Commonwealth Preservation (A Fallout Planquest) (2024)

In Mire's Shadow


"And it is to my deepest regret to inform you that Sgt. Nolan Harvey and his squad have unfortunately been killed in action. Period Rest assured however that his death was not in vain, Comma, assisting in operations against enemy combatants originating from Mire Mountain rescuing 30 wounded troopers, Comma, and that he will be awarded the NCR Medal of Honor, comma, posthumously. Period." Colonel Moore responded, her aide finishing typing.

As the letter was finished, Dr. Hildern entered the room, someone she found to have a rather grating personality. As the head of the Vegas Branch, he was responsible for the coordination of research towards larger problems within the NCR, and was responsible for the successful acquisition of GECKs from Vaults 34 and 19.

She meant no disrespect, the OSI in fact was responsible for the NCR's continued technological development, especially after the schism with the Followers occurred over disagreements regarding political development. But Dr. Hildern was one of the few people within the NCR's administration who managed to get direct training from the Followers, and the man clearly developed a certain…attitude. Nothing seditious compared to the anarchist and communist ideologies prevalent within the Followers greater organizational structure, but instead a sort of narcissistic personality that carried with it a tone of superiority against those without formal education.

Given the situation at Mire Mountain, however, she had to lay the law with him. "Dr. Hildern. Good, you made it. I've been expecting your arrival, please sit." She gestured, and Hildern responded in kind. "Yes indeed, Colonel Moore, I've been meaning to discuss some important matters regarding my Research. My hope is that the Sharecropper farms have been working as anticipated."

"Indeed. Something which I apparently have you to thank for. Already, I've received word from Lt. Romanowski that not only have the farmers ceased complaining about water rations, they have also begun reporting that soil quality appears to have improved, and it looks as though the next harvest will be able to not only meet crop quotas, but also provide an additional surplus." She responded.

"Ah, it was not really much effort. The CPB's quality control combined with strategic placement of the necessary Rad plants has been able to nullify the effects caused by Vault 34. But I'm sure you're not interested in me sharing the technical details regarding the operation." Hildern replied, and Moore knew what he was referring to.

"Captain, this conversation is above your paygrade. Report to Ambassador Crocker in regards to discussions with Mr. House." She ordered, and the Captain saluted before exiting her office, leaving her alone with Hildern, as she proceeded to sit behind her desk and review the report on CPB herbicidal research.

Given that the conversation was about to begin focusing on security, the former ranger wasn't thrilled having to inform the Scientist on the situation. However, Moore maintained her professionality, because quite frankly, she needed the NCR's science division coordinating properly with her units on the ground if she wanted to have any hope of dealing with the sporeplants. "Yes, quite unfortunate Doctor. But given that the plants at Mire Mountain are a threat to NCR interests, it is important that we make it a priority in conjunction with our other operations."

"Of course Colonel Moore. And you need not worry yourself. I have already begun gathering researchers and private military contractors to begin an expedition within the Vault 22 heart. Granted, the risks are understandably considerable, but I believe that with additional trooper support, we will be able to not only put a stop to these creatures' attacks, but also gain a better understanding on how they developed. Now I propose…" Hildern replied, only for Moore to cut him off.

"Unfortunately, given the threat that these creatures have presented themselves as, I have already ordered a quarantine zone to be established with multiple patrols and checkpoints established. And from this point going forward, only authorized security personnel or individuals with stated clearance will be permitted to enter the quarantine zone once it has been established. Any attempts to breach this quarantine zone are to be considered a threat and shot on sight." She responded.

"Your mission, Hildern, is to begin coordinating with CPB research in regards to herbicidal agents and weapons to counteract the fungal parasite that have been encountered. The data that the CNE has sent following their diplomatic and science mission includes data in regards to herbicides used against radzu and bamrads, which should serve as a useful starting point." She looked up, seeing that Hildern was beginning to scowl.

"I would have thought you of all people would see the benefits of sending the expedition into the heart of Mire Mountain. Considering that superficial observations from our friends at the CNE have concluded that the plants are a product of pre-war experimentation with Giga-grow, it would be prudent to set up a proper investigation as to the source of this matter." Hildern replied sharply.

"And one that would also result in alot of my men killed for a solution that might not be even there doctor. I've written more condolence letters than I can count from legion attacks and initial encounters with these creatures already. The risks entailed are too high too even consider an expedition, something you fail to account given Mire Mountain is still one part of the whole area. A quarantine zone will be easier to organize and result in less casualties." She replied.

