole (Gray Sole; Witch Flounder)
Baked, broiled, fried, steamed, or deep-fried.
Spanish Mackerel
Baked, broiled, or smoked.
Squid (Inkfish; Bone Squid; Taw Taw; Calamari; Sea Arrow)
Fried or baked with a stuffing; salads; sauces; combination dishes.
Specialty item.
Sunray Venus Clam
Chowder, fritters, patties, dips, and clam loaf.
Surf Clam
Steamed, fried, or broiled; in chowders, fritters, sauces, dips, or salads.
Baked, broiled, fried, poached, or steamed.
As it comes from the can; variety of recipes.
Weakfish (Gray Sea Trout; Squeteagues)
Baked, broiled, sautéed, or pan-fried.
Whiting (Frost Fish; Hake; Silver Hake)
Baked, broiled, pan-fried, poached, or steamed; portions and sticks oven-finished.
Yellow Perch
Baked, broiled, or pan- or deep-fried.
List, which lists department-certified shippers of oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops. Only shellfish from these certified waters, which have been tested and found to be free of excessive levels of various microorganisms, can be sold for consumption. Wholesale containers of shellfish must then be labeled to include the harvester’s name, address, and certification number, the date and location of harvest, and the type and
quantity of shellfish. Shellfish that have been shucked, or removed from their shells, must also be tagged with a “sell by date” (for containers under 64 fluid ounces) or “date shucked” (over 64 fluid ounces). Food service operations are required to keep these tags for at least 90 days upon receipt. If shellfish are not properly tagged or if they are obtained from uncertified waters, the Department of Commerce may report
the violation to the FDA, which is the regulatory agency with final jurisdiction over commerce in shellfish.
Selection of Finfish The criteria for selection of vertebrate and invertebrate seafood are very different and will now be described. Finfish can be purchased fresh or frozen, canned, cured, fabricated, or as fish roe.
Fresh and Frozen Fish Fish can be purchased fresh or frozen as whole, drawn, dressed, steaks, fi llets, and sticks (Figure 8-3). • Whole fi sh. The body is entirely intact. • Drawn fi sh. Whole fish that have had their entrails (inner organs) removed. • Dressed fi sh. The head, tail, fins, and scales have been removed in addition to the entrails. • Steaks. Cut from dressed fish by slicing from the top fin to the bottom fin at a 90 degree angle at varying thicknesses. Steaks contain a portion of the backbone and other bones. • Fillets. Made by slicing the fish lengthwise from front to back to avoid the bones. • Fish sticks. Uniform portions cut from fi llets or steaks. They can also be made from fish that has been minced, which is then shaped, breaded, and frozen. Variety of Finfish There are subtle differences in flavor even among different varieties of the same type of fish. For example, there are two types of salmon—Atlantic and Pacific. Among Pacific salmon there are five types— chinook (king), coho (silver), chum (keta), pink, and sockeye. Determining Freshness of Fish Sniffing for aroma may be the safest and easiest method of determining whether or not fish is fresh, but other criteria can be applied in addition to the “sniff test.” When selecting whole fish, look for skin that is bright and shiny and eyes that bulge, are jet black, and have translucent corneas (the part surrounding the pupil). The fish should have a “fresh fish” aroma, tight scales, firm flesh, a stiff body, red gills, and a
170 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
Forms of finfish available for purchase.
Whole or round fish
Drawn fish
Dressed or pan-dressed fish
Single fillet
Butterfly fillet Source: Dept. of Fisheries.
Gaping The separation of fish flesh into flakes that occurs as the steak or fi llet ages.
belly free of swelling or gas. The same criteria hold true for drawn fish with the exception of the potential gas-fi lled belly, which, of course, has been removed. Rigor Mortis A stiff body is preferred when selecting a finfish because it is an indication that it is still in rigor mortis, which occurs after slaughter. Flesh that is allowed to go through rigor mortis (stiff to relaxed muscles) has a better texture and flavor. The water-holding capacity of the proteins is increased, which makes the flesh juicier than fish that have not undergone rigor mortis. For these reasons, it is better that handling, packing, processing, and freezing be avoided while fish are in the rigor state (3). It is also recommended that fish, prior to slaughter, not be subjected to excessive stress if possible, because the resulting stronger rigor mortis is detrimental to texture (36). Rigor mortis in fish can last anywhere from several hours to days, depending on the species, temperature, and condition of the fish when caught. Stiff ness is delayed if caught fish are immediately placed on ice and kept chilled. Freshness is extended under these conditions because bacterial spoilage does not occur until after rigor mortis has passed. Freezing fish immediately after capture, rather than chilling them on ice and allowing rigor mortis to proceed until the muscles relax again, results in a tough-textured flesh. Cooking fish prior to rigor mortis also results in a tough texture. Phosphate Treatment of Fresh Finfish The meat of the fish should not be slimy, but this can be tricky to judge, because any slime present may have been produced by the fish having been soaked in a special phosphate-containing solution to prevent moisture loss. This solution increases the pH of the tissue, which denatures the proteins and makes them more capable of binding water. Fishermen frequently treat fish with this solution to cut down on the water loss, which might endanger their weight-based profits. Without this solution, fish that is refrigerated may lose up to 80 percent of its waterbinding capacity within five days after harvest. The phosphate-containing solution restores the binding capacity of the muscle proteins and prevents the flesh from becoming dry and stringy.
Treatment with phosphates also partially inhibits the oxidation of the natural fats in fish, which can result in “fishy” smells when the phosphates bind with the metal ions that promote oxidation. Signs of Decay in Fresh Finfish Other changes that occur in a fish after death is that the eyes flatten and become concave (although this may also be a result of the fish having been picked up by the eye sockets), the pupil turns gray or creamy brown, and the cornea becomes opaque and discolored. In addition, the bright red gills turn a paler brown, and as a result are sometimes removed. When the gills turn brown and the eyes lose their bright look, the fish may be cut up as steaks, fi llets, or fish sticks. Steaks and fi llets should have a shiny, smooth surface that has no signs of curling at the edges. The pieces should be cut clean with no signs of blood, skin fragments, or loose bone, and they should be firm and free of gaping (Figure 8-4). Although gaping is a sign of aging, it may also be a result of rough handling, processing before rigor mortis is complete, the fish having been caught after spawning, or even genetics. Certain fish, such as bluefish and hake, are known to gape more easily (13). The physical reason behind gaping is the separation of the myotomes (9). Mercury Contamination Mercury occurs naturally in the environment, but it can also be released into the air through industrial pollution. Concerns about mercury contamination in fish date back to 1953 to Minamata, Japan, where certain manufacturing plants polluted the water with mercury. (Mercury can fall from the air into the wa-
A badly gaping fish fillet.
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
N U T R I E N T CON T E N T Protein. Fish is a high-protein food. In fact, fish is so high in protein, about 18 to 20 percent, that the food industry has devised the means to make protein concentrates by grinding whole fish, including the calcium-rich bones (if consumed), dehydrating it, and removing the fat to take away the fishy flavor. The resulting concentrate of between 70 and 80 percent pure protein is used as an additive in foods such as noodles to increase both their protein quality and their calcium content (31). Fat and Carbohydrates As a general rule, finfish are a low-fat food. Most fish are lower in fat than equivalent amounts of beef, pork, lamb, and even poultry. With the exceptions of mackerel, shark, herring, and eel, fish generally contain fewer than 160 calories (kcal) per 3-ounce cooked serving. Most of the calories (kcal) in fish are derived from protein and fat, with few, if any, from carbohydrates. Shellfish contain carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, ranging in concentration from 1 to 3 percent by weight. The fat in fish is generally in low proportions, unless the fish has been fried. It should be noted here, however, that although fish and shellfish are relatively low in fat, squid and some crustaceans such as shrimp contain more than 100 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams (26). Even though fat does contribute to calories (kcal), the fat from fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (Table 8-4) (17, 23). The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has been reported to be related to a decrease in the risk of heart disease (11). It has also been suggested that they play a beneficial role in the alleviation of psoriasis and some inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus (20, 22, 35). The combined benefit of the lower fat content, higher polyunsaturated fat, and omega-3 fatty acids of fish has led to the recommendation that people should eat fish at least twice a week. Vitamins and Minerals Fish is also a good source of the B vitamins: thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, B6 (pyridoxine), and B12, although small amounts of these watersoluble vitamins may be lost through decomposition, heating (cooking or canning), and/or extraction in water or salt solutions (18). The higher the fat content, the higher the levels of the fat-soluble vitamins A and D in the fish. Long before vitamin supplements became available, children were given (notoriously awful-tasting) cod liver oil as a dietary supplement of vitamin D to help protect them against rickets. Fish flesh is also a significant source of some minerals. Iodine is found primarily in saltwater fish. Sardines and salmon canned with the bones are good sources of calcium, and fish does contain some iron (15). For those watching their intake of sodium, dried or smoked fish have higher concentrations than the fresh forms.
TA B L E 8 - 4
Fish High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids (3-oz cooked portion)
More Than 1.0 Gram Herring Mackerel (Pacific, jack, Spanish) Salmon (Atlantic, king, pink) Tuna (bluefin) Whitefish Between 0.5 and 1.0 Gram Bass (freshwater) Bluefish Mackerel (Atlantic) Salmon (chum, coho, sockeye) Smelt Striped bass Swordfish Rainbow trout
ter, where it becomes methylmercury.) The fish there became contaminated and in turn caused health problems for about 120 people in the region who ate the fish. Infants that became sick had not eaten the fish, but their mothers had consumed the contaminated fish during pregnancy. Nearly all fish contain minute methylmercury levels that are not harmful to humans. However, mercury at certain levels is toxic to the developing central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), so its potential health risk is especially high to those who are in the early stages of brain development. In 2001, the FDA, concerned about mercury levels adversely affecting the brain development of unborn babies, issued the following recommendations to a specific portion of the population. This vulnerable group of people includes women of childbearing age, pregnant and/or nursing women, and children younger than 8 years of age. Excess mercury may cause damage to the young developing brain and nervous system (24). As a result, the following FDA recommendations were issued in 2001: • Pregnant women, and those wishing to become pregnant, should not eat four types of fish—shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish—because they could contain dangerous levels of mercury (Figure 8-5). • Pregnant women can safely eat up to 12 ounces of any other cooked fish a week—from canned tuna to shellfish to smaller ocean fish. • Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in local lakes, rivers, and coastal areas. Put into perspective, 12 ounces of cooked fish is equivalent to four 3-ounce servings (each the size of a deck of cards) or two 6-ounce servings. Fish low in mercury include, but are not
Omega-3 fatty acids The polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
172 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
FDA fish intake recommendation for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under age 8.
Do not eat Fish most likely to contain mercury: Shark Swordfish King Mackerel Tilefish
King Mackerel
person. Purchases of 1 ⁄2 pound for each person will be required when buying dressed fish, and 3 ⁄4 pound per serving for whole or drawn fish. Caviar Caviar, which has a mystique surrounding it as a food of the very rich, is really just fish eggs. Its official definition varies according to the country in which it is sold. In the United States and many other countries, caviar is the clean, salted fish eggs of any fish species. The label is required to list the particular type of fish serving as the caviar source. In Europe, caviar is more narrowly defined by law as only the eggs of the Caspian Sea sturgeon. The most expensive, largest-grained caviar comes from the beluga sturgeon. These fish can live for over 70 years and may grow to a length of 25 feet (14). Like chicken eggs, roe is very high in cholesterol—about 94 mg per tablespoon. It is also high in salt, but the best caviar is malassol, which in Russian means “little salt.” To protect the taste of caviar, it is served with a bone or shell spoon, because metal imparts an off-flavor. It is sometimes served on a neutral-tasting bread that has been toasted on one side, with the caviar being gently placed on the untoasted side.
Canned Fish Tilefish
limited to, light canned tuna (slightly controversial), salmon, shrimp, catfish, tilapia, pollack, clams, sardines, fish sticks, and fish sandwiches. The few exceptions are canned albacore (white) tuna, which is slightly higher in mercury so it is recommended to limit albacore tuna to 6 ounces a week. Fresh tuna and marlin are also borderline in mercury content, so their intake should be limited to 6 ounces a week as well. How Much Fish to Buy Part of selecting finfish is knowing how much to buy. A few general guidelines exist. About 1 ⁄3 pound of steaks, fi llets, or sticks make an appropriate portion per
About half of all fish consumed in the United States is canned. Tuna accounts for 76 percent of canned fish consumption; salmon comes in second at 9 percent, followed by sardines, shrimp, and crab (16). Canning alleviates the problem of the rapid perishability of fish. Tuna Six species of tuna are canned and sold in the United States: yellowfish, skipjack, bluefi n, Oriental tuna, little tuna, and albacore. Canned tuna labeled “white” comes from albacore and is the most expensive. All other tuna is labeled “light meat tuna,” although some of it can be quite dark. Canned tuna comes in three different styles: fancy or solid pack (a fi llet or whole piece), chunk (large pieces), and flake (fine pieces or grated). Solid pack has the best appearance and is also the most expensive. Tuna may be canned in either water or oil, so buyers should examine labels for nutrition information. The total calories (kcal) can vary
drastically, depending on the canning medium. Each tablespoon of vegetable oil added to a can of tuna contains about 100 calories (kcal) and 15 grams of fat. Salmon Chinook (king) salmon is the most expensive of the canned salmons. In the less expensive ranges are sockeye (red salmon), coho (medium red), pink, and chum. Salmon is often packed with the bones, which increases the calcium content, but only if consumed. Sardines Sardines are always packed with their bones unless otherwise noted on the label. They come packed in tomato or mustard sauce or in oil. It is even possible to find them on the shelves packed in jalapeño sauce or plain water.
Cured Fish Fish may be cured by drying, salting, or smoking. Curing is one of the oldest ways of preserving fish. Although distinctive tastes and prolonged keeping times are achieved using any of the curing techniques, curing can also harden the outer surfaces. Smoked salmon, smoked haddock (fi nnan haddie), pickled herring, and smoked herring, also known as kippered herring, are some of the more familiar forms of cured fish. Caviar, discussed above, also belongs in the cured category, because it is preserved by salting (Table 8-5). Anchovies Anchovies are tiny, bony fish that have been cured with salt. They come to the market either saltpacked or oil-packed and in cans as whole fish, fi llets, or anchovy paste. Because of their strong flavor, anchovies are usually used as a garnish or in salad dressings and sauces rather than as a food in themselves. The saltpacked anchovies must first be rinsed, but their flavor tends to be superior to the oil-packed variety.
Fabricated Fish In an attempt to counter the twin problems of the expense and perishability of fish, several fish products, including fish sticks, nuggets, and simulated fi llets, have been developed using fabricated fish. Fabricated fish products make use of the less popular species. The fish are mechanically deboned, recovering 60 to 90 percent of the edible
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
TA B L E 8 -5
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 8-1
Preserved Fish/Roe
Tiny, very fatty fish with a powerful flavor, which are cured by having most of their fat content removed by pressure and fermentation.
Arbroath smokies
Haddocks or whiting that are brined.
Bismark herring
German herrings from the Baltic filleted and marinated in vinegar with onion rings for 2–3 days.
First developed at Yarmouth, England, in 1835, bloaters owe their special flavor to the activity of gut enzymes. They are dry-salted and smoked.
Block fillets
Haddock or whiting are brined, dyed to make them a bright yellow, then smoked.
Bombay duck
A well-known Indian condiment made from dried bummaloe. It is used as a condiment with curries.
Glasgow pales
So-called because after brining they are lightly smoked and undyed.
A Japanese fried fish that can also be smoked.
The reconstituted unsalted cod from Norway known as stockfish or stockfisk.
Good-quality fresh herring, soaked in brine and then smoked.
Matjes herrings
Young Netherlands herring caught in the spring, before they become too fatty.
Japanese dried fish fillets and abalone.
Roes and caviars
Roe is fish eggs. In the United States and many other countries, caviar is defined as the salted roe of any fish species. In Europe, caviar is defined as only the roe from sturgeons (beluga, osetra, and sevruga) originating in the Caspian Sea.
Surimi’s “springy” texture is derived in part from gums that are added to help form gels. Another influence is washing, which leaves behind the water-insoluble (myofibrillar) protein that gives surimi its elasticity and gel-forming capacity. Sugars such as sucrose and sorbitol are added as cryoprotectants to protect the myofibrillar proteins from denaturating during freezing (39). Starch granules make the surimi more compact by swelling with water around the protein matrix and filling in the interstitial spaces (41, 42). Improved gel strength is obtained by adding egg whites, which inhibit endogenous protease activity in fish flesh (33). Salt is then added to the surimi to solubulize its protein and produce a firm, elastic gel, and again later during freezing for stabilization (7, 21).
Herring fillets packed in spiced brine.
Fish, cooked either by frying in peanut oil or steam cooking.
Smoked eels
Brined, dry-salted, and smoked.
Smoked salmon
Dry-salted with fine salt and smoked. Some curers add brown sugar, saltpeter, and rum.
Smoked sprats
The most famous are the Kieler Sprotten—brined sprats from Germany.
Smoked trout
Rainbow and brown trout are brined, speared on rods, smoked, then hot-smoked.
meat, and the flesh is then ground, seasoned, shaped, and breaded (19). These products are commonly frozen for sale to the consumer. The very high cost of genuine crabmeat has led to the introduction in this country of surimi, which has been used for centuries in Japan. Over 900 years ago, a Japanese fisherman discovered that fish would last much longer if it were minced, washed, mixed with salt and spices, ground into a paste, and then cooked (39). Today the deboned and minced fish is treated to produce a pure-white product with a somewhat elastic chewy texture that “sets” when the mixture forms a translucent, elastic, moist gel (12) (Chemist’s Corner 8-1). Adding starch contributes
to gelling. Adding starch or egg whites enhances binding, texture, and flavoring. Flavors such as salt and sugar are added directly. Red coloring is often added to impart the appearance of cooked crab legs. Surimi at this stage cannot be consumed until it is cooked, and it is the method of cooking that determines the type of food produced (Figure 8-6). North Americans are most familiar with kamaboko, surimi that has been steamed and shaped into pieces resembling crab, shrimp, or scallops (25, 39). Although the taste may be very similar to crab, the nutritional values are not. The resultant product usually has 75 percent less cholesterol than the original shellfish, but very little, if any, of
the omega-3 fatty acids, and it usually has more sodium because of the added salt. Food Additives in Fish Preservatives are often added to fabricated fish products to maintain their shelf life. One such preservative is phosphate, often added because it increases waterbinding capacity and contributes to a greater freezing stability (34).
Fish Roe Fish roe consists of the eggs of vertebrate fish held together by a thin membranous sac. It is available only from female fish during the spawning season and is highly perishable.
Surimi Japanese for “minced meat,” a fabricated fish product usually made from Alaskan pollack, a deepsea whitefish, which is skinned, deboned, minced, washed, strained, and shaped into pieces to resemble crab, shrimp, or scallops.
174 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
Surimi products. Kamaboko (Imitation Crab Meat, Shrimp, and Scallops Hanpen Naruto
SURIMI (Raw or Frozen)
Freshwater roe is often breaded and fried, but the surrounding sac must be pierced first or it may explode during frying, causing severe burns. A major drawback to fresh fish roe is that it stays fresh for only a day or two at the most; it is usually preserved in a brine solution, which imparts a salty flavor, firms the roe, and extends its usable time. The roe sold in the unrefrigerated section of the supermarket has been pasteurized to extend its shelf life. Fish such as shad and herring from North Atlantic waters are popular roe sources, as are Pacific salmon and whitefish from the Great Lakes. Other roe sources include cod, carp, pike-perch, and gray mullet (Table 8-6) (14).
Selection of Shellfish The purchaser of shellfish is faced with several different forms from which to choose. The first decision is whether to buy them alive or processed.