"Maybe in the short term. But a quarantine would only guarantee the same number of casualties, if greater, over a longer period of time. As the head scientist of the Vegas branch, I feel that it is part of my obligation to inform you in my expert opinion, the current measures would merely delay any potential outbreak. Whereas my proposal would allow us to acquire the necessary data to not only eradicate this epidemic, but also be able to deal with future epidemics we may encounter similar to Mire Mountain, thanks to the sacrifice of select personnel who would be seen as heroes." Hildern argued, only for the former ranger to stare back harshly.

"Do not play that card, Doctor. I have it on record from one of your subordinates that you have only tied yourself to the Vegas campaign on account of political ambition within the greater OSI. Do not attempt to portray the expedition as a potential sacrificial action for the greater good, especially when it concerns the lives of my troops, my rangers." She responded, and Hildern, knowing he stepped over a line and quickly changed tactics.

"Of course, my apologies Colonel. I have overstepped clearly. But still, considering my position within the OSI, I feel as though I am qualified to state that even with the data provided by the CNE, a working herbicide and chemical dispensers necessary to control this outbreak will take time without in depth data beyond superficial observations. Data which the heart of the mountain may provide." Hildern stated one last time.

"And considering my position as second in command of overall military operations within the Mojave, that given the plants represent a threat to NCR citizens, that the situation falls under the jurisdiction of the NCR military given that it is a security matter. Until any significant developments occur, the Quarantine Zone is to be maintained. And that is final." Moore stated sharply, and Hildern scowled. "Understood, Colonel."

Legion POV

"My Lord, I beg for mercy! I only wished to spread messages of your coming!" A man shouted, kneeling and bloodied before Caesar. His body, once pristine and bearing the pride of the Legion's armor of the Frumentarii, now bloodied and broken, wearing rags of a prisoner.

"And yet you chose to do so by going against Caesar's will? When he has clearly stated his will regarding the old world's sins of Mire?" Lanius growled, standing next to Caesar who was seated on his throne, carefully observing the scene with members of his court.

"But my lord, it was not my intention to go against your will! Merely to strike against the profligates using the opportunity that the mountain presented!" He shouted, only for Vulpes to counter.

"And still, you cower when the light of your actions presents themselves? Perhaps you would better serve Caesar in death than in life." He said, his voice monotone and sad*stic. The former frumentarii cowered, knowing what Vulpes was suggesting. He had given the Legion 10 years of service, and yet Vulpes, his superior, was suggesting that he'd be crucified. As though his accounted for nothing.

Fortunately, Caesar simply held up his hand. "Peace. Peace amongst you my subjects. I do not believe it is fair for a veteran to die when his only crime was loyalty. After all, am I not a fair ruler to those who followed me without question?" The court bowed in response, even members of his inner circle.

"Of course, my liege. You know best. But what must be done for a man who was threatening the very cohesion of the Legion as a whole? Suo periculo." Gaius of Magnus replied, another legate who managed Dry Wells, the Legion's gateway to the Mojave.

"Errare humanum est. To err is human, and he prostrated himself and shows humility for his sins. After all, did he not manage to kill an entire platoon of NCR profligates? His ambition, despite going against my belief of leaving the sins of the old world buried, have achieved a victory. As such, instead, let him return not as one to be hated, but instead to be brought back. But not completely forgiven, no. He must be given the chance to do so, with the understanding that I will not extend this mercy a second time." Caesar said, before standing up and walking to the man who knelt before him.

"Take my hand, perditus." He said, as the bloodied man rose once more. "Do you judge me as merciful?"

"Yes, My liege!" He began to shout, his eyes once fearful now renewed with fanatical loyalty. As he rose, Caesar grabbed a knife he had forged on his person, before proceeding to stab the shamed man in his hand through the knife, sticking into the table, the man screaming in pain and out of surprise. "If you are truly repentant, then show your commitment." He replied, and the man knew what he was asking.

Slowly calming his breath, he grabbed the knife and held it in place. Slowly, he began to pull his hand. The pain was Agonizing, but if he failed, Caesar would not be as merciful. He did not scream, until at last he was free, blood spewing from his hand that now had a larger wound, screaming both in pain and in determination.

"Rise, my Reaper! Rise and be reborn!" Caesar shouted, as everyone within the tent began to shout. "Rise not as a perditus, but as Renatus Orielian!" And the entire tent shouted his name


"I must say, it was truly magnanimous of you to allow Orielian to live in service to you, mighty Caesar. Truly, your wisdom knows no bounds." Vulpes replied, speaking with his master as he tended to the campfire. "Indeed, Vulpes. In fact, it is something I am quite proud of. And now that Orelian has become my Reaper, the Legion as a whole retains a skilled and dedicated warrior."

"And now that that matter has been concluded, we can finally begin discussing other matters." Vulpes responded. "Indeed. Let us not waste this night. A full moon occurs once every 30 days, and it would be wise to use this opportunity to return to our roots." Caesar replied, referring to the valley.