Purchasing Live Shellfish Lobsters, crabs, oysters, and clams all may be purchased alive and in their shells. Shellfish are highly perishable, and to maintain their quality, must be kept alive until they are cooked, or, in the case of oysters, occasionally consumed raw. Selecting Live Mollusks In contrast to crustaceans, which are normally active creatures and easy to tell whether or not they are alive, determining the state of mollusks in their closed shells
Grinding with Salt and Ingredients
TA B L E 8 - 6
Tempura Satsuma-age
Fish Sausage Fish Ham
Sources of Caviar and Roe
Sturgeon Beluga Sturgeon
The beluga, the largest of the Caspian Sea sturgeon, produces the rarest and most expensive caviar. Beluga eggs are large and gray.
Osetra Sturgeon
Osetra caviar are more available than beluga. The medium-size eggs are gray-brown and have a nutty, meaty taste.
Sevruga Sturgeon
The smallest of the Caspian Sea sturgeon, the sevruga eggs are small and gray, have a stronger, fishier taste than the other Caspian Sea caviars. Sevruga caviar is particularly popular in Russia and Europe.
Other Roe-Producing Fish Lumpfish
The lumpfish, caught off Iceland, produces small, colorful (black, red, or yellow) eggs that are popular as a garnish.
The large, pinkish eggs of the salmon, from the Pacific Northwest, are also frequently used as a garnish.
The North American Whitefish produces small, golden eggs with a distinct crunch and mild flavor.
American Paddlefish
This denizen of the Mississippi River and its tributaries produces roe that looks like sevruga caviar. The small, gray eggs have a tangy flavor.
poses more of a puzzle. Tapping on the shell should cause it to close more tightly; the rule in most cases is that if the shell remains open, the mollusk is dead and should be discarded. The exceptions to this rule are mussels, which ordinarily gape, and longneck (steamer or soft-shell) clams, which normally have a gap in the shells where the “neck” protrudes. Any shells that are broken, have a decaying odor, or float should be discarded. The “R-Month Rule” An old rule of thumb held that shellfish should be eaten only during the months with the
letter r in their names, because bacterial illnesses are more common in the warmer months of May through August. This is still a valid guideline, although modern methods of harvesting and storage provide a safer supply of shellfish year round.
Purchasing Processed Shellfish Shellfish can also be bought cooked in the shell and chilled or frozen. Alternatively, the meat can be removed from the shell and sold fresh, chilled, frozen, canned, salted, smoked, or dried. Shellfish can be sold headless and in their
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
F I G U R E 8 -7
Steps to shucking oysters.
1. Hold oyster, flatter shell up, with a folded towel, and place the tip of the knife near the hinge at the pointed end.
shell, as in the case of shrimp or lobster tail, or they may be shucked, or removed from the shell, with a special knife. Shucking Shellfish Shucked shrimp, scallops, oysters, and clams are often breaded and frozen. Shrimp may also be sold with the intestinal tract removed, a form known as “peeled and deveined.” Shucking bivalves such as clams and oysters is a somewhat dangerous process (Figure 8-7). The hand holding the bivalve should be protected with a towel or a metal-mesh glove. The hinge is severed as the shells are pried apart, and the empty half of the shell is discarded; the muscle attachment to the other shell is spliced so the meat can be removed. An average worker can shuck almost 7 pounds in an hour, but automated shucking speeds up the process.
Oysters Oysters can be bought live in the shell, or shucked and then chilled, frozen, or canned. Live oysters should have tightly closed shells. Any gap between the shells means the oyster is dead and should be discarded. Select shucked oysters that are plump and full-bodied; about 1 cup is equal to one serving. If the oysters are in their shell, buy half a dozen per person. Three varieties of oyster are commonly available in the United States: eastern oysters from the Atlantic coast, and Olympia (small) and Japanese (large) oysters from the Pacific coast. Oysters in the shell and well refrigerated have a longer shelf life than other mollusks because their
2. Move the tip of the knife around to the front side. Pry and push the tip to bore into the shell until it pops open.
shells remain very tightly closed, whereas other shellfish have a tendency to gape, making them more susceptible to drying out and dying.
Clams Clams can be bought in the same forms as oysters, and, as with oysters, their shells should be closed tightly and there should be no decaying odor. About six to eight shelled clams are required per serving. A variety of clams can be purchased. Clams may be softshell or hard-shell. Soft-shell clams are not soft, but their shells are thin and brittle. Their neck (often called a foot) sometimes sticks out like a long soft hose to siphon and release ocean water. Soft-shell clams are also known as longnecks or pissers because of this long tube. Soft-shell clams do not completely close so they are very susceptible to drying out and dying. A limp neck hanging out of the shell signals that the clam is dead and should be discarded (13). Soft-shell clams should be consumed within a day of purchase. They should never be eaten raw, which is why they are sometimes called steamers or fryers. Even if cooked, they are often more sandy or gritty than hardshell clams because of their partially opened shell. As a result, they are often soaked in cold salted water in an attempt to eliminate the sand, and then served with the broth they were cooked in to rinse off any remaining grit. The meat of hard-shell clams is less tender than that of soft-shell clams. East Coast hard-shell clams include
cherrystones, which are the most common variety; littlenecks, which are the smallest and most tender; and chowders or quahogs (kwah-hahg), which are the largest. The larger the clam muscle is, the tougher the meat will be, so they are often chopped up and used in clam chowder or stews. West coast varieties include razor and pismo clams.
Scallops In North America, the only part of the scallop that is eaten is the creamy white or tan-colored abductor muscle responsible for opening and closing the shell to move it through the water. Scallops cannot close their shell tightly when taken from the water, so they are usually shucked and then sold fresh, frozen, or canned. This sweet-tasting mollusk varies in diameter from 1 ⁄2 to 2 inches, and about 1 ⁄4 to 1 ⁄3 pound is an adequate portion for one person. The three main varieties of scallops available are bay scallops, which are small, sweet, and delicate; sea scallops, which are larger and not as delicate; and calico scallops, the least expensive and tiniest of all and the blandest in flavor. Calico scallops are often sold cooked or frozen.
Mussels The black or dark-blue colored shells of common mussels should be scrubbed free of barnacles, but the “beards” or black threads used to attach the shells to solid foundations in the ocean should not be pulled out until the mus-
176 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
Mussels are often steamed open and served in the halfshell.
Northern lobster (left), spiny or rock lobster (right).
Lois Frank
sels are ready to be cooked, because removing them kills the mussel (13). Mussels are heated in their shells after being purchased live (Figure 8-8), or they are shucked and packed in brine. Extremely hollow or heavy-feeling mussels should be discarded, because they are either dead or filled with sand. Also available are the larger, greenlipped New Zealand mussels whose size makes them ideal for stuffing and baking.
Abalone Abalone is expensive because the supply is limited (13). These large mollusks are found mostly in the waters off California and northern Mexico. Unlike the other mollusks discussed, abalone have only one shell. Most of the animal consists of a massive, muscular foot. Only abalone with meat weighing at least 1 ⁄4 pound may be legally harvested; some extremely large abalone yield as much as 3 pounds. The strict regulations governing the harvesting of wild abalone have led to farm-raised abalone, which are largely harvested in California and Hawaii (29).
Lobsters Lobsters are the largest of the crustaceans. They are mainly purchased as Northern (or Maine) lobster, or spiny or rock lobster varieties (Figure 8-9). Gourmet cooks prefer the female lobster for its finer flavor and because it contains “coral,” or lobster roe, which
is considered a delicacy. When cooked, the roe turns from dark green to red and is often used to color a sauce or served alone as a garnish. Another delicacy, found in both male and female lobsters, is the pale green liver, known as tomalley. The majority of the meat from a lobster is in the tail, but there is also some in the claws of the Maine lobster. Lobsters are right-handed or left-handed, as indicated by which claw is the larger, and although the larger claw has more meat, that from the smaller claw is sweeter and more tender. Northern lobsters with one or both claws missing are sometimes sold as “culls.” They are less expensive and are attractive to the buyer interested only in the tail meat. Unless they are canned or frozen, lobsters must remain alive until cooked, at which point their natural dark bluegray or greenish color turns deep orange or red.
Shrimp The tail harbors most of the meat in shrimp. They are sold, headless, in either the raw shell-on (green shrimp), cooked shell-on, or cooked and peeled form. All three forms come both fresh and frozen, but the majority of shrimp are frozen. Peeling and Cleaning Shrimp When shrimp are bought in their shells, they must first be peeled. Medium or large shrimp are then deveined, which in-
volves removing the dark-colored “sand vein” that runs along the shrimp’s back (Figure 8-10). The “sand vein” is usually left in small shrimp, where it is undetectable.
HOW & WHY? Why must the sand vein in large shrimp be removed? The sand vein is actually the shrimp’s intestines. In larger shrimp, it contributes a gritty, muddy taste if it is not removed.
After cleaning, the shrimp are dried by pressing them between paper towels to absorb as much moisture as possible. Before they are cooked, shrimp are somewhat grayish green, but they turn dark pink to borderline red when heated. How Much Shrimp to Buy Shrimp are available in small, medium, large medium, large, and jumbo sizes, but these descriptions are not official nor are they used consistently by shrimp sellers (13). As a result, shrimp is purchased by “count per pound.” The smaller the shrimp are, the higher the count per pound will be (Figure 8-11). For example, the number 51/60 on a shrimp package means that there are 51 to 60 individual shrimp in one pound. Seeing 21/25 on the label explains that the shrimp in that designation
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
Peeling and deveining shrimp.
Mark Ferri
F I G U R E 8 -1 0
To peel a shrimp, hold it upside down by the tail and remove the legs and shell by clasping all the legs and peeling to the left or right. The last tail segment is usually left on for easy handling and/or appearance.
F I G U R E 8 -11
Devein by slitting the shrimp down its back. A shallow cut is sufficient to remove the vein, whereas a deeper one is used to butterfly the shrimp.
Complete the deveining by lifting out the intestine (black vein) with the tip of a paring knife or by washing the shrimp’s back under cold, running water.
averages 1 ⁄3 to 1 ⁄2 pound for headless, unpeeled shrimp, or 1 ⁄4 to 1 ⁄3 pound for peeled and deveined shrimp.
Shrimp size described by “count per pound.”