It was rare that Caesar would go on these hunting trips. Once, when he was younger, he would do so during the early days of the Legion, back when they still practiced tribal customs. Caesar wouldn't admit it, but his early days were a stark contrast to the godlike divinity that his Legion worshiped him with in the modern day. He had to break apart the old tribal loyalties and societal bonds that existed before his Legion, and so to form newer bonds, he would organize these hunting trips with members of the different tribes.

Given that he was no longer the same young man, but now a 55 year old conqueror and leader of a civilization stretching over much of the South Western US, he no longer went on these hunting trips in order to enforce Legion nationalism. Now, he used these hunting trips to show appreciation for certain individuals. If you were invited, it was a sign that the mighty Caesar considered you a trusted member of his inner circle.

"A wise decision, mighty Caesar. In fact, you would be pleased to know that the last holdouts of the Twisted Hairs have been captured and are, as we speak, being executed." Vulpes responded, as Caesar began using the fire to cook a cottontail that they caught earlier.

"Ah yes. And I've heard that it was thanks to Ullysses, one of your men, who led the final engagement. Good, you have trained him well Vulpes." Caesar said, before staring off to the stars.

"Gods, the view. You know, Vulpes, it's nights like these that serves as a reminder to the beautiful scenery that we were blessed with. The stars, the endless skies. How the Canyon looks rather majestic." Caesar said. "Yes, indeed. Though I was never one for introspection, I can understand why the tribals from before would fight over this land. So partaken with its beauty." Vulpes responded.

"Indeed. This place brings back memories." Caesar said, before pointing to a specific spot. "In fact, I recognize that part of the Canyon in particular. Yes, it was where I raised you as my head of the Frumentarii."

"Of course, Mighty Caesar." Vulpes said, not realizing that Lucius had left. "In fact, I remember that day rather vividly. My Centurion wanted me crucified for disobeying his commands. I think that-" he never got to finish his sentence, given Lucius had punched him in the face. Before he could react, Lucius and another Praetorian had forced Lucius onto the Ground, Caesar finally responding.

"You know, Vulpes, I've always commended you for your ability to take initiative. It's not something that many people within my Legion have." Caesar said, placing his sword into the fire. "It's why I rewarded you with your position rather than having you crucified."

Vulpes stayed quiet, as Caesar looked at him. "But lately, I've been wondering whether I have made a mistake. If I have been giving this false impression of rewarding you for your ambition, Vulpes?"

"Mighty Caesar. I know not what I have done to anger you, but-" Vulpes spoke in fear, one of the few times he had lost his composure. "Do you think I'm stupid, Vulpes? That I wouldn't realize who really ordered Renatus to attract Spore Carriers to NCR Lines?"

"But you said it yourself, mighty Caesar. That Failure was a worse crime than success through dishonorable means. I had merely been following your orders and- wait wait wait!" Vulpes began panicking, as Caesar pulled his sword, the glowing blade now much more hot.

"It appears I have grown careless, Vulpes. In rewarding you that day, you seemed to have forgotten your place, and in the process threatened my entire legion." Caesar responded, his sword now dangerously close to Vulpes face. "I only followed your orders, mighty Caesar. I know your goal was the eventual downfall of the NCR-"

"And you think that justifies using Spore Carriers? Don't play stupid, Vulpes. You knew exactly what kind of damage those plants would cause, why else would you even attempt this f*cking ploy. And I'm assuming this was in response to me naming Lanius my successor." Caesar shouted, Vulpes flinching as Caesar waved the sword.

"Let's think about this clearly, Vulpes. Assuming that your operation did succeed, and assuming that even the NCR was incapable of stopping the attempt, what do you think would happen next? That I could suddenly conquer all of Nevada freely? That by some miracle, the Spore plants would suddenly die?!" He asked, growing more agitated.

"Forgive me Caesar, for my oversight! You are correct!" Vulpes started shouting, and when Caesar began holding the sword to his eye "But my liege! It would be a mistake to seek retribution now! If you punish me now after that entire ceremony with Orielian, you invite doubt for every decision you've made!"

"Be silent, Vulpes! You've already upset Caesar's will, do not make this harder on yourself!" Lucius ordered Vulpes, only for Vulpes to respond. "Vis unita fortior! And is not your goal to ultimately destroy the NCR. Killing me will only remove a useful tool in its destruction!" Vulpes shouted.

Caesar contemplated this. "If not for your past services, I would have killed you. But you'd do well to remember, Vulpes, who exactly brought you up from your savagery." He proceeded to nearly walk away, and Vulpes began to breath out. "Maybe this will serve as a proper reminder." Caesar said, before suddenly cutting off one of Vulpes hands, the Grand Canyon carrying out his screams.