Canned Shrimp Glass-like beads are sometimes found in canned shrimp, but they are completely harmless. They are formed during canning, specifically under the high heats of sterilization. Called struvite crystals, they consist of magnesium-ammonium phosphate compounds that form when the magnesium from seawater combines with the ammonia that is produced during heating of the shellfish’s natural protein. Phosphate treatment prevents struvite crystal formation due to the phosphates binding with the magnesium. Struvite crystals can be crushed to a powder by a fingernail or dissolved by boiling for a few minutes in the weak acid of lemon juice or vinegar.
51/60 count 31/40 count
Richard Brewer
21/25 count
are larger because there are 21 to 25 shrimp for the same weight of 1 pound. A U/15 or U/10A means “under 15” or “under 10” shrimp per pound. These would be the largest shrimp available. It is incorrect, but a common practice, to identify the largest jumbo-size shrimp as prawns. True prawns have
lobster-like pincer claws and are otherwise different from shrimp. Another shrimp-related North American misnomer is the use of the word scampi for describing large broiled shrimp seasoned with butter and garlic. Another general description important to shrimp purchasing is that serving size
Prawn A large crustacean that resembles shrimp but is biologically different. Large shrimp are often called by this name. Scampi A crustacean found in Italy and not generally available in North America. The term is often used incorrectly to describe a popular shrimp dish.
178 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
Crab The majority of meat in a crab is found in its claws and legs. The four top commercially harvested crabs are the blue crab from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, stone crabs from Florida, Dungeness crabs from the Pacific coast, and, most expensive, king crabs from the northern Pacific waters. Soft-shelled blue crabs are considered a delicacy, particularly on the East Coast. These crabs are caught while molting, a process during which they shed their shell and have a soft exterior until the new surface is completely hardened. The process may take several days, during which time the crab is more vulnerable to predators, especially two-legged ones such as birds and humans. Canned Crab Canned crab may have a blue tint. This is caused by copper in the crab’s blood combining with the ammonia in its flesh. Although the color may appear unappetizing, it is completely harmless.
Crayfish Referred to as either crayfish, crawdads, or crawfish, these small crustaceans average 4 ounces in weight. Crayfish are similar in appearance to lobsters but smaller, and their first pair of walking legs do not develop into huge, fleshrich claws. Only their tails serve as a source of meat. They are found mainly as a food source in freshwater streams and ponds of the southeastern United States, especially Louisiana. Crayfish are sold both head-on and tails only, fresh and frozen.
PREPARATION OF FISH AND SHELLFISH In the preparation of seafood, great care must be taken not to overcook it; cooking too long or at too high heat is the most common mistake when preparing fish or shellfish. It results in excessive flakiness, dryness, and flavor loss in fish and toughness in shellfish. For shellfish, however, the “well done rule” should always be observed, especially when microwaving, because of the increased chance of their car-
rying foodborne illness. Shellfish are often simmered or steamed; the results with dry heat are harder to guarantee, because the meat may dry out and toughen. Nevertheless, with precautions such as breading taken against drying, shrimp, lobster tails, and halfshelled oysters and clams are fairly commonly baked, broiled, or fried (see the color insert). Both temperature and time need to be carefully controlled in either dry- or moist-heat preparation of seafood. The following discussion refers to the preparation of finfish unless shellfish is specifically mentioned.
F I G U R E 8 -12
Saucing a fish.
Napping or masking
Dry-Heat Preparation Baking Fish to be baked should be rinsed, patted dry with paper towels, and placed in a shallow pan. Season as desired, and place in a moderate oven (350F to 400F/180C to 200C). Baking time will vary depending on the shape and thickness of the fish, but a general rule of thumb is to bake up to 10 minutes per inch of thickness measured at the thickest diameter of the fish. Basting with butter or covering the fish with vegetables cuts down on moisture loss. Some prefer to prepare whole or drawn fish with the head and tail left on to help keep juices inside. Additional flavor can be added by fi lling the cavity with herbs and spices. Leaving the skin on whole or drawn fish seals in the moisture and flavor. Moisture loss may also be prevented by wrapping the fish in foil, parchment paper, grape leaves, or leafy greens. These techniques of enclosing the fish technically result in a moist-heat cooking method because the fish steams in its own juices. The flavor, moisture, color, and texture of baked fish are often enhanced by the addition of sauces (Figure 8-12). Determining Doneness of Fresh Fish Fish is done when it flakes easily with the gentle pressure of a fork without falling apart. The opaque look of fish that has been properly prepared is caused by denatured proteins that unwind and hook together with other proteins so that water can attach, resulting in a whitish hue. The presence of this “white” mesh results in a moist and tender flesh. Heating much beyond this stage tightens the protein bonds,
Pooling underneath Source: Mizer et al., Food Preparation for the Professional (John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
shrinks the protein mesh, and squeezes out the water, resulting in a tough, dry, unappetizing fish flesh (10). Other signs of doneness include any bone being no longer pink and/or the flesh becoming firm, turning from translucent to opaque, and/or separating from the bone. Baking Shellfish Shellfish are often prepared by baking; examples include lobster thermidor, baked soft-shell clams, and oysters Rockefeller. In lobster thermidor, the lobster is split in half and baked. The meat is then extracted and mixed with a seasoned béchamel sauce before being put back in the lobster shell and baked again until golden brown and heated through. If soft-shell clams are to be baked in the oven, they are placed in a pan layered with rock salt and baked at 425F (218C) for about 15 minutes or until the shells open. Oysters Rockefeller is made by pouring a spinach mixture over half-shell oysters in a pan layered
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
with rock salt. They are baked at 475F (246C) for about 10 minutes and then browned briefly under the broiler.
Broiling Dressed or fi lleted finfish or fish steaks are best broiled at 5 inches or less below the heat source. Lean fish should be coated with melted butter, margarine, or oil, but this step can be omitted with most fatty fish. Season the fish as desired, and place it skin-side down on a pan that has been greased to avoid sticking and broil it on one side until tender. Lobsters and large shrimp can also be broiled. Whole lobsters need to be killed and split before broiling, whereas lobster tails can be broiled whole.
Grilling Fish can be grilled on an outside grill or in the oven. Grilling is not recommended for delicate fish such as sole, because they may stick to the grill and fall apart easily. Fatty, firm-fleshed fish such as salmon, bluefish, and mackerel that have been drawn or cut into steaks are well suited for grilling. Also, larger shrimp may be put on skewers like kabobs and grilled. A fat coating such as oil or even mayonnaise can be applied to the fish to prevent it from sticking to the grill. The grill itself should be scraped of any residue and lightly oiled to prevent sticking. Steaks are seasoned as desired, and cooked on both sides if thick, but on only one side for thin steaks or fi llets. The fish should be about 4 inches from the heat source. When the fish flakes easily, serve it immediately. Drawn fish can be checked for doneness by slipping the tip of a paring knife into the back of the fish and pulling away. It is done if it clings briefly before giving way, but is overdone and dry if cooked to the “flakes easily” stage.
Frying Lean fish less than 1 ⁄2 inch thick, shrimp, and scallops will sauté nicely in a small amount of butter and/or oil. The fish is seasoned as desired and sautéed over medium heat until it is cooked about three-quarters of the way through, at which time it is turned gently with a spatula and heated until the flesh flakes easily. Shellfish are best
sautéed on high heat for a short time. Shrimp and scallops are ideal for this type of preparation. When done, scallops will be firm and look opaque, and shrimp will be opaque and pink.
F I G U R E 8 -1 3
Sautéed Fish Variations Sautéed fish may be prepared à la meunière (a-lahmuhn-YAIR). The dish can be served amandine (with almonds), Florentine (with spinach), or à la belle (with mushrooms). A variation of this method, but using more fat, is used to prepare trout and other small fish. They are seasoned, breaded or dipped in cornmeal or flour, and pan-fried until they are golden brown on both sides. Breading mild fish such as tilapia adds more body and flavor (27). Deep-Fried Fish Deep-frying is a popular method for preparing battered or breaded lean fish and shellfish (shrimp, scallops, clams, and oysters). Whole small fish, shellfish (which must first be shelled), fish fi llets, or steaks are dipped in batter or seasoned breading mix before being deep-fried in oil until golden brown. The oil is heated to 350F (180C) for large fish and about 180F (82C) for small seafood such as fish strips, oysters, or clams (29). Fish is always fried alone because it imparts a fishy taste to the oil, which would be picked up by other foods fried in the same oil. Lean fish are preferred because unpleasant oily tastes often occur in fatty fish that are deep-fried.
Moist-Heat Preparation Poaching Fish is a delicate food suitable for poaching. The lower water temperature of 160F to 180F (71C to 82C), which keeps bubbles small and clinging to the sides of the pan, protects the delicate flesh of fish. If a whole, drawn, or dressed fish is being poached, it can be wrapped in cheesecloth to hold it together. The liquid may be a court bouillon or a fumet. Although fatty fish such as salmon can be poached, best suited for this method are white, lean fish such as cod, pike, haddock, flounder, sole, whiting, red snapper, halibut, and bass. Sole fi llets are thin enough to make paupiettes, or rolled fi llets (Figure 8-13). When poaching fish, the water should never be allowed to boil. Boil-
Rolled fish fillet (paupiette): Thin fillets (usually sole) are rolled with the skin side inside so the flesh cooks on the outside.
Source: Mizer et al., Food Preparation for the Professional (John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
ing causes flavor loss and toughens the fish, whereas low temperatures retain maximum flavor and moisture. A well-seasoned poaching liquid is also important. Seasonings and/or chopped vegetables such as tomatoes or shallots add flavor, texture, and color. The poaching liquid is often reduced and sometimes thickened for use as a sauce. The fish is placed in the middle of a baking or frying pan and cooking liquid is added until it covers up to an eighth to a quarter of the fish’s thickness. Some recipes call for covering the entire fish in liquid, but too much liquid may dilute delicate flavors. On the other hand, too little liquid will evapo-
À la meunière Fish seasoned, lightly floured, and sautéed in clarified butter or oil and served with a sauce made with butter and parsley. Court bouillon Seasoned stock containing white wine and/or vinegar. Fumet A flavorful fish stock made with white wine.
180 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
rate and cause the fish to dry out during cooking. Fish fi llets can be poached in an oven set at 350F (180C) or in a pan on top of a range set at poaching temperatures. The pan can be covered to trap more heat and moisture and to prevent volatile flavor compounds from escaping. This technique, when using only a small amount of liquid, is more akin to steaming, another moist-heat method.
Simmering Simmering uses slightly higher temperatures than poaching does—180F (82C) to just under boiling, where gentle bubbles rise but barely break the surface. This method is most often used to cook shrimp, even though the expression “boiled shrimp” is commonly used for the outcome of this process. Shrimp are often simmered and then chilled, shelled, and deveined for shrimp cocktail. Lobster, crab, and crayfish may also be simmered. The live lobster, crab, or crayfish is killed by inserting it headfirst into boiling water that has been salted with 2 teaspoons per quart. Prior to placing crayfish in the water, the middle tail fin must be grabbed, twisted, and pulled to remove the stomach and intestinal vein. Lobsters will curl their tails when first dropped into the water, which may cause toughening. This is prevented by killing the lobster with the point of a sharp knife inserted directly between the head and the shell. A more expensive technique involves submerging the crustacean in a container of beer or wine, which inebriates it and causes it to relax. Once the shellfish is submerged, the water is brought back to a boil and then immediately reduced to a simmer. Heating time averages 5 minutes per pound for a lobster; a whole crayfish takes less than 7 minutes. When done, the crustacean is immediately removed from the water to prevent further cooking, drained well, and served at once with clarified butter and lemon (Chemist’s Corner 8-2). Lobsters are often split in half at restaurants for the diners’ convenience.
Steaming Fish can be steamed in the oven if it is tightly covered in a baking dish, aluminum foil, or parchment paper, or in
a pan on top of the range. When fish is wrapped with parchment paper, along with seasonings and aromatic vegetables if desired, and cooked in the oven, this is known as cooking en papillote. When the fish is done, the parchment envelope puffs up, turns brown, and provides a dramatic presentation. Each person may then be served a portion still wrapped in its own paper package, making for a novel dining experience. Fish may also be cooked in foil envelopes, although these are generally removed before the fish is served at the table. Regardless of the way it is accomplished, steaming heats the fish in its own juices, which locks in the flavor and aroma. Steaming Shellfish Steaming can also be used to prepare lobster tails, clams, and mussels. Frozen lobster tails are thawed and “saddlebacked,” which involves splitting the tail by cutting through the hard top shell and pulling the meat out so it lies on top (Figure 8-14). The tail is then seasoned and steamed shell-down in a covered pan for a few minutes. Clams and mussels are steamed by placing them in a covered pot with a small amount of liquid on the bottom. Steaming clams or mussels just until the shells open does not kill microorganisms, so it is important to steam them for about 5 minutes or to a temperature of 145F (63C). Pressure steaming is not recommended because it tends to toughen both fish and shellfish. Clambakes Are Underground Steamings At a clambake, clams are actually steamed rather than baked. A hole a foot deep and 3 feet wide is dug into
F I G U R E 8 -1 4
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 8-2 Lemon Juice and Fish Odor The characteristic smell of fish odor is primarily from trimethylamine, a component of certain phospholipids located in the fat of the fish. Freshly caught fish do not smell until they degenerate. Contributing to decay are bacteria and enzymes that split the trimethylamine from the phospholipid and release it into a form that has a “fishy” odor. Adding acid, such as lemon juice, over cooked fish reduces this odor by converting the unpleasant-smelling liquid trimethylamine into an odorless solid. One way to determine the degree of bacterial deterioration of fish is to measure the amount of trimethylamine (30).
the sand and lined with smooth, round rocks. This serves as the base of a fire that will be kept going for 2 or 3 hours after the rocks and/or embers have been heated hot enough. The embers are raked over the rocks and removed, and soaked seaweed is placed over the rocks to a depth of about 6 inches. Chicken-wire mesh is laid over that to serve as a platform for a layer of hardshell clams, which are then covered with sweet potatoes, followed by broiler chickens cut into quarters, partially husked corn, and then a layer of softshell clams. The whole pile is splashed with a bucket of seawater, covered with a wet tarp, and allowed to “bake,” or rather steam, for about an hour. Done-
How to saddleback a lobster tail.
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
ness of the clams is tested by checking to see if their shells have opened. The chickens take longer and thus need to be tested for doneness separately.
Microwaving Almost any form of fish can be microwaved. If it is commercially frozen, the defrosting instructions on the package should be followed. In general, instructions call for arranging fish fi llets or steaks or small fish in a single layer, with thicker portions toward the outside of a microwave-safe dish. Desired seasonings and dots of butter are added before covering with plastic wrap to trap the moisture. Poaching can also be done in the microwave oven.
STORAGE OF FISH AND SHELLFISH Fish can be purchased fresh, frozen, canned, or cured. Each style has its own storage requirements (see the back inside cover of this book), but it is important to stress once again that all fresh fish and shellfish are highly perishable and require that precautions be taken to ensure freshness. Although proper preparation helps to destroy microorganisms that occur naturally or are introduced during handling, fish, and especially shellfish, must be stored properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Raw Fish The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns about the hazards of eating raw fish or shellfish. This is particularly true for pregnant or nursing women, the very young, the elderly, and anyone with a serious illness or compromised immune system. Not only bacteria and viruses, but parasites as well may pose a problem. Mollusks are particularly prone to carrying contaminants, because they are fi lter feeders whose usual habitat is in shallow waters, which are more likely to be subject to bacterial, viral, and chemical pollution. Consuming, or even shucking, raw oysters is a potential concern because they may carry Vibrio vulnificus, V. cholera, V. parahaemolyticus, Norwalk virus, or hepatitis A (38).
Sashimi and Ceviche Sashimi (raw fish) used in sushi (a rice item), as well as ceviche, should be carefully checked by trained cooks for anisakiasis parasites, which are the width and color of white thread. Ceviche is raw fish that has been prepared by an acid marination, lemon or lime juice based, that denatures the proteins and turns the flesh white. This type of preparation does not involve heating, and thus the fish should still be considered “raw” and treated accordingly. Only heating to 145F (63C) for at least one minute or freezing the fish in a commercial freezer to 210F (14C) for 7 days ensures destruction of anisakiasis parasites.
Fresh Finfish Fresh fish are best consumed within a day or two of purchase. Fish do not store well for longer periods because the flesh is much more perishable than animal tissue for several reasons. One of these is that all raw seafood carries some bacteria, which multiply rapidly above 40F (4C).
Refrigerated Fish should be stored in the coldest portion of the refrigerator. It should also be tightly wrapped to prevent odors from coming in contact with other foods (40). Fish bought wrapped in butcher paper should be rewrapped in plastic wrap and then in aluminum foil, but prepackaged fish and shellfish can be left in the original package in which they were purchased. Any exposure to oxygen increases perishability, because the high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish can be oxidized into compounds that affect odor and taste (1).
Spoilage Factors Other factors that can contribute to spoilage are proteolytic enzymes, natural toxins, and contaminants. Proteolytic enzymes break down muscle proteins and provide amino acids for bacterial growth (2). Bacterial enzymes can also break down proteins to amino acids and elevate the levels of histamine, a toxin. Excessive consumption
of histamine leads to a foodborne illness known as scombroid fish poisoning or scombrotoxism (discussed more fully in Chapter 3). Excessive histamine may accumulate in tuna, tuna-like fish, mahimahi, bluefish, and other species that usually have not been chilled immediately after being caught.
Storing Caviar Caviar is particularly sensitive to oxygen and cannot be left out in the air for more than 1 hour. Unopened caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months, but once opened, it should be consumed within 3 days.
Fresh Shellfish It is a good practice to eat fresh shellfish the day they are bought. If they must be kept, the storage requirements are varied and depend on the type of shellfish. Most fresh shellfish may be kept alive in cool, salty, wet environments, preferably in the refrigerator. Storing fresh shellfish on ice may kill them if they become submerged in freshwater from the melting ice. Live oysters, clams, and mussels should be well aerated in the refrigerator and not stored in plastic bags or in freshwater, where they will die. Any dead animals, indicated by an open shell or no response when tapped, should be discarded. Crabs, usually sold precooked, should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator and used within a day or two. Once cooked, all crustaceans must be refrigerated at temperatures below 40F (4C) and consumed within 2 days.
Frozen As mentioned in Chapter 27 on food preservation, the frozen-foods industry in North America began with fish because of Clarence Birdseye’s accidental discovery while ice fishing that fish could be frozen prior to consumption. Freezing greatly extends the keeping time of fish that, depending on the type, can be stored in the freezer up to 9 months. It is absolutely necessary, in order to arrest microbial growth, to freeze fish if they are not cleaned (eviscerated) within 24 hours of being caught (4). Once cleaned, the general
182 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
rule is that lean fish keep longer than fatty fish. Freezing lean fish often results in firmer fi llets because of their low water-holding capacity; freezing fatty fish is limited by the deterioration of their fat content (lipid oxidation). Fish should be stored at 0F (218C) or below and never refrozen once thawed. Prepackaged and frozen fish can stay in their original wrappers but should be kept airtight in order to prevent them from drying out. Not all shellfish freeze as well as fresh fish. For example, freezing lobster (whole, cooked) results in tougher meat, off-flavors, and difficulty in removing the meat from the shell (5). On the other hand, cooked shrimp freezes fairly well. Thawing Fish is best thawed by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator one day before preparation; once thawed, it should be cooked immediately. The exceptions are breaded frozen fish, or fish fi llets or steaks weigh-
ing less than 1 ⁄2 pound; these should not be thawed before cooking because they will become mushy. Frozen, raw shellfish can also be prepared from the frozen state, whereas frozen precooked shellfish can be used as is after thawing. Even though it is the most healthful and popular method of preserving fish, freezing tends to cause a reduction in quality, making fish dryer, tougher, less springy, and possibly affecting the flavor (6) (Chemist’s Corner 8-3).
Canned and Cured Canned fish can stay on the shelf for up to 12 months, but any dented, damaged, or bulging cans should be discarded. Unused fish from an opened can should be moved to a covered glass or plastic container and can be stored for up to a week in the refrigerator. Cured fish can be refrigerated, frozen, or canned. Chapter 27 discusses canning and curing in more detail.
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 8-3 Effect of Freezing on Fish Freezing fish decreases its quality because the myofibrillar proteins are disrupted (denatured and/or aggregated) (6, 7, 37). The result is a subsequent loss in the muscle proteins’ functional properties such as protein solubility, gel-forming ability, and water retention. These properties are important to quality. The tougher texture of frozen fish is thought to be due in part to the enzyme trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) demethylase, which breaks down TMAO to dimethylamine and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is believed to be a cross-linking agent that is hypothesized to be responsible for a tougher texture (7). Additives can counteract the negative effect of freezing on the quality of fish. Polymerized phosphates improve the texture of frozen fish by increasing water retention, reducing thaw drip, and decreasing cooking losses. Polyphosphates achieve this effect by increasing the binding of phosphates to meat proteins, breaking down actomyosin to actin and myosin, elevating pH, and improving ionic strength (8).
Fish and Shellfish Chapter 8
P I C TO R I A L S U M M A RY / 8 : Fish and Shellfish
There are over 20,000 known species of edible fish, shellfish, and sea mammals. Of these, approximately 250 species are harvested commercially in the United States, with millions of tons annually being served up for the consumption of humans and domesticated animals.
Fresh H2O
CLASSIFICATION OF FISH AND SHELLFISH Fish can be classified three different ways: • Vertebrate or invertebrate: Vertebrate fish or finfish have fins and internal skeletons; invertebrate fish, or shellfish (mollusks and crustaceans), have external skeletons. • Saltwater or freshwater • Lean or fatty
Salt H2O
Crustacean Crab Crayfish Lobster Shrimp
Clam Mussel Oyster Scallop
Abalone Conch Snail
Octopus Squid
Fish and shellfish are more tender than other flesh foods, and nutritionally, 3 ounces of fish contain fewer calories (kcal) than the same amount of beef, pork, lamb, or poultry. Fish is high in protein and relatively low in fat. Small amounts of carbohydrate may be present in fish in the form of glycogen. The fat in fish is polyunsaturated, and, depending on the fish, high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is also a good source of many B vitamins.
Overcooking is the most common mistake in the preparation of fish, resulting in excessive flakiness, dryness, and flavor loss. Dry heat is the most popular method of preparation, and includes baking, broiling, grilling, and frying. Moist-heat methods include poaching, simmering, steaming and microwaving. Fish cook quickly and are done when the flesh turns from a translucent to opaque color, is firm to the touch, separates from the bone (if present), the bone is no longer pink, and the flesh is moist and flakes easily at the segments without falling apart.
PURCHASING FISH AND SHELLFISH Inspection of fish is voluntary and is based on the wholesomeness of the fish and the processing plant. Only inspected fish products can be graded U.S. Grade A, U.S. Grade B, and substandard. Grades for shellfish such as shrimp and oysters are based on size. Fish can be purchased fresh or frozen in a variety of market forms, as well as canned, cured, and fabricated (surimi). Fish roe is also sold. Shellfish can be purchased alive, cooked in their shell, or shucked, to be refrigerated, frozen, or canned.
Whole or round fish
Drawn fish
Dressed or pan-dressed fish
Single fillet
Butterfly fillet
STORAGE OF FISH AND SHELLFISH Fresh fish are best consumed within a day or two. If fish is purchased in butcher paper, it should be rewrapped with plastic wrap and aluminum foil. Prepackaged fish and shellfish can stay in the original package. Fish should be frozen at 0°F (–18C) or below and never refrozen once it is thawed. Breaded fish or fish fillets or steaks weighing less than 1 ⁄ 2 a pound need not be thawed before heating. Most fresh shellfish must be kept alive prior to preparation. Canned fish can stay on the shelf for up to twelve months, but leftovers should be refrigerated in a glass or plastic container and used within three days.
184 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
5. A crustacean: a. scallop b. clam c. oyster d. crab
1. A dressed fish is described as: a. whole fish with entrails removed. b. slicing the fish from top fin to bottom fin. c. the fish body is entirely intact. d. head, tail, fins, scales, and entrails have been removed.
Short Answer/Essay
2. The following fish are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids: a. flounder and grouper b. halibut and haddock c. salmon and mackerel d. puffer and cod 3. Identify the term used to describe the separation of fish flesh into flakes that occurs as the steak or fillet ages. a. roping b. gaping c. stripping d. slicing 4. What is the name of the process used to remove the “sand vein” or intestine from fresh shrimp? a. deveining b. sand veining c. incising d. shelling *See p. 634 for answers to multiple choice questions.
1. Describe the various ways in which fish and shellfish are categorized. 2. Describe the structural factors that make fish flesh so much more tender than beef or poultry. 3. Discuss the factors that affect the pigment of fish flesh. 4. Describe the nutrient content of fish, and explain why fish are said to have a greater nutritional value than other sources of protein. 5. On what qualities is the inspection and grading of finfish based? 6. Describe each of the following ways that vertebrate fish can be purchased: whole, drawn, dressed, steaks, fillets, and sticks. 7. What qualities should one look for when selecting vertebrate fish? 8. Define what caviar is and explain how this definition may vary in different countries. What is surimi, how is it prepared, and how is it used? 9. Define the following: tomalley, prawns, scampi, struvite crystals, and fumet. 10. Describe the basic methods of preparing vertebrate fish through baking, poaching, and steaming.
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21. Konno K, K Yamanodera, and H Kiuchi. Solubilization of fish muscle myosin by sorbitol. Journal of Food Science 62(5):980–984, 1997. 22. Kremer JM, et al. Fish-oil fatty acid supplementation in active rheumatoid arthritis: A double-blind, controlled, crossover study. Annals of Internal Medicine 106(4):497–503, 1987. 23. Krzynowek J, et al. Factors affecting fat, cholesterol, and omega-3 fatty acids in Maine sardines. Journal of Food Science 57(1):63–65, 1992. 24. Levenson CW, and DM Axelrad. Too much of a good thing? Update on fish consumption and mercury exposure. Nutrition Reviews 64(3):139–145, 2006. 25. Ma L, A Grove, and GV BarbosaCanovas. Viscoelastic characterization of surimi gel: Effects of setting and starch. Journal of Food Science 61(6):881–883, 1996. 26. Nettelton JA, and J Exler. Nutrients in wild and farmed fish and shellfish. Journal of Food Science 57(2):257–260, 1992. 27. Pendleton LG. Tilapia, fast flavorful. Fine Cooking 78:60–63, 2006. 28. Pennington JAT, and VL Wilkening. Final regulations for the nutrition labeling of raw fruits, vegetables, and fish. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 97:1299–1305, 1997. 29. Peterson J. Fish and Shellfish. Morrow, 1996. 30. Potter NN, and JH Hotchkiss. Food Science. Chapman & Hall, 1995. 31. Rakosky J. Protein Additives in Food Service Preparation. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989. 32. Rosell CM, and F Toldra. Effect of myoglobin on the muscle lipase system. Journal of Food Biochemistry 20:87–92, 1997. 33. Sareevoravitkul R, BK Simpson, and H Ramaswamy. Effects of crude alpha2 macroglobulin on properties
39. 40.
of bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) gels prepared by high hydrostatic pressure and heat treatment. Journal of Food Biochemistry 20:49–63, 1997. Sathivel S. Chitosan and protein coatings affect yield, moisture loss, and lipid oxidation of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) fi llets during frozen storage. Journal of Food Science 70(8):E455–E459, 2005. Shapiro JA, et al. Diet and rheumatoid arthritis in women: A possible protective effect of fish consumption. Epidemiology 7(3):256–263, 1996. Sigholt T, et al. Handling stress and storage temperature affect meat quality of farmed-raised Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Food Science 62(4):898–905, 1997. Srinivasan S, et al. Physiochemical changes in prawns (Machrobrachium rosenbergii) subjected to multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Journal of Food Science 62(1):123–127, 1997. Tuttle J, S Kellerman, and RV Tauxe. The risks of raw shellfish: What every transplant patient should know. Journal of Transplant Coordination 4:60–63, 1994. Vieira ER. Elementary Food Science. Chapman & Hall, 1996. Wempe JW, and PM Davidson. Bacteriological profi le and shelf life of White Amur (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Journal of Food Science 57(1):66–68, 1992. Yoon WB, JW Park, and BY Kim. Surimi-starch interactions based on mixture design and regression models. Journal of Food Science 62(3):555–560, 1997. Yoon WB, JW Park, and BY Kim. Linear programming in blending various components of surimi seafood. Journal of Food Science 62(3):561–564, 1997.
186 Chapter 8 Fish and Shellfish
WEBSITES Find the FDA’s “Fish Encyclopedia” that provides a list of fish names (common and scientific) and photos at this site: .html#mname
Find more information on mercury via the search box found at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) website on seafood information and resources:
Find more information on seafood via the search box found at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) website on seafood information and resources:
9 Milk Functions of Milk in Foods 188 Composition of Milk 188 Purchasing Milk 191
eople have been using milk as a food source for thousands of years. Records from ancient Babylon, Egypt, and India show evidence of cattle being raised for their milk (Figure 9-1). Milk is a unique beverage that provides complete protein, many of the B vitamins, vitamins A and D, and calcium. In fact, approximately 80 percent of the calcium ingested by Americans is derived from dairy products. Because a lack of dietary calcium causes poor bone development in children and is a risk factor for osteoporosis (porous bones) in later life, milk is a vital source of nutrition for millions of people. Although
F I G U R E 9 -1
milk is rich in many nutrients, it is low in vitamins C and E, iron, complex carbohydrates, and fiber. This chapter focuses on cow’s fluid milk— its composition and variations, the purchasing of milk products, its use in food preparation, and its safe storage. Cheese, butter, and frozen dairy products are covered in Chapters 10, 21, and 25, respectively. Although milk from other animals, such as goats, sheep, and camels, is a common part of the diet in some parts of the world, in this book, unless otherwise indicated, the word milk refers only to cow’s milk.
Dairy scene from ancient Egypt. Found in the tomb of Princess Kewitt.
Corbis/Bettman Archive
Types of Milk 192 Milk Products in Food Preparation 200 Storage of Milk Products 203
188 Chapter 9 Milk
FUNCTIONS OF MILK IN FOODS Numerous food products contain milk or an ingredient of milk. The presence of milk in the diet is pervasive. Milk is itself a beverage, but there are also all sorts of drinks that use milk as a base—smoothies, milk shakes, yogurt drinks, eggnog, kefir, and more. Food products primarily made from milk include cheese, yogurt, sour cream, and whipped cream, to name just a few. Many foods rely on milk or ingredients derived from milk, including pizza, cheese soufflés, sandwiches, casseroles, quiches, sauces, processed meats, soups, dressings, infant formulas, coffee creams, food bars, sports nutrition products, breads, cereals, cakes, pies, puddings, cookies, ice cream, milk chocolate, caramels, frozen yogurt, and many other desserts. Butter is made from milk and so all the foods incorporating this fat are dairy-based to some degree. The various functions and foods made with milk fat are discussed in Chapter 21 (see Table 21-1). The food industry separates out the specific ingredients of milk as components in processed foods (Chemist’s Corner 9-1) (8). The proteins are commonly added to many processed foods to improve their nutritive value. Cer-
Medical foods A food to be taken under the supervision of a physician and intended for the dietary management of a disease/condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements are established by scientific evaluation. Casein The primary protein (80 percent) found in milk; it can be precipitated (solidified out of solution) with acid or certain enzymes. Whey The liquid portion of milk, consisting primarily of 93 percent water, lactose, and whey proteins (primarily lactalbumin and lactoglobulin). It is the watery component removed from the curd in cheese manufacture.
tain proteins (caseinates) contribute to emulsifying and stabilizing, whereas others (whey proteins) assist with gelling. The milk sugar, lactose, aids with browning of baked goods, and is also important in the manufacture of confectionary and frozen desserts. Overall, milk contributes to processed foods in terms of improving protein content (sports bars, chips, etc.), moisture, mixing ability (emulsification), foaming, texture, and flavor.
COMPOSITION OF MILK Nutrients The basic composition of milk regardless of its source remains the same. Milk is primarily water—87.4 percent. Figure 9-2 shows that the remaining 13 percent by weight consists of carbohydrate, fat, protein, and minerals (8). The high concentration of water gives milk a near-neutral pH of 6.6. Among domesticated cattle, the breed, stage of lactation, type of feed ingested, and season of the year all tend to slightly influence milk’s content.
Carbohydrate Lactose, or milk sugar, is the primary carbohydrate found in milk—12 grams per 8-ounce cup. When bacteria in milk metabolize lactose, lactic acid is produced. The flavor of cheeses and fermented milk products such as yogurt and sour cream is, in part, derived from lactic acid. Lactose tends to be less soluble than sucrose, which may cause it to crystallize into lumps in nonfat dried milk and to produce a sandy texture in ice cream. Lactose Intolerance Some people suffer from lactose intolerance, a condition caused by a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which is required to digest lactose (38). For people with this problem, fermented milk products are usually more easily digested those that are not fermented.
Protein The protein in milk is a complete protein; that is, it contains all the essential amino acids in adequate quantities necessary to support growth and the maintenance of life. A cup of milk con-
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 9-1 Milk Ingredients Used by the Food Industry Caseins The major protein found in milk; can be extracted via acidification or enzyme precipitation. They are used to improve nutritive value, medical foods, and imitation cheese. Caseinates Made from casein by adding sodium, calcium, potassium, or combinations of these salts to make them water soluble. They are added to food bars, medical foods, soups, sauces, whipped toppings, and bakery products. Hydrolysates Manufactured by the enzymatic hydrolysis of milk proteins. This treatment improves the proteins’ stability, solubility, viscosity, emulsification, and whipping ability. Lactose Improves the water-holding capacity of processed meats (ham), texture of frozen desserts such as ice cream, and color of baked goods (browning ability). Milk Protein Concentrates (MPC) and Milk Protein Isolates (MPI) These casein and whey proteins are isolated from fresh nonfat milk and are rich in bound calcium. Their more natural milk flavor makes them suited for several foods such as infant formula, weight loss products, sports nutrition items, cheese products, and liquid beverages. Whey Powder Crystallizing whey creates a powder high in lactose and minerals that can be used for infant formulas, baked items, and confectionaries. Whey Protein Isolates Concentrating whey so that it is high in protein, but low in lactose and minerals. Used for dry mix beverages, nutrition bars, protein-fortified food, and sports nutrition products.
tains approximately 8 grams of protein. Two servings of milk or milk products a day provide almost half the protein recommended for a healthy adult woman, and one-third that for a man. Casein and Whey The two predominant types of protein found in milk are casein and whey (Chemist’s Corner 9-2)
Milk Chapter 9
F I G U R E 9 -2
CH E M IS T ’ S COR N E R 9-2
Composition of Milk.
Casein and Whey Proteins
Water 87.4%
Milk solids 12.6%
Milk solids-not-fat (MSNF) 8.9%
Lactose 4.8%
Milk fat 3.7%
Minerals 0.7%
Protein 3.4%
Casein protein 2.8%
(8). Casein accounts for almost 80 percent of the protein in milk, whereas whey protein constitutes about 18 percent. Whey proteins consist primarily of lactalbumin and lactoglobulin (48). Whey is the liquid portion of milk that remains after cheese production (31). The nutritious whey protein can be isolated by putting the whey through an ultrafi ltration process. These whey protein concentrates are used extensively by the food industry as emulsifiers and as foaming and gelling agents (35). Adding milk proteins to other foods generally improves their texture, mouthfeel, moisture retention, and flavor (45). Whey proteins are often added to foods to improve their protein profi le, especially foods based on grains and beans that are low in lysine (34).
Fat The fat in milk, called milk fat or butterfat, plays a major role in the flavor, mouthfeel, and stability of milk products (19). The creaminess of milk chocolate, for example, is due to the milk fat in it, which softens the characteristic brittleness of cocoa butter (5). Milk fat consists of triglycerides surrounded by phospholipid-protein membranes (lipoproteins), which allow them to be dispersed in the fluid portion of milk,
Casein is actually a composite of four proteins—alpha-, beta-, kappa-, and gamma-caseins (Table 9-1). Structurally, caseins are large, amphoteric (capable of reacting as either an acid or a base, depending on the pH), random coils. This differs from the shape of whey proteins, which are compact, globular, and helical (16). The large particles of casein are often referred to as phosphoproteins because, in addition to calcium, they contain phosphorus. This is only at a certain pH, because below a pH of 4.6, the casein is completely free of salts (15).
T A B L E 9 -1
Milk Proteins— Approximate Percentage of the Major Proteins Found in Milk
% Total Protein
Whey protein 0.6%
which is primarily water. Milk fat contains substantial amounts of shortchain fatty acids—butyric, caprylic, caproic, and capric acids. The fatty acids in milk fat are approximately 66 percent saturated, 30 percent monounsaturated, and 4 percent polyunsaturated. Fat and Calorie (kcal) Content of Milks An 8-ounce cup of fluid milk ranges from 86 to 150 calories (kcal) and 0 to 8 grams of fat. The fat and caloric (kcal) content of various milk products is listed in Table 9-2. Buttermilk, despite its name, contains only about 2 grams of fat per cup, and fewer than half the calories (kcal) of whole milk. Removing the fat from whole milk to make butter resulted in naming the remaining fluid buttermilk. Other types of milk products vary greatly in their fat content per cup, from condensed milk, with about 27 grams, to fat-free (nonfat) milk, with less than half a gram. Cholesterol Like other animal products, milk contains cholesterol—an average of 33 mg in a cup of whole milk, 18 mg in reduced-fat (2 percent) milk, and 4 mg in fat-free (nonfat) milk. The fat and cholesterol content of milk and other dairy foods such as cheese, butter, and ice cream drives some consumers to seek lower-fat alternatives
a-Casein b-Casein k-Casein g-Casein
43 20 12 4
Whey Proteins
b-Lactoglobulin a-Lactalbumin Immunoglobulins Serum albumin
9 5 2 2
to dairy products. Fat content from milk products can also be reduced by choosing more of the lower-fat dairy items shown in Table 9-3. In fact, lowfat dairy products accounted for nearly 40 percent of new food products introduced to the market in the early 1990s (47).
Vitamins Milk contains vitamins A and D, riboflavin (B2), and tryptophan, an amino acid important in the formation of the B vitamin niacin. It is low in vitamins C and E. Milk exposed to ultraviolet light loses riboflavin, so it is packaged in cardboard or opaque plastic con-
190 Chapter 9 Milk
TA B L E 9 -2
Calorie (kcal) and Fat Content of Selected Milk Products*
Milk Product
Nutrients/Cup Calories Fat(g)
in dried whole milk and evaporated skim milk, whereas fortification with vitamin D is required in evaporated whole and fat-free (nonfat) milk.
Fluid Milk Fat-Free (Nonfat) (Skim) Low-Fat (1%) Reduced-Fat (2%) Whole
86 102 121 150
0 3 5 8
Flavored Fluid Milk Chocolate Low-Fat (1%) Reduced-Fat (2%) Whole
158 179 209
3 5 9
Eggnog Reduced-Fat (2%) Whole
189 342
8 19
338 199 982 632
19 1 27 0
Canned Milk Whole Evaporated Fat-Free (Nonfat) Evaporated Sweetened Condensed Sweetened Condensed (Fat-Free) Cultured Milk Buttermilk
The major mineral in milk is calcium, with 1 cup of milk containing, on average, 300 mg of the nutrient. Two servings of milk a day provide a substantial portion of the 1,000 mg Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for adults. Milk can also provide calcium in other forms, such as yogurt, pudding, ice cream, custards, hot chocolate, and cheese. Other primary minerals found in milk and milk products include phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sodium chloride, and sulfur. Although milk is rich in many minerals, it is low in iron.
Color Compounds
Yogurt (Plain) Fat-Free (Nonfat) Reduced-Fat (2%) Whole
137 155 150
0 4 8
Yogurt (Fruit Flavored) Fat-Free (Nonfat) Reduced-Fat (2%) Whole
100 231 250
0 3 6
315 20
28 2
Factors that contribute to the color of milk are fat, colloidally dispersed casein and calcium complexes, and water-soluble riboflavin (B2). These compounds, by interfering with light transmission, contribute to milk’s opaque, ivory color. The amount of carotene (a pigment found in some plants) in the cow’s feed influences the color of its milk. Carotenoid pigments dissolved in the milk fat provide the yellowish tinge of butter and cream (see Chapter 21).
Light Whipping 1 tbs
698 44
74 5
Food Additives
Heavy Whipping 1 tbs
821 51
88 6
Sour Cream (1 tbs) Cream Half-and-Half 1 tbs
Cream Substitute (1 tbs) *Milk averages 12 grams of carbohydrate and 8 grams of protein per cup.
tainers to prevent the degradation of this vitamin by light (10). Vitamins A and D Fortification Many milks are fortified with vitamins A and D. Vitamin D is found naturally in very few foods and was initially added to milk, a staple food, to reduce the incidence of rickets, a bone-softening condition in children that was at one time endemic in North America. Before the fortification of milk was widely practiced, many children grew up with severely bowed legs and other effects of vitamin D deficiency.
Because vitamins A and D are fat soluble, they are found in the milk fat of whole milk. For this reason, whole milk is not required to be fortified with either vitamin, although many milk manufacturers add both. In reduced-fat (2 percent fat) and fat-free (nonfat) milks, however, the vitamin A has been diminished, so these milks are required to be fortified with that vitamin. Fortification with vitamin D in reduced-fat (2 percent) and fat-free (nonfat) milks is optional, but 98 percent of milk processors add it anyway. Vitamin A fortification is also required
The practice of adding Vitamin D to milk began in the 1930s to reduce the public health problem of rickets, a bone disease in children (7). Th is practice, recommended by the American Medical Association’s Council on Foods and Nutrition, nearly eliminated this disease in the United States. Vitamin A fortification was initiated in the 1940s because of the increasing popularity of reduced-fat and fat-free milk. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin; so it dissolves in the fatty portion of the milk. Fortifying these milks with vitamin A replaces that which is lost when the fat is removed. Although not defined as a food additive, the hormone recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is given to approximately 5 to 30 percent of dairy cattle to make them produce about 10
Milk Chapter 9
TA B L E 9 -3
Dairy Products to “Choose More” or “Choose Less” to Reduce Dietary Fat
Choose More Milk Fat-Free (skim) Low-Fat (1%) Reduced-Fat (2%) Fat-Free Dried Milk Buttermilk Fat-Free Evaporated Fat-Free or Reduced-Fat Chocolate Milk Yogurt Reduced-Fat (2%) Low-Fat Yogurt Fat-Free Yogurt Cream Light Cream Cheese Light Sour Cream Mocha Poly Perx (creamer/Mitchell Foods) Poly Rich (creamer/Rich Products) Nondairy Creamers Cheeses Lower-Fat Cheese (see Chapter 10) Frozen Desserts Sherbet Ice Milk Frozen Reduced-Fat (2%) Yogurt
Choose Less Whole Milk Evaporated Condensed
Whole-Milk Yogurt Custard-Style Yogurt Whipping Cream Half-and-Half Sour Cream Sweet Cream Cream Cheese Spreads Cream Soups Creamy Dressings Cheese over 6 g of fat/ounce Ice Cream Frozen Whole-Milk Yogurt
Source: National Dairy Council.
percent more milk. Any health risk to humans from rBGH is considered unlikely as this protein hormone is digested in the stomach of the consumer. Unlike cattle raised for their meat, steroid hormone use is not permitted in dairy cattle. Consumers do have the option of purchasing rBGH-free or certified organic milk and milk products.
PURCHASING MILK Grades Milk is graded according to its bacterial count. The highest grade, Grade A, has the lowest count. The law requires that all Grade A milk and milk products crossing state lines must be pasteurized. Although Grade A is the most common grade of milk sold,
Grade B is also available. In addition, different grades exist for fat-free (nonfat) dry milk: U.S. Extra and U.S. Standard. Grading is voluntary and is paid for by the dairy industry. The USDA is responsible for grading; the U.S. Public Health Service recommends and enforces specific procedures for pasteurization (Grade A Milk Ordinance), laboratory tests, and sanitation at dairy farms and processing plants.
Pasteurization Milk is an excellent growth medium for microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and molds. In the early 1900s, it was frequently the vehicle for carrying such serious foodborne illnesses as typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis. Pasteurization, named after Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), its originator, was originally used to treat wine and beer, but soon came into use to treat milk as well, when it was found that heating milk for a short time to below its boiling point killed microorganisms. Pasteurization destroys 100 percent of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and molds and 95 to 99 percent of other, nonpathogenic bacteria. The process of pasteurization also inactivates many of the enzymes that cause the off-flavors of rancidity. Almost all milk sold commercially in North America is first pasteurized. In some states, where allowed by law, there is a small niche market for unpasteurized, or raw, milk. To ensure that sufficient pasteurization has occurred, milk processors measure the activity of a specific enzyme found in milk, alkaline phosphatase. If this enzyme is no longer active, then the milk is safe for consumption. Pasteurization temperatures and times vary, but the ones most commonly used by milk processors are the first two listed in Table 9-4—145°F (63°C) and 161°F (71.5°C). Even though pasteurized milk is no longer pathogenic, it will still spoil because the 1 to 5 percent nonpathogenic bacteria remaining convert lactose to lactic acid.
Ultrapasteurization A process called ultrapasteurization uses higher temperatures than regular pasteurization temperatures to extend the shelf life of refrigerated milk products. If this same treatment is combined with sterile packaging techniques, it is
HOW & WHY? Why does nonfat milk have a bluish hue? Removing any of the fat eliminates a proportional amount of carotenoid pigments and solids, resulting in the color changing from a yellowish white to the bluish hue seen in fat-free (nonfat) milk.
Ultrapasteurization A process in which a milk product is heated at or above 280°F (138°C) for at least 2 seconds.
192 Chapter 9 Milk
TA B L E 9 - 4 °F
Pasteurization Temperatures
Temperature* °C
145° 161° 212° 280° 280–302°
63° 71.5° 100° 138° 138°–150°
Type of Pasteurization
Refrigeration Required
30 minutes 15 seconds 0.01 second 2 seconds or more 2–6 seconds
Low-Temperature Longer-Time (LTLT) High-Temperature Short-Time (HTST) Higher-Heat Shorter-Time (HHST) Ultrapasteurization Ultrahigh-Temperature (UHT)
Yes Yes Yes Yes, but product has longer shelf life Not until opened
*If the dairy ingredient has a fat content of 10 percent or more or if it contains added sweeteners, the specified temperature shall be increased by 37°F/3°C.
called ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) processing. UHT processing destroys even more bacteria than standard pasteurization and increases the milk’s shelf life. This milk is then packaged aseptically in sterile containers and sealed so that it can be stored unrefrigerated for up to 3 months (2). Once the aseptic seal is broken, the milk must be refrigerated. Originally, this preparation method was used on lessfrequently purchased milk products such as whipping cream, half-and-half, and eggnog, but it is now used on a wider variety of products.
Homogenization Fat is less dense than water, causing it to float to the top of milk. This results in the thick layer of yellowish cream that rises to the top of unprocessed milk. Homogenization prevents this separation of water and fat known as creaming.
Effect of Homogenization on Milk Most milk in the United States is homogenized. This purely mechanical process has no effect on nutrient con-
Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) milk Milk that has been pasteurized using very high temperatures, is aseptically sealed, and is capable of being stored unrefrigerated for up to 3 months.
About half the milk produced in the United States is sold as fluid milk and cream. Much of the rest comes to market as butter, cheese, and ice cream. The available market forms of milk include fluid milk—whole, reduced fat (2 percent), low fat (1 percent), fat-free (nonfat), UHT, chocolate, canned, and many others—dry milk, cream, and cultured milk products such as yogurt and buttermilk.
Homogenization A mechanical process that breaks up the fat globules in milk into much smaller globules that do not clump together and are permanently dispersed in a very fine emulsion. Coagulate To clot or become semisolid. In milk, denatured proteins often separate from the liquid by coagulation. Milk solids-not-fat (MSNF) Federal standard identifying the total solids, primarily proteins and lactose, found in milk, minus the fat.
Fresh Fluid Cow Milks Whole Milk To be classified as whole, milk must contain 3.25 percent milk fat and at least 8.25 percent milk solids-not-fat (MSNF) (Table 9-5). The milk is usually fortified with vitamins A and D, but this is optional (37).
tent; however, sensory changes do occur, resulting in a creamier texture, whiter color, and blander flavor. Homogenized milk also coagulates more easily, making puddings, white sauces, and cocoa more viscous. Its increased surface tension gives it a greater foaming capacity. Homogenized milk is also more prone to rancidity caused by oxygen being added to the double bonds of the unsaturated fatty acids. Pasteurizing milk before homogenization inhibits rancidity because the lipase enzymes responsible for breaking down fat are inactivated.
Reduced-Fat and Low-Fat Milk These milks have had some of their fat removed so that milk fat levels are decreased to 2.0 and 1.0 percent, respectively, and are so noted on the carton. A minimum of 8.25 percent MSNF is necessary, but if it exceeds 10 percent, then the milk must be labeled “protein fortified” or “fortified with protein.” The addition of milk solids improves the consistency, taste, and nutritive content of reduced- and low-fat milks. Vitamin A fortification is required, although the addition of vitamin D is optional. Milk labeling requirements that became effective January 1998 require that 2 percent milk, which was previously called low fat, now be called reduced-fat milk. The low-fat designation is now used to describe 1 percent milk. Consumer interest in lower-fat products has resulted in a drastic downward trend in the consumption of whole milk (22). Between 1970 and 1990, reduced- and lower-fat milk sales
Milk Chapter 9
TA B L E 9 -5
Standards of Identity for Milk Products b
) n ge tio c an n riza sing tion r . o / . ti eu es in za in m A D iza ast roc eni m r ( % in in g eu rap T P o F m m t % s t N m t ta ta Pa Ul UH Ho Fa Vi Vi MS
M a, b, c
Opt. Opt.
Reduced-Fat Milk
a, b, c
Fat-Free Milk
M a, b, c