"I'm curious, Mr. House. What's your angle here?" Colonel Hsu asked his query, a Securitron with Mr. House's face, one of the main sources of the NCR's woes.

"My agenda is simply the overall safety and security of the denizens of New Vegas, both natives and immigrants." He responded. "It's just the way that this is rather more generous compared to previous attempts to establish dialogue, considering the military ordinance you are providing."

What Hsu was referring to was a contingent of Mk 1 Securitrons similar to those mainly used on the Strip. Nowhere near as numerous compared to what House could field, but enough to take up the strain of maintaining the quarantine at Mire Mountain that Colonel Moore proposed.

"I am turning over only 25 securitrons to your control in response to the losses you have suffered, once again, my condolences. The weapons systems include an X-25 Gatling laser and a 9mm submachine gun. Both of these systems are rated for soft targets such as the spore carriers, and both of them use ammunition that your military industrial complex is capable of producing, making it easier to restock." Mr. House replied.

"But not the replacement parts. Even with trade with the CNE, our arms manufacturers aren't able to produce replacement parts for the Securitrons you have provided." Hsu responded, much as though he hated it.

Sure, robots where useful for supplementing your own armed forces with extra hitting power, but they also introduced new complexities to the logistical chain. It was why despite earlier industrialization, the NCR's robotics force was small, limited mainly to Protectrons, Eyebots, and Mr Handies, with the occasional sentry bot or assaultron reserved mainly for areas that demanded high security and far from the front lines where they'd be more liable to damage.

The NCR was making great strides in the mass adoption of technology, with the Crimson Caravan becoming the dominant post nuclear logistics corporation of California through the use of recharger vehicles, while the Gun Runners and Van Graffs began expanding their facilities to meet the army's demands for guns and bullets. However, the NCR was more underdeveloped in the research and deployment of robotics when compared with other more technologically advanced entities.

Then again, compared to the other states, its base of intellectual skilled labor was behind, specifically the lack of technicians and engineers capable of assisting in the manufacturing process, which was not entirely their fault. The state of California hadn't focused much effort on preserving a research base compared to the CPB or the Enclave, and the premier intellectual organization on the west coast became an army of terrorists following the NCR-BOS war, the brotherhood taking with them not only trained personnel, but also destroying the facilities that allowed for the production and maintenance of military grade robots. Thank heavens for small comforts that the NCR had begun recruiting enclave scientists despite the State of Maxson's demands, otherwise their ability to research would be woefully behind.

And Mr. House apparently knew this, as he strode on. "Something which I can provide. After all, your intelligence network should have revealed by now that in addition to the Securitrons, former vault dwellers, and rehabilitated tribals, I also have under my employment a contingent of engineers specializing in robotics manufacturing."

"So I can presume that this won't be done freely. That I will have to rely on your expertise in order to properly maintain the securitrons you provide?" Hsu asked.

"I will be frank with you, colonel Hsu. I do not want either the NCR or the Legion in charge of Vegas. And the resources I currently have would definitely allow me to cut off all interactions with your government entirely and instead focus on my main goals. But realistically, Vegas is a smaller fish compared to the other state entities on the continent. It's much easier to begin setting up a relationship based on mutual self interest, and I am a businessman." House replied.

"So we get weapons that can assist us in the containment of Mire Mountain, while you in turn get an additional revenue stream on top of the money you make from tourism?" Hsu asked, the implications uneasy. His superiors was unhappy that Mr. House refused to submit, and they wouldn't be happy paying the man.

"I understand that this rubs you the wrong way, so I will offer you my input. My securitrons are capable of manning positions that would otherwise be extremely risky given the nature of the spore carriers. That in turn will allow you to prevent a significant number of casualties. Now, do we have an agreement?" House asked.

Hsu wanted nothing more than to tell House to go f*ck himself. To order him to submit to the greater authority of the NCR. The man had the audacity to claim that he was doing this out of the greater good, when it was his casinos that drained the NCR's soldiers and civilians of every penny they had, while they were doing everything they could to prevent a legion takeover.

But then, he remembered his first encounter with the spore plants of Mire Mountain. How they dragged either wounded or sleeping soldiers with them, their screams howling throughout the mountain. How his men would be disheartened facing off against the green men, only to see remnants of their uniforms.

House offered a clear solution to his problems, and sometimes in life, it was best not to look a gift Brahmin in the mouth. "Fine. Let's discuss the details."

AN: Since this omake was apparently well written and the QM liked it so much, I get +2 on whatever category I choose. I put it on Commonwealth.

Commonwealth Preservation (A Fallout Planquest) (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